The BA (Hons) learner in Teaching French as a Foreign Language is competent to:
Articulate his or her understanding of literature on foreign-language didactics and pedagogy at a high level of abstraction.
Independently apply discipline-based knowledge and practices to an understanding of conceptual and practical problems.
Design and conduct research utilising the methods of the discipline.
Apply the theory and research methods of the discipline to the development of research questions.
Produce practical, theoretical and research communications that draw on a range of information bases.
Bring a critical understanding to bear on the social, political, economic and historical forces which shaped foreign-language teaching and learning strategies in modern society and their evolution.
Make rational choices as a citizen, being able to decode and assess the rhetorical and cultural devices through which assorted discourses mould consciousness.
Specific Outcomes, including professional outcomes, contextually demonstrated:
The BA (Hons) learner in Teaching French as a Foreign Language is competent to:
Formulate a sophisticated pedagogical argument drawing on appropriate theory and research in the area of the didactics and pedagogy of foreign-language teaching and of teaching French as a foreign language.
Produce critiques of theory and research of didactics and pedagogy of French as a Foreign Language.
Evaluate the quality of research on didactics and pedagogy of French as a Foreign Language.
Design a research project to answer questions pertaining to the didactics and pedagogy of French as a Foreign Language.
Utilise advanced methods to address research questions in the area of the didactics and pedagogy of teaching French as a foreign language.
Analyse the situational learning context, identify learner needs, and determine course outcomes.
Design a curriculum and select course content to respond to learners' specific needs and in accordance with institutional and financial constraints.
Select and create pedagogical activities, material and learner supports in accordance with course outcomes.
Analyse critically methods of assessment and design formative and summative assessment and feedback modalities in accordance with leaner needs and course outcomes.
Teach French as a foreign language to adult learners, using a variety of pedagogical supports, including multi-media and new technologies, in accordance with learner needs and institutional imperatives.
Use computer-based bibliographical packages to conduct advanced analyses.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Research Methods:
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Formulate research questions.
Read critically and explain published educational research.
Engage with methodological and ethical issues.
Use methods and techniques applied in educational research.
Landmarks in Modern Linguistic Thought:
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Analyse critically concepts of language as formulated by key 20th and 21st century linguists, psychologists and philosophers.
Analyse approaches and attitudes to language through critical appraisal of landmark texts.
Engage with ethical issues affecting language usage.
Teaching Observation:
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Identify and analyse the didactics underpinning observed pedagogical activities.
Appraise critically observed pedagogical activities.
Debate collegially.
Interact successfully with a mentor.
Engage in partner- and group-work.
Formulate an independent meta-linguistic reflexion, with specific reference to multilingualism within South Africa, regional and pan-African cooperation. Initiation to Additional Language Proficiency.
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Understand at an elementary level speech and written texts in an additional language, to which they have had no previous exposure.
Engage in basic oral and written communication in the additional language.
Reflect critically on formation in the additional language.
Reflect critically on the communicative situation for language use in context.
Learning and Cognition:
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Explain theories of learning and cognitive change.
Identify and explain the theoretical issues underlying learning in current society.
Explain theories of learning and development and strategies involved with learning how to learn.
Explain scaffolding in the context of models for teaching and learning.
Identify and follow a line of argument.
Examine practical applications of learning theories.
Use theory to construct understandings of cognitive change.
Research Project:
Upon completion of the research project, learners will be competent to:
Source and use critically published research and educational material in Teaching French as a Foreign Language.
Perceive the links between theoretical concepts in foreign-language teaching and their practical application.
Identify, justify and analyse the theoretical concepts underpinning a pedagogical activity of their own invention.
Design a pedagogical activity in accordance with learner needs and the situational learning context.
Analyse critically the implementation of that pedagogical activity.
Follow courses in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language at Master's level.
Teaching Practice:
Upon completion of this course, learners will be competent to:
Identify learner needs, course objectives, course outcomes, institutional constraints and imperatives.
Engage in curriculum design for Teaching French as a Foreign Language, in accordance with learner needs, course objectives and outcomes, institutional constraints and imperatives.
Select and design course content for Teaching French as a Foreign Language, in accordance with learner needs, course objectives and outcomes, institutional constraints and imperatives.
Teach French as a Foreign Language, with specific reference to adult learners, including the use of multimedia and the latest technological developments.
Identify assessment criteria in accordance with learner needs, course objectives and outcomes.
Select, design and implement formative and summative assessment methods for learners, in accordance with learner needs, course objectives and outcomes.
Implement formative and summative self-assessment procedures. |