SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Further Education and Training Certificate: Debt Recovery 
49021  Further Education and Training Certificate: Debt Recovery 
SGB Administration 
FASSET - Financial and Accounting Services SETA  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Further Ed and Training Cert  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Office Administration 
Undefined  140  Level 4  NQF Level 04  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9999/99  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2026-06-30   2029-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

This Qualification is for any individual who is or wishes to be involved in the Debt Recovery function within the business sector. It is also the building block to advance the learner into the National Certificate: Credit Management: NQF Level 5, or the National Certificate: Debt Recovery: Level 5, and any future related Debt Recovery Qualifications at NQF Level 5 that may be generated at a future date.

The Core Component of the Qualification offers the learner knowledge and skills in Ethics and personal effectiveness within the debt recovery context, the application of the legalities in the liquidation of debt, the management of debtor and credit grantor portfolios and the facilitation of oral and written communications for the purposes of effectively administering debt recovery. The Qualification through its Elective Component enables the learner to specialize in areas of Debt Recovery such as Ethics, Supervisory/Management, Administration, Strategic Management, Information Technology, Accounting and Financial Management.

Learners working towards this Qualification will find that the acquisition of competence in the unit standards, which make up the Qualification, will add value to their jobs. This Qualification is intended to enhance the provision of service within the field of Debt Recovery within the business and commerce sector. The Qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service excellence required within the Debt Recovery field of learning, through building day-to-day Debt Recovery skills as well as operational competencies required within the business and commercial sector, both in larger enterprises and small, medium and micro enterprises. It will provide the broad knowledge, skills and values needed in the Debt Recovery field for the public sector and will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training.

Qualifying learners could follow a career in:
  • Debt Recovery
  • Credit Management
  • Financial Services
  • SMME Management
  • Generic Supervision and Management
  • Administration


    The FETC: Debt Recovery is designed to meet the needs of those learners both employed or unemployed, who are already involved or wish to become involved in the field of Debt Recovery. The function of debt recovery is a rapidly growing area in the Financial Services Sector and this means that there is an on-going need for skilled people to carry out these functions in this business sector, both within larger corporations and the SMME (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise) Sector. This qualification will enable the learner at lower levels in the sector to access a formal national qualification in debt recovery. In line with the professionalisation of this function, there is also a need to develop career paths in this field so as to offer people involved in debt recovery the opportunity to continue with a programme of life-long learning, which will make them knowledgeable and skilled employees with enhanced employment opportunities.

    The FETC: Debt Recovery is a specialised Qualification which offers administrative and financial knowledge and skills to learners who:
  • Have attained the National Certificate in Business Administration: Level 3 or any related financial, accounting or credit management qualifications and wish to continue on a path of life-long learning within the Debt Recovery Sector
  • Were previously disadvantaged or who were unable to complete their schooling and were therefore denied access to Further Education and Training
  • Have worked in Administration, Credit Management or Debt Recovery for many years, but have no formal Qualifications in their area of expertise
  • Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge of Debt Recovery so that they can become knowledge workers
  • Are contracted in a learnership agreement
  • Have recently taken up a position in Debt Recovery
  • Have not yet acquired the skills and competencies required for learning in Debt Recovery at NQF level 5.

    The skills, knowledge, values and attitudes reflected in the Qualification are building blocks that will be developed further in Level 5. The intention is:
  • To promote the development of knowledge and skills that are required for the efficient performance of Debt Recovery functions in the Business, Commerce and Management Sector.
  • To release the potential of people.

    The FETC: Debt Recovery should produce knowledgeable, multi-skilled workers who are able to contribute to improved productivity and efficiency within the business sector. It should provide the means for current workers to receive Recognition of Prior Learning, to upgrade their skills and achieve a nationally recognised qualification. It should also assist new entrants to the business sector.

    It will ensure that the quality of education and training in Debt Recovery is enhanced and of a world-class standard.

    The FETC: Debt Recovery builds on the knowledge and skills already obtained in the Level 3 Certificate for Business Administration or Financial Services. 

    Learners accessing this Qualification should be competent in:
  • Communication at NQF level 3
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 3
  • Computer Literacy at NQF Level 2

    Recognition of Prior Learning

    The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. Learner and Assessor will jointly decide on methods to determine prior learning and competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in the Qualification and the associated Unit Standards. Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of an Integrated Assessment as mentioned below.

    This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow for:
  • Accelerated access to further learning at this or higher levels on the NQF
  • Gaining of credits towards Unit Standards in this Qualification
  • Obtaining this Qualification in whole or in part.

    All recognition of Prior Learning is subject to quality assurance by the relevant ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA. 


    The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.

    To be awarded the Qualification, learners are required to obtain a minimum of 140 credits as detailed below.

    Fundamental Component:

    The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in:
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4 to the value of 16 credits.
  • Communication at NQF Level 4 in a First South African Language to the value of 20 credits.
  • Communication in a Second South African Language at NQF Level 3 to the value of 20 credits.

    It is compulsory therefore for learners to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at NQF Level 4 and the other at NQF Level 3.

    All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component are compulsory.

    Core Component:

    The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 69 credits all of which are compulsory.

    Elective Component:

    The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 127 credits. Learners are to choose Unit Standards to the minimum of 15 credits. With the approval of the relevant ETQA, learners may choose any registered Unit Standard which contributes to the improvement of their work performance or in which they have a particular interest. 

    1. Manage credit grantor portfolios.

    2. Manage debtor portfolios.

    3. Administer the Debt Recovery process.

    4. Apply key legislation, codes of conduct and ethics in the Debt Recovery context.

    5. Communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders in at least two languages.

    6. Use mathematics correctly in work and personal situations. 

  • Credit grantor specifications are reviewed and schedules and planning for managing debtor portfolios are concluded accordingly.
  • Special directives are incorporated into implementation plan.
  • Detailed reports are compiled illustrating status of all debtor accounts for the credit grantor according to service level agreements.

  • Credit grantor specifications are considered in the management of debtor portfolios.
  • All debtor details are updated on an ongoing basis in order to effectively track the status of the accounts and pursue the Debt Recovery process.
  • Statements of account are regularly updated and all support records maintained.

  • Debt recovery goals and targets are determined according to risk profiles.
  • Information pertaining to Debt Recovery process is critically analysed and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
  • Appropriate administrative systems are adopted to track Debt Recovery process and maintain accurate records.
  • Written and oral communications pertaining to Debt Recovery function are recorded and tracked on an ongoing basis.
  • Reporting pertaining to process and status of Debt Recovery accounts is done timeoulsy.

  • The necessary legislation, related policy and regulations, codes of conduct and ethics are applied to own Debt Recovery context.
  • Relevant associations and regulatory authorities affecting the Debt Recovery context are communicated with effectively about Debt Recovery issues.
  • Behaviour is consistent with the Code of Conduct applicable to the Debt Recovery function.
  • Ethical principles that comply with legislation and codes of conduct within the Debt Recovery context are applied at all times.

  • Internal and external stakeholders are communicated with orally using sound listening techniques and using appropriate language, tone, volume and register.
  • Written communication in the form of letters, reports, memorandums, etc. are compiled using formal language that is appropriate for the audience and purpose.
  • Written texts are correctly interpreted and their relevance for the learner understood and applied correctly where necessary.

  • Mathematical calculations are correctly done using the appropriate formulae.
  • Computations are correctly done utilizing a calculator.
  • Mathematics calculations are utilized to determine interest rates, debits and credits, debtor balances, and status of debtor accounts.

    Integrated Assessment

    Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the Qualification.

    Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards should be integrated.

    Assessment of the communication, language, literacy and numeracy should be conducted in conjunction with other aspects and should use authentic Debt Recovery contexts wherever possible.

    A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.

    The term 'Integrated Assessment' implies that theoretical and practical components should be assessed together. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies.

    Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge. 

    Benchmarking was done by comparison to Unit Standards/Outcomes of learning against the Standards for Debt Recovery in:
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Belgium
  • Wales

    A search of the qualifications and standards available from the above revealed qualifications in Credit Management but nothing specific in Debt Collection/Recovery, except for New Zealand, in which the standards still only formed part of a Credit Management Qualification. However, the New Zealand qualification did seem to indicate that more research has been done in respect of Debt Collection as a core function.

    In evaluating and streamlining the qualifications identified, the following qualifications were explored:
  • National occupational standards in Credit Management - United Kingdom
  • National Certificate in Credit Management - New Zealand

    In essence the crux of these qualifications can be summarized as follows:

    National Occupational standards in Credit Management - United Kingdom
  • Unit 3: Process initial applications for Credit
  • Unit 4: Evaluate credit worthiness
  • Unit 5: Record and account for transactions with customers
  • Unit 6: Establish and maintain contact with customers
  • Unit 7: Monitor collection performance
  • Unit 8: Pursue overdue debts
  • Unit 21: Working with computers
  • Unit 22: Contribute to the maintenance of a healthy, safe and productive working environment
  • Unit 23: Achieving personal effectiveness

    Parallels drawn with qualification:

    Parallels were drawn with Unit 7, 8 and 23: Whilst the information was useful from a content perspective, the standards are written very differently to SA unit standards and tend to be more job focused and input based than outcomes based. It would seem that these standards centre more on a curriculum than occupationally based unit standards of competence.

    National Certificate in Credit Management - New Zealand (A Level 4 qualification comprising of 140 credits):

    The following fields, subfields and domains are covered in this particular qualification:
  • Business
  • Computing and Information Technology
  • Education
  • Humanities and Communication Skills

    The following unit standards were extracted from this qualification as input to the South African specific qualification in Debt Recovery:
  • Administer debt collection (Level 3, Credits 8)
  • Demonstrate telephone techniques for debt collection (Level 3, Credits 6)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of credit dispute resolution processes (Level 4, Credits 10)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the repossession of goods under credit agreement (Level 4, Credits 10)
  • Evaluate credit worthiness (Level 4, Credits 10)
  • Manage credit facilities (Level 4, Credits 10)
  • Manage credit policies and procedures (Level 5, Credits 12)
  • Produce and distribute management reports to manage credit risk (Level 4, Credits 12)
  • Apply legal requirements to credit contracts (Level 4, Credits 10)
  • Recover debt using legal proceedings (Level 4, Credits 12)

    Parallels drawn with qualification

    This qualification is more suitable and it was perceived by the Task Team that the unit standards and qualifications in New Zealand are easier to benchmark against because their format for qualifications and unit standards is very similar to the way in which South Africa designs its unit standards. The New Zealand qualification is also more easily benchmarked against because it is also a level 4 qualification comprising of 140 credits. It is from this qualification that the unit standards were extrapolated specifically for Debt Recovery and used as input to the SA qualification outlined herein. Furthermore, this qualification is obviously in line with the latest research into credit management in New Zealand and the qualification review date is 31 December 2005. Whilst the qualification as a whole caters for the full function of Credit Management, it appears that much research has gone into the Debt Recovery/Collection function as a part of the Credit Management qualification. However, it seems from all the research done in respect of international comparability, that South Africa is the only country that is seeking to compile a dedicated qualification in Debt Recovery, separating it as a learning field from Credit Management.

    Most of the abovementioned unit standards were used to benchmark against and the unit standards number 16761 : Demonstrate knowledge of the repossession of goods under credit agreement, was used as is, rather than incorporated into other standards.

    However, it was felt that this is a higher level standard and as such, it was agreed that this standard would be positioned at a Level 5 on the South African NQF, although it is positioned as a Level 4 for the New Zealand qualification. The unit standards that were deemed more appropriate for a Credit Management qualification only include:
  • Manage credit facilities
  • Evaluate credit worthiness

    Thus, these were not really suited to a dedicated Debt Recovery qualification but rather to Credit Management as a function, although elements of these standards were evaluated for any possible correlation to the Debt Recovery function.

    In consultation with the Task Team that put together this qualification, it was agreed that the most suitable standards for the South African learning context within Debt Recovery are the New Zealand unit standards that relate specifically to Debt Collection. Hence these unit standards were used as inputs to the standards that have been developed in South Africa as part of this qualification and one was used as.

    In addition, several members of the Task Team regularly consult with the regulatory bodies in Debt Recovery around the world, especially the USA. Thus, authoritative input was given in respect of the content of the standards and the codes of conduct that are benchmarked internationally on an ongoing basis. In the application of the South African unit standards, these associated regulatory bodies within the Debt Recovery context will continue to provide input based on international trends and developments in Debt Recovery. 

    This Qualification articulates horizontally with the following Qualifications:
  • The National Certificate in Business Administration Services : Level 4
  • The National Certificate in Management: Level 4

    Vertical articulation is possible with the following Qualifications:
  • The National Certificate in Management: Level 5 

  • Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
  • Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or by an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA, according to the ETQA's policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation.
  • Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the Qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards as well as the integrated competence described in the Qualification.

    Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs:
  • A minimum of 2 (two) years' practical, relevant occupational experience in Administration
  • To be declared competent in all the outcomes of the National Assessor Unit Standards as stipulated by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
  • To be in possession of a Qualification in Debt Recovery or Credit Management in an NQF Level 5 or higher 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  110021  Achieve personal effectiveness in business environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116610  Assess and allocate debt collecting accounts according to risk profile  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116606  Communicate orally with relevant stakeholders in the recovery of debt  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116598  Compile debtor correspondence in accordance with legislation and standard procedures  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116608  Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical conduct in a debt recovery work context  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116601  Manage credit grantor portfolio  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116599  Manage debtor portfolio  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  13948  Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  110023  Present information in report format  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  116603  Demonstrate and apply understanding of the legal requirements relevant to the liquidation of debt  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  110531  Plan, organise and control the day-to-day administration of an office support function  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  110526  Plan, organise, implement and control record-keeping systems  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Fundamental  8968  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8972  Interpret a variety of literary texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8969  Interpret and use information from texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8970  Write texts for a range of communicative contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9015  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8974  Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8975  Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  9016  Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  12153  Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8976  Write for a wide range of contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  7177  Attend to customer enquiries face-to-face and on the telephone in a banking environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  13933  Plan, monitor and control an information system in a business environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  13943  Analyse new developments reported in the media that could impact on a business sector or industry  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114600  Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13941  Apply the budget function in a business unit  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13379  Calculate Interest using the Basic Mathematics of Interest Rates  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13942  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the role of a business strategy in managing a small business or a business unit  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  12745  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of accounting practice and procedures associated with the collection of debts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13416  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basics of security for finance  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  113903  Demonstrate skills and techniques required to build a relationship with a client in a financial services environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110026  Describe and assist in the control of fraud in an office environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  12747  Take on a business' debtor's book in full  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  15234  Apply efficient time management to the work of a department/division/section  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  15237  Build teams to meet set goals and objectives  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  14529  Demonstrate knowledge and insight into current affairs in the financial services sector  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  116607  Demonstrate knowledge of the repossession of goods under a credit agreement  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Elective  15229  Implement codes of conduct in the team, department or division  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  116597  Manage trust accounts according to relevant Act  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  12 
    Elective  12998  Produce spreadsheets using accounting related information technology  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  12988  Record income and receipts  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.