SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Entomology 
118648  Bachelor of Science Honours in Entomology 
University of Mpumalanga 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Honours Degree  Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences  Life Sciences 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered  SAQA 137/22  2022-02-03  2025-02-03 
2026-02-03   2029-02-03  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The main purpose of the Bachelor of Science Honours in Entomology is to prepare learners for research-based postgraduate studies in Entomology. The qualification provides learners with a sound understanding of the research process, and with the philosophical foundations necessary to understand how scientific knowledge is created. It also provides an opportunity to carry out entomological research while under supervision. Graduates will be able to apply advanced theory and methodologies to discuss and contribute to the solution of environmental, agricultural, and medical problems of an entomological nature.

The qualification will provide learners with sufficient theoretical, analytical and practical knowledge in the discipline to allow for professional and academic growth in careers such as Environmental Consulting, Law Enforcement, Plant Protection, Agriculture, Taxonomy, Biodiversity Conservation, Medical Science and the Academy, and to make a constructive contribution to industry and society at large. The qualification will allow graduates to be employed as consultants or as salaried workers in companies or government. It further aims to equip them to become life-long independent learners who are capable of researching to make original contributions to knowledge and society. Graduates will be able to plan, design and execute entomological research using the relevant methodology and report on the findings and thus contribute to the generation of new knowledge.

Upon completion of this qualification, the qualifying learners will be able to:
  • Evaluate and apply general principles, theories and methodological approaches underpinning the scientific study of entomology.
  • Explore the nature and causes of spatial and temporal change within the natural environment and the complexity of the reciprocal relationships among the individual elements of the natural environment.
  • Critically reflect on the diversity of approaches to the generation of knowledge and understanding deriving from the experience of the epistemologies of the natural and social sciences and humanities, including Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS).
  • Analyse the diversity of techniques and approaches involved in collecting entomological information including instrumentation, laboratory work, field surveying, observation, and the use of textual and archival approaches and in a range of familiar and unfamiliar scenarios, select appropriate research methods.
  • Undertake independent and original research in entomology starting from identifying a research problem, collecting data, analysing the data, through to completion of the research and preparation of the research report.

    Some of the most pressing ecological challenges of this century, including urbanisation, sustainability, food security, disease management, management of the environment and other limited resources, climate change and the impact of humans on the world are inherently linked with the field of Entomology. With the applied nature of the discipline, entomologists are sought-after graduates across a vast range of employment sectors. Entomologists study insects, their environments, and their behaviours through observational, experimental, chemical, and genetic techniques. They may specialize in a particular species or taxonomic group, or the use of insects for applications or industries. The qualification is designed to provide the nation with graduates in the entomological sciences to ensure that the local leadership base of innovative and knowledge-based economic and scholarly activity is consolidated, strengthened, and widened. It will further provide South Africa with a cadre of entomological experts capable of assuming leadership roles and who possess the required skills for addressing entomological problems.

    Entomology is a discipline and profession that serves the needs of society and the economy. Biological scientists lie within Natural and Social Science Professionals and are classified as a scarce skill in the Critical Skills Occupations List. The qualification has been designed to directly meet the needs of the sector for skilled professionals in the Entomology domain, contributing ultimately towards the National Development Plan, benefiting not only the learner but society at large. Graduates with an Honours degree in Entomology will contribute to a wide and diverse range of fields including for National and Provincial Government, Environmental Consulting, Law Enforcement, Plant Protection, Agriculture, Taxonomy, Biodiversity Conservation, Medical Science and the academy. Graduates will be able to work for themselves, as consultants or as salaried workers in companies or government.

    The institution envisages offering places to between 10 and 20 learners for this qualification, based on employment opportunities and needs, as well as on graduating learners from the Bachelor of Science. The qualification was developed in consultation with the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. The Society, an independent not-for-profit professional society, open to professionals and amateurs interested in entomology, is recognized by the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, is affiliated to the Joint Council of Scientific Societies, and is represented by various other scientific bodies. The Honours degree is the bridge to further postgraduate research-based studies, and it is expected that many Honours learners will progress to Master's and Doctoral studies and contribute to research-based solutions to challenges and issues in society, with an emphasis on those relevant to the local context. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution has an approved Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy which is applicable with regards to equivalent qualifications for admission into the qualification. RPL will be applied to accommodate applicants who qualify. RPL thus provides alternative access and admission to qualifications, as well as advancement within qualifications. RPL may be applied for access, credits from modules and credits for or towards the qualification.

    RPL for access:
  • Learners who do not meet the minimum entrance requirements or the required qualification that is at the same NQF level as the qualification required for admission may be considered for admission through RPL.
  • To be considered for admission in the qualification based on RPL, applicants should provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that they have acquired the relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to cope with the qualification expectations should they be allowed entrance into the qualification.

    RPL for exemption of modules
  • Learners may apply for RPL to be exempted for modules that form part of the qualification. For a learner to be exempted from a module, the learner needs to provide sufficient evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that competency was achieved for the learning outcomes that are equivalent to the learning outcomes of the module.

    RPL for credit:
  • Learners may also apply for RPL for credit for or towards the qualification, in which they must provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates prior learning through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to obtain credits towards the qualification.
  • Credit shall be appropriate to the context in which it is awarded and accepted.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • Bachelor of Science in Entomology, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Science, NQF Level 7, with Entomology as a major subject.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Science in Ecology, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Science in Zoology, NQF Level 7. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory and elective modules at National Qualifications Framework Level 8 totalling 120 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 8, 60 Credits:
  • Research Methodology, 15 Credits.
  • Research Paper, 30 Credits.
  • Philosophy of Science and Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 15 Credits.

    Electives Modules, Level 8, 60 Credits (Select four modules):
  • Agricultural Entomology, 15 Credits.
  • Forensic Entomology, 15 Credits.
  • Insect Conservation, 15 Credits.
  • Insects in Epidemiology, 15 Credits.
  • Invertebrate Taxonomy and Ecology, 15 Credits.
  • Insect-Plant Interactions and Biocontrol, 15 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate an advanced and current understanding of the general principles, theories and methodological approaches underpinning the scientific study of entomology.
    2. Demonstrate critical insight into the nature and causes of spatial and temporal change within the natural environment and the complexity of the reciprocal relationships among the individual elements of the natural environment.
    3. Critically reflect on the diversity of approaches to the generation of knowledge and understanding deriving from the experience of the epistemologies of the natural and social sciences and humanities, including Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS).
    4. Critically consider and reflect on the diversity of techniques and approaches involved in collecting entomological information including instrumentation, laboratory work, field surveying, observation, and the use of textual and archival approaches in a range of familiar and unfamiliar scenarios.
    5. Demonstrate mastery of techniques and approaches involved in collecting and analysing entomological information, including field and laboratory techniques, qualitative and quantitative techniques with a critical assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.
    6. Conduct independent and original research in entomology starting from identifying a research problem, collecting data, analysing the data, through to completion of the research and preparation of the research report.
    7. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of professional ethics in entomology and identify and apply ethical rules and conduct in practice within a South African context. Take decisions and act ethically with integrity and accountability for their work, decisions, and actions.
    8. Access information from a diverse range of sources to address a range of familiar and unfamiliar complex entomological problems and issues, evaluate the sources and the information, and prepare a logical response or a solution for the problem.
    9. Communicate and share their conclusions and views, and the entomological knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously using appropriate discourse, suitable audio-visual tools and technology, as well as appropriate referencing conventions.
    10. Apply their knowledge and understanding of entomological principles, practices and methodologies, and problem-solving abilities in complex natural environmental systems and can handle complexity, integrate different knowledge perspectives and interests, accommodate multiple views of reality and manage creative tension.
    11. Undertake highly autonomous and well-organised learning and time management to achieve consistent proficiency and sustained achievement, and work in a group as a member or leader, take full responsibility for own work, and, where appropriate, that of fellow learners. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Critically review and use theories, specialised principles, procedures and practices, research methodologies, methods and techniques to develop convincing arguments and positions that fully address current questions in entomology.
  • Apply the theories, principles, procedures and practices, research methodologies, methods and techniques in selected sub-fields of entomology including agricultural entomology, forensic entomology, insect conservation, insects and disease, plant-insect interactions and biocontrol in assignments, research reports and examinations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Analyse in depth the nature and causes of change in the natural environment with reference to current literature and examples from entomology.
  • Critically review using appropriate examples the significance of climate change and the implications on sustainable food production, insect conservation and disease control.
  • Display a detailed appreciation of the nature of temporal-spatial variation and change in written and oral submissions
  • Examine the importance of spatial and temporal scale when studying the effects of insects in agricultural, conservation and health contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of relevant philosophies and research paradigms.
  • Evaluate and apply perspectives from different disciplines and IKS and manage creative tensions such that multiple voices are heard
  • Select and fully justify given familiar and unfamiliar research topics and methods in entomology, an appropriate research paradigm.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Select and apply appropriate research methods in an entomology research topic.
  • Identify and apply relevant sampling and analytical techniques, equipment, instrumentation and other relevant tools (numerical, statistical, computational) to collect, analyse, interpret, and synthesize data.
  • Review published papers and accurately critique the research design and methods used.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Analyse and correctly apply routine and specialised entomological methods in the field and laboratory.
  • Evaluate appropriate dichotomous keys and other methods to identify a wide range of insects.
  • Apply accurately appropriate standard methods of forensic entomology in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
  • Identify and assess the strengths and weaknesses of an applied or recommended method involved in collecting and analysing entomological information.
  • Examine and apply a range of approaches to data analysis and justify fully the recommended method.
  • Compare and contrast the qualitative and quantitative research methods with a critical assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Correctly use software to undertake routine and more complex statistical tests.
  • Interpret the output of statistical tests correctly.
  • Report accurately statistical results in writing and illustrate in tables and figures.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Undertake independent entomological research in the research module. The research report will demonstrate the following outcomes:
  • Formulate and clearly present the project question and scope.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review to support the project and evaluate critically a range of information sources.
  • Indicate timeframes and budget, goals, targets and indicators to the project plan.
  • Identify appropriate methods including statistical methods, where a range of methods are considered, choose the appropriate ones.
  • Consider and apply ethical issues and seek approval if necessary.
  • Collect, collate, and analyse data successfully.
  • Interpret and discuss data in the context of the available information gathered in the literature review.
  • Formulate recommendations supported by the data and fully justified.
  • Present the research report in a format appropriate for the discipline and demonstrates no plagiarism.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Identify ethical issues in entomology and address them in the research paper and all other assignments.
  • Obtain ethical approval prior to starting any research.
  • Explore the views of multiple stakeholders and accommodate different views in all activities.
  • Carefully analyse all ethical issues in the proposals for the introduction of insects as biological control agents.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Access, and critically evaluate information from a wide range of sources and include it in the research paper and all assignments.
  • Critically review and analyse existing knowledge in the field of specialisation.
  • Manage contradictory information well, consider alternative viewpoints and reach a balanced conclusion.
  • Cite references to published work and include a critical assessment of the validity of the source and the work.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Communicate results from the research project to both professional and lay audiences using appropriate language and technology.
  • Present oral arguments in a convincing manner.
  • Communicate complex concepts, ideas, and theories clearly.
  • Presentations are engaging, clear and completed within the given time
  • Use appropriate language in the research paper and present all assignments in the approved style and adhere to norms for academic scientific writing.
  • Use accurately and consistently a standard referencing style in the research paper.
  • Present written arguments in a convincing manner.
  • Present clearly statistical results in the research paper.
  • Ensure all assignments include no plagiarism.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Address complex entomological problems through the application of advanced knowledge and skills.
  • Apply a systems thinking approach to complex entomological questions and develop possible solutions.
  • Manage and incorporate various conflicting viewpoints and creative tension in written and oral work.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:
  • Complete and submit all assignments on time.
  • Critique and include positive and constructive reflection on the learning process in the research journal.
  • Consider feedback critically and successfully incorporate it into iterative drafts of work.
  • Agree on and execute responsibilities within the group in group work.
  • Plan successfully, execute and complete group assignments and research. 

    Most international institutions do not separate entomology from zoology or biosciences more broadly. As a result, comparisons have been made with equivalent qualifications in the United Kingdom and Canada where the Bachelor's Honours degree in zoology/biosciences is a widely offered qualification and broadly similar to the South African qualification. Reference has been made to the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the Subject Benchmark Statement for the Biosciences.

    Country: United Kingdom.
    Institution: Plymouth University
    Qualification title: Bachelor of Science Honours in Zoology
    Entry requirements:
    International Baccalaureate 30 diploma points overall, to include 5 diploma points in Biology (Higher Level) plus 5 diploma points in second science at Higher Level. English and Mathematics must be included.
    Access To Higher Education Science-based diplomas, 33 credits in science-based units at merit including a minimum of 12 credits in biology units.
    The qualification will allow learners to study the whole diversity of animal life, from tardigrades to elephants. Learners gain in-depth knowledge of how animals work, develop key lab skills in molecular biology, physiology, and cell biology that are sought after by employers and build fieldwork skills on two residential field trips. Learners will also gain the expertise and skills to be professional zoologists and work across a diverse range of professions or go on to further study.

    The research project forms a major part of the final year. Alongside this, learners will build on advanced skills and concepts in biological disciplines as well as consider speciation and the diversity of life. Learners will select modules from a range of options including behavioural ecology, global change biology, conservation physiology, fish and fisheries and animal welfare which will allow learners to tailor their studies and prepare them as a zoologist ready to move on to the workplace or further study.

    Learners will be able to:
  • Study the biology of animals in marine, terrestrial and freshwater aquatic habitats. A spectacular range of these habitats is right on the doorstep.
  • Gain a strong foundation in theoretical aspects of ecology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, evolution, and genetics.
  • Develop high-level laboratory skills across animal biology in a wide range of taxa and habitats and gain key transferrable skills that are sought after by employers.
  • Undertake in-depth field studies of animals, including residential courses in the United Kingdom and abroad that develop field techniques and familiarity with a wide range of ecosystems and fauna.
  • Undertake self-study throughout your course, using our well-equipped library and range of online scientific journals, as well as unique laboratory and resource centre designed for science and engineering learners.
  • Have the opportunity to boost your employability by taking a placement year between your second and final years of study, working in the industry, anywhere in the world
  • Take an extended personal research project on a range of topics, often linked to ongoing staff research, in the final year.
  • Explore a range of contemporary issues in zoology.

    Qualification structure:
    The final year of the degree, which is equivalent to the Honours year, includes a compulsory dissertation and then several optional modules which include a mix of appropriate modules. The qualification was selected because of its similarity in exit-level outcomes to the new qualification.

    Core/Compulsory modules
  • Advanced Skills and Concepts.
    Learners will study a series of short, intensive courses related to their programme that support skills and concepts developed to an advanced level. The courses offered will be focused on developing the learners' skills sets and career aspirations, enhancing learner employability.
  • Personal Research.
    The largest component of the module comprises a research study element that incorporates the design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. Other elements include a conduct of study component and a communicating science element. Learners will also complete a comprehensive introduction to the research report that incorporates a brief literature review of the topic that addresses wider issues of relevance to their field of the research study.
  • Speciation and Diversity.
    This module deals with the nature, generation, and significance of biological diversity through a discussion of recent species concepts and mechanisms of speciation in a range of organisms, with emphasis on the evolutionary processes at work. This is followed by an investigation of the nature and significance of biological diversity; how it is assessed, and how it is distributed.

    Optional/Elective modules
  • Global Change Biology.
    This module provides the learner with an in-depth overview of the likely consequences of climate change for plant and animal species biology and distribution over the coming century. From this starting point, we will show how an understanding of climate change biology is vital for conservation theory and practice over the coming decades.
  • Animal Nutrition.
    This module examines the principles and practices of animal nutrition for a range of animal species. It provides an understanding of feeds, feeds evaluation, diet formulation and feeding. The module also examines the impact of ingredient, physical, manufacturing, and legal constraints on the production of diets.
  • Behavioural Ecology.
    This module examines the theory underpinning key conceptual models in behavioural ecology (e.g., optimal foraging, ideal free distribution, game theory). These models will be critically discussed in relation to empirical studies.
  • Fish and Fisheries.
    This module explores the biology of fishes and its application to the science of fisheries management. There is a focus on seminal works and recent advances in the primary literature.
  • Conservation Physiology.
    Every undergraduate taught course has a detailed programme specification document describing the course aims, the course structure, the teaching and learning methods, the learning outcomes, and the rules of assessment.

    Country: United Kingdom
    Institution: Liverpool University
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Science Honours in Bioscience
    Duration: Three years and the final year is comparable with the new qualification.
  • To foster in learners an understanding of the structure and function of the basic body plan of the major groups of animals.
  • To encourage the appreciation of the evolutionary origins of the basic body plan of animals.
  • To develop an understanding of how the basic body plan of animals has been modified to adapt to different modes of existence and habitats;
  • To develop knowledge and understanding in animal biodiversity, and the ability to apply, evaluate and interpret this knowledge to solve problems in zoology.

    Learning Outcomes:
    After successful completion of this qualification, learners will be able to:
  • To identify the structure and function of the basic body plan of the major invertebrate and chordate groups, and the diversity within the groups that have arisen through evolution.
  • To recognize how the basic body plan of animals has been modified to adapt to different modes of existence and habitats.
  • To read and interpret phylogenetic trees.
  • Information literacy online, finding, interpreting, evaluating, managing, and sharing information.
  • Problem-solving/ critical thinking/ creativity analysing facts and situations and applying creative thinking to develop appropriate solutions.

    Qualification structure:
    In year three, field courses in Zoology and Ecology are available. Learners will also undertake a research project that you will choose from one of the various parts of the school to complement the lecture programme chosen for the Honours year. Each project gives an invaluable opportunity to see what real scientific research is like and to work alongside staff who are international authorities in their fields.

    At Liverpool, all learners complete a compulsory dissertation and then select several theory options from a broad range that includes entomological options. The qualification was selected because of its similarity in exit-level outcomes to the new qualification.

    Country: Canada.
    Institution: McGill University
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Sciences Honours in Life Science
    Duration: Three years and the final year is comparable to the new qualification.
    The Interdisciplinary Life Sciences will allow learners from the earth, physical, math, and computational science areas to broaden their studies with some basic life sciences, health social science, and empirical technological science.
    Qualification structure:
    Learners complete compulsory modules in research methods and statistics and a research dissertation. They then choose from a diverse range of module options, including entomology. The structure and many of the modules in this programme are similar to those in the new qualification.

    The qualification is 24 credits and allows learners flexibility in their course selections. Learners must take 9 credits from an extensive list of basic life science courses, 3 credits from an extensive list of health and social science courses, and 3 credits from an empirical and technological science list. The remaining 9 credits may be taken from courses listed in any of the three categories. Learners studying in Anatomy and Cell Biology; Biochemistry; Honours Immunology; Microbiology and Immunology; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; and Physiology are not permitted to complete this Minor.

    The following modules are comparable to the new qualification:
  • Statistics and Spatial Analysis, 3 credits.
  • Principles of Statistics 1, 3 credits.
  • Principles of Statistics 2, 3 credits.
  • Probability, 3 credits.
  • Statistics, 3 credits.
  • Introduction to Psychological Statistics, 3 credits.
  • Statistics for Experimental Design, 3 credits.

    To conclude, in both the UK and Canada, the Bachelor of Science Honours in Zoology/Biosciences shares a common structure with the new qualification in that there is a compulsory research project and dissertation and then a set of options including entomology from which learners select. The new qualification differs from those reviewed in that it includes a compulsory module on the Philosophy of Science and IKS which we believe will give graduates a competitive advantage and an edge. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.
    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Zoology, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Biological Sciences, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Ecology, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Biology, NQF Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture, NQF Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Science in Entomology, NQF Level 9.
  • Master of Science in Agriculture in Entomology. NQF Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.