SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Occupational Certificate: Sales Representative 
121792  National Occupational Certificate: Sales Representative 
Development Quality Partner - W&RSETA 
-   OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Occupational Cert  Field 11 - Services  Wholesale and Retail 
Undefined  155  Not Applicable  NQF Level 04  Regular-ELOAC 
Registered  EXCO 1121/24  2024-01-30  2029-01-30 
2030-01-30   2033-01-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to function as a Sales Representative.

A competent learner shall demonstrate among others the following attributes: honesty, integrity, punctuality, self-motivated, responsibility, accountability, interpersonal relations, customer service orientated, ethical behaviour, well organised, self-confidence and confidentiality.

A qualified learner will be able to:
  • Manage customer relationships within the scope of a Sales Representative in the wholesale and retail industry.
  • Market, promote and sell products of represented brands to improve sales.
  • Implement product-positioning strategies within the competitive environment.

    The survival of businesses in the wholesale and retail sector is dependent on sales volumes. This requires a very strong relationship and close link between the manufacturers, suppliers and the retail businesses that eventually sell goods to consumers. The role of the Sales Representatives creates this close link and serves to build and maintain the required strong relationships without which the targeted sales volumes will not be realised.

    The strategic nature of this occupation requires that Sales Representatives be thoroughly capacitated, not only in their sales abilities to achieve high sales volumes, but also in marketing and promotion skills to increase awareness of businesses that they represent together with their products and services.

    This qualification will offer training aimed at developing well-rounded Sales Representatives who have been adequately capacitated to effectively fulfil this function thereby making a significant contribution towards the growth of the retail sector through the high sales volumes that they achieve.

    This qualification is aimed at learners who may be new entrants and wish to pursue a career, as Sales Representatives, and those who are currently employed and wish to advance their careers, as Sales Representatives.

    Currently, there is no registered occupational certificate for learners who wish to practice as Sales Representatives, within the retail sector. The National Certificate: Pharmaceutical Sales Representation is a unit standard based qualification, and has thus reached its end date. Two other sales related occupational certificates are for the Sales Advisors and not Sales Representatives. These sales advisors are typically based in-store and assist walk-in consumers, whereas the Sales Representatives typically represent a brand to wholesale or retail outlet or individual business.

    Learners who successfully complete this qualification can advance their careers, into sales management positions including but not limited to Sales Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager, Sales Executive, in any sector.

    Qualified learners will benefit from this qualification by applying sales processes, with confidence, at the same time projecting a professional and ethical behaviour, when representing and selling their businesses' products and services. The qualification will increase confidence among customers within the various communities and sectors that are served by these qualified Sales Representatives, thus, increased customers' loyalty and commitment, to the brand. There will be a bigger pool of qualified and competent Sales Representatives that will be available to industry players in the sector. The economy will benefit from this qualification through the high sales volumes that will be achieved by learners who have been capacitated with the skills set covered by this qualification.

    There is no professional body that regulates this profession. Therefore, registration with a professional body is not a requirement. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    RPL for Access
    Learners will gain access to the qualification through RPL for Access as provided for in the QCTO RPL Policy. RPL for access is conducted by accredited education institution, skills development provider or workplace accredited to offer that specific qualification/part qualification.

    RPL for Credits
    Learners who have acquired competencies of the modules of a qualification or part qualification will be credited for modules through RPL.

    RPL for access to the external integrated summative assessment
    Accredited providers and approved workplaces must apply the internal assessment criteria specified in the related curriculum document to establish and confirm prior learning. Accredited providers and workplaces must confirm prior learning by issuing a statement of result.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
    An NQF Level 3 qualification or at least three (3) years of work experience in sales within the Wholesale and Retail Industry. 


    This qualification is made up of compulsory Knowledge, Practical Skill and Work Experience Modules:

    Knowledge Modules
  • 332203-000-00-KM-01: Customer Relationship Management, NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • 332203-000-00-KM-02: Marketing, Promotions and Sales, NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • 332203-000-00-KM-03: Competitors and Positioning Strategies, NQF Level 4, 5 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Knowledge Modules: 25

    Practical Skill Modules
  • 332203-000-00-PM-01: Manage Customer Relationships within the Scope of a Sales Representative in the Wholesale and Retail Industry; NQF Level 4; Credits 15
  • 332203-000-00-PM-02: Market, Promote and Sell Products, NQF Level 4, 20 Credits.
  • 332203-000-00-PM-03: Implement Product-Positioning Strategies within the Competitive Environment; NQF Level 4, 10 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Practical Skill Modules: 45

    Work Experience Modules
  • 332203-000-00-WM-01: Management of Customer Relationships within the Scope of a Sales Representative in the Wholesale and Retail Industry, NQF Level 4, 30 Credits.
  • 332203-000-00-WM-02: Marketing, Promoting and Selling Products, NQF Level 4, 30 Credits.
  • 332203-000-00-WM-03: Implementation of Product Positioning Strategies within the Competitive Environment, NQF Level 4, 25 Credits.

    Total number of credits for Work Experience Modules: 85 

    1. Manage customer relationships within the scope of a Sales Representative in the wholesale and retail industry.
    2. Market, promote and sell products of represented brand to improve sales.
    3. Apply product-positioning strategies within the competitive environment. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
    ELO 1: Manage customer relationships within the scope of a Sales Representative in the wholesale and retail industry.
  • Identify potential customers and establish contact.
  • Investigate and analyse information about customer's needs or queries.
  • Respond the queries are responded to and propose solutions to meet the customer's needs.
  • Identify areas of opportunities to expand business offerings with customers.
  • Identify customer queries that require escalation.
  • Make recommendations on escalated queries towards a solution.
  • Identify poor customer service in accordance with the given case scenarios.
  • Identify the impact of poor customer service on the brand service from the given case scenario.
  • Recommend appropriate improvements to customer service for a given scenario.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
    ELO 2: Market, promote and sell products of represented brand to improve sales.
  • Perform preparations for a marketing campaign and selling activities.
  • Identify and apply the relevant marketing tool(s) in relation to the sales function.
  • Explain and apply the various types of promotions.
  • Explain the application of the promotional mix in terms of its impact on sales.
  • Analyse merchandising activities in terms of their impact on sales.
  • Identify, explain and apply key aspects of a successful sales presentation.
  • Describe and engage the customers and responses to queries in terms of its impact on sales.
  • Identify, explain and apply different ways of closing the sale.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
    ELO 3: Apply product-positioning strategies within the competitive environment.> Explain and identify the target market.
  • Identify and explain factors impacting the competitive environment.
  • Analyse the impact of the product life cycle, availability of stock and product mix on sales.
  • Explain and monitor the brand performance.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated Formative Assessment
    The Skills Development Providers will use the curriculum to guide them on the stipulated internal assessment criteria and weighting. They will also apply the scope of practical skills and applied knowledge as stipulated by the internal assessment criteria. This formative assessment leads to entrance into the integrated External Summative Assessment.

    Integrated Summative Assessment
    An External Integrated Summative Assessment, conducted through the relevant QCTO Assessment Quality Partner is required to issue this qualification. The External Integrated Summative Assessment will focus on the Exit Level Outcomes and Associated Assessment Criteria. Additional to the written assessment the learner must also submit a portfolio of evidence compiled of outcomes achieved in the workplace. 

    International comparability has been done against qualifications offered in New Zealand and Australia.

    New Zealand
    South African Sales Representative occupational qualification has been compared with the New Zealand Certificate in Sales (Level 4), with the optional strand in Sales Prospecting. This qualification is offered by an organisation called the Skills Organisation. Entry into the qualification is accessible to individuals who want to pursue a career as Senior Sales Representatives or Account Managers in the sales sector. Qualified learners will be responsible to develop and manage sales portfolios, in a wide range of sales situations, such as business-to-business or direct sales to the public. Qualified learners who pursue the Sales Prospecting strand will be awarded 100 Credits.

    Upon completion of the qualification, qualified learners will be able to:
  • Select and apply sales tactics using knowledge of the market, customer, and business processes, 15 credits.
  • Develop sales proposals that meet specific sales situations, 15 Credits.
  • Manage a sales portfolio, 15 Credits.
  • Manage a sales process, 20 Credits.
  • Use communication styles and practices to influence customers and meet business needs, 20 Credits.

    Qualified learners of the Sales Prospecting strand will also be able to:
  • Plan and implement new sales opportunities with potential customers, 15 Credits.

    Similarities have been noted with content covered and the level at which both qualifications are pitched.

    The main difference has been found to be with the Credit values. The South African Sales Representative occupational qualification has a higher credit-value than the New Zealand Certificate in Sales (Level 4), with the optional strand in Sales Prospecting. The credit-value difference between the two qualifications is as a result of the South African Sales Representative occupational qualification's emphasis on customer relationship management.

    Certificate III in Business-to-Business Sales is offered over a period of 12 months (1 year) by a few training providers. Among these training providers are Flexible Training Solutions (Pty) Ltd and TME Trade training. The qualification is aimed at individuals who sell products of the businesses they represent, to other businesses, and build strong business-to-business relationships.

    Upon completion of the qualification, learners will be able to:
  • Provide face-to-face and telephone product and service advice in a wholesale or business-to-business sales setting,
  • Work as an inside salesperson in a variety of business-to-business settings,
  • Work as a sales representative calling on established customers and cold calling to build new business,
  • Use computers as part of business and e-commerce processes,
  • Process purchases,
  • Manage sales within a territory,
  • Manage and maintain relationships with their businesses' clients,
  • Demonstrate effective communication and administration skills to deliver efficient service and
  • Use their discretion to make decisions and pass judgment.

    Qualified learners can operate in any sector in positions such as business-to-business sales officer, sales representative, customer service officer, customer sales executive, sales counter assistant or telephone salesperson. Information about entry into the qualification and credits could not be found.

    Similarities have been noted with qualification content as well as roles and responsibilities of qualified learners.

    The main difference is the duration over which the two qualifications are offered. Whilst the South African Sales Representative occupational qualification is offered over a year and six months, based on the credit value, the Australian Certificate III in Business-to-Business Sales is offered over a period of 12 months (1 year).

    Differences have also been noted with the levels at which the two qualifications are pitched. The South African Sales Representative occupational qualification is pitched at level 4 whilst the Australian Certificate III in Business-to-Business Sales, is at level 3.

    The South African Sales Representative qualification compares favourably with qualifications offered in other countries in terms of scope and area of practice. 

    This qualification provides opportunities for horizontal and vertical articulation options.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Occupational Certificate: Automotive Sales Advisor; NQF Level 4.
  • National Certificate: Vocational, NQF Level 4.

    Vertical Articulation:
    Higher Occupational Certificate: Information and Communication Technology: Business Development Consultant; NQF Level 5.

    Diagonal Articulation:
  • Higher Certificate in Business Management in Retail Management, NQF Level 5. 

  • NOTES 
    Qualifying for External Assessment:
    To qualify for an external assessment, learners must provide proof of completion of all required knowledge and practical modules by means of statements of results and a record of completed work experience.

    Additional Legal or Physical Entry Requirements:
  • None

    Criteria for the accreditation of providers
    Accreditation of providers will be done against the criteria as reflected in the relevant curriculum on the QCTO website. The curriculum title and code are: Sales Representative: 332203-000-00-00

    Encompassed Trade:
    This qualification encompasses the following trades as recorded on the NLRD:
  • None.

    Assessment Quality Partner (AQP)
  • W&RSETA 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.