Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
All aspects of technology, including the relationships amongst people, are analysed and evaluated.
The ability to develop and communicate ideas in well-formed arguments is demonstrated through the application of problem solving-techniques and analysing various case studies.
A case study of a specific business organisation is critically evaluated to demonstrate understanding of the importance and value of information as a means of obtaining competitive advantage, and the ability to independently validate the sources of information and evaluate and manage such information.
The importance of innovation in business is critically reflected upon and contextual knowledge and practical skills are applied in a specific work context by identifying, collecting and integrating information and presenting it in the form of an assignment.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
An in-depth understanding of organisational decision-making systems and models is demonstrated to gain competitive advantage through critical and creative thinking using problem-solving techniques and analysing various case studies.
Decisions are taken both ethically and professionally and justified by reflecting and evaluating their own performances and that of others through peer evaluation and within the research project.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
The strategic intent of an organisation is evaluated by analysing the company vision and mission statements in relevant case studies.
A full internal and external analysis of a medium size company is conducted.
The nature of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation activities within the Business Administration environment are examined.
The relationship between existing strategies and future organisational needs is assessed.
The impact of external forces (Porter's 5 forces) on strategy formulation is evaluated.
The significance of ethical decision-making in business administration is analysed.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
Pertinent business-related research problems or issues are identified and formulated, and literature searches conducted to contextualise and frame the research problem and area of investigation.
A research design is developed and a research proposal produced using the Harvard referencing method.
The relevant data is collected, analysed, processed and interpreted, making use of suitable data gathering techniques, appropriate software and analytical tools.
Documentation demonstrating ethical and professionally approaches is submitted for review, amendments are made and collated for the final presentation of the research project.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
An appropriate model for studying employee dynamics to a given situation in a case study is applied.
The practices of organisations demonstrating knowledge of the dynamics of a four-tier model of forces of change, different frameworks for assessing cultural differences and of the African management style are investigated.
The philosophical approaches to ethical decision-making and the moral decision-making process of an identified company are synthesised.
An understanding of self-directed work teams and participative management in a selected organisation is displayed.
Scientific and independent research into employee dynamics is conducted and labour law directives are applied where necessary to solving workplace problems.
The ability to manage communication and conflict within an organisation, and applying motivational theories and models to practical situations of relevant case studies is demonstrated.
An understanding of leadership theories and change in organisations is displayed by critically analysing the various organisational structures and the different approaches to organisational design.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
A complete project plan is designed for an organisation and the distinction between project and non-project tasks made.
The Microsoft Project software is applied in the carrying out of project tasks such as updating progress of the project, or extracting of reports.
The critical path of a project is designed and discussed, identifying project stakeholders and analysing their roles in project design and implementation.
The duties of the project administrator are defined and a job description is formulated.
Information from project management tools like the Gantt chart, work breakdown structure (WBS) is interpreted to create reports using templates such as time sheets, status reports highlighting the risks and issues.
Proficiency is shown in the management and administration of project communications, meeting administration, record keeping, documentation control, finances, contracts, procurement, billing, payments and assets, and formulating of project quality reports.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
The capital structure which supports the business continuity and growth of organisations in relevant case studies is determined.
Projects are evaluated using various capital budgeting techniques to distinguish the best project using the Capital Price Model.
Selected businesses in case studies are advised to avoid risks while maximising on opportunities of increasing returns.
The financial statements of a business are interpreted using the ratio analysis in order to avoid pitfalls and mitigate risks.
Integrated Assessment:
The assessment practices of the Advanced Diploma are consistent with the institutional policies which make provision for continuous assessment, appropriate to the mode of delivery. Regular assessment opportunities, both formative and summative including a final summative assessment, are undertaken to evaluate the learners' academic progress and performance.
Formative assessments include class discussions, written exercises and presentations take place during the process of teaching and learning. These assessments are aimed at developing the learners' abilities to monitor their own progress. Summative formalised assessment for example, individual/group projects are used to show whether the subject outcomes and the Exit Level Outcomes of the qualification have been met. The balance between formative and summative assessment is maintained throughout the delivery of the qualification.
Work-directed theoretical learning is applied in the various subjects of the Advanced Diploma to ensure the alignment of disciplinary knowledge with the needs of professional practice. Problem based learning (industry projects) is applied in assignments enabling learners to develop specialist knowledge and a professional attitude. Integrated assessment is emphasised and learners need to demonstrate in assignments and projects the integration of their business, office and information administration knowledge and skills. |