SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Supervision of Building Construction Processes 
23895  National Certificate: Supervision of Building Construction Processes 
SGB Building Construction 
Was CETA until Last Date for Achievement  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 12 - Physical Planning and Construction  Building Construction 
Undefined  198  Level 4  NQF Level 04  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Registered" 
SAQA 0148/03  2003-06-11  2004-06-09 
2005-06-09   2008-06-09  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification is replaced by: 
Qual ID Qualification Title Pre-2009 NQF Level NQF Level Min Credits Replacement Status
49053  National Certificate: Supervision of Construction Processes  Level 4  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L4  176  Complete 

For those who have been in the workplace for a long time, this qualification can be used in the recognition of prior learning process to assess and recognise workplace skills acquired without the benefit of formal education and training.

For the new entrant, this qualification describes the learning outcomes required to effectively participate in a structured workplace.

For education and training providers, this qualification provides guidance for the development of appropriate learning programmes and assessment documentation.

For employers, this qualification enables skills gaps to be identified and addressed ensuring that productivity levels are increased and business objectives achieved.

This qualification has been developed to assist with portability across the construction industry. This will allow for future career advancement across the various contexts of supervision.

Rationale for the qualification:

The rationale for the introduction of a unit standard based - "National Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction Processes" is to provide a qualification for persons supervising construction resources and construction work processes. Typical job roles would include foreman and general foreman.

The "National Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction Processes" reflects the skills, knowledge and understanding required to be an effective supervisor in the Building Construction Industry, whether in micro, small, medium or large operations.

The qualification consists of generic supervisory competencies, generic technical competencies, as well as "managerial technical expertise" required in a specific context. The latter reflects the technical working knowledge and skills required to supervise building activities in a specific context. The various contexts of supervision are reflected in the Elective component of the qualification. 

Learners should have acquired the language and mathematical competencies of NQF Level 3 in the Further Education and Training (FET) Band, prior to embarking on learning towards this qualification.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

The qualification may be obtained through the process of Recognition of Prior Learning. Learners who have met the requirements of any unit standard in this qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning to the Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA), and will be assessed against the assessment criteria and specific outcomes for the relevant unit standard/s. 



On completion of this qualification learners are able to:

Demonstrate the following generic supervisory competencies:
  • Supervise the procurement, use and storage of construction materials
  • Select and supervise the use and maintenance of plant, equipment and tools
  • Perform site administration functions
  • Monitor and control cost and production of construction work activities and implement productivity improvements
  • Lead and supervise construction teams
  • Implement a quality management system and assist in establishing and implementing a project quality plan and a quality improvement process on a construction project
  • Apply contract documentation
  • Supervise health and safety on a construction project
  • Comply with legal requirements

    Demonstrate the following generic technical competencies:
  • Read, interpret and use construction drawings and specifications
  • Calculate construction quantities and develop a work plan
  • Set out construction work areas
  • Describe and interpret the composition, role-players, processes and role of the construction industry
  • Implement environmental requirements

    Demonstrate the ability to apply the generic supervisory and technical competencies in order to supervise within any of the following contexts:

    Building Construction:
  • Tiling and plastering activities
  • Plumbing activities
  • Masonry activities
  • Paving activities
  • Roof carpentry activities
  • Finishing carpentry activities 

    Exit level outcomes will be judged by the following assessment criteria:
  • Materials are procured, received, used and stored in accordance with site procedures and safety and manufacturer specifications
  • Plant, equipment and tools are stored, used and maintained in accordance with site procedures and safety and manufacturers specifications
  • Site records are maintained in accordance with site procedures and quality management systems
  • Personnel administration and reporting systems are implemented in accordance with site procedures and quality management systems
  • Activity and resource cost and production is measured and reported on according to company procedures
  • Cost control and productivity improvement measures are implemented in accordance with company procedures
  • Labour is procured, developed and performance managed in accordance with company policies and procedures and within tendered allowable labour cost
  • A quality management system is implemented in accordance with quality principles and company standards
  • A quality improvement process and project quality plan are implemented in accordance with quality principles and company standards
  • Contract documentation is accessed, interpreted and applied correctly
  • A Health & Safety plan is developed and implemented in order to accurately identify safety measures required on a project and to ensure that all statutory requirements, including notifications and appointments, as well as all company policies and procedures, are adhered to
  • Legal requirements on a project are accurately identified and implemented
  • Construction drawings and specifications are correctly interpreted and applied in construction activities
  • Quantities are accurately calculated and a work plan developed in order to compute resources required and complete a job cost effectively
  • Works are set out in accordance with drawings and specifications
  • The construction industry, its stakeholders, relevant legislation, regulations and communication techniques are understood and the learner is able to reflect on the impact of these elements on his/her context
  • Building activities (Range: Tiling & plastering, plumbing, masonry, paving, roof and finishing carpentry) are conducted by team members in accordance with quality, safety and site specifications.

    Learners who have completed this qualification would be able to progress to the "National Certificate in the Management of Building Construction Processes", NQF Level 5. Learners could also opt to work towards the "National Certificates in the Supervision of Civil Construction Processes", as the Fundamental and most of the Core unit standards in these qualifications are similar to these in the Building Supervision qualification

    Integrated Assessment:

    Formative assessments conducted during the learning process will consist of written tests, demonstrations and a number of self-assessments. The purpose of formative assessment is to diagnose learner strengths and weaknesses and to determine readiness for summative assessment.

    Summative assessment would consist of written tests coupled with assignments, case studies and practical demonstrations. Summative assessments would only be conducted once the learner has indicated that he/she is ready to undergo summative assessment.

    Before qualifying, the learners will be expected to demonstrate competence in a practical situation that integrates the assessment of all specific outcomes, for all unit standards.

    Integrated assessment provides learners with an opportunity to display an ability to integrate practical performance, actions, concepts and theory across unit standards to achieve competence in relation to the purpose of this qualification.

    In particular assessors should check that the learner is able to demonstrate the ability to consider a range of options and make decisions about:
  • The quality of the observed practical performance as well as the theory and underpinning knowledge behind it.
  • The different methods that can be used by the learner to display thinking and decision making in the demonstration of practical performance.
  • Reflexive competencies 

    New Zealand Qualifications Authority:

    A corresponding qualification on the NZQF is the "National Certificate in Civil Construction Supervision" with optional strands in the different domains of Civil Engineering, e.g. earthworks, surveying and setting out, road maintenance, etc.

    Similarities with the South African equivalent relate to the generic supervisory competencies and are outlined below:

    1. Outcomes regarding management of plant and equipment
    2. Outcomes regarding record keeping
    3. Outcomes regarding the selection of materials
    4. Outcomes regarding schedules of quantities
    5. Outcomes regarding the programming of construction works
    6. Outcomes regarding safety on site
    7. Outcomes regarding understanding conditions of contract

    The strands in the New Zealand qualification correspond with the South African equivalent, i.e. having streams of specialization in the Elective component.

    The trade qualifications in the Building Construction domain on the NZQF, provides for "advanced trade qualifications", which include supervisory unit standards.

    The Chartered Institute of Building - U.K.

    The "Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction Processes" has been benchmarked against the BTEC - NVQ Building Site Management qualification, Level 4. This NVQ qualification was utilized as a source document in the development of the South African supervisory qualification. 

    This qualification has been developed for mobility across various contexts of supervision within the building construction industry and is intended to allow for further learning towards the building construction management qualifications. Learners could also opt to work towards the "National Certificates in the Supervision of Civil Construction Processes", as the Fundamental and most of the Core unit standards in these qualifications are similar to these in the Building Supervision qualification

    The qualification has been designed and structured so that qualifying learners can move from one context to another. Equally holders of other qualifications may be evaluated against this qualification for the purpose of RPL. 

    Assessment of learner achievements takes place at providers accredited by CETA (RSA, 1998b) for the provision of programs that result in the outcomes specified for the National Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction Processes. CETA - ETQA, or other ETQA's who have a Memorandum of Understanding in place with CETA - ETQA, is responsible for the moderation of learner achievements of learners who meet the requirements of this qualification.

    Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA. Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.

    Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQA's policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation; in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between ETQA's and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed immediately below.

    Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards as well as the integrated competence described in the qualification.

    Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution, which is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs:
  • A recognized assessor qualification
  • Compliance with the relevant ETQA's requirements for assessor registration
  • Subject matter expertise in the unit standard/s for which assessor registration is sought, as well as an understanding of the context of the qualification in order to enable integrated assessment. 

  • NOTES 
    This qualification has been replaced by 49053, which is "National Certificate: Supervision of Construction Processes", Level 4, Minimum Credits 176.

    The learning pathway for Building Construction Management, consists of the following qualifications:

    NQF level 2:
    National Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction processes
    NQF level 4:
    National Certificate in the Supervision of Building Construction processes
    NQF level 5:
    National Certificate in the Management of Building Construction processes
    NQF level 6/7:
    National Degree in the Management of Building Construction processes 

    Core  9980  Apply construction contract documentation  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 
    Core  9982  Comply with legal requirements for a construction contract  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  14414  Calculate construction quantities and develop a work plan  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  14415  Describe and interpret the composition, role-players, processes and role of the construction industry  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  14416  Implement a quality management system, project quality plan and a quality improvement process on a construction project  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Core  14417  Lead and supervise construction teams  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  14418  Monitor and control cost and production of construction work activities and implement productivity improvements  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Core  14425  Perform site administration functions  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Core  14426  Read, interpret and use construction drawings and specifications  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Core  14427  Select and supervise the use and maintenance of plant, equipment and tools  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Core  14428  Set out construction work areas  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Core  14429  Supervise health and safety on a construction project  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  14430  Supervise the procurement, use and storage of construction materials  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Fundamental  7572  Demonstrate knowledge of and produce computer spreadsheets using basic functions  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7568  Demonstrate knowledge of and produce word processing documents using basic functions  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  8968  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8969  Interpret and use information from texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8973  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8970  Write texts for a range of communicative contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9015  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8974  Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  12417  Measure, estimate & calculate physical quantities & explore, critique & prove geometrical relationships in 2 and 3 dimensional space in the life and workplace of adult with increasing responsibilities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8975  Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8979  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8976  Write for a wide range of contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14419  Organise and control finishing carpentry activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14420  Organise and control masonry activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14421  Organise and control paving activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14422  Organise and control plumbing activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14423  Organise and control roof carpentry activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14424  Organise and control tiling and plastering activities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 

    When qualifications are replaced, some of their learning programmes are moved to being recorded against the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replacement.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Construction Resource Development College 
    2. Tjeka Training Matters Pty Ltd 
    3. TSK Projects(PTY)LTD 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.