SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Health Sciences in Biokinetics 
97936  Bachelor of Health Sciences in Biokinetics 
North West University 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree(Min 480)  Field 09 - Health Sciences and Social Services  Rehabilitative Health/Services 
Undefined  572  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered-data under construction  EXCO 0324/24  2024-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2034-06-30  

Registered-data under construction

The qualification content is currently being updated for the qualifications with the status “Registered-data under construction” or showing “DETAILS UNDER CONSTRUCTION” to ensure compliance with SAQA’S Policy and Criteria for the registration of qualifications and part-qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) (As amended, 2022). These qualifications are re-registered until 30 June 2027 and can legitimately be offered by the institutions to which they are registered.


In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

The purpose of this qualification in Biokinetics is to provide learners with a sound scientific knowledge base in the field of Human Physiology, Anatomy, Kinesiology and Human Movement Science as well as practical skills and appropriate attitudes and values to enhance health, optimise wellbeing and performance, and prevent the progression of certain ailments of individuals and communities.

The main focus of this qualification is to provide professional training in respect of scientifically based prescriptive exercise in the following four domains of practice:
  • Knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to the structure and function of the human body systems.
  • Knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to the psycho-socio aspects of health, function and human performance.
  • Knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to biomechanics.
  • Knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to exercise physiology and clinical exercise physiology for rehabilitation.
  • Planing and implementing effective and efficient therapeutic and recreation programmes.
  • Specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to human motor behaviour.
  • Applying relevant and appropriate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to the prevention and rehabilitation of musculo-skeletal injuries.
  • Applying specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to health promotion, health education and health related aspects of exercise and physical activity.
  • Applying relevant knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes in conducting scientifically sound/based measurement and evaluation in biokinetics contexts.
  • Managing a private or public biokinetics practice or health care facility effectively and efficiently.

    Since 1984, Biokinetics as an area of specialisation within the Human Movement Science has been registered by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). It became imperative that due to the level and demand of professional training and the requirements set by the professional bodies in South Africa, that a professional four-year Degree be available for prospective biokinetists. This four-year professional Degree in Biokinetics was designed for the professional sector in which Biokineticists function (part of the paramedical discipline and Board of Physiotherapy and Podiatry) with a view to producing trained professionals who will be able to provide communities and individuals with guidance and practical skills in the different modes of exercise and/or physical activity to improve health, performance, motor ability and general well-being.

    The growing need in our country for optimisation of physical performances in the workplace, on the sports field, for preventive medicine for sports injuries, hypokinetic diseases, other related ailments and the appropriate and effective rehabilitation of such ailments and injuries, resulted in the development of this qualification whereby all these factors were taken into consideration in the planning of the qualification. The scientific knowledge needed at this professional level requires that learners be theoretically grounded and trained with the necessary skills. This qualification also complies with national and international best practice standards. The offering of the new Degree will be handled with careful cognisance of the supply and demand of the profession as to ensure sustainability of quality and employment opportunities for the learner.

    It should be noted that upon successful completion of the qualification the learner will be able to register with the HPCSA, Board of Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Biokinetics. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The 4-year professional Degree in Biokinetics was developed in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy of the institution. RPL for this qualification will adhere to and be applied in accordance with the institution's policy as well as the accepted procedures for RPL laid down by the Council on Higher Education (CHE).

    RPL can be used to:
  • Grant admission to learners who do not meet the minimum admission requirements.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entrance requirements for this qualification are:
  • Senior Certificate (SC) with endorsement.
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) passed with Bachelors' Degree admission.
  • National Certificate Vocational (NCV) passed with Bachelor's Degree admission. 


    The qualification consists of compulsory modules at NQF Levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 and elective modules at NQF Levels 6 and 7, totalling 572.

    Learners are to complete all the compulsory modules as well as a selection of elective modules totalling 64 credits, giving a total of 572 credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 5:
  • Introduction to Academic Literacy, 12 Credits.
  • Physical Activity Epidemiology, 12 Credits.
  • Health Promotion and Wellness, 12 Credits.
  • Generic Coaching Science, 12 Credits.
  • Functional Anatomy, 12 Credits.
  • Motor Learning and Control, 12 Credits.
  • Sports Vision, Development and Talent Identification, 12 Credits.
  • Applied Anatomy, 12 Credits.
  • Exercise and Sport Psychology I, 12 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 6:
  • Sports Management and Organisation, 16 Credits.
  • Know and Understand the world of Health, 12 Credits.
  • Sports Injuries, 16 Credits.
  • Exercise and Sport Psychology II, 16 Credits.
  • Exercise Physiology II, 16 Credits.
  • Kinanthropometry, 8 Credits.
  • Biomechanics, 8 Credits.
  • Orthopaedics I, 16 Credits.
  • Exercise Physiology III, 16 Credits.
  • Sport and Exercise Science Practice, 16 Credits.

    Elective Modules at NQF Level 6:
  • Coaching Science I (Athletics, Netball, Swimming, Tennis), 8 Credits.
  • Coaching Science II (Cricket, Gimnastics, Hockey, Rugby), 8 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 7:
  • Orthopaedics II, 16 Credits.
  • Exercise Physiology IV, 16 Credits.
  • Health Care Ethics and Management, 16 Credits.
  • Clinical Exercise Physiology, 16 Credits.
  • Applied Biokinetics, 24 Credits.
  • Therapeutic Recreation, 16 Credits.
  • Applied Biomechanics, 8 Credits.
  • Professional Internship, 32 Credits.
  • Applied Biokinetics Practice, 32 Credits.
  • Biokinetics Practice and Community Service, 32 Credits.
  • Applied Laboratory Practice and Professional Development, 16 Credits.
  • Research Methods and Script in Human Movement Science, 24 Credits.

    Elective Modules at NQF Level 7:
  • Applied Exercise Science Practice or Applied Paediatric Exercise Science, 24 Credits.
  • Laboratory Practice I for Sport Science or Paediatric Exercise Science I, 8 Credits.
  • Laboratory Practice II for Sport Science or Paediatric Exercise Science II, 16 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to the structure and function of the human body systems.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to the psycho-socio aspects of health, function and human performance.
    3. Demonstrate adequate knowledge understanding, skills and attitudes related to biomechanics.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to exercise physiology and clinical exercise physiology for rehabilitation.
    5. Demonstrate adequate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to exercise science.
    6. Plan and implement effective and efficient therapeutic and recreation programmes.
    7. Demonstrate specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to human motor behaviour.
    8. Apply relevant and appropriate knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to the prevention and rehabilitation of musculo-skeletal injuries.
    9. Apply specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to health promotion, health education and health related aspects of exercise and physical activity.
    10. Apply specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes related to health promotion, health education and health related aspects of exercise and physical activity. Apply relevant knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes in conducting scientifically sound/based measurement and evaluation in biokinetics contexts.
    11. Apply relevant knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to management of chronic diseases and disabilities.
    12. Apply relevant knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to biokinetics related research.
    13. Manage a private or public biokinetics practice or health care facility effectively and efficiently. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • The macroscopic and microscopic structure of each body system is described.
  • The normal function of each of the body's systems is explained.
  • The mechanisms responsible for homeostasis of the human body system is understood and integrated.

    Associate Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Foundational theories with regard to psychology and sociology in biokinetics contexts are analysed, interpreted and applied.
  • The effect of the human psyche on health behaviour, health promotion (wellness), human functioning and performance is reflected on.
  • Appropriate motivational and interviewing skills in health care contexts are applied.
  • Effects of negative psycho-social factors on the individual and environment are recognised.
  • The psycho-social stratification impact within the South African community in health care contexts is explained.
  • The phases of grief after a catastrophic life event are analysed and interpreted.
  • An individual is informed and educated on the meaning of pain and practical coping strategies are suggested or prescribed.
  • Understanding of the effects of distress on human physiology, health and behaviour to health care contexts are applied.
  • The purpose of different relaxation techniques and coping strategies to individuals experiencing stress are explained.
  • Appropriate motivational knowledge, skills and attitudes to cultural diversity in a Biokinetics practice is applied.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Theories in physics as they apply to human motion and exercise are analysed, integrated and applied.
  • Relevant knowledge and understanding of dynamic, muscle function, movement biomechanics, integrative functioning of the neuromuscular and musculo-skeletal systems in exercise and physical activity programmes are analysed and integrated.
  • Different movement skills to identify possible dysfunctions of biomechanical analyses are performed.
  • Kinetics and kinematic variables associated with posture, movement, injuries and general health are assessed.
  • Bio-mechanically principled exercises or activities for specific population groups for the improvement, adaption or modification of exercises and activities are planned and implemented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Understanding of the effects of different types of exercise on the cardiovascular, pulmonary, neuromuscular, metabolic and endocrine systems to real and simulated cases is applied.
  • Understanding of the interrelationship between responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise is demonstrated.
  • Understanding of the influences of internal and external factors and the use of ergogenic aids and supplements on exercise and physical activity are demonstrated.
  • Understanding of the differences in exercise capacity between genders and the different age groups is applied.
  • Laboratory tests and experiments in the field of human exercise physiology are planned, conducted and interpreted.
  • Appropriate exercise interventions to enhance exercise capacity are designed.
  • Understanding of nutrition and biochemistry as it relates to exercise physiology is demonstrated.
  • Understanding of common pathological conditions such as diabetes mellitus and the effects of such conditions on exercise capacity is demonstrated.
  • Understanding of clinical exercise physiology, nutrition, exercise metabolism and human performance to the effective and efficient implementation of health promotion, injury prevention and rehabilitation programmes are integrated and applied.
  • Physical abilities of people to perform their required jobs or tasks are assessed.
  • Applicable exercise programmes that would enable a person to perform a certain job or task are designed and prescribed.
  • A person's level of disability to perform his/her daily tasks is assessed.
  • Rehabilitation programmes to restore a person's function after suffering an injury or contracting a disease are designed.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Understanding of the different components of fitness is analysed and integrated.
  • Relevant knowledge and understanding of appropriate training principles to injury prevention and optimal performance within different environments and for different populations, i.e. women, pregnant women, children, men, elderly, asthmatics, etc is applied.
  • Good working knowledge of different forms of physical activity, exercise and sport in health care and health promotion contexts is demonstrated.
  • Understanding of psychological factors that may impact on physical activity and exercise science is applied.
  • Physical assessments for different individuals and groups are planned, executed and interpreted.
  • Appropriate and scientifically sound physical activities, physical fitness and exercise programmes for individuals and groups are designed.
  • Appropriate and scientifically founded physical activity/exercise training programmes for different groups/populations are implemented.
  • Biokinetics technology in professional and scientific manner when implementing activities and programmes is used.
  • Individuals and groups in a variety of biokinetics contexts displaying patience, compassion and empathy are effectively communicated with.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Understanding of recreation as a therapeutic intervention tool for different populations is applied.
  • The pathology and psychology of people with disabilities and of those who suffer from long term conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes is analysed, integrated and applied.
  • A variety of different evaluation protocols for different individuals and groups in therapeutic and recreational contexts are planned, implemented and interpreted.
  • Appropriate and scientifically based therapeutic recreation programmes for different groups/populations are implemented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Relevant knowledge and understanding of fundamental motor development and perceptual-motor development theories and concepts to a variety of contexts is applied.
  • Knowledge and understanding of human growth, development, maturation and aging to a variety of biokinetics contexts are applied.
  • Understanding of the structure and function of the central nervous system as it relates to human functioning in biokinetics context is demonstrated.
  • Understanding of normal and abnormal human movement patterns in relation to neuro-muscular functioning to real and simulated cases for rehabilitation of motor behaviour are applied.
  • Understanding of the interrelationship between physical activity, fitness, functional constraints and perceptual motor development and neurological aspects of motor control over the lifespan to rehabilitation of human motor behaviour are applied.
  • Appropriate and effective rehabilitation and intervention programmes for individuals with functional constraints over the lifespan are designed and implemented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Understanding of common musculo-skeletal injuries and conditions, including, among others their incidence, symptoms, possible causes (aetiology) and treatment is demonstrated.
  • Comprehensive medical and injury histories of a variety of patients are conducted.
  • Observation, palpation and specialised manual evaluation techniques in assessing an individual's injury are applied.
  • Advanced exercise testing equipment and techniques to assess individuals with different injuries are utilised.
  • Possible signs and symptoms indicating emergency medical attention, further investigation or referral of the patient are recognised.
  • The findings of each evaluation/assessment are interpreted and communicated effectively to the patient while displaying empathy, patience and understanding in interactions with the patient.
  • Evidence based individualised rehabilitation exercise programmes are designed, demonstrated and implemented.
  • Understanding of a multi-disciplinary approach in rehabilitation is demonstrated.
  • Criteria for successful discharge of a rehabilitated patient within the criteria for returning to optimal functioning are applied.
  • Injury prevention strategies for different individual and groups are proposed, prescribed and implemented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Knowledge and understanding of health and disease patterns (epidemiology) as a result of inactivity as observed in different parts of the world over the last few decades is demonstrated.
  • Factors impacting on health and disease in different populations and their causes are explained.
  • International and national trends in relation to health promotion, such as Millennium Development Goals and/or HIV Pandemic are analysed and interpreted.
  • Understanding of the benefits of regular exercise and physical activity on health to health promotion contexts is applied.
  • Components of health and wellness and apply such a distinction to health promotion contexts are distinguished.
  • Understanding of the different medical models and the Wellness Continuum by means of relevant real-life and simulated examples are illustrated.
  • Understanding of the causes of common diseases of lifestyle; risk factors related to diseases of lifestyle; signs, symptoms, incidence and causes of chronic diseases of lifestyle to real-life and simulated cases is applied.
  • Lifestyle interventions as well as the management of the antecedence, adherence, and compliance of exercise and related behaviour thereof are implemented.
  • Specialised knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes in screening for a variety of diseases and conditions are applied.
  • The ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups regarding health related information is demonstrated.
  • Appropriate exercise programme prescription strategies for a wide variety of clients/patients in promoting the health and wellness of the individual, companies and the community are implemented.
  • Design and implement behavioural change strategies used in health promotion and wellness are designed and implemented.
  • Education programmes awareness and screening to promote health and wellness in the community is designed and implemented.
  • Appropriate knowledge, skills and values related to the role of mentoring and coaching in health promotion and wellness are applied.
  • Wellness programmes in a variety of community contexts are planned, implemented and managed.
  • Exercise testing and programme prescriptions for special populations (children, adolescents, young adults, adults, pregnancy, disabled and the elderly) as it relates to physical ability for health and performance are implemented and managed.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Understanding of different research methodologies in biokinetics contexts is applied.
  • Scientific approaches to measurement and evaluation in biokinetics contexts are applied.
  • Statistical procedures for analysing results and findings in biokinetics contexts are applied.
  • Variety of physical health and exercise physiological assessments, such as measuring body composition and flexibility are designed, planned, executed and interpreted.
  • Feedback report and communicate the findings and recommendations to clients with empathy, patience and understanding of their contexts is compiled.
  • Progress and make appropriate adjustments to exercise programmes are assessed.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:
  • Understanding of the interrelationship between the incidence, aetiology and patho-physiology of various chronic diseases and disabilities in managing them is applied.
  • Knowledge and understanding of applicable clinical sciences to the pathology of disease and disabilities is applied.
  • Individually based risk stratification are planned, implemented and performed.
  • Effective and efficient techniques to assess the conditions of chronic disease or disability and comment on the findings and their implications for managing the relevant conditions by means of appropriate exercise interventions are planned and implemented.
  • Special investigation methods and understanding their clinical usefulness in chronic disease & disability management contexts are applied.
  • Effective and efficient exercise intervention programmes for various chronic diseases and disabilities are planned and implemented.
  • The inter-disciplinary approach and the use of referrals in the management of chronic diseases and disabilities is understood and applied.
  • Pharmacology in the application of exercise and physical activity as intervention modality for chronic diseases and disabilities is understood and applied.
  • Relevant legal and ethical requirements related to the management of chronic diseases and disabilities are understood and applied.
  • Proficiency of first aid principles (Level 2), emergency oxygen use and basic life support (AED & CPR) are demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:
  • Understanding of and apply a broad and systematic knowledge-base of health and human movement science related research as well as associated research methods is demonstrated.
  • Critical concepts of relevant theories, research methods and techniques to identify and resolve complex real-life problems are applied.
  • Research skills to react to complex and real life problems and challenges using appropriate information and systematic data-analysis techniques are applied.
  • Research methods, techniques, analysis and technology in an ethical and responsible way are applied.
  • Research findings to professional colleagues as well as to the general public and communities with compassion and sensitivity are communicated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:
  • Relevant knowledge and understanding of the scope of practice and ethical rules concerning biokinetics is applied.
  • Different economic models as used in other countries to contexts in South Africa are adapted and applied.. Management functions and competencies in private and public biokinetics practice/health care facility contexts are applied.
  • Entrepreneurial skills in establishing and managing a biokinetics practice are applied.
  • Health policy, health systems and structures, capacity building and interdisciplinary healthcare as required in South African legislation are managed and implemented.
  • Specialised theoretical and practical knowledge, understanding and values for the implementation of Biokinetics acts to enhance health, wellness and optimal performance in the community are demonstrated.
  • Communication in a professional way is conducted with relevant stakeholders, individuals, companies, etc by applying effective communication skills and techniques.
  • Systematic knowledge-base and implementation skills of health related ethical and legal aspects within the profession of Biokinetics are demonstrated.
  • Human resources and supervise programmes, individuals, teams and subordinates within the value system of the profession are managed.
  • Relevant materials, equipment and assets according to generally accepted financial management principles and practices are maintained and managed.
  • Implement public health policies, relevant legislative obligations, general practices according to human rights principles and the constitution are implemented.
  • Practice/facility with due consideration for and in collaboration/conjunction with policy makers is managed.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The modules of this qualification are interrelated and the knowledge and skill components will be mastered in all modules to complete the practical components of the qualification with success. Thus, integrated assessment is a necessity.

    As required by the level descriptors and assessment criteria for tertiary level qualifications, the acquired body of knowledge obtained during the first three years of study in this Degree, will be integrated and applied during the fourth year of study. The integration and application will be in the form of:
  • Extensive laboratory, clinic and field work practice.
  • Handling of clients and patients (under qualified supervision).
  • Research (own mini-dissertation) and involvement with community-based research projects. 

    The four-year Biokinetics professional qualification is compared with other well known international qualifications with the same basic minimum requirements of course work and practical work.

    (Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training) at Boston University: College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Sargent College (USA):
    'The will prepare learners for a variety of entry-level positions in athletic training. In addition to academic studies and clinical training in the sciences and health-related disciplines, it includes course work that will help develop the ability to think critically, solve problems, and communicate effectively.

    Graduates will be eligible to take the Board of Certification examination to become a certified athlete trainer. In addition, as preparation to become a health care professional, the learner will be exposed and trained to receive the clinical experiences which are incorporated into the Degree qualification.

    Bachelor of Kinesiology (General) at the University of Calgary (Canada):
    Learners will be exposed to:
  • Various activities and movement patterns and will study the fundamental factors that influence the activities people choose and the way people move.
  • An introduction to research in kinesiology will enable the learner to understand the research process, including basic statistical knowledge, and its relationship to critical thinking.
  • They will also learn the practical application of concepts through direct involvement in individual and group projects.
  • A socio-cultural foundation for kinesiology that examines the historical relationship between physical culture (emphasis on sport) and medical sciences (antiquity to the twentieth century).
  • An examination of current methodologies in the study of cultural meanings of sport, leisure, and physical education.

    Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) at University of Sydney (Australia):
    The Bachelor of Applied provides learners with both academic and professional training in a specialised area of health care. The qualification may be undertaken in the areas of diagnostic radiography, exercise and sport science, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or speech pathology.

    The Bachelor of Applied Science qualification incorporates extensive clinical and professional fieldwork opportunities, providing hands-on experience with real clients in a supervised environment. This allows the learner to combine the academic components of the course with the practical abilities required of your chosen profession.

    The results of the comparability studies conducted reveal that this qualification compares well with the international qualifications in Biokinetics in Sports Science and Human Movement Psychology. 

    This qualification does not articulate with any other qualification offered by the University of the North West. The qualification offers systemic articulation opportunities with qualifications offered by other institutions, provided the student meets the minimum admission requirements. They are;

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Human Movement Science and Biokinetics, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Biokinetics, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Human Movement Science Honours in Biokinetics, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in Biokinetics, Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Human Movement Science, Level 9.
  • Master of Sports Science in Biokinetics, Level 9.
    . Master of Philosophy in Biokinetics, Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. North West University 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.