SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Business Management 
58003  Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Business Management 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Marketing 
Undefined  360  Level 6  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 1141/23  2021-07-01  2024-06-30 
2025-06-30   2030-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


Marketing is an essential component of today's business environment. A qualification in Marketing and Business Management prepares the successful learner to enter a wide range of careers, including Marketing Manager, Media Planner, Advertising Consultant, Sales Representative, Marketing Consultant and Marketing Research Manager. The curriculum of Damelin's Marketing and Business Management Programme aims to equip qualifying learners with the knowledge and practical skills required to perform effectively in a Marketing and Business Management role as well as with an appropriate knowledge base as preparation for further learning.


Organisations nowadays are confronted by global challenges, our markets are characterised by hyper competition, disruptive technologies are challenging every business and therefore organisations need to adapt to the empowered consumer. Marketing and Business Management are therefore core components in today's business environment. A qualification in Marketing and Business Management will prepare successful learners with the necessary skills and competencies which will enable them to make a valuable contribution to their working environment and the business world in general. This programme integrates a theoretical dimension underpinning the main concepts and principles of Marketing and Business Management with a practical component, based on case studies and real- life based assignments.

The curriculum of Damelin's Marketing and Business Management Programme aims to equip qualifying learners with the knowledge and practical skills required to recognise and exploit business opportunities as well as with an appropriate knowledge base as preparation for further learning.

For the duration of the qualification, learners are taught and will learn the following:
  • Develop an understanding of all functional areas of the business, with special emphasis on the role of marketing within the business environment.
  • The ability to identify, analyse and critically reflect on marketing and business related problems.
  • Acquire basic business & managerial skills such as planning, communication, negotiation, handling conflict and working in teams.
  • Developing a range of qualities, which are imperative in the work environment such as responsibility, discipline and self-confidence.
  • The ability to apply what has been learnt to real life work situations.

    Further, the Programme contributes to regional and national goals in a variety of ways, including:
  • Broadening access to and success in higher education through flexible entry and fixed exit standards and through the inclusion of academic support components.
  • Inclusion of certain generic competencies.
  • Encouragement of social responsibility.
  • Ensuring that students will be employable on graduation, but at the same time will have the knowledge base to continue being lifelong learners in a learning society. 

    The minimum level of learning required for a learner to enter and complete successfully the Damelin Marketing and Business Management Programme is a level equivalent to that required for successful completion of the South African Grade 12 Examination.

    Further, given that the language of instruction is English, a learner entering the programme must be competent in the use of English.

    Recognition of prior learning:

    The policy guiding recognition of prior learning takes into account formal, informal and non-formal learning and relevant experience. Recognition is only applicable in corresponding NQF-Level, and in terms of content and outcomes of the qualification. The compilation of the portfolio and the assessment thereof enables learners to be placed accordingly within the programme structure of Damelin.

    Prior learning is recognised in the following ways:
  • A student, who has completed a specific module/subject at Damelin, may apply for credit for that module/subject.
  • A student, who has completed the equivalent of a specific module/subject either at Damelin or at another recognised higher education institution, may apply for exemption from that module/subject.
  • In the case of a practically orientated module/subject, a student who is able to demonstrate appropriate competence may be granted exemption from that module/subject.

    Recognition of prior learning does not enable the learner to obtain the whole qualification, but makes it possible for multiple entry level in a particular programme integrating both the past experience, formal training and new developments in the curriculum offered at the institution.

    Access to the qualification:

    Entrance Requirements:
  • A Matriculation (Grade 12) certificate, or equivalent qualification is the minimum requirement for admission to the B.Com in Marketing and Business Management.
  • In order to determine the curriculum for which a learner may register, the Damelin Points System applies.
  • Foreign learners whose first language is not English may be required to provide proof of proficiency in English prior to admission into the programme.


    Symbol A:
  • 8 Points on Higher Grade
  • 6 Points on Standard Grade

    Symbol B:
  • 7 Points on Higher Grade
  • 5 Points on Standard Grade

    Symbol C:
  • 6 Points on Higher Grade
  • 4 Points on Standard Grade

    Symbol D:
  • 5 Points on Higher Grade
  • 3 Points on Standard Grade

    Symbol E:
  • 4 Points on Higher Grade
  • 2 Points on Standard Grade

    Symbol F:
  • 3 Points on Higher Grade
  • 1 Point on Standard Grade
  • Learners who achieve 24 points or more may be admitted to the degree programme with no restrictions.
  • A learner who achieves between 13 and 23 points may be admitted to the Certificate in Marketing and Business Management.
  • A learner who successfully fulfills all the requirements for the Certificate Programme and who achieves the required academic standard, may apply for admission to the Degree Programme.
  • Mature age applicants and applicants with non-South African school-leaving qualifications or previous tertiary education experience, will be considered individually by the Dean of Studies. 


    Level, credits and learning components assigned to the qualification

    B.Com in Marketing and Business Management: Level 6; 415 credits (248 of the credits at NQF 6).

    The credit value of the programme was determined as follows:

    The credit value of individual modules and thus of the programme was calculated using both quantitative and qualitative criteria.
    Quantitative: The number of credits per module was calculated using the NQF credit system where one credit represents ten notional hours of active learning.
    Qualitative: Each module was allocated a weighting, based on the level of complexity of the learning outcomes to be attained.

    The credit value of each module was then calculated by applying the individual module weighting to the total number of credits for the programme.

    It should be noted that the basic component of the calculation of the credit value of the programme is the actual number of hours (both contact hours and self-study hours) estimated for each module included in the programme.

    Therefore, while the total number of credits given for the learning programme and its related qualifications may seem high, we have taken into account the flexibility in this regard reflected in the draft New Academic Policy for Programmes and Qualifications in Higher Education and have given what we believe is an accurate reflection of the programme's requirements.
  • Fundamental: 140 Credits at Level 6
  • Core: 217 Credits
  • Electives: 58 Credits 

    On completion of Damelin's B.Com in Marketing and Business Management programme, the qualifying learner should be able to demonstrate the following:

    1. Advanced knowledge and practical skills required to perform effectively in a Marketing and Business Management role.
    2. An appropriate knowledge base as preparation for further learning.
    3. A sound knowledge of the integrated nature of business and the importance of an holistic approach to business management.
    4. An understanding of the nature, role and significance of management activities as undertaken by managers in a range of organisations.
    5. An understanding of strategic management principles and processes involved in strategic management and the formulation of strategic plans.
    6. An ability to examine management concepts and frameworks through the analysis of complex, multifaceted business problems encountered by managers within organisations.
    7. An understanding of the importance of effective financial management of different kinds of business environments.
    8. An understanding of the importance of effective individual and corporate behaviours and cultures in management and organisational development.
    9. A sound knowledge of the techniques that might be applied to market planning and control to produce superior performance in both a national and international business context.
    10. An understanding and application of research methodologies used in marketing research.
    11. An ability to critically analyse product and promotion's management strategies.
    12. Demonstrate a critical knowledge of how to integrate all the international marketing mix decisions into international marketing strategies. 

  • Apply business-specific tools of research, analysis, decision making and evaluation to a wide range of scenarios and problems.
  • Use skills of critical evaluation, apply such business-specific tools to devise, substantiate arguments contributing to decision making in contexts with various degrees of uncertainty.
  • Use and practice business-specific and marketing- specific communication techniques.
  • Develop competences in planning, control and integration of business-related activities.
  • Reflect on experiences leading to personal and professional development.
  • Contribute to independent strategic thought and practical solutions to the development of marketing activities.
  • Identify, compare and evaluate different methodologies for collecting information.
  • Discuss global marketing management with specific reference to planning and organising global marketing strategies.

    Generic Competencies

    On successful completion of the B.Com in Marketing and Business Management, the successful learner should be able to demonstrate the following:
  • The ability to work as a member of a team.
  • The ability to practice effective self management.
  • The ability to collect, analyse and present information.
  • A knowledge of the use of technology.
  • The ability to use technology and other methods for communication purposes.
  • The ability to identify and suggest possible solutions to a problem.
  • The ability to organize work requirements so as to meet set deadlines.

    Integrated assessment

    Damelin practices an integrated system of assessment, in terms of which students are assessed on an ongoing basis. Both formative and summative methods of assessment are used.

    Summative Assessment includes:
  • Class tests

    Most modules require learners to write two theoretical tests. These tests count towards the final mark. Learners are required to refer to the course outlines which will specify the dates of their tests as well as the contribution of the tests towards the final mark. If a class test is missed because of illness, a doctor's note must be presented within 48 hours of the missed test.
  • Assignments

    Most modules require learners to complete one assignment which will contribute towards the final mark. Assignments are usually based on theoretical concepts completed in class. Learners are required to refer to the course outlines for details of how and when assignments are to be presented. Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date. Five per cent will be deducted for every day that the assignment is late. Assignments that are more than a week late will not be marked but students will still retain their "due performance" (DP). A medical certificate must accompany late submissions.
  • Examination

    There will be one examination for each module. A three hour exam is usually written for each module

    Example of how marks are calculated:

    40% for tests and assignment/s + 60% for the examination = 100%.

    How to qualify for the examination

    Learners need to obtain the required DP to qualify for the examination. For DP purposes learners are required to attend lectures to the satisfaction of the lecturer, writing all class tests, completing all assignments, and obtaining a minimum of 40% average as a semester mark (semester mark = test/s + assignment/s).

    Formative Assessments

    "Continual formative assessment is conducted so that learners are given feedback on their progress in the achievement of specific learning outcomes. The purpose of formative assessment is to improve the learning of individual learners, and to improve the lecture or course material and where relevant the lecturing".

    Formative assessment tasks can be one of the following:
  • Multiple choice tests
  • Short questions test
  • Discussion questions
  • Take home tests with long questions

    The feedback loop to learners on assessment findings is in place. Upon return of the test scripts and assignments learners are provided with general comments in a group, and individual- specific comments are made on their papers with invitations to follow up with lecturers where necessary in order to provide further support. 

    This qualification compares with a similar one offered by Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom, and the duration for both degrees is three years.

    Similar Modules

    Damelin Degree:
  • Intro to Financial Accounting
  • Marketing Research
  • Business Ethics
  • Promotion and Productions Mgmt
  • International Marketing
  • Business Law
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Advertising & Sales Promotion
  • Marketing I

    Oxford Brookes Degree:
  • Foundations of Acc & Finance
  • Marketing Research
  • Ethics in Business
  • Retail Marketing & Store Design
  • Global Marketing Mgmt
  • Law for Business
  • Services Marketing
  • Advertising & Public Relations
  • Introduction to Marketing

    The following modules are incorporated at both institutions in the manner outlined below:

    Business Mgmt IA & IB:
  • Critical thinking in Business

    Business Mgmt IIA & IIB:
  • Key Business Competencies

    Business Mgmt IIIA & IIIB:
  • Developing Mgmt Capabilities
  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurial Business Planning
  • Entrepreneurial Business Ventures
  • Business Synoptic
  • Managing Business Operations

    Outcomes for the OBU Degree
  • Recognize the integrated nature of business and the importance of an holistic approach to business management.
  • Understand the current and the projected context, nature, role and significance of management activities as undertaken by managers in a range of organizations.
  • Examine and appraise management concepts and frameworks through analysis of complex, multifaceted business problems encountered by managers within organizations.
  • Recognize the importance of effective financial management in business.
  • Demonstrate strategic awareness and analyze and evaluate options open to organizations involved in the process of formulating business strategies.
  • Understand the importance of effective individual and corporate behaviours and cultures in management and organizational development.
  • Demonstrate awareness of, and subsequently use the available range of analytical models and techniques that are applied in market planning and control to produce superior performance in both national and international business contexts.

    Learners will have acquired the ability to:
  • Apply business-specific tools of research, analysis, decision making and evaluation to a wide range of scenarios and problems.
  • Use skills of critical evaluation, apply such business-specific tools to devise, substantiate arguments contributing to decision making in contexts with various degrees of uncertainty.
  • Use and practice business-specific communication techniques.
  • Develop competencies in planning, control and integration of business related activities.
  • Reflect on experiences leading to personal and professional development.
  • Contribute to independent strategic thought and practical solutions to the development of marketing activities. 

    This qualification makes it possible, for purposes of gaining access, to receive credit for modules passed in related undergraduate certificates and diplomas on NQF-level 4 or 5 at Damelin.

    Learners who wish to transfer to another institution of higher learning, and have completed at least half of the required course load may enter this qualification mid-stream at another institution of higher learning. This practice is applicable to learners transferring from another institution; comparable courses will be approved by the Dean of Studies upon recommendation of the relevant Head of Department.

    Thus qualification creates possibilities for further studies in higher education towards B.Com Honours and Advanced Postgraduate Diplomas. 

    Level 1 & 2 final examinations, supplementary examinations and memorandums will be sent for internal moderation.

    Level 3 final examinations, supplementary examinations and memorandums will be sent for external moderation. Moderators will be subject matter experts sourced from public Universities and/or Technicons.

    After the marking process has been completed, the Dean of Studies and HOD's will compile sample packs for moderation. These moderation sample packs will either consist of 6 scripts (where the number of scripts is below 30) or 20% (where the number of scripts is 30 or more).

    All internal and external moderators must complete a Damelin moderator's report. 

    All internal and external assessors (moderators and examiners) will be required to have specialized academic knowledge and suitable experience in the marketing and business profession. They will be nominated by the respective subject heads and approved by the Dean of Studies. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2009; 2012; 2015. 

    This qualification replaces qualification 21199, ' Bachelor of Commerce: Marketing and Business Management ', Level 6, 360 credits. 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Damelin 
    2. Damelin - Randburg 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.