SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Occupational Certificate: Production or Operations Supervisor (Forestry): (Forestry Production Supervisor) 
99709  Occupational Certificate: Production or Operations Supervisor (Forestry): (Forestry Production Supervisor) 
Development Quality Partner - FPMSETA (forestry) 
-   OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Occupational Certificate  Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation  Forestry and Wood Technology 
Undefined  71  Not Applicable  NQF Level 03  Regular-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0425/24  2018-07-01  2025-12-30 
2026-12-30   2029-12-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Production Supervisor (Forestry). A Production Supervisor (Forestry) Forestry Supervisors directly supervise and coordinate forestry tasks/activities/work/operations and resources of a team of Forestry workers at an operational level to achieve daily production targets according to set operational standards and procedures (safety, quality and output targets).

A qualified learner will be able to:
  • Implement by organising and directing employees, the daily production plan, and allocating tasks and resources.
  • Motivate and monitor by applying short interval control, individual or/and team performance according to pre-determined criteria to maintain the quality and quantity of production whilst complying to safe work and environmentally responsible practices.
  • Assess the output and pace of work of employees to ensure best use of time and resources.
  • Communicate on a regular basis with employees both individually and in meetings and report daily production and resource utilisation data and information to Management/Foreman.

    The forest resources of South Africa cover over 40 million ha of the land surface area of the country. The forest sector employs around 165 900 workers and provides about 62 700 direct jobs and 30 000 indirect jobs. Forestry provides livelihood support to 652 000 people of the rural population of the country. The pulp and paper industry provides about 13 200 direct and 11 000 indirect employment opportunities. Some 20 000 workers are employed in sawmilling, and 6 000 in timber board production and 2 200 in the mining timber industries, while a further 11 000 workers are employed in miscellaneous jobs in forestry.

    In terms of land use, the afforested area is about 1,27 million ha or about 1% of the total South African land area of 122,3 million ha. The forest sector (forestry and forest products) contributes about 1% to the GDP. In terms of regional GDP, forestry in KwaZulu-Natal contributes 4,4%; in Mpumalanga 3,7%; in the Eastern Cape 0,6%; and in Limpopo about 0,6%.

    The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) allocated an amount of R1,2 billion from the department's budget to forestry and natural resources management. The DAFF contributes to eradicating poverty through the Forestry Livelihoods Programme. Firewood, construction poles, medicinal plants and edible fruits are all critical to the livelihoods of the rural poor.

    The DAFF develops human resources through forestry sector skills development initiatives and promotes employment through commercial forestry activities such as forestation and downstream activities. The integration of forestry programmes into provincial and municipal development plans will assist the Plant a Million Trees Campaign. The department is pursuing a target of 10 000 ha of nett new afforestation a year.

    Afforestation is taking place in rural areas where there are few other viable opportunities for job creation and economic activity.

    The development of these additional raw material resources will attract greater processing capacity in the form of sawmills, board mills, chipping plants and treatment plants, which will lead to broad economic growth. An additional R500 million a year could be generated from such plantations.

    The Forestry Industry is labour intensive and has a large number of illiterate employees. It requires the use of dangerous equipment and has many occupations that are seen as unsafe. The industry is also changing rapidly due to modernisation and mechanisation. The outsourcing of production processes and activities to large and small contractors leads to diverse employment conditions which require some standardisation.

    The above conditions increase the need for skilled workers and make the need for supervisors, upskilled and trained in this qualification, important. The industry will have quality management and supervision which will lead to improved productivity, health and safety in the workplace. Risks will reduce as there will be more competent supervisors.

    There are 63000 (2011) employees currently directly employed in forestry of which at least 2% (foreman) and 10% (supervisor) will be directly targeted for enrolling in this qualification over the long term. A learning programme (not accredited) conducted by the industry association in various areas of the country approximately 160 learners enrolled for the course showing interest and a need in similar training.

    Job creation and rural development, and uplifting employees through education and training within the industry are allowing it to become more lucrative for people to remain in rural areas. The International Forestry (UN) congress to be hosted in South Africa and coordinated locally by DAFF, will increase competitiveness internationally and reduce imports. Land in the Eastern Cape has also been identified for new plantations to increase timber production.

    Previously there were only two registered qualifications, at NQF level 1 and 4, creating a skills gap which needs to be bridged. This newly developed qualification will create an opportunity for the learner to progress formally through level 3 to 4. This will enable the learner to be a more balanced employee which can be better employable in the workplace, equipping the learner with soft skills. The position of the supervisor is identified as a scarce skill in the forestry industry. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment: Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.

    RPL for access to the qualification: Accredited providers and approved workplaces may recognise prior learning against the relevant access requirements.

    Entry Requirements:
  • NQF Level 2 qualification with Mathematical Literacy and Communication. 


    This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge and Practical Skill Modules:

    Knowledge Modules:
  • 131103000-KM-01, Supervision for the Forestry Supervisor, Level 3, 3 Credits.
  • 131103000-KM-02, People and performance management, Level 3, 3 Credits.
  • 131103000-KM-03, Forestry production principles, Level 3, 4 Credits.
  • 131103000-KM-04, Forestry standards, machinery and tools, Level 3, 5 Credits.
    Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 15.

    Practical Skill Modules:
  • 131103000-PM-01, Plan the allocation of tasks and resources and assign to individual team members to achieve daily production targets, Level 3, 2 Credits.
  • 131103000-PM-02, Enhance team motivation and performance for achievement of quality and quantity targets, Level 3, 4 Credits.
  • 131103000-PM-03, Maximize utilisation of resources within time limits and work output standards, Level 3, 7 Credits.
  • 131103000-PM-04, Report and communicate daily forestry production and process information to employees and management (foreman), Level 3, 2 Credits.
    Total number of credits for Practical Skill Modules: 15.

    This qualification also requires the following Work Experience Modules:
  • 131103000-WM-01, Daily forestry production activities and processes, Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • 131103000-WM-02, Forestry work team performance and production targets for the plantation, compartment or other forestry worksite, Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • 131103000-WM-03, Adherence to company policies, procedures and legislation in the performing of forestry activities to maintain quality and quantity of the product, Level 3, 14 Credits.
  • 131103000-WM-04, Infield forestry operational information, reporting and communication, Level 3, 7 Credits.
    Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 41. 

    1. Conduct a daily planning activity for a forestry team for a forestry activity.
    2. Conduct an on-site risk assessment of a forestry compartment or location and mitigate risk to establish safe working conditions.
    3. Deliver consistent quality service through monitoring and controlling the activities of the forestry work team against set targets.
    4. Monitor and enhance team performance and achieve maximum productivity in the application of forestry activities.
    5. Conduct a machine and equipment inspection and complete a checklist showing all defects and the general workability of the machine.
    6. Enforce compliance with general accepted forestry standards and company policies through continuous and consistent discipline.
    7. Conduct a disciplinary procedure to address transgression in the Forestry workplace.
    8. Identify environmental sensitive areas in a forestry activity and identify appropriate mitigating actions.
    9. Communicate workplace information to team members and management through recording, reporting, giving instructions and applying social awareness.
    10. Establish and lead a motivated team in a forestry compartment. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • A work instruction is analysed to determine quality and quantity targets for the forestry activity.
  • Resources required for the activity or group of activities are determined according to the quality and quantity targets and forestry processes.
  • Transportation (type of and volume) needed for the activity or group of activities is identified.
  • The logistics of the forestry activity are planned taking into account the location of and distance to the compartment or work site.
  • The forestry activity is planned with all consumables, tools, equipment, machines and manpower required.
  • The delegation and monitoring of responsibilities is planned for a forestry activity.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • The concept of hazard identification and risk assessment is defined and the impact thereof on the workplace is described.
  • Elements of a risk assessment are identified.
  • A toolbox talk on the risk assessment is conducted to inform all team members of the on-site conditions, risks and safety precautions.
  • All safety precautions are identified ensuring compliance with regulations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • The role of production targets in achieving optimum productivity is explained.
  • An assessment of the product quality is exercised taking into account market specifications and timber.
  • The importance of realistic work allocation and realistic production targets are explained in maintaining the motivation and efficiency of the work team.
  • Time management methods are identified as applicable to the Forestry environment.
  • The importance of realistic work allocation and realistic production targets are explained in terms of enhancing team performance and productivity.
  • Methods to increase productivity are listed and the advantages are compared.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • The importance of consistent efficient team performance in achieving optimum production is motivated.
  • The importance of maximum productivity in the application of forestry activities is motivated.
  • Time-study calculations are accurately performed to determine team output.
  • Consumable and machine utilisation and allocation to tasks are explained as it contributes to resource optimisation.
  • Optimum utilisation of resources on site is planned to achieve set forestry targets.
  • The capability of the work team, machines and equipment is determined in relation to the daily output.
  • Realistic tasks allocation is executed in support of the daily forestry production targets.
  • Communication with work team members is established to convey all relevant production information.
  • Short interval monitoring of targets is executed to identify possible problems areas, bottlenecks or system imbalances.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • The reason for maintenance, storage and up-keep of assets and the impact of non-compliance is evaluated.
  • The use and value of equipment and asset checklists as a monitoring tool is explained.
  • The importance of maintenance scheduling and the impact it has on the life of the asset is evaluated and explained.
  • A range of forestry machines and equipment is inspected to determine the condition of the machine.
  • Inspection findings are accurately and legibly recorded on a checklist and information is complete and current.
  • The condition and defects of the forestry machine or equipment are report following the applicable reporting channels.
  • The fit for use condition of the machine or equipment is determined and clear instruction to the operator on action needed is given.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • The importance of performance assessment of the work team is explained and the best method of performance assessment related to a specific situation is identified.
  • Disciplinary processes and methods are explained.
  • The importance of compliance with legislation, general accepted forestry standards, company policies, disciplinary procedures and the impact thereof on the company is explained and motivated.
  • The importance of continuous and consistent discipline in the Forestry environment is motivated.
  • A planned job observation using a prescribed form is conducted according to written safe work procedures and a Planned Job Observation (PJO) template.
  • All findings of the PJO are accurately recorded and communication with the individual.
  • Corrective actions such as suggestions, coaching or retraining are generated and selected based on appropriateness.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Transgression(s) is identified according to the code of conduct and company rules and regulations.
  • A verbal warning is compiled and issued according to the disciplinary procedure of the company.
  • Accurate record of the disciplinary action taken is kept.
  • The importance of accurate and meticulous record keeping such as copies of warnings, notes of counselling sessions is explained and evaluated.
  • A report to management is compiled containing accurate information.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • A map of a potentially high environmental impact activity is interpreted and understood.
  • Special Management Zones (SMZ) are identified on the map.
  • List recommendations for appropriate mitigation actions.
  • The impact of human activities on the environment and preventative measures are defined and described in terms of water conservation, indigenous plants and soil conservation.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • The importance of communication in the workplace is described with examples of good and poor communication and the motivation thereof.
  • Methods of communicating with management, the purpose thereof and the type of information relevant to management are identified.
  • Workplace information on production and targets are analysed and interpreted.
  • A report on quality and quantity achieved is compiled from fictitious raw production data and deviations are identified by comparing the report to the weekly plan. Reasons for these deviations are given and adjustments are suggested.
  • The importance of consistent and frequent record keeping is explained.
  • The importance of the recording of daily resource use is explained.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • The importance of selecting team members according to man-job specifications is justified.
  • Motivation methods to increase team cohesion are analysed.
  • Leadership is defined and the application thereof is identified and explained.
  • Team work is defined and the role in relation to team performance is explained.
  • The role of skills in team performance is explained and methods of identifying skills gaps are described.
  • The role of coaching in team performance is explained and various methods of coaching as relevant to a specific situation are identified.
  • Methods to promote team work are listed.
  • Methods of receiving positive and negative feedback are explained and the role of feedback in team performance is motivated.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated Formative Assessment:
    The skills development provider will use the curriculum to guide them on the stipulated internal assessment criteria and weighting. They will also apply the scope of practical skills and applied knowledge as stipulated by the internal assessment criteria. This formative assessment leads to entrance into the external integrated summative assessment.

    Integrated Summative Assessment:
    An external integrated summative assessment, conducted through the relevant Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Assessment Quality Partner is required for the issuing of this qualification. The external integrated summative assessment will focus on the exit level outcomes and associated assessment criteria. 

    This qualification has been compared with two qualifications, namely the:
  • New Zealand Certificate in Forest Operations (Level 3).
  • Australian Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management.

    Learners who want to achieve the New Zealand Certificate in Forest Operations (Level 3) have to pass a number of New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) unit standards up to a total of 90 compulsory credits. This qualification is to provide learners with a broad background of practical forestry knowledge and skills enabling them to progress into employment or onto higher courses where they can study specific forestry topics.

    After successful completion of this qualification, learners will have the skills and knowledge to be able to:
  • Keep themselves and others safe in any forest operation.
  • Maintain a chainsaw and make basic cuts.
  • Understand the importance of quality in forest operations.
  • Understand factors that affect the wellbeing and performance of forestry employees.
  • Work safely and effectively in forest harvesting operations.
  • Cut logs to length on a skid site to industry standards.
  • Have appropriate literacy and numeracy skills to perform academic and practical tasks at the required level.
  • Understand the issues and processes within the forest industry to the level required of an employee.

    The Australian Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management is to prepare learners for jobs in the forest growing and management sector of the Forest and Forest Products industry and includes a combination of compulsory and elective units. The compulsory units are generic in nature and focus on critical cross field outcomes and generic forestry related aspects such as health, safety and team effectiveness. The elective units focus on typical forestry related aspects such as fire control, breeding and propagation, site establishment and maintenance, grading and testing, tree growing and maintenance, planning and analysis, machinery and equipment. These aspects are specific to specific forestry contexts. The qualification is at level 3.

    The comparison shows that the Occupational Certificate: Production or Operations Supervisor (Forestry Production Supervisor) is unique in the fact that it has a focus on the skills and competence required for the supervisor employed in the Forestry sector and that it is part and parcel of the qualification, where in the case of the Australian qualification, supervisory competence is an elective component. The Occupational Certificate: Production or Operations Supervisor (Forestry Production Supervisor) is not specific to specific forestry contexts, assuming that those specific skills would be acquired at an appropriate level, making the qualification applicable to all forestry contexts, and to be acquired through the Work Experience Modules. 

    This qualification articulates horizontally with:
  • Occupational Certificate: Nursery Person (Nursery Supervisor), Level 3 (ID 93622).

    This qualification articulates vertically with:
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management, Level 4 (ID 57712). 



    Qualifying for External Assessment:
    In order to qualify for an external assessment, learners must provide proof of completion of all required modules including the foundational learning competence.

    Additional Legal or Physical Entry Requirements:
    The following restrictions apply: Colour blindness, Inadequate Vision, Lack of dexterity, Lack of hand/eye/foot co-ordination.

    Criteria for the Accreditation of Providers:
    Accreditation of providers will be done against the criteria as reflected in the relevant curriculum on the QCTO website.
    The curriculum title and code is: Forestry Production Supervisor: 131103000.

    This qualification encompasses the following trades as recorded on the NLRD:
    This is not a trade.

    Part Qualifications


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.