Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Key biblical themes and the importance of biblical interpretation are outlined.
Basic exegesis and application of biblical texts are performed, demonstrating sensitivity to social diversity, divergent opinions and differing styles of expressing faith.
Theological themes central to Christianity are outlined and applied in familiar contexts.
A theological understanding of Christian proclamation are outlined showing how it is relevant for today.
Theological and biblical knowledge is applied within the practice of Christian proclamation.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
The moral characteristics and the moral formation for Christian preachers and teachers are outlined.
Models for moral and character formation are applied.
Models of Christian ethical decision making is applied to case studies germane to Christian proclamation.
The relationship between pastoral care and organisational order and discipline within Christian organisations is discussed.
The morally responsible use of influence, power and authority is outlined.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Principles and elements of communication are explained.
Communication models and technologies are applied to Christian proclamation.
Hindrances to effective communication is identified and work-around strategies developed to improve communication.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
The constituent elements of a sermon are outlined and explained.
Models for the construction of a sermon are outlined and explained.
Practical requirements for the delivery of a sermon are identified and planned.
Development of sermons specifically suited to a variety of contexts such as funerals, weddings etc. are applied.
Ability to critique preaching and teaching of others and self through observation or case studies is demonstrated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
Theories of teaching and learning are discussed.
Participant-centred outcomes based teaching material is developed.
The sermon series, short course, workshop or small group curriculum shows sequence and continuity of ideas or theme are conducted.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
Theories of generation differentiation are explained and applied to case studies.
Similarities and differences between traditional, modern and postmodern worldviews are discussed and used to analyse the philosophical and cultural context in which preaching or teaching will take place.
Social analysis of a congregation or small community is completed.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
Biblical and moral characteristics of Christian preachers and teachers are identified.
Models of ethical decision-making relevant to a person who seeks to influence others through preaching and teaching are outlined and applied.
A model of self-care to process the psycho-social stresses of preaching and teaching are outlined.
The role of mentors and spiritual directors are outlined.
A strategy for personal growth is outlined and applied.
Integrated Assessment:
The assessments consist of both formative and summative assessments.
Formative Assessment:
A number of formative tasks are included within the course material for learners to develop and assess their own understanding of the section just completed. These tasks are not submitted for marking.
In the qualification a set of self -assessment questions covering the breadth of the course material are included for the learner to answer. Learners then evaluate their own understanding by comparing their answers to the answers provided at the back of the assignment booklet. Learners may contact their markers if they are uncertain at this point.
The first assignment for all qualifications serves as a formative assessment in as much as learners who fail to demonstrate sufficient overall competence for the assignment are requested to resubmit failed tasks. Markers provide feedback within the script and on a detailed feedback sheet for every assignment.
Summative Assessment:
When a learner passes the first assignment, that result will be recorded as summative.
Even though the structural form of all assignments is clearly to assist the learner in forming their knowledge, all assessments after the first assignment are deemed to be summative. Numeric marks are entered on the learner's academic record for every subsequent assessment.
Due to the nature of some qualifications, learners may be required to conduct workshops, or to preach a sermon or lead a worship service, and provide a portfolio of evidence of having done so. Learners may be required to carry out a practice for a set period of time, and then submit their records of having done so.
Examinations are used in a minority of qualifications, but are used in order to provide checks on assignment marks in a few selected courses. In the case of examinations also, feedback sheets are provided where learners fall short of competence, so as to enable them to improve their performance subsequently. |