SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Occupational Certificate: Firefighter 
98991  Occupational Certificate: Firefighter 
Development Quality Partner - LG SETA (Services) 
-   OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Occupational Certificate  Field 11 - Services  Cleaning, Domestic, Hiring, Property and Rescue Services 
Undefined  149  Not Applicable  NQF Level 04  Regular-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0425/24  2018-07-01  2025-12-30 
2026-12-30   2029-12-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Firefighter.

A Firefighter performs a variety of tasks, associated with responding to and dealing with fires and emergency situations and participating in fire prevention/safety work and training exercises. The fire fighter ensures station and equipment maintenance to ensure the delivery of effective and efficient emergency services in order to protect life, environment and property.

A qualified learner will be able to:
  • Reduce the loss of life and property through fire risk identification, inspection, education and response readiness.
  • Perform fire ground operations.
  • Perform rescue operations in emergencies.
  • Protect life, environment and property in the event of a hazardous material/dangerous goods incident.

    This qualification addresses a need to have qualified entry level firefighters who can respond to both structural and incidental emergency situations in South Africa. The qualification has been developed in compliance with the South African National Standards, particularly Community Protection against Fire (SANS 10090:2003). This SANS standard, in turn, gives normative references to seven National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards that are registered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The most relevant NFPA standards for this qualification are NFPA 1001 and 472.

    It is an entry-level qualification for persons wishing to start a career in the emergency services, especially fire and rescue services. It is for learners from formal schooling and/or employees who are currently employed as fire fighters or individuals performing fire fighting related activities.

    Learners who successfully complete this qualification will have a range of foundational competencies relating to emergency services, fire fighting, rescue operations, victim care and protection of property and the environment, as well as generic skills in workplace processes.
    This qualification will enable learners to progress in their careers as Fire Inspectors, Rescue Technicians, Hazardous Materials Specialists, Fire Service Instructors and beyond.

    Fire services and other emergency processes have been developed according to different standards and under different bodies, ranging from municipal councils to industry as well as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). This qualification aims to establish common standards at entry level.

    Learners who complete this qualification will be recognised as competent emergency services operators employable within various public as well as in the private sectors and be able to perform under supervision.

    The completion and attainment of this qualification will benefit learners in terms of employment in various public as well as private sectors as they will be in possession of the required skills. The employment of qualified learners by the industry will benefit both the communities and the South African economy at large. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment: Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result or certifying a work experience record.

    RPL for access to the qualification: Accredited providers and approved workplaces may recognise prior learning against the relevant access requirements.

    Entry Requirements:
  • NQF Level 4 with Mathematical Literacy. 


    This qualification is made up of the following compulsory Knowledge and Practical Skill Modules:
    Knowledge Modules:
  • 541101000-KM-01, Fire and Rescue Service Environment, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-02, Fire safety and prevention, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-03, Fire behaviour, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-04, Fires in work places, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-05, Fire ground operations, at NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-06, Fire Ground Support Functions, at NQF Level 4, 6 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-07, Wild land Firefighting, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-08, Compressed Air Respiratory Protection, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-09, Rescue Services, at NQF Level 4, 5 Credits.
  • 541101000-KM-10, Recognise the dangerous goods incident, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
    Total number of Credits for Knowledge Modules: 47.

    Practical Skill Modules:
  • 541101000-PM-01, Conform to the Fire and Rescue Service environment, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-02, Perform Fire Safety and Prevention activities, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-03, Confine and/or extinguish small scale fires in work places, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-04, Perform fire ground operations, at NQF Level 4, Credits 8.
  • 541101000-PM-05, Perform fire ground support functions, at NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-06, Control and extinguish Wild land fires, at NQF Level 4, 5 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-07, Use compressed air Respiratory Protection, at NQF Level 4, 4 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-08, Perform rescue and extrication, at NQF Level 4, 8 Credits.
  • 541101000-PM-09, Recognise the dangerous goods incident, at NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.
    Total number of Credits for Practical Skill Modules: 46.

    This qualification also requires the following Work Experience Modules:
  • 541101000-WM-01, Fire prevention processes, at NQF Level 4, 9 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-02, Fire controlling and extinguishing processes in work place, at NQF Level 4, 2 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-03, Fire Controlling and extinguishing processes, at NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-04, Support processes, at NQF Level 4, 12 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-05, Wild land fire controlling and extinguishing processes, at NQF Level 4, 6 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-06, Rescue operations processes, NQF Level 4, 9 Credits.
  • 541101000-WM-07, Life, property and environment protection processes, at NQF Level 4, 6 Credits.
    Total number of Credits for Work Experience Modules: 56. 

    1. Conduct basic pre-incident surveys, basic fire safety surveys at low risk occupancies and present fire safety information.
    2. Perform fire ground operations in a safe manner to control and extinguish fires as a member of a team.
    3. Perform fire ground support operations in a safe manner.
    4. Perform wild land-fire fighting activities as a member of a team in a safe manner.
    5. Perform rescue and extrication activities and assist with special rescue incidents.
    6. Perform functions during a dangerous goods incident through the identification of dangerous goods and the implementation of appropriate actions in a safe manner. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Fire safety surveys are conducted, reports are submitted with recommendations and the principles of fire safety surveys are described.
  • Fire life safety information awareness sessions are presented and reported and the principles of fire and life safety presentations are explained.
  • Pre-incident surveys are conducted and survey reports submitted and the principles of pre-incident surveys are explained.
  • Principles of building construction and building legislation as they relate to firefighting and fire safety are described.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Fire fighter health and safety principles during ground fire fighting operations are explained.
  • The setting up of water supplyduring ground fire fighting operations is demonstrated and explained.
  • The use of fire hose, application of fire streams and performing fire control operationsduring ground fire fighting operations is demonstrated and explained.
  • The inspection, maintenance and operation of fire service equipment for ground fire fighting operations is described.
  • Safety precautionary measures during ground fire fighting operations are explained and demonstrated in order to prevent injuries.
  • The role of a firefighterduring ground fire fighting operations is explained and demonstrated in terms the incident command system and communication.
  • The Fire and rescue service environment is described.
  • The principles and fundamentals of respiratory protection and equipment for ground fire fighting operations are explained.
  • Procedures for the donning and doffing of breathing apparatus are described and demonstrated.
  • Principles of the use, inspection and care of a self- contained breathing apparatus for ground fire fighting operations and identification of its main components are explained and demonstrated.
  • The use of a portable fire extinguisher for the confinement and/ or extinguishing of a small scale fire are demonstrated; and fire behaviour, workplace fires, classification of fires, portable fire extinguishers and hose reels are explained.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Safety precautionary measures as a support firefighter are explained and demonstrated in order to prevent injuries.
  • The role of a firefighter is explained and demonstrated in terms the incident command system and communication.
  • Fire and rescue service environment in relationto a support firefighter is described.
  • The principles and fundamentals of respiratory protection and equipment for a support firefighter are explained.
  • Procedures for the donning and doffing of breathing apparatus are described and demonstrated.
  • Principles of the use, inspection and care of a self-contained breathing apparatus and identification of its main components are explained and demonstrated.
  • The use of a portable fire extinguisher for the confinement and/or extinguishing of a small scale fire is demonstrated; and fire behaviour, workplace fires, classification of fires, portable fire extinguishers and hose reels are explained.
  • The use, care and inspection of ground ladders are explained and demonstrated.
  • The use, care and inspection of forcible entry tools are explained and demonstrated and forcible entry techniques are applied.
  • The use, care and inspection of ventilation equipment are explained and demonstrated and ventilation techniques are applied.
  • Loss control is explained and demonstrated.
  • Principles of emergency scene illumination and the control of building utilities are explained.
  • Evidence protection; and fire causes and origins are described and demonstrated.
  • Types and operation of fire detectors, alarms and automatic sprinklers are identified, described and the operation of automatic sprinkler systems on the fire ground is demonstrated.
  • Fundamentals of utility ropes and knots are explained and the use and configuration of knots for utility use are demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Safety precautionary measures as a wild land-firefighter are explained and demonstrated in order to prevent injuries.
  • The role of a awild land-firefighter is explained and demonstrated in terms the incident command system and communication.
  • Fire and rescue service environment in terms of a wild land-firefighter is described.
  • The use of a portable fire extinguisher for the confinement and/or extinguishing of a small scale fire is demonstrated; and fire behaviour, workplace fires, classification of fires, portable fire extinguishers and hose reels are explained.
  • Wild land-fire behaviour, fire suppression methods, water supply and extinguishing agents and the concept of the wild land urban interface is described and the ability to assemble and prepare for response, construction of a fire line, securing of the fire line and mopping up the fire area are demonstrated.
  • Firefighting tools and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for wild land-firefighting is described and the inspection and maintenance of wild land - fire PPE, cutting, scraping and smothering tools and backpack pumps are demonstrated.
  • Firefighting safety and survival during wild land-fires and relevant wild land fire legislation are described.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Safety precautionary measures during rescue and extrication activities are explained and demonstrated in order to prevent injuries.
  • The role of a rescuer is explained and demonstrated in terms the incident command system and communication.
  • Fire and rescue service environment in relation to rescue and extrication activities is described.
  • Principles of conducting victim search and rescue operations are explained and demonstrated.
  • Principles of performing vehicle extrication are explained and demonstrated.
  • Principles of rescuing victims using ropes are explained and demonstrated.
  • Principles of assisting rescue teams involved in special rescue incidents are explained.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Safety precautionary measures at a dangerous goods incident are explained and demonstrated in order to prevent injuries.
  • The role of a responder at a dangerous goods incident is explained and demonstrated in terms the incident command system and communication.
  • Fire and rescue service environment in relation to a dangerous goods incident is described.
  • The principles and fundamentals of respiratory protection and equipment at a dangerous goods incident are explained.
  • Procedures for the donning and doffing of breathing apparatus are described and demonstrated.
  • Principles of the use, inspection and care of a self-contained breathing apparatus and identification of its main components are explained and demonstrated.
  • Principles and fundamentals of the identification or recognition of dangerous goods, their identification and the implementation of appropriate actions are explained and demonstrated.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated formative assessment:
    The skills development provider will use the curriculum to guide them on the stipulated internal assessment criteria and weighting. They will also apply the scope of practical skills and applied knowledge as stipulated by the internal assessment criteria. This formative assessment leads to entrance into the integrated external summative assessment.

    Integrated summative assessment:
    External assessment will be conducted at accredited assessment centres by registered assessors. Assessment will be conducted through written assessments aimed at testing learners' knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles related to firefighting and practical demonstrations of the required skills necessary for firefighting. Due to the high risk nature of the occupation, assessment of the workplace experience for Integrated Assessment Focus Areas 2 through to 6 will rely heavily on controlled simulations. Collectively assessments in terms of knowledge and practical skills should be conducted within 10 working days.

    To be declared competent against the full qualification, candidates are required to do an integrated assessment on all the six Integrated Assessment Focus Areas to assess competency against the entire qualification. 

    The United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom are the leaders in the field of fire-fighting and in the development of qualifications thereof. Thus this qualification has been developed in accordance with the standards advocated by these two countries

    This qualification has been developed to comply with the South African National Standards, particularly `Community Protection against Fire` (SANS 10090:2003). This SANS standard, in turn, is referenced according to the seven National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards that are registered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) is an international organisation that accredits over 100 Fire Service Providers internationally basing its accreditation on NFPA standards.

    This qualification has been compared against four NFPA certificates which deal with entry-level fire-fighter requirements, namely:
  • Fire fighter 1.
  • Fire fighter 2.
  • Dangerous goods awareness.
  • Dangerous goods operations.

    However, the development of this qualification has also taken into account the need to integrate some additional exit level outcomes into this qualification that apply specifically to Fire and Rescue Services in South Africa. The main difference is that the embedded knowledge has been adapted to reflect the South African conditions, relating to the typical construction of buildings in this country.

    Comparability with UK standards:
    Also the standards adopted by the UK have also been considered during the development of this qualification. Here most of the basic skills training are usually conducted internally by each Fire Brigade, and the formal training is usually provided and assessed by formal education institutions. Thus a comparable qualification - BTEC in Emergency Fire Services in the Community, which is offered by Edexel, an accredited examining and awarding body, was used.

    The BTEC in Emergency Fire Services in the Community is at the UK NQF Level 3, which has a similar cognitive demand to the South African NQF level 4 qualifications. The six modules in the BTEC in Emergency Fire Services in the Community are similar to this qualification'smodules. They are as follows:
  • Community Safety Awareness.
  • Personal and organisational development for Fire-fighters.
  • Hazards and risks in operational incidents.
  • Fire operations.
  • Incidents involving buildings, structures and aircraft.
  • Supporting the effectiveness of an operational response.

    From the comparability study conducted it was found that the Occupational Certificate: Firefighter compares favourably with the standards advocated by the USA and the UK for fire-fighters' qualifications. 

  • Horizontally the qualification may articulate to Further Education and Training Certificate: Fire and Rescue Operations, Level 4 (ID 57803).
  • This qualification articulates vertically to: National Certificate: Emergency Services Supervision: Fire and Rescue Operations, Level 5 (ID 64390). 



    Qualifying for external assessment:
    In order to qualify for the external summative assessment, learners must have a copy of a completed and signed Portfolio of Evidence inclusive of proof of successful completion of the four phased assessments including the Foundational Learning Competence.

    Learners must also have a copy of acurrent first aid level 3 certificate.

    Additional legal or physical entry requirements:
  • Learners must be 18 years or older and must be physically and mentally fit.

    Criteria for the accreditation of providers:
  • Accreditation of providers will be done against the criteria as reflected in the relevant curriculum on the QCTO website.

    The curriculum title and code is: 541101000: Firefighter

    This qualification encompasses the following trades as recorded on the NLRD:
  • This is not a trade qualification.

    Part Qualifications. 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.