SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

General Education and Training Certificate: Mining and Minerals Processes 
58267  General Education and Training Certificate: Mining and Minerals Processes 
SGB Mining and Minerals 
MQA - Mining Qualifications Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 06 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology  Fabrication and Extraction 
Undefined  120  Level 1  NQF Level 01  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification replaces: 
Qual ID Qualification Title Pre-2009 NQF Level NQF Level Min Credits Replacement Status
21811  National Certificate: Introduction to Mining and Minerals  Level 1  NQF Level 01  120  Complete 


This qualification is aimed at persons who work (such as current practising mining and process operators) or intend working (new employees) within a mining and minerals context, and who seek to acquire recognition of essential knowledge regarding the Mining and Minerals Sector and related operations. This qualification would also be beneficial for community-based learners as it would afford them the opportunity to understand the environment they are living in and this in turn would be advantageous for employers in the area as this situation can lead to a supply of individuals with relevant foundational knowledge.

Qualifying learners will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the mining and minerals processes, ores mined and the commodities produced.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of the engineering skills to support the entire mining and minerals processes.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of mining and beneficiation on the economy.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of health and safety and environmental regulations that apply within the mining and minerals context.
  • Apply life skills that will enhance understanding of workplace processes within the Mining and Minerals Sector.
  • Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.
  • Understand scientific concepts and explain the impact of scientific phenomena on the environment.

    This qualification introduces a basic understanding of the key terms, rules, concepts and principles of the sub-field Fabrication and Extraction that will enable learners to be informed workers in the industry. It provides a balanced learning experience that allows flexible access to learning in further education and productive employment in the Mining and Minerals Sector.


    The General Education and Training Certificate (GETC): Mining and Minerals Processes is needed for foundational knowledge of processes required in the mining industry. This is considered critical, as learners will acquire the grounding necessary for further development as miners, operators, trade workers or technicians. In addition this qualification seeks to provide a link for learners to easily articulate from ABET Level 3.

    This is a replacement qualification for the GETC: Introduction to Mining and Minerals Sector registered on the NQF.

    In a recently commissioned study by the Mining Qualifications Authority of Scarce and Critical Skills in the Mining and Minerals Sector, a conclusion drawn is that "technical skills, health and safety and communication are the areas in which most skills upgrading should take place, while areas such as machine maintenance, engineering and ABET also require more training." This GETC would very adequately support and form the basis for development of the technical skills gap identified in the study. It was also indicated in this study report that "the set of information analysed for the purpose of this study indicates that there is a need for the upgrading of 17 854 employees." Therefore the Mining and Minerals Sector is committed to establishing a structured mechanism in place for the attainment of necessary technical skills of which the foundation/grounding may be obtained through the outcomes incorporated in this GETC.

    This reviewed qualification also assists with affording learners within mining communities the opportunity to extend their knowledge and understanding of mining processes without any detriment to their health and safety.

    For learners to achieve the qualification they may elect to gain outcomes in any of the specialisation areas indicated below:
  • Mining.
  • Cement, lime, aggregates and sand sector.
  • Diamond processing.
  • Jewellery manufacture.
  • Metallurgy.

    The specialisation elected will afford learners the opportunity to articulate to FET qualifications in that specified area.

    Examples of such qualifications incorporated into the Mining and Minerals Sector qualifications framework are:
  • National Certificate in Minerals Processing: NQF Level 2.
  • National Certificate in Diamond Processing: NQF Level 2.
  • National Certificate in Jewellery Manufacture in a Mass Production Environment.
  • National Certificate in Mining Operations underground Hardrock: NQF Level 2.

    It must also be noted that as mining and minerals legislation in terms of mining rights has been amended, various role-players are entering the sector as small and medium type organisations. For these individuals it is critical that they gain an understanding of business and entrepreneurial skills so that they become people that are fully integrated into the sector. 

    It is assumed that candidates embarking on learning towards this qualification are already competent in the following areas:
  • Communication and Numeracy at ABET Level 3.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    This qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning in terms of the criteria laid out.

    Evidence can be presented in a variety of forms, including international or previous local qualifications, reports, testimonials mentioning functions performed, work records, portfolios, videos of practice and performance records.

    Access to the qualification:

    This qualification is open to anyone with access to learning and/or work experience opportunities in the areas reflected in the exit level outcomes and unit standards. 


    Credits and rules of combination

    Credits towards this qualification are to be achieved as follows:


    All 62 credits are compulsory and are to be achieved.
  • All 23 Communications credits from the list specified are required.
  • All 16 Mathematical Literacy credits from the list specified are required.
  • All 13 Natural Science credits from the list specified are required.
  • All 10 Life Skills credits from the specified list are required.


    All 36 credits are compulsory and are to be achieved.


    A minimum of 22 credits to be achieved from One of the specified specialisation areas:
  • Specialisation Area: Mining

    This Specialisation has four streams:
  • Underground Hardrock.
  • Underground Coal.
  • Surface Mining.
  • Small Scale Mining.

    > Underground Hardrock Mining:

    The following unit standards totaling 17 credits must be achieved:

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining operation - range of underground coal, surface, underground hardrock; Level 1; Credits 3.
    > Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings; Level 2; 6 Credits.
    > Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations; Level 2; 2 Credits.
    > Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours; Level 1; 1 Credits.
    > Follow basic health and safety practices underground.; Level 2; 2 Credits.
    > Describe the basic environmental factors of ventilating an underground working place to ensure a safe and healthy working environment; Level 2; 3 Credits.

    Total: 17

    A further 5 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 13 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate an understanding of typical basic underground hard rock mining processes and layouts; Level 1; 2 Credits.
    > Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.
    > Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.

    Total: 13

    > Underground Coal Mining:

    The following unit standards totaling 17 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining operation - range of underground coal, surface, underground hardrock; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings; Level 2; 6 Credits.
    > Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations; Level 2; 2 Credits.
    > Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours; Level 1; 1 Credits.
    > Follow basic health and safety practices underground.; Level ; 2 Credits.
    > Describe the basic environmental factors of ventilating an underground working place to ensure a safe and healthy working environment; Level 2; 3 Credits.

    Total: 17

    A further 5 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 14 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding to work in an u/g coal mine; Level 1; 8 Credits.
    > Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of typical u/g coal mining processes and layouts ; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.

    Total: 14

    > Surface Mining:

    The following unit standards totaling 12 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining operation - range of underground coal, surface, underground hardrock; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings; Level 2; 6 Credits.
    > Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations; Level 2; 2 Credits.
    > Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours; Level 1; 1 Credits.

    Total: 12

    A further 10 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 25 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding to work in a surface mine; Level 1; 8 Credits.
    > Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of typical surface mining processes and layouts; Level 1; 6 Credits.
    > Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.

    Total: 25

    > Small Scale Mining:

    The following unit standards totaling 12 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining operations - range of underground coal, surface, underground hardrock; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings; Level 2; 6 Credits.
    > Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations; Level 2; 2 Credits.
    > Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours; Level 1; 1 Credits.

    Total: 12

    A further 10 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 25 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits

    > Demonstrate a basic understanding of small-scale mining; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Demonstrate a basic understanding of the history of small-scale mining; Level 1; 1 Credits.
    > Demonstrate a basic understanding of where to obtain information on mineral deposits in South Africa; Level 1; 1 Credits.
    > Demonstrate a basic understanding of the statutory requirements for the establishment of a small scale mine; Level 1; 2 Credits.
    > Discuss entrepreneurship and identify, assess and develop entrepreneurial qualities; Level 1; 2 Credits.
    > Identify, analyse and select various business opportunities; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Demonstrate an understanding of a general business plan and apply it to a selected business; Level 1; 7 Credits.
    > Demonstrate the ability to start and run a business and adapt to a changing business environment; Level 1; 3 Credits.
    > Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.

    Total: 25
  • Specialisation Area: Cement, Lime, Aggregates and Sand (CLAS)

    One of the following unit standards, totaling 2 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of cement manufacturing; Level 2; 2 Credits OR.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of lime manufacturing; Level 2; 2 Credits OR.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of aggregates manufacturing; Level 2; 2 Credits OR.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the dimension stone industry; Level 2; 2 Credits.

    Total: 2

    A further 20 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 40 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of different activities related to the processing of minerals in the mining & minerals sector; Level 1; 14 Credits.
  • Discuss entrepreneurship and identify, assess and develop entrepreneurial qualities; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Identify, analyse and select various business opportunities; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a general business plan and apply it to a selected business; Level 1; 7 Credits.
  • Demonstrate the ability to start and run a business and adapt to a changing business environment; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.

    Total: 40
  • Specialisation Area: Diamond Processing

    The following unit standards, totaling 10 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Describe the structure of the diamond processing industry; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Describe the history of diamond processing; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Explain the requirements for security of diamonds; Level 1; 1 Credits.
  • Describe process control systems in processing diamond gemstones; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the use of tools and equipment used for processing diamond gemstones; Level 1; 2 Credits.

    Total: 10

    A further 12 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 26 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Discuss entrepreneurship and identify, assess and develop entrepreneurial qualities; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Identify, analyse and select various business opportunities; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a general business plan and apply it to a selected business; Level 1; 7 Credits.
  • Demonstrate the ability to start and run a business and adapt to a changing business environment; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.

    Total: 26
  • Specialisation Area: Jewellery Manufacturing

    The following unit standards, totaling 8 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Identify and maintain categories of merchandise in the jewellery Industry.; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Identify tools required for manufacturing hand made jewellery; Level 1; 1 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the value of jewellery; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the workshop set-up for Handmade jewellery; Level 1; 2 Credits.

    Total: 8

    A further 14 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 26 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Discuss entrepreneurship and identify, assess and develop entrepreneurial qualities; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Identify, analyse and select various business opportunities; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a general business plan and apply it to a selected business; Level 1; 7 Credits.
  • Demonstrate the ability to start and run a business and adapt to a changing business environment; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.

    Total: 26
  • Specialisation Area: Metallurgy

    The following unit standard, totaling 14 credits must be achieved.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of different activities related to the processing of minerals in the mining & minerals sector; Level 1; 14 Credits.

    Total: 26

    A further 8 credits must be achieved from the list below that totals 28 credits to make up a minimum of 120 credits for the qualification.

    Unit Standard Title; Level; Credits
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining operation - range of underground coal, surface, underground hardrock; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings; Level 1; 6 Credits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations; Level 1; 2 Credits.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours; Level 1; 1 Credits.
  • Follow basic health and safety practices underground.; Level 2; 2 Credits.
  • Describe the basic environmental factors of ventilating an underground working place to ensure a safe and healthy working environment; Level 2; 3 Credits.
  • Operate a personal computer system; Level 1; 3 Credits.
  • Manage personal finances; Level 1; 8 Credits.

    Total: 28 

    1. Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.
    Range: This includes demonstrating basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts as applied within the mining and minerals context.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of the Mining and Minerals workplace processes.
    Range: Covers application of life skills, quality and business operation.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational health, safety and environmental regulations that apply within the mining and minerals context.
    4. Demonstrate an understanding of the mining and minerals processes, ores mined and the commodities produced.
    5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of mining and beneficiation on the economy.
    6. Demonstrate an understanding of the influence of the engineering skills to support the mining and minerals processes.
  • Air, water and electricity distribution.
  • Waste.
  • Road, rail, conveyor, and pipe transport.
  • Manufacturing.

    Consistency of Exit Level Outcomes with Critical Cross Field Outcomes (CCFOs)

    The following CCFO's have been addressed in this qualification:

    SAQA Critical Cross-Field Outcomes; Equivalent Exit Level Outcome
  • Identifying and solving problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical thinking have been made.; Exit Level Outcomes 1, 2, 3.
  • Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organization and community.; Exit Level Outcomes 1,4, 5, 6.
  • Organising and managing oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively; Exit Level Outcome 2, 4, 5, 6.
  • Collecting, analyzing, organizing and critically evaluating information.; Exit Level Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • Communicating effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills; Exit Level Outcomes 1, 4, 5, 6.
  • Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility toward the environment and health of others; Exit Level Outcome s 2, 3 , 4, 6.
  • Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem contexts do not exist in isolation; Exit Level Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 

  • Effective verbal and written communication is conducted within the mining and minerals sector in line with specified requirements.
  • Reading and comprehension is in accordance with specified requirements.
  • Mathematical principles and techniques are understood, explained and applied in the context of the mining and minerals sector in line with specified requirements.
  • Scientific principles are understood and applied in the context of the mining and minerals sector.
  • The impact of science on the person and environment is understood and explained.

  • Life orientation is demonstrated in the context of the mining and minerals workplace.
    Range: Cultural diversity, time management, substance abuse and aids awareness.
  • Quality principles are explained and applied within the mining industry workplace.
  • The key factors of business operation and key tools to measure and manage a business; is explained in relation to the requirements of the mining and minerals sector.

  • Occupational health and safety issues are explained and applied within the mining and minerals context.
  • Occupational environmental issues related to working in the mining and minerals sector and related contexts are explained and applied.

  • The processes used for the attainment of the various products are explained in accordance with the Mining Process Decomposition Model.
  • The kinds of minerals and the related products mined are identified and explained in accordance with site specified requirements.
  • The characteristics of different kinds of economic minerals are explained with examples.

  • The importance of the mining and beneficiation industry to the South African economy is explained with regards to the impact on Gross Domestic Product, imports and exports.
  • The international importance of the South African Minerals Industry is explained in terms of the contribution of individual minerals to global production and global reserve.

  • Electrical engineering processes and procedures and their role as a supportive process for the mining processes are described and explained with examples.
  • Mechanical engineering processes and procedures and their role as a supportive process for the mining processes are described and explained with examples.

    Integrated Assessment:

    Integrated assessment at the level of the qualification provides an opportunity for learners to show that they are able to integrate concepts, actions and ideas achieved across a range of unit standards and contexts.

    Integrated assessment must evaluate the quality of observable performance as well as the thinking behind the performance, and must be based on a summative assessment guide.

    The guide will spell out how the assessor will assess different aspects of the performance and will include:
  • Observing the learner at work (both in the primary activity as well as other interactions).
  • Asking questions and initiating short discussions to test understanding.
  • Looking at records and reports in the portfolio and reviewing previous assessments.

    In some cases inference will be necessary to determine competence depending on the nature and context within which performance takes place.

    It is necessary to ensure that the fundamental part of the qualification is also targeted to ensure that while the competence may have been achieved in a particular context, learners are able to apply it in a range of other contexts and for further learning. The assessment should also ensure that all the critical cross-field outcomes have been achieved.

    The learner may choose in which language s/he wants to be assessed. This should be established as part of a process of preparing the learner for assessment and familiarising the learner with the approach being taken.

    While this is primarily a workplace-based qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavor may be introduced if pertinent to any of the exit-level outcomes. The assessment process should cover both the explicit tasks required for the qualification as well as the understanding of the concepts and principles that underpin the activities associated with the mining and minerals processes. 

    International comparability was conducted with the following countries:
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.
  • The United Kingdom.
  • SADC.

    Information was gathered from a variety of industrial sectors as this would give an indication of the approach taken for foundational occupationally-based learning in the world.

    The following deduction can be made:

    Internationally the approach taken in foundational education and training qualifications aligns broadly with the GETC approach. The qualifications are standards-based, learning is workplace-based, assessment is observation- and portfolio-based, and skills and knowledge are acquired, practiced and assessed within contexts relevant to the learner.

    In Australia the Introductory Certificates include preparatory access and participation skills and knowledge such as:
  • Literacy and numeracy.
  • Communication skills.
  • Working in teams.
  • Workplace technology.
  • Industry specific competencies.

    In the United Kingdom, The Level 1 Certificate of Introduction to Retailing Certificate was looked at. The competency units included in this certificate are:
  • Introducing the retail industry.
  • Help maintain health, safety and security in a retail environment.
  • Assist with product display to encourage sales.
  • Contribute to good customer care.
  • Work effectively in a retail team.

    This GETC is also composed in a similar manner.

    The New Zealand National Certificate in Glass and Glazing (Introduction - Level 2) was analysed. The purpose of the qualification is included:

    This is a broad based, introductory qualification that recognizes the skills and knowledge required for entry into the glass and glazing industry. Holders of the certificate are able to demonstrate knowledge of the glazing industry from its history, processes, and materials through to manufacture. People will have interpersonal skills associated with customer service, an understanding of glass standards, legislative implications, ordering, pricing, and documentation.

    The competency units of the qualification are listed below:
  • Provide customer service in the glass and glazing industry.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the glass and glazing industry.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass industry terminology.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of primary glass manufacture.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass processes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass types and their application.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glazing materials.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass properties.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the implications of legislation applicable to the glass industry.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass standards.
  • Select glass to meet the requirements of New Zealand Standard 4223: Part 3.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of glass ordering requirements.
  • Price the materials for simple glazing work.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of documentation for glazing work.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of plastics used in glazing.

    The submitted GETC also includes the important components in the New Zealand qualification where the understanding of the sector is tested and assessed.

    The following Course was also found:
  • The Basic Prospecting Course (

    The objective is to provide instruction in geology, exploration and mining through a delivery of a Basic Prospecting Course.

    In the SADC region no account of training and assessment at this level could be found via an internet search. However, certain organisations conduct induction/orientation of new employees for them to gain an understanding of their organisational roles and needs as well as to orientate them on the generic health and safety practices and general administrative requirements.

    From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the Mining and Minerals sector's need to qualify their learners at a foundational level finds comparison. 

    This qualification allows for both vertical and horizontal articulation.

    Horizontal articulation can occur with the following qualification:
  • GETC: Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Activities, NLRD ID: 23253.
  • GETC: Chemical Manufacturing Processes

    Vertical articulation exists with:
  • National Certificate in Diamond Process Operation - Level 2
  • National Certificate in Engineering Maintenance - Underground Hardrock Mining - Level 2, NLRD ID: 21815.
  • National Certificate in Engineering Maintenance - Underground Coal Mining Level 2
  • National Certificate in Mining Operations - Level 2
  • National Certificate in Rockbreaking - Surface Mining -Level 2, NLRD ID: 21842.
  • National Certificate in Minerals Processing - Level 2
  • National Certificate in Sulphuric Acid Production - Level 2, NLRD ID: 58226.
  • National Certificate in Strata Control - Level 2. 

  • Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this unit standard must be accredited as a provider with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
  • Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or by an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA, according to the ETQA's policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation.
  • Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described in the Unit Standard.
  • Anyone wishing to be assessed against this unit standard may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    Assessors should be in possession of:
  • An appropriate qualification above the level of this qualification and preferably relevant workplace practical experience.
  • Registration as an assessor with the relevant ETQA. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    This qualification replaces qualification 21811, "National Certificate: Introduction to Mining and Minerals", Level 1, 120 credits.

    Core  243774  Demonstrate a basic understanding of occupational hygiene principles  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243764  Demonstrate an understanding of natural (Macro) environmental principles  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243776  Demonstrate an understanding of quality principles used in the workplace  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243784  Demonstrate an understanding of the South African mining and mineral sector processes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  110121  Demonstrate knowledge of how a business works in the Mining and Minerals Sector  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  116527  Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to basic health and safety principles in and around a workplace  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243777  Understand the kinds of minerals and related products mined in the South Africa Mining & Minerals Sector and their importance to both the local stakeholders and within the global arena  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243772  Display understanding of the mechanical and electrical engineering discipline processes and procedures  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7509  Apply basic concepts and principles in the natural sciences  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7508  Conduct an investigation in the natural science  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  14111  Demonstrate an understanding of how scientific skills and knowledge could contribute to sustainable use of resources  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7507  Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of science  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  14664  Demonstrate knowledge of diversity within different relationships in the South African society  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  13169  Describe and discuss issues relating to HIV-AIDS, TB and sexually transmitted illnesses and their impact on the workplace  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119373  Describe and represent objects in terms of shape, space and measurement  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119368  Describe, interpret and represent mathematical patterns, functions and algebra in different contexts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119635  Engage in a range of speaking/signing and listening interactions for a variety of purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119364  Evaluate and solve data handling and probability problems within given contexts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119631  Explore and use a variety of strategies to learn  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  15091  Plan to manage one`s time  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119640  Read/view and respond to a range of text types  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119636  Write/Sign for a variety of different purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110194  Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of typical surface mining processes and layouts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110148  Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of typical underground coal mining processes and layouts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110128  Demonstrate a basic understanding of small-scale mining  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110140  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the history of small-scale mining  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110149  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the statutory requirements for the establishment of a small-scale mine  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110219  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the use of tools and equipment used for processing diamonds  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110145  Demonstrate a basic understanding of where to obtain information on mineral deposit in South Africa  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  119965  Demonstrate an understanding of the value of jewellery  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  119971  Demonstrate an understanding of the workshop set-up for handmade jewellery  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110417  Demonstrate an understanding of typical basic underground hard rock mining processes and layouts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110191  Demonstrate knowledge and ability to work in a surface mine  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110217  Demonstrate knowledge and ability to work in an underground coal mine  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  115602  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relevant terminology used in mining - range of underground coal, surface, underground hard rock  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110118  Demonstrate knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10009  Demonstrate the ability to start and run a business and adapt to a changing business environment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110430  Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of different activities related to the processing of minerals in the mining and minerals sector  Level 1  NQF Level 01  14 
    Elective  119817  Describe process control systems for processing diamond gemstones  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  110123  Describe the history of the diamond processing industry  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10495  Describe the structure of the diamond processing industry  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10499  Explain the requirements for the security of diamonds  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  119963  Identify and maintain categories of merchandise in the jewellery industry  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  119970  Identify tools required for manufacturing hand made jewellery  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10007  Identify, analyse and select business opportunities  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  12509  Manage personal finances  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  116932  Operate a personal computer system  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10008  Write and present a simple business plan  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10455  Demonstrate a basic understanding of cement manufacturing  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10472  Demonstrate a basic understanding of lime manufacturing  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10484  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the aggregates industry  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  243779  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the dimension stone industry  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  116659  Demonstrate an understanding of legal terms and requirements related to rockbreaking operations  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  116670  Describe the basic environmental factors of ventilating an underground working place to ensure a safe and healthy working environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  9678  Follow basic health and safety practices underground  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  12215  Read, interpret and produce basic engineering drawings  Level 2  NQF Level 02 

    When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    8. FOSKOR (PTY) LTD 
    13. Kumba Sishen HRD Centre 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.