SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education Honours in Mathematics Education 
119210  Bachelor of Education Honours in Mathematics Education 
University of Venda 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Honours Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered  SAQA 129/22  2022-06-21  2025-06-21 
2026-06-21   2029-06-21  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Bachelor of Education Honours in Mathematics Education is to introduce and develop research-based knowledge and skills that can be applied for improvement of teaching and learning by practicing mathematics educators with an undergraduate degree that specialises in teaching and learning mathematics. The qualification will provide an opportunity for learners who want to develop their capability in research.

Upon completion of this qualification, qualifying learners will be able to:
  • Compile and demonstrate an understanding of specialist knowledge, engage with and critique current literature on practices in Mathematics Education.
  • Use a wide range of specialised skills in identifying, conceptualising, designing, and implementing methods of enquiry to address complex and challenging problems within the field of specialisation and an understanding of the consequences of any solutions or insights generated within a specialised context.
  • Design and implement strategies for the processing and management of information, to conduct a comprehensive review of current research in the area of specialisation to produce significant insights that can be applied to teaching and learning settings.
  • Develop original or own learning strategies which sustain independent learning, academic and professional development, and interact effectively within the learning or professional group as a means of enhancing advanced knowledge and learning skills.

    The qualification will provide learners with the knowledge and skills in literature and methodological techniques in mathematics education. It will serve to consolidate and deepen learners' knowledge in the field of mathematics education and to develop research capacity in its methodology and techniques, which will benefit high learners in mathematics through better teaching and learning approaches, as well as mathematics teachers with deeper knowledge and skills on teaching and learning in the subject. The qualification will empower learners with the much-needed capacity to investigate and put into practice factors that can influence the teaching and learning process and outcomes of mathematics in schools.

    Rationale :
    South Africa, the African region and the world at large need postgraduate qualifications in science, technology and mathematics education that are well structured to provide high-quality professional learning pathways for qualified educators with an initial teacher education qualification, who wish to become experts and specialists in mathematics education through the study of theoretical and research-based knowledge and skills. The qualification will add value in promoting quality professional and academic development of initial postgraduates in mathematics education for the country, region and beyond.

    The qualification has been developed to be in line with the revised policy on the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (Department of Higher Education and Training, Government Gazette No 34467, 15 July 2011) and the South African Standards for Principalship (18 March 2016).

    The qualification targets practicing teachers who are teaching Mathematics and will thus benefit the basic education sector by improving the teaching and learning of Mathematics at the Senior and Further Education and Training (FET) phases. In the most recent period in South Africa, Mathematics was regarded as a critical skill which attracted foreign educators in most secondary schools as a scarce teaching skill in the sector.
    Qualifying learners may enrol into the Master's qualification in Mathematics Education, where they will contribute to the research capacity in higher education and respond to societal needs in the field of education in general, and particularly in mathematics education.

    The curriculum of the programme encompasses modules on mathematics education and research methods, and the research project is designed for in-depth study of a theory which can be infused to enrich the study and application of research in education from mathematics education theoretical perspectives.
    Qualifying learners will be able to critique and analyse a diverse range of mathematics education concepts in examining a variety of cognitive and theoretical underpinnings and factors that can influence the provision and outcomes of the teaching and learning of mathematics.
    Nationally, all educators, including those teaching mathematics and who will qualify with this qualification will register to be members of the professional regulatory body for education, the South African Council of Educators (SACE). As they grow in the discipline, there are opportunities for qualifying learners to voluntarily register with such professional bodies as the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and Associations of Mathematics Teachers. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution has an approved Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy which is applicable to equivalent qualifications for admission into the qualification. RPL will be applied to accommodate applicants who qualify. RPL thus provides alternative access and admission to qualifications, as well as advancement within qualifications. RPL may be applied for access, credits from modules and credits for or towards the qualification.

    RPL for access:
  • Learners who do not meet the minimum entrance requirements or the required qualification that is at the same NQF level as the qualification required for admission may be considered for admission through RPL.
  • To be considered for admission in the qualification based on RPL, applicants should provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that they have acquired the relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to cope with the qualification expectations should they be allowed entrance into the qualification.

    RPL for exemption of modules
  • Learners may apply for RPL to be exempted from modules that form part of the qualification. For a learner to be exempted from a module, the learner needs to provide sufficient evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that competency was achieved for the learning outcomes that are equivalent to the learning outcomes of the module.

    RPL for credit:
  • Learners may also apply for RPL for credit for or towards the qualification, in which they must provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates prior learning through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to obtain credits towards the qualification.
  • Credit shall be appropriate to the context in which it is awarded and accepted.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • Bachelor of Education, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, NQF Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Mathematics Education, NQF Level 7.
  • A relevant qualification in the related field, NQF Level 7. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory modules at National Qualifications Framework Level 8 totalling 120 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 8,120 Credits:
  • Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education, 16 Credits.
  • Plane, curves, parametric equations, and polar coordinates, 16 Credits.
  • History, Philosophy and Nature of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 16 Credits.
  • Curriculum Design and Development, 18 Credits.
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies, 18 Credits.
  • Introduction to Educational Research, 12 Credits.
  • Educational Research, 12 Credits.
  • Research Project, 12 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate an understanding of specialist knowledge, engage with and critique current literature on practices in Mathematics Education.
    2. Apply a wide range of specialised skills in identifying, designing, and implementing methods of enquiry to address complex and challenging problems within the field.
    3. Implement strategies for the processing and management of information, to conduct a comprehensive review of current research in specialisation to produce significant insights that can be applied to teaching and learning settings.
    4. Apply and develop original or own learning strategies which sustain independent learning, academic and professional development, and interact effectively within the learning or professional group as a means of enhancing advanced knowledge and learning skills. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Investigate, identify, understand, and explain relevant and appropriate terms, concepts, theories, and principles that inform, give background, and relate to a broad area of mathematics education.
  • Distinguish and demarcate the scope of knowledge in mathematics education, integrate and apply such knowledge to educational contexts.
  • Communicate knowledge of current theoretical arguments, developments, views, and literature in the discipline of mathematics education.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Understand and critically analyse theoretical arguments in mathematics education and contextualise the analysis to practical education and school settings.
  • Gather specialised knowledge in mathematics education as interventions to different educational settings such as teaching and learning-related challenges that learners face in an ordinary school to cater for diverse learning needs.
  • Justify arguments using specialised knowledge in mathematics education and raise arguments that provide solutions or interventions to education stakeholders on how to create an accommodating and conducive school environment leading to the acquisition of mathematical literacy.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Identify a relevant research problem and topic through a literature search in relevant and varied sources in mathematics education that are useful in initiating research skills.
  • Search, process, and organise, information using current literature and research into meaningful units in mathematics education and come up with insightful suggestions to improve understanding by school-based education stakeholders in understanding practices that influence learning outcomes in school settings.
  • Organise researched knowledge and information from a variety of sources to build a logical oral and written argument that can be applied in mathematics education.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Identify a suitable and researchable research problem, design research objectives, questions, relevant and logical literature review, research process.
  • Analyse information from varied sources such as journals, e-books, and statistical data.
  • Present a logical argument from gathered data and compile a logical research argument into a mini dissertation in mathematics education based on an outlined format.

    The university has policies and procedures which guide internal and external assessment procedures moderation. The assessment policy emphasizes the design of assessment to promote learning. Furthermore, assessment is recognised as an integral part of teaching and learning, which should be designed in such a way that it improves the quality of teaching and learning, while also giving judgements on learners' achievements.

    Formative assessment:
    Formative assessments provide feedback on the teaching and learning while summative assessment enables judgement on whether a learner has passed a module or not. The internal assessment offered through tests, assignments and presentations is used as a formative strategy to inform lecturers and learners about understanding and achievement of teaching objectives, thereby helping to identify areas which need improvement.

    Summative assessment:
    Summative assessment will involve assessment opportunities that take place at the end of a learning experience. Information will be gathered about a student's level of competence upon completion of a unit, module, or qualification. Results may be expressed in marks in terms of the level of competence achieved, regarding level descriptors, specific outcomes, and assessment standards. This type of assessment is used for promotional purposes and does take the form of (including, but not limited to):
  • Examinations.
  • Portfolios.
  • Presentations.
  • Tests.
  • Research Report.

    Awarding of marks per module will follow the institution policy where 60% of the final mark is for formatively assessed course work and 40% for final summative assessment. 

    Country: United Kingdom
    Institution: University of Birmingham
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in Mathematics
    Duration: Three years, Single Honours

    Purpose of Qualification:
    The BSc Mathematics challenges learners in developing a wide range of critical thinking and independent mathematical learning skills. The qualification helps students to discover how mathematics is an integral part of our everyday lives.
    The qualification is meant for forging a close connection with the industry and to help with career diversity that can initiate strong links with a wide range of high-profile companies that utilise mathematical knowledge and skills.
    The institution has a Mathematics Learning Centre that offers learners the perfect space for independent or group learning in mathematics.

    In the third or final year, the choice of modules is very broad, ranging from the highly abstract to the highest applicable learning modes in mathematics that promote research interests for further specialisation in Mathematics or computer sciences.

  • Algebra and Combinatorics 1, 20 Credits.
  • Mathematical Modelling and Problem Solving,10 Credits.
  • Mathematical Workshops (Autumn),10 Credits.
  • Mathematical Workshops (Spring), 10 Credits.
  • Mechanics, 10 Credits.
  • Probability and Statistics,10 Credits.
  • Real Analysis, 20 Credits.
  • Sequences and Series,10 Credits.
  • Vectors, Geometry and Linear Algebra, 20 Credits.
    Core modules
  • Linear Algebra and Linear Programming, 20 Credits.
  • Mathematics in Industry,10 Credits.
  • Multivariable and Vector Analysis, 20 Credits.
  • Numerical Methods and Programming, 10 Credits.
  • Real & Complex Analysis, 20 Credits.
  • Research Skills in Mathematics, 20 Credits.
    Optional modules
  • Advanced Mathematical Modelling.
  • Algebra and Combinatorics.
  • Algebraic and Differential Topology.
  • Applied Mathematical Analysis.
  • Applied Statistics.
  • Combinatorics and Communication Theory.
  • Continuum Mechanics.
  • Differential Equations.
  • Electromagnetism.
  • Functional and Fourier Analysis.
  • Game Theory and Multicriteria Decision Making.
  • Mathematical Finance.
  • Number Theory.
  • Numerical Methods and Numerical Linear Algebra.
  • Randomness and Computation.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Statistical Methods in Economics.
  • Statistics.

  • Both the South African (SA) and UK qualifications articulate into a master's in mathematics education.
  • Both have research components.

    The SA qualification is offered over one year but with an undergraduate study of four years. The University of Birmingham qualification is continuous for three years and the learners are awarded Single Honours on completion and can proceed to the fourth year for a full Honours.
    With the SA qualification, learners can only get one opportunity for field study when studying while at Birmingham, undergraduate learners in the third-year conduct research on a related topic in the qualification.
    The University of Birmingham offers the study of mathematics with two distinct levels of specialisation, namely Single Honours at undergraduate and Full Honours.
    There is a mathematics learning centre at Birmingham with a focus on mathematics teaching and learning. At the South African institution, mathematics teaching and learning takes place within the Department of Professional and Curriculum Studies, which comprises many other programme areas. The Birmingham curriculum is diverse and does not have a special focus on education while the SA qualification has a special focus on education for enhancing the knowledge base of educators in mathematics teaching.

    Country: Australia
    Institution: University of South Australia
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Applied Sciences, Honours in Mathematics
    Duration: One-year full time
    Entry Requirements:
  • Learners are required to hold an initial teacher education qualification (e.g., Bachelor of Education; Master of Teaching).
  • In addition, they are required to have successfully completed mathematics and depending upon the science discipline units, they will need either Chemistry or Physics.

    Purpose of Qualification:
    The honours degree at the University of South Australia (UniSA) is designed for learners who have successfully completed a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline, such as a Bachelor of Mathematics or a Bachelor of Science with a substantial mathematics focus.

    After an intensive, one-year research program, learners develop the ability to solve complex problems through mathematics, advancing knowledge and skills in pure and applied mathematics, as well as in simple statistics.

    It is a one-year intensive study covering the following topics:
  • Simulation Theory and Application.
  • Advanced Complex Analysis.
  • Nonlinear Programming.
  • Discrete Optimisation.
  • Applied Functional analysis.
  • Advanced Topics in Applied Statistics.
  • Numerical Linear Algebra.
  • Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.
  • Computational Biology.
  • Stochastic Calculus.
  • Advanced Operations Research.
  • Optimal Control.
  • Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics.
  • Advanced Topics in Optimisation.
  • Fluid mechanics.

    Both the UniSA and South African (SA) qualifications will incorporate practical, professionally focused, and research-based learning, so assessment types will vary and will include both formative and summative assessments such as:
  • Reports and project documentation.
  • Research projects, group projects.
  • Essays and assignments.
  • Presentations.
  • Examinations.

    The UniSA and SA qualifications will qualify learners to proceed to postgraduate degrees through coursework or research.

  • Both qualifications are offered in one-year.
  • Both qualification's entry requirements are to have an undergraduate degree with some modules in mathematics.
  • Before undertaking a research project, learners at the South African institution study eight modules of specialisation in Mathematics Education. This also applies to the South Australia qualification where there is a wide range of courses leading to a qualification, although the research component is not explicitly stated.
  • Both qualifications will utilise the formative and summative assessment to measure the achievement of exit level outcomes.
  • Both UniSA and SA qualifications articulate vertically into a Master's Degree in a cognate field.

    The South African qualification has a research project which has the highest number of credits, but in the South Australia qualification, research is not part of the study.
    The South Australia qualification has a practical component. This is unlike the South African institution where learners are on campus for full contact studies throughout.
    There is more research focus in the SA qualification where learners study three modules in research. In South Australia, the component of research is only implied in the practical component of the study.
    One visible difference is that the SA qualification is tailor-made for educators while the one offered by South Australia is broader, with options outside the sphere of education. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Mathematics, NQF Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma: Mathematical Sciences, NQF Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, NQF Level 9.
  • Master of Science in Mathematics, NQF Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.