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Bachelor of Science in Informatics 
120720  Bachelor of Science in Informatics 
EDUVOS (Pty) Ltd (Previously Pearson Institute of Higher Education (Pty) Ltd) 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences  Information Technology and Computer Sciences 
Undefined  360  Level 6  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered  EXCO 0512/22  2022-11-22  2025-11-21 
2026-11-21   2031-11-21  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification replaces: 
Qual ID Qualification Title Pre-2009 NQF Level NQF Level Min Credits Replacement Status
62754  Bachelor of Science in Informatics  Level 6  NQF Level 07  360  Complete 


We believe that MGI's proposed BSc Informatics Programme provides a different and needed model of higher education in this discipline:
  • As well as providing the learners with a solid grounding in the academic theory underpinning the main concepts of information technology and technical communication, the curriculum includes a significant experiential component, culminating in an industry project, which forms part of the final year curriculum.
  • In addition to their information technology-related subjects, learners are required to select either Human Resource Management or Financial Accounting as a second major focus area. This business-related component obviously gives the qualifying learner a range of additional skills that can usefully be combined with a knowledge of information technology.
  • Coupled with the curriculum model described above, the classes are small and thus the resulting staff: Learner ratio makes it possible for learners to receive individual and specialised attention.

    The result is a well-rounded graduate who, on successful completion of the curriculum, has the option either of entering the world of work immediately, or of continuing with further study.


    The BSc Informatics programme is grounded in a fundamental body of computing and information systems (IS) knowledge. Learners have the option to link this knowledge with a study of either Human Resource Management or Financial Accounting as a second major focus area. The programme represents a reasonable consensus of the IS community to include characteristics of the IS profession into a curriculum which learners are able to master before entering the working environment. Graduates will have the freedom to choose between working for small businesses or large corporations. They will be capable of providing professional services to various types of businesses, working as a systems analyst or database administrator, or working on various projects as either team member specialists or project managers.

    The programme contributes to regional and national goals in a variety of ways, including:

    Broadening access to higher education:
  • Midrand Graduate Institute's policy of flexible entry and fixed exit standards, together with the additional academic support components of the programme, make it possible for a greater number of learners to enter and succeed as learners of Informatics (Information Systems) at a tertiary level.

    Inclusion of certain generic competencies:
  • The curriculum is structured in such a way that learners, during the course of their studies will be exposed to certain generic competencies that will assist them in their future careers. Such competencies include:
    > The ability to work as a member of a team.
    > The ability to collect, analyse and present information.
    > A knowledge of the use of technology.
    > The ability to use technology and other methods of presentation for communication purposes.
    > The ability to identify and suggest possible solutions to a problem.
    > The ability to organise work requirements so as to meet set deadlines.
    > The ability to understand the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.

    Encouragement of social responsibility:
  • The nature of the discipline of Informatics is such that learners' attention is focussed to a large extent on technology rather than on the community that surrounds them. Given this focus, we believe that it is important that learners are also encouraged to understand the importance of making a contribution to the community in which they live. We attempt to create this understanding through the third year Industry Project, where each learner, as part of a group, is required to complete a project that will contribute to the information systems development of a non-profit organisation.

    Learners will be employable on graduation, but at the same time will have the knowledge base to continue with further learning:
  • One of Midrand Graduate Institute's overall objectives is to produce qualifying learners who are able either:
    > To enter and perform competently in the workplace immediately after qualification or.
    > To continue with further study in the field of Informatics.

    We believe that the structure and content of the programme fulfils this objective, by enabling learners to build a solid knowledge base in the core fields of business and information technology and their related subjects, and by including a significant experiential component in the curriculum. 

    Learners who register for this qualification at NQF Level 6 are assumed to have:
  • A foundational knowledge and understanding of mathematics equivalent to NQF Level 4.
  • Basic information-gathering, analysis and presentation skills equivalent to NQF Level 4.
  • The capacity to learn from written material in the technical language of mathematics and science.
  • The ability to communicate what they have learned reliably, accurately, and comprehensively in the required medium of instruction (currently English).
  • The ability to begin to take responsibility for their own learning and its progress within a well-structured and managed learning environment.
  • The ability to evaluate their own performance.

    Further more following the entry requirements mentioned in Access to the Qualification:

    The minimum level of learning required for a learner to enter and complete successfully the Midrand Graduate Institute BSc Informatics Programme, is a level equivalent to that required for successful completion of the South African Grade 12 Examination. Based on the Critical and Developmental Outcomes of the Curriculum Framework the following learning outcomes are defined per subject, and upon entering the BSc Informatics programme we assume that the following learning is in place:

  • Listening: The learner is able to listen for information and enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.
  • Speaking: The learner is able to communicate confidently and effectively in a spoken language in a wide range of situations.
  • Reading and Viewing: The learner is able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.
  • Writing: The learner is able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.
  • Thinking and Reasoning: The learner is able to use language to think and reason, and access, process and use information for learning.
  • Language structure and use: The learner knows and is able to use the sounds, words, and grammar of a language to create and interpret texts.

  • Numbers, Operations and Relationships: The learner is able to recognize, describe and represent numbers and their relationships and can count, estimate, calculate and check with competence and confidence in solving problems.
  • Patterns, Functions and Algebra: The learner is able to recognize, describe and represent patterns and relationships and solve problems using algebraic language and skills.
  • Space and Shape: The learner is able to describe and represent characteristics and relationships between 2-D and 3-D objects in a variety of orientations and positions.
  • Measurement: The learner is able to use appropriate measuring units, instruments and formulae in a variety of contexts.
  • Data Handling: The learner is able to collect, summarise, display and critically analyse data in order to draw conclusions and make predictions, and to interpret and determine chance variation.

    Natural Sciences:
  • Scientific investigations: Learners act confidently on their curiosity about natural phenomena; they investigate relationships and solve problems in Science, Technology and environmental contexts.
  • Constructing Science Knowledge: Learners know, interpret and apply scientific, technological and environmental knowledge.
  • Science, Society and the Environment: Learners are able to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between Science and Technology, society and the environment.

  • Technological processes and Skills: The learner is able to apply technological processes and skills ethically and responsibly using appropriate information and communication technology.
  • Technical Knowledge and understanding: The learner is able to understand and apply relevant technological knowledge ethically and responsibly.
  • Technology, Society and Environment: The learner is bale to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between science, technology, society and the environment over time.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    Prior learning is recognised in the following ways:
  • A learner, who has completed a specific module/subject at Midrand Graduate Institute, may apply for credit for that module/subject.
  • A learner, who has completed the equivalent of a specific module/subject either at Midrand Graduate Institute or at another recognised higher education institution, may apply for exemption from that module/subject.
  • In the case of a practically orientated module/subject, a learner who is able to demonstrate appropriate competence may be granted exemption from that module/subject.

    Access to the Qualification:

    The admission criteria for the BSc Informatics Programme are as follows:

    A Matriculation (Grade 12) certificate, or equivalent qualification, is the minimum requirement for admission. In addition to this a learner must satisfy one of the following requirements:
  • A Grade 12 certificate with exemption. Learners entering via this path must attain a minimum of 29 points for their Grade 12 results (calculated according to the points system described below) and must have achieved at least an F symbol on Higher Grade or a D symbol on Standard Grade for Mathematics at Grade 12 level.
  • Successful completion of a combination of Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE, O-level, HIGCSE, AS-level and A-level subjects which would be equivalent to a minimum of a South African Grade 12 certificate. A Learner entering via this path must obtain a minimum of 29 points (calculated according to the points system described below) and must have achieved a credit for Mathematics at at least one of the levels.
  • Successful completion of a relevant diploma. Learners entering via this path will be granted credit for a maximum of 50% of the curriculum. If the Mathematics requirement described in 1 or 2 above was not met, then the learner must have completed a relevant Mathematics bridging programme.
  • Successful completion of the Midrand Graduate Institute Predegree programme. Learners entering via this path will be granted credit for a maximum of 4 modules at 1st year level. If the Mathematics requirement described in 1 or 2 above was not met, then the learner must have completed a relevant Mathematics bridging programme. (The Predegree programme includes a range of modules aimed to improve the learner's preparedness for tertiary level study, as well as 2 modules from the standard curriculum, in respect of which modules, learners on the Predegree Programme will be required to attend an additional 2 tutorial periods per week).
  • Mature Age applicants, applicants with non-South African school-leaving qualifications (other than Cambridge International Examinations), and applicants with previous tertiary experience will be considered individually by the Faculty Head.

    Points calculation for learners having a Grade 12 certificate.

    Points are allocated for the symbols attained in the 6 best subjects. The points obtained for the two best subjects from English, Mathematics and Computer Science must be doubled. Points are allocated as follows:

    Symbol; HG; SG:
  • A; 8 Points; 6 Points.
  • B; 7 Points; 5 Points.
  • C; 6 Points; 4 Points.
  • D; 5 Points; 3 Points.
  • E; 4 Points; 2 Points.
  • F; 3 Points; 1 Point.

    Points calculation for learners having completed a combination of IGCSE, O-level, HIGCSE, AS-level and A-level.

    The score must be calculated on five different subjects (i.e. the same subject cannot be included more than once, e.g. A level Maths and IGCSE Maths). The five subjects should include:
  • English (preferable as a first language).
  • A science subject (Maths, Biology, Physical Science).
  • Another language.
  • 2 additional academic subjects.

    The points obtained for the two best subjects from English, Mathematics and Computer Science, must be doubled. Points are allocated as follows:

    Symbol; IGCSE; AS-Level; A-Level; Level; HIGCSE; IGCSE; O-Level:
  • A; 5 Points; 9 Points; 11 Points; 1 Point; 7 Points; 5 Points; 5 Points.
  • B; 4 Points; 8 Points; 10 Points; 2 Points; 6 Points; 4 Points; 4 Points.
  • C; 3 Points; 7 Points; 9 Points; 3 Points; 5 Points; 3 Points; 4 Points.
  • D; 2 Points; 6 Points; 8 Points; 4 Points; 4 Points; 2 Points; 4 Points.
  • E; N/A; N/A; 7 Points; 5 Points; N/A; N/A; 3 Points.
  • N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 6 Points; N/A; N/A; 3 Points.
  • N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 7 Points; N/A; N/A; 2 Points. 


    Total number of credits: 390.
  • NQF Level 4: 11, 31 Credits.
  • NQF Level 5: 257, 40 Credits.
  • NQF Level 6: 122, 07 Credits.
  • Fundamental component credits: 89, 31 Credits.
  • Core component credits: 300, 69 Credits.
  • Electives credits: 0, 0 Credits.

    Exit Level Qualification: NQF Level 6.

    The credit value of the programme was determined as follows:
  • The credit value of individual modules and thus of the programme was calculated using both quantitative and qualitative criteria.
    > Quantitative: The number of credits per module was calculated using the NQF credit system where one credit represents ten notional hours of active learning.
    > Qualitative: Each module was allocated a weighting, based on the level of complexity of the learning outcomes to be attained.
  • The credit value of each module was then calculated by applying the individual module weighting to the total number of credits for the programme.
  • It should be noted that the number of credits has been calculated as accurately as possible, based on our best estimate of the number of formal and non-formal hours of active learning that the average learner will devote to completing the requirements for the qualification.

    The Informatics Curriculum and Credits shows:
  • The learning components that comprise the curriculum.
  • The weighting of and allocation of credits to each component.
  • The distribution of credits amongst fundamental, core and elective components.

    We believe that, given the career-focussed nature of the programme, the spread of credits amongst fundamental, core and elective modules is appropriate. Over time, as both the programme and the institution develop, it may be appropriate to introduce a broader range of elective modules. 

    After learners have successfully completed this degree programme they should have achieved the following:
  • A solid knowledge-based understanding of systems analysis and design, programming concepts, databases, project management and business concepts.
  • Based on the specific outcomes associated with all core modules they should be able to provide professional services to various types of businesses as systems analysts, database administrators, network administrators.

    Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcomes:

    1. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and principles.

    2. Recognise that scientific knowledge and understanding are changeable.

    3. Demonstrate key scientific reasoning skills through identifying and solve problems using critical and creative thinking.

    4. Work effectively as a member of a team or group in scientific projects or investigations.

    5. Manage and organize their learning activities responsibly.

    6. Communicate scientific understanding in writing, orally and using visual, symbolic and/or other forms of representation.

    7. Demonstrate effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills.

    8. Apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking to societal issues, taking into account ethical and cultural considerations.

    For reference on Core Module Outcomes see below.

    Core Module Outcomes:

    Year 1.

    Module Name: Information Systems IA - Introduction to Information Systems (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • At the end of this module learners should display a strong understanding of Information Technology and how it is used in organizations to manipulate and spread information.

    Module Name: Software Development for IS IA - Introduction to Programming (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • At the end of this module learners should be able to create, design and implement a Visual Basic program and have a good understanding of working with data structures, parameters, control structures and functions.

    Module Name: Software Development for IS IB - Intermediate programming (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • At the end of this module learners should be able to design, code, and debug user-friendly Visual Basic programs and know how to work with data structures, variables, arrays, parameters, files and classes.

    Module Name: Financial Accounting IA (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Demonstrate a practical and theoretical skill associated with the basics of accounting.
    > Demonstrate a sound knowledge of how to draw up a balance sheet and income statement, reconcile a bank statement and how to calculate profit or loss on the sale of assets.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management I (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the theoretical principles underlying human behaviour in general and with specific reference to the work place.

    Module Name: Financial Accounting IB (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate the practical and theoretical skills associated with drafting a set of financial statements for a company, close corporation and partnership.


    Module Name: Industrial Relations I (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Demonstrate an understanding of the origins of industrial relations in South Africa and other parts of the world.
    > Demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of South African labour legislation and employment relationships.

    Year 2.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIA - Systems Analysis and Design (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • Demonstrate an understanding and application of system analysis and design processes.
  • Development of interpersonal skills associated with development, operation and maintenance of systems when dealing with clients, users and team members.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIB - Project Management (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • Learners should be able to use knowledge and skills on the tools and techniques of project planning and management, including the use of project management software.

    Module Name: Management Accounting IIA (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the theoretical principles underlying Cost and Management accounting. The learner must demonstrate the ability to calculate the costs and apply the different methods of accounting for costs in a manufacturing environment.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management IIA (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of Human Resources planning, job analysis, procurement and retention.

    Module Name: Management Accounting IIB (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the theoretical principles underlying Cost and Management accounting. The learner must demonstrate the ability to make decisions on projects and investments, analyse the implications of these decisions and also determine the impact on the financial statements of these entities.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management IIB (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of human behaviour in organisations on the individual and group level, and the effect that organisational structure has on behaviour.

    Module Name: Databases IIA - Principles of Databases (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Demonstrate practical and theoretical skills associated with the design, implementation and maintenance of a fully working database within the systems analysis framework.

    Module Name: Databases IIB - Database Implementation (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Demonstrate the skills associated with the creation, storing, retrieving and manipulation of data in an Oracle Database.
    > Demonstrate the practical skills associated with setting up, maintaining and troubleshooting within an Oracle Database environment.

    Module Name: Computer Science IIC - Operating Systems in Practice (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate knowledge of operating systems with emphasis on technical knowledge.

    Year 3.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIIA - Object Oriented Systems Analysis & Design (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Develop systems in an object-oriented way.
    > Understand and apply main UML diagrams and the scenarios that occur during object-oriented analysis and design.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIIB - Information Systems Strategic Management (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to communicate effectively the strategic use of information technology from a business perspective at the enterprise level.

    Module Name: Management Accounting (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the theoretical principles underlying Financial Management. The learner must demonstrate an ability to apply and utilise the various methods of decision-making tools available with regard to investment and financing decisions of a business enterprise.


    Module Name: Compensation and Reward Management (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of key trends in remuneration and reward and how these can be applied to best suit a business's strategy.


    Module Name: Contemporary Human Resource Management (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to:
    > Demonstrate a critical knowledge and understanding of the changing role of Human Resource management and the future role of human resources in the organisation.
    > Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the strategies behind the human resource function and how they can be implemented in the organisation.

    Module Name: Project (NQF Level 6).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • After completion of this module, learners should be able to demonstrate the skills associated with the design and implementation of an IT development project, based on the needs assessment for a non-profit organisation.

    Module Name: Web Design and DTP (NQF Level 5).

    Specific Module Outcomes:
  • The ability to design and execute layout and design tasks. 

  • Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 1:
  • The core concepts and principles of the Informatics discipline are identified, described and explained.
  • The relationships among the core concepts and principles are demonstrated.
  • The range and limits of applicability of the core concepts and principles are identified.
  • The core concepts and principles are applied to standard problems.
  • Examples of changes in knowledge and understanding in the fields of Informatics are described and explained.

    Each of the above can be assessed within the core modules of the BSc Informatics Programme.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 2:
  • The limitations of basic techniques used in Informatics are appraised.
  • The significance of contested scientific knowledge in a contemporary context is recognised.
  • An understanding of how scientific information and ideas become generally accepted is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 3:
  • Logical thinking is demonstrated and naive and flawed scientific reasoning is identified.
  • Inductive (effect to cause or specific to general) and deductive (cause to effect or general to specific) reasoning can be discriminated.
  • Thinking and reasoning processes are reflected upon.
  • The self-conscious capacity to judge when understanding has been achieved or a problem has been adequately solved is demonstrated.
  • Concrete and abstract problems, in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, are formulated, analysed and solved.
  • The knowledge of theory is applied to particular real-world contexts.
  • Knowledge is integrated, e.g. from various disciplines or modes of enquiry, in solving scientific problems.

    Assessed through various different types of assessments including practical assignments, research papers, visual presentations and the various formative assessment tasks in each module.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 4:
  • Evidence of successful and effective contributions in group work is provided within various activities during module assignments. (IDAT211, IISY111, IISY211, IISY221, IPRJ300).
  • The outcomes of scientific group work are communicated effectively and with respect for the contributions of each group member.
  • Organisational skills in managing group work are applied.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 5:
  • Appropriate study skills are demonstrated (e.g. learning from text, note-taking, summarising, analysis and synthesis).
  • Effective learning strategies which suit personal needs and contexts are developed and used (This include use of both summative and formative assessment procedures).
  • Effective time management is demonstrated, e.g. by completing tasks/assignments to deadlines.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 6:
  • Scientific language is used correctly to produce clear and coherent written documents, which follow appropriate scientific conventions.
  • Scientific information is presented verbally in front of others.
  • Appropriate referencing conventions are used, plagiarism is avoided and intellectual property is respected.
  • Non-verbal forms of representation are used correctly and appropriately. Various module assignments include a visual presentation component which requires the learner to present information on a topic to the class (using visual aids and in some cases a PowerPoint Slide Show).

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 7:
  • Tasks related to basic computer literacy skills are performed.
  • The validity of ICT solutions for problems posed by the Informatics discipline are critically assessed.
  • ICT that is appropriate to the Informatics discipline is used, e.g., for: computational applications; simulation applications; pattern recognition; automation and control; managing large volumes of data.

    Above included in all modules with a practical component, where learners are required to complete practical assignments, class work and exams.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Generic Critical Cross-field Outcomes and Exit- Level Outcome 8:
  • Scientific knowledge that is relevant to current societal issues is identified.
  • Public information dealing with current scientifically related issues is critically evaluated.
  • Ethically and culturally sensitive decisions on the effects of scientifically based activities on society are made.
  • The socio-economic impact of scientific interventions in society is identified.
  • Scientific knowledge is applied for the direct benefit of others, e.g. to junior learners, in schools or in the community.

    The module IPRJ300 further assesses this outcome by means of a practical project completed in learner groups for a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO).

    For reference on Core Module Assessment Criteria see below.

    Core Module Assessment Criteria:

    Year 1.

    Module Name: Information Systems IA - Introduction to Information Systems (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Define hardware, software and system concepts.
  • Differentiate between the management support systems and their associated functions.
  • Apply theoretical concepts of Information Systems and technology to real life business situations.
  • Construct a coherent argument in favour of or against a given viewpoint on Information Systems uses in business.

    Module Name: Software Development for IS IA - Introduction to Programming (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Design, implement, test and debug a program that uses each of the following fundamental programming constructs: basic computation, assignments, simple I/O, standard functions, conditional and iterative structures, and the definition of functions.
  • Implement problem-solving techniques into a programming language such as Visual Basic.
  • Explain fundamental programming concepts.
  • Debug and execute a program properly within Visual Basic.
  • Create, design, modify and expand short programs that use standard condition and iterative control structures and functions.
  • Develop a fully functional application with various forms, structures.
  • Analyze and explain the behaviour of simple programs involving fundamental programming constructs.
  • Create, design, modify and expand short programs that use standard condition and iterative control structures and functions.
  • Describe and use the mechanics of parameter passing.

    Module Name: Software Development for IS IB - Intermediate programming (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Create, design, modify and expand short programs that use standard condition and iterative control structures and functions.
  • Design, implement, test, and debug a program that uses each of the following fundamental programming constructs: basic computation, assignments, simple I/O through records, standard functions, conditional and iterative structures and string manipulation.
  • Describe and use the mechanics of parameter passing.
  • Justify the philosophy of object-oriented design and the concepts of encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Develop a fully functional application with various forms, graphical controls and objects.
  • Understand and use arrays.
  • Distinguish between sequential and random files.
  • Be able to access database files.
  • Validate user data at field and form level.
  • Show how to handle errors in ways that avoid disruption of a program.

    Module Name: Financial Accounting IA (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Calculate financial ratios using income statements and balance sheets and interpret the financial information.
  • Prepare and draw up Income Statements and Balance Sheets, using the given information.
  • Analyze and prepare bank reconciliations.
  • Analyze the meaning and effects of profits and losses on the organization.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management I (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Identify the stages typical in Human Development.
  • Explain the basis of Human perception.
  • Describe the various approaches to motivation and how this can influence employees to increase their work performance.
  • Discuss attitudes and values and how these can affect work behaviour.
  • Discuss the various approaches to leadership.

    Module Name: Financial Accounting IB (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Draft Income Statements, Balance Sheets for various business entities.
  • Explain the differences in drafting financial statements for the different entities.
  • Analyze and calculate the financial ratios (using the given information), for the various business entities.


    Module Name: Industrial Relations I (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Describe the systems approach to industrial relations.
  • Define and discuss collective bargaining as well as the collective bargaining structures.
  • Discuss the issues surrounding the disciplinary procedure.
  • Discuss the issues surrounding the grievance procedure.
  • Define and discuss the causes of conflict as well as how conflict can be managed.

    Year 2.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIA - Systems Analysis and Design (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Describe different development methodologies such as life cycle, workflow, OOA, prototyping, spiral and end-user.
  • Discuss concepts for the analysis, modelling, and definition of information systems problems.
  • Show how to collect and structure information in the development of systems requirement and specifications.
  • Apply the phases of the SDLC.
  • Identify quality metrics for assessment of customer satisfaction in all phases of the systems development life cycle.
  • Argue the use of a professional code of ethics to evaluate specific information system actions.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIB - Project Management (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Discuss and relate the skills needed to design a project development and implementation plan.
  • Use and apply essential Project Management skills.
  • Use and apply project management tools and methods.
  • To initiate, design, implement, and discuss project close down.

    Module Name: Management Accounting IIA (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Calculate costs according to different methods.
  • Analysis of costs in a manufacturing environment.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management IIA (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Explain the purpose of a job analysis and draw up a job analysis.
  • Draw up an interview guide.
  • Describe the use and purpose of the performance appraisal and explain when and how this appraisal is carried out.
  • Explain the purpose of an induction process and draw up an induction programme for new employees.

    Module Name: Management Accounting IIB (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Make decisions as to whether projects and investments are financially viable.
  • Analyse and prepare budgets and forecasts to assist management in making financial decisions.
  • Understand the relevance of learning curves and apply learning curve theory.
  • Prepare relevant financial statements and reports particular to the industry in which management operates.


    Module Name: Human Resource Management IIB (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Discuss the effects of power, politics, conflict, negotiation on inter-group and individual behaviour.
  • Apply theories of motivation to an organization.
  • Illustrate how to implement organisational structure in terms of work design, culture and stress management.

    Module Name: Databases IIA - Principles of Databases (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Construct a data model to help in the detailed design of the database.
  • Develop and utilize program specifications during the construction of the physical system.
  • Discuss different concepts, principles, issues and techniques in managing corporate data within a database.
  • Discuss the main concepts and components and the various architectures of the data warehouse.
  • Determine the effect client/server computing has on database design, implementation and management.
  • Discuss how database design, and database transactions are affected by a distributed database environment.
  • Identify different methods which can be used to manage database transactions and concurrency control.

    Module Name: Databases IIB - Database Implementation (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Construct different database structures using SQL commands.
  • Write SQL and SQL*Plus script files using the iSQL*Plus tool to generate report-like output.
  • Describe the various components of the Oracle Database architecture.
  • Use and apply skills to start up and shut down an Oracle Database.
  • Use and apply skills to create an operational database.
  • Practice to mange Oracle control files, online redo files, data files, tablespaces, segments, extents and blocks.
  • Use and apply skills to manage users, privileges, and resources.

    Module Name: Computer Science IIC - Operating Systems in Practice (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Describe the computer components and the difference between hardware and software.
  • Describe the differences between different operating systems placing emphasis on the strong and weak aspects.
  • Explain how to install an operating system.
  • Discuss the difference between the different managers and the operating systems.
  • Demonstrate the weaknesses and the strong points of open source versus licensed operating systems.

    Year 3.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIIA - Object Oriented Systems Analysis & Design (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Learn about the history of and the potential benefits of the object-oriented approach.
  • Be able to discuss a computer system as a collection of objects; recognise that in some ways, everything can be an object.
  • Should understand all of the following object-oriented concepts: object, class, attributes of a class, association relationships, methods or operations, encapsulation or information hiding, message sending, polymorphism, generalisation/specialisation hierarchies and inheritance, and reuse.
  • Have a general understanding of the modelling techniques and UML notation.
  • Show an understanding of how to interpret the behaviour of objects in a system, through the use of use cases, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and written scenarios.
  • Should understand how to interpret generalisation/specialisation hierarchies and use of inheritance. Additionally, students should understand whole-part hierarchies and some of the benefits of using them in object-oriented requirements models.
  • Know common general features of life cycle models for object-oriented development methodologies.
  • Describe the object-oriented analysis process and have a good understanding of the way the requirements models are developed.
  • Discuss the types of OO tools that are available and some of the issues that might arise with the use of them.
  • Argue the transition from traditional system development to object-oriented development; and discuss some of the challenges related to this transition.

    Module Name: Information Systems IIIB - Information Systems Strategic Management (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Demonstrate how information systems are managed internally in an organization from the point of view of the CIO.
  • Examine alternative strategies and tactics available to management to achieve goals.
  • Interpret what it is about a strategy planning situation that is important.
  • Show and explain how strategy situations are influences and are influenced by other situations within a business environment.
  • Judge whether and when IS management decisions and actions are appropriate.
  • Explain what is meant by strategy, strategic management and strategic planning.

    Module Name: Management Accounting (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Performance of calculations and application of methods in financing.
  • Analysis and interpretation of financial statements of entities.
  • Make decisions on methods to be utilized and substantiate these decisions.


    Module Name: Compensation and Reward Management (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Outline what the broad objectives might be in the design of a reward strategy and justify these choices.
  • Critically analyse contingency versus best-practice approaches to reward management.
  • Illustrate the relationship between the corporate strategy and the human resource strategy and how the reward strategy emanates from these.
  • Assess the importance of "equity" and "fairness" in payment systems.
  • Assess the significance of Thorpe & Homan's key principles in the design of a company's reward strategy and the possible implication thereof on employee motivation.
  • Identify and describe the different kinds of pay structures that an organisation might adopt and assess ways in which flexible pay systems can be designed to support organisational requirements.
  • Evaluate the influence of trade unions in the determination of pay.
  • Differentiate between time-based pay, competency-based pay, team-based pay and performance-related pay.


    Module Name: Contemporary Human Resource Management (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Describe the relationship between human resource management and competitive advantage.
  • Explain the strategic role of human resource management.
  • Criticize human resource management in the international domain.

    Module Name: Project (NQF Level 6).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Use and apply skills needed to design a project development and implementation plan.
  • To practice essential project management skills.
  • To select the proper project management tools and demonstrate their use.
  • To initiate, design, implement and discuss project close down.
  • To determine and analyse a significant problem using the systems approach to problem solving.
  • To discuss management of time and interpersonal relations.

    Module Name: Web Design and DTP (NQF Level 5).

    Module Assessment Criteria:
  • Apply the fundamentals of layout and design through a demonstrated ability to use various design programmes. The role and importance of design in the development of a publication and an awareness of the relationship between content and design. Design as content in the origination and implementation of a design concept that conforms to professional requirements.

    Integrated Assessment:

    Learning and assessment should be integrated. Midrand Graduate Institute practices such an integrated system of assessment. Continual formative assessment is conducted so that learners are given feedback on their progress in the achievement of specific learning outcomes. The formative assessment tasks occur every fortnight and can be in the form of one of the following:
  • A 5-item multiple choice test.
  • A short questions test.
  • Construction of concept maps.
  • Take home tests with long questions.
  • Short practical tasks.
  • Short class presentations.

    For each of these activities learners will be supplied with the model answers and they will be required to mark their own work or the work of someone else in the class. The marks for these activities will be recorded by the lecturer for feedback purposes. The purpose of formative assessment is to improve the learning of individual learners, and to improve the lecturing.

    Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the exit-level outcomes of the qualification. Such judgement includes integrated assessment(s) which test the learners' ability to integrate the larger body of Informatics knowledge, skills and attitudes that are represented by the exit-level outcomes as a whole. At MGI summative assessment takes the form of class tests, assignments, practical work (in certain cases) and a final examination. The marks attained in these activities will contribute to the learners' final mark for the module. 

    To our knowledge, this Programme has not been assessed internationally. However, given that:
  • The curriculum incorporates the latest trends and practices in the discipline (the following documents were consulted during curriculum design: "Computing Curricula 2001 - Informatics" compiled by The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula, and "Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems" compiled for the Association for Computing Machinery, the Association for Information Systems, and the Association of Information Technology Professionals). These guidelines are being used in over 30 countries.
  • Well-qualified academics and industry practitioners act as external examiners and moderators of the Programme.

    We have no reason to doubt that the quality and content of our Programme would meet international standards. 

    One of the objectives of our rigorous external moderation and examination procedure, and of our ongoing interaction with academic staff of other tertiary level institutions, is to ensure that the content and standard of our curriculum is such that our learners will have the opportunity for both vertical and horizontal articulation, both within and outside of Midrand Graduate Institute.

    With regard to vertical articulation, a Learner who wishes to proceed to further studies at another higher education institution, having completed the BSc Informatics programme at Midrand Graduate Institute, should be able to do so based on the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of the programme, provided, of course, that his/her academic performance has been of the required standard. Learners who have completed our previously SAQA registered BSc Information Systems degree have been registered for Honours programmes at the University of Witwatersrand (WITS), Rand Afrikaans University (RAU), and the University of Pretoria (TUKKIES). We therefore do not foresee any problems for the new degree.

    In terms of horizontal articulation:
  • A learner who transfers to another programme within Midrand Graduate Institute will be given credit for relevant modules successfully completed towards the BSc Informatics programme.
  • Learners who, having completed certain modules in the BSc Informatics programme at Midrand Graduate Institute, wish to transfer to another higher education institution, are able to apply successfully for exemption from relevant modules on the basis of modules passed at Midrand Graduate Institute. A number of such articulations have taken place successfully in the past. 

    Internal moderation:

    The lecturer/s responsible for a particular module is/are appointed as internal examiner/s for that module. Internal examiners are responsible for the marking of all assessments related to the module for which they are responsible. Currently, Midrand Graduate Institute is reviewing this process and considering the need for a second marker on all work produced by the learner.

    External moderation:

    All final assessments at all levels of the curriculum are moderated by academic staff of public higher education institutions or by appropriately qualified industry practitioners.

    Good practice in the selection and appointment of assessors or external examiners is achieved by both academic and administrative involvement in approving the appointment of external examiners within Midrand Graduate Institute. This ensures that all staff members involved in appointments understands the criteria for the appointment of external examiners as well as that appointees are assessed effectively and rigorously.

    External examiners are recommended by MGI academics, members of the Advisory Board and Academic Heads of other universities. The criteria which are employed in the selection of external examiners are:
  • Individuals having suitable experience and who have had some prior experience of external examining.
  • Have available sufficient time for the proper performance of function.
  • External examiners who have completed their period of appointment are not eligible for reappointment before a lapse of at least two years.
  • External examiners from outside the higher education system, for example from industry are appropriate in certain situations. The academic and/or professional standing of such examiners will be vetted by the Head of Faculty.

    External examiners who are academics at other public universities must meet the following requirements:
  • A minimum academic qualification of an honours degree in the subject concerned.
  • A minimum teaching experience of 3 years in the module he/she will moderate.
  • Previous experience as an examiner in an equivalent module.

    External examiners who are from industry must meet the following requirements:
  • An appropriate academic qualification.
  • Considerable work experience in the field.
  • A reputation in the industry.

    External examiners are appointed for final assessments at every level of study. Prior to each examination session, a copy of each examination paper, together with a marking memorandum and course outline, is sent to the relevant external examiner for moderation. As of 2004 module tests and assignments will also be sent through to external examiners when assessing the examination papers. Once the internal examiner has marked the examination papers, a sample pack for each module is sent to the relevant external examiner. In the case of practical assessments, external moderation takes place on campus.

    Sample packs are compiled as follows:
  • Where the number of candidates is equal to or less than 20, all scripts are moderated.
  • Where the number of candidates is between 21 - 40, 40% of the scripts are moderated.
  • When the number of candidates is higher than 41, 20% of the scripts are sent for moderation.

    In terms of criteria for moderation, the following applies:

    External examiners/assessors are required to evaluate the examination paper using certain parameters:
  • Syllabus (for example, is the required syllabus covered, is there enough variation between easy and difficult questions, does the paper test the objectives of the module as set out in the course outline and is the paper set at the required NQF Level?).
  • Duration (will learners be able to complete the paper in the proposed time allocated?).
  • Grammar and format (is there correct spelling/grammar/sentence construction, are all the pages numbered, are the marks allocated clearly for each question, do the marks calculate correctly, where required, are all diagrams/articles/reading excerpts supplied and labelled, have the correct font types been used, are the appendices correct?).
  • Marking memorandum (is the memo clearly watermarked, has the mark allocation been clearly indicated, are the marks allocated correctly, are all the answers correct/complete, is it clear how the answers that deviate from the memo should be marked and what would be correct?).

    Where there is a disparity between the internal and external examiner's assessment, the assessor concerned together with the relevant HOD will discuss and reach consensus.

    An Advisory Board for Information Technology related modules, consisting of members from industry and from academia, has been established to ensure that MGI's Information Technology learning programmes are relevant to the learners' needs and appropriately benchmarked against academic and industry standards. The Advisory Board provides feedback on:
  • The ability of the curriculum to provide Learners with the experiential elements essential for success in the field.
  • Whether the curriculum meets the requirements of the sector in which the graduate will be employed.
  • Whether the curriculum provides a sound theoretical basis upon which the experiential elements of the curriculum can be based.
  • Whether the desired outcomes of the programme are fairly and rigorously assessed by the tests, assignments and examinations.

    The following academics/experts are members of the Faculty's Advisory Board for Information Technology related modules.

    Name; Industry/Academic:
  • Riaan Lombard; Industry.
  • Marika Pieterse; Industry.
  • Prof. Andries Engelbrecht; Academic (Pretoria University).
  • Elmarie Bierman; Academic (Pretoria Technikon).
  • Dennis Comninos; Industry.
  • Gail Janse van Rensburg; Academic (Vaal Triangle Technikon).
  • Marthinus Heyns; Industry.
  • Dr. N Harris; Academic (Wits University).
  • Dr. Linda du Plessis; Academic (Vaal Triangle Technikon).

    In addition to the Programme Advisory Board:
  • Midrand Graduate Institute's Academic Board, with external representation from the public university sector, and MGI's Quality Assurance Office, oversees the quality assurance processes of all programmes.
  • External examiners are appointed to ensure that the quality of the relevant programme's assessment is commensurate with both academic and industry standards.
  • External input is furthermore ensured through various other quality assurance processes of which the placement of Learners in internships or projects, in collaboration with the industry, forms a major component. The internship or project arrangement provides the programme with a virtual advisory council that contributes hugely to the success of the programme and the maintenance of high standards. 

  • NOTES 

    When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. EDUVOS (Pty) Ltd (Previously Pearson Institute of Higher Education (Pty) Ltd) 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.