SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching 
96365  Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching 
North West University 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  527  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered-data under construction  EXCO 0324/24  2024-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

Registered-data under construction

The qualification content is currently being updated for the qualifications with the status “Registered-data under construction” or showing “DETAILS UNDER CONSTRUCTION” to ensure compliance with SAQA’S Policy and Criteria for the registration of qualifications and part-qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) (As amended, 2022). These qualifications are re-registered until 30 June 2027 and can legitimately be offered by the institutions to which they are registered.


In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

The purpose of the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (BEd [FP Teaching]) is to prepare beginner teachers to teach from Grade R to Grade 3. In order to ensure a well-rounded education for beginner teachers, the Foundation Phase qualification is developed around a conceptual framework that focuses on social change and leadership through a professional and disciplinary knowledge base, practical learning and service learning. Twelve critical components guide the conceptual framework: Social Change, Leadership, Practical Learning (e.g., Work-Integrated learning, Virtual Learning Experiences, etc.), Service Learning, Professional (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge) and Disciplinary Knowledge Bases (Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills), Reflective and Analytic Thought, Collaboration, Communication, Professional Dispositions, Professional Learning, Diversity and Technological proficiency, specifically Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. These twelve critical components will enable the beginner Foundation Phase teachers to comply with the minimum competences and collective roles of beginner teachers as specified in the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications policy. The qualification also grants beginner teachers the opportunity to progress to an Advanced Diploma in Education, or vertically, qualifies them for admission into a cognate Bachelor of Education Honours Degree or a cognate Postgraduate Diploma in Education.

The Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase aims to develop learners who are committed to leveraging knowledge to address the challenges in their community, profession and the world around them. The qualification envisions a distinctively different 21st century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its learners to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good. This qualification views Foundation Phase teaching as a profession of practice and service learning that prepares learners to become expert practitioners who know how to use the knowledge of their profession and disciplines to advance children's learning and how to build their professional knowledge through practice. The pedagogy of service learning complements the practical learning focus as teachers not only work with children, but also interact with families, other practitioners and community agencies. In a framework focusing on a professional and disciplinary knowledge base, practical learning and service learning, the learners are able to elaborate their knowledge of issues of diversity, social change and community needs by applying their skills and values in a real-world serving diverse families and children. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
The institution accepts the principle underlying outcomes-based, source-based and lifelong learning, in which consideration of articulation and mobility plays a meaningful role. The University endorses the view that Recognition of Prior Learning, gained either through formal qualifications or informally (through experience), is an essential element when deciding on admission to and granting of credits for a specifically chosen teaching learning qualification at the University.

The University acknowledges that the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) must be conducted in a valid, reliable and equitable way and that it must form part of the existing policy on the admission and credit accommodation to prospective or current students at this institution. An applicant's prior learning is evaluated in accordance with the relevant procedure, and the applicant is found either competent or not yet competent.

Recognition of Prior Learning deals with proven knowledge and learning an applicant has gained, either by undergoing formal training qualifications or through experience. At all times the question will be what level of skill, reviewed in the context of the exit level skills are required for the envisaged teaching learning programme, or modules within it, or status for which the applicant applies, and not only the experience an applicant has record of. Recognition of Prior Learning is thus done on the grounds of applied competences that the applicant has demonstrated, considering the Exit Level Outcomes to be reached with the chosen teaching learning qualification in this case the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (BEd (FP teaching)). If the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this qualification the appropriate credits will be assigned to the learner. For the BEd (FP teaching), the final responsibility lies with the School Director (program owner), who is supported by the program leader when it comes to the application of the policy.

Entry Requirements:
To be able to gain access to the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase applicants should be in possession of a:
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) with admission for Degree purposes.
  • Senior Certificate (NSC) with admission for Degree purposes.
  • National Vocational Certificate (NCV) at NQF Level 4. 


    This qualification comprises of compulsory modules at NQF Levels 5, 6 and 7, totalling 527 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 5, 84 Credits:
  • Curriculum Development for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Educational Media and Technology, 8 Credits.
  • Academic Literacy, 12 Credits.
  • Language of Conversational Competence, 8 Credits.
  • First Language 1A, 12 Credits.
  • Mathematics 1A, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 1A, 8 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language 2A, 8 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 6, 191 Credits:
  • Professional Studies: Introduction, 8 Credits.
  • Historical and Political context of Education, 8 Credits.
  • First Language 1B, 12 Credits.
  • Mathematics 1B, 12 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 1B, 8 Credits.
  • Professional Studies: Teaching and learning theories, 8 Credits.
  • Educational Psychology: Introduction, 8 Credits.
  • Educational Psychology: Human Development, 8 Credits.
  • First Language 2A, 12 Credits.
  • First Language 2B, 12 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language 2B, 8 Credits.
  • Mathematics 2B, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills 2A, 8 Credits.
  • Life Skills 2B, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 2A, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 2B, 8 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language 3A, 8 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language 3B, 8 Credits.
  • Mathematics 3A, 8 Credits.
  • Mathematics 3B, 8 Credits.
  • Life Skills 3B, 8 Credits.
  • LOLT, 3 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 7, 240 Credits:
  • Multi-grade and learning support, 12 Credits.
  • Education in context 2B, 12 Credits.
  • Aspects of Professional Studies, 8 Credits.
  • Educational Law, 8 Credits.
  • Education in context 3A, 12 Credits.
  • Educational Psychology: Learning support, 8 Credits.
  • Environmental management for sustainability, 8 Credits.
  • Critical thinking and social justice, 8 Credits.
  • First Language 3A, 12 Credits.
  • First Language 3B, 12 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 3A, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 3B, 8 Credits.
  • Educational Management, 8 Credits.
  • Professional Studies: Assessment, 8 Credits.
  • Research in Education, 8 Credits.
  • Educational systems, 8 Credits.
  • Research Proposal, 8 Credits.
  • First Language 4A, 12 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language 4A, 8 Credits.
  • English First additional Language 4B, 8 Credits.
  • Mathematics 4A, 12 Credits.
  • Mathematics 4B, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills 4A, 8 Credits.
  • Life Skills 4B, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 4A, 8 Credits.
  • Work-integrated Learning 4B, 8 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at NQF Level 8, 12 Credits:
  • First Language 4B, 12 Credits. 

    1. An integrated, critical engagement with the professional knowledge base (i.e., learner development and learning, diverse learners, motivation and learning environments, making content meaningful, application of content, assessment of learning, instructional planning, instructional strategies, professional development and ethical practice, leadership and collaboration) as well as the disciplinary knowledge base (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc. for language).
    2. Use the integrated knowledge of their profession in ways that help children learn by developing, studying and reflecting on their own practice, the practice of their mentors, and more experienced teachers and using what they know to improve their own performance in schools and classrooms.
    3. Work collaboratively with a community to identify and address authentic community needs, and engage in systematic reflection in order to accomplish academic goals, enhance their personal and professional formation, and develop social responsibility.
    4. Leadership to build a shared vision for effective teaching and learning that positively impacts all stakeholders within a given educational community.
    5. Create and apply ideas, strategies and action to promote the development of individuals, communities, school as well as society as a whole.
    6. A reflective and analytic stance towards their own professional practice as a basis for ongoing monitoring and refinement of those practices.
    7. Professional verbal, nonverbal and written communication practices in a variety of professional and interpersonal contexts.
    8. Professional dispositions, values and reflective attitudes that prepare them to contemplate their own teaching practice in systematic ways and for the responsibility of continuing their professional learning once they have entered the classroom.
    9. Shows an understanding of pedagogical praxis that is inclusive and values diversity, and prepares learners for living in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
    10. Align technologies with content and pedagogy and develop the ability to creatively use technologies to meet specific learning needs. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • The integrated conceptual and theoretical knowledge related to domain-specific content (e.g., language, mathematics and life skills) is critically described, discussed, analysed and evaluated through a variety of oral and written individual and/or group forms of assessment as applicable to the different subject content (such as class discussions, assignments, debates, education scenarios, portfolios, tests, exams, etc).
  • The professional and disciplinary knowledge bases to help diverse learners understand core concepts and their applications are applied.
  • Innovative learning methods are utilised that integrates the use of supportive technologies, inquiry- and problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills.
  • Culturally relevant content is integrated to build on learners' background knowledge.
  • Common misconceptions in learning the discipline are identified and how to guide learners to accurate conceptual understanding is shown.
  • Assessment data is analysed to understand patterns and gaps in learning, to guide planning and instruction, and meaningful feedback to learners, colleagues and parents is provided.
  • A range of developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate instructional strategies to achieve learning goals is applied.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit level Outcome 2:
  • Authentic lesson transcripts or case studies is analysed and critically reflected upon by observing video footage of specific lessons.
  • The professional and disciplinary knowledge base during lesson planning, classroom simulations such as micro lessons as well as during work integrated practical sessions, feedback discussions and professional growth portfolios is integrated, applied and reflected upon.
  • Evidence-based instructional strategies, resources, and technological tools are implemented and how to use them effectively to plan instruction that meets diverse learning needs is demonstrated.
  • Learners' individual experiences, abilities, talents, prior learning, and peer and social group interactions, as well as language, culture, family and community values are integrated into developmentally appropriate disciplinary teaching and learning.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Connections between academic concepts, theories, models, processes, on the one hand, and their experiences with the community and in their lives more broadly on the other are identified and described.
  • Approaches taken (their own or those of other people/groups) toward meeting collective objectives as well as awareness of a personal characteristic are identified and described.
  • Curricular content in the context of these experiences is applied.
  • Alternative solutions to a community problem are generated.
  • The appropriateness of the approaches taken and the steps necessary to make improvements in order to better achieve the outcomes is analysed.
  • Their role (or that of other people/groups) as an agent of systemic change is evaluated.
  • Positive social change through the process of producing a capstone project is shown.
  • Research literature related to the capstone project in an academically and ethically appropriate manner is collected, analysed, integrated, synthesised and evaluated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Ownership in planning, implementing and evaluating service learning experiences with mentor guidance is taken.
  • Interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal are used.
  • Inspiration of others to reach their very best via example and selflessness is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Self-reflection to evaluate and ensure professional growth as advocates and leaders who promote positive social change in the field of early childhood is applied.
  • Evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs are analysed and evaluated.
  • Connections between information and arguments are synthesised and made.
  • Learning experiences and processes are critically reflected upon.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Possible cause-and-effect relationships are identified, plans to respond are developed, tasks are prioritised in order of importance, and responses are carefully monitored.
  • Complex choices and decisions are made and defended.
  • Information is framed, analysed and synthesised in order to solve problems and provide solutions.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Speaking skills to articulate and present information related to school issues, community issues and research is effectively used.
  • Writing skills to complete academic assignments and providing feedback to parents is used.
  • Listening effectively during conversations and interactions with learners, and other relevant stakeholders to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions is demonstrated.
  • Arguing effectively for a particular alternative or idea is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • The effect of their choices and actions on others (learners, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) is evaluated and seeking out opportunities to grow professionally is demonstrated.
  • Professionalism, responsibility and reflection are modelled.
  • Conducting themselves as professionals according to the legal and ethical standards of the teaching profession is shown.
  • Believe that inquiry and reflection are lifelong learning activities necessary to the improvement of practice is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Acting in ways that honour multiple perspectives and affirming the dignity and respect of all individuals internal and external to the learning environment is demonstrated.
  • Learners are treated equitably, the individual differences are recognized that distinguish one learner from another and their practice based on observation and knowledge of their learners' interests, abilities, skills, knowledge, family circumstances, and peer relationships is adjusted.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Learning environments that integrate various technology tools and applications are designed and developed, technology usage is connected to content areas, and technology is embedded into assessment strategies.
  • Digital technologies, communication/networking tools and social networks are used appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and is a continuous formative process, utilising a variety of methods to accommodate the uniqueness of real life practice, and ensure that the envisioned exit level and critical cross-field outcomes are achieved.

    The integrated assessment strategy ensures that the theoretical and practical components of the qualification are concurrently assessed in a manner that is open, transparent, valid and reliable and that ensures that no student is disadvantaged.

    Formative assessment will include:
    Formative assessment will include, among others, a personal growth portfolio for practice and field experience. The lecturer utilises development feedback from informal and formal formative assessment opportunities during contact sessions to improve teaching and learning.
    Formative assessment methods:
  • Class activities and discussions.
  • Questions and answers.
  • Hypothetical case studies.
  • Work place assessment.
  • Role play, presentations, peer group assessments.
  • Oral and written assignments.
  • Tests.

    Summative assessment will include:
  • Projects.
  • Portfolios.
  • Theoretical oral or written examination.

    Summative assessments in all modules are regulated by the institution's General Academic Rules. These assessments will incorporate the assessment of the mastered knowledge and professional skills of the entire fundamental and core learning outcomes in comprehensive assessment opportunities.

    In the assessment of Work-integrated Learning an integrated approach is utilised. Learners have the opportunity in the workplace to plan and present lessons and reflect on lessons that are offered by others. Also Learners will have the opportunity to work with learners individually, in small groups as well as with entire classes and to plan, develop, implement, analyse and interpret a range of integrated knowledge and skills. 

    This qualification could only be compared to Early Childhood Development qualifications offered internationally as the naming of this qualification is contextually-based.
    The Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Early Childhood (BEd(Tchg)EC) is a qualification offered by the Victoria University in New Zealand.

    Learners who successfully complete the qualification will:
  • Be responsible for managing and monitoring children's learning and development.
  • Know the curriculum you teach and how to develop skills and knowledge in this area.
  • Think effectively about their practice and learn from experience.
  • Have a knowledge of the context of early childhood education in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

    The Bachelor of Education Early Childhood Studies is also offered at Middlesex University in the United Kingdom. This qualification will enhance knowledge, skills and understanding of early childhood studies and will blend theory with practice by offering a placement in an early years setting.

    Course Content:
    Year 1 (All modules are compulsory):
  • An Introduction to Early Childhood Studies and Child Development, 30 Credits.
  • Education Policy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, 30 Credits.
  • Professional Studies, 30 Credits.
  • Psychological Approaches to Learning, 30 Credits.

    Year 2:
  • Comparative Education and Related Issues, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Curriculum Studies Foundation Stage Key Stage 1, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Education and Equality, 30 Credits, Compulsory.
  • Special Needs, Disability and Inclusion, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Working and Researching in Organisations, 30 Credits, Compulsory.

    Year 3:
  • Children's Literature, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Children's Rights: Law, Policy and Practice, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Leadership, Management and Multidisciplinary Roles in Early years Settings, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Proposition module, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • The Child in Context, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • The Social and Emotional Aspects of Teaching and Learning, 30 Credits, Optional.
  • Working and Researching in Organisations 2, 30 Credits, Optional.

    Drawing a comparison between the qualifications offered at the Victoria University and this qualification one denotes the similarity in terms of the outcomes of the qualification. However, there are differences between the two universities in terms of the number of credits and the modules.
    The qualification offered at the Middlesex University differs considerably in terms of the structure and the content to the qualification offered at the University of Pretoria. However, the application of the pedagogical skills remains the same between both universities.

    However, both the internationally offered qualifications as well as the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching focus on the same premises, the competencies and the ability to apply the content knowledge and pedagogical skills in teaching. 

    This specialised qualification will provide the successful student with an opportunity to articulate vertically to a cognate Bachelor of Education Honours Degree (NQF Level 8), and/or to the cognate Postgraduate Diploma in Education (NQF Level 8). These NQF Level 8 qualifications ensure access to further postgraduate studies (Master's and Doctoral studies) in cognate study areas. Learners can also articulate horizontally to the Advanced Diploma in Education (NQF Level 7). 



    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2015. 



    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. North West University 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.