SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Education 
118462  Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Education 
University of Venda 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  480  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-11-18  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The primary purpose of the qualification is to provide a well-rounded education that equips graduates with the required subject content knowledge base, educational theory, and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers. The qualification will equip learners with specialized teaching competence in at least three specialisations, one Senior Phase (SP) subject and two Further Education and Training (FET) subjects or one FET subject and two SP subjects.

The qualification offers entry-level initial professional preparation for learners who wish to develop focused knowledge and skills as classroom teachers in the Senior and FET phase. It is an initial professional teacher education qualification for learners to be registered as fully qualified professional teachers in schooling. This qualification complies with the Revised Policy on the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ) February 2015). The qualification will therefore provide learner teachers with five types of learning, namely:
  • Disciplinary learning.
  • Pedagogical learning.
  • Practical learning.
  • Fundamental learning.
  • Situational learning.

    On completion of the qualification, qualifying teachers will be able to:
  • Demonstrate integrated knowledge of the main fields and disciplines associated with their chosen electives.
  • Teach Senior and FET Phase learners while adapting to changing legislation and policies in a meaningful and innovative way.
  • Demonstrate the ability to coherently integrate with praxis educational theory, pedagogical content knowledge and subject discipline knowledge.
  • Act ethically and professionally and justify their decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values within the organisational and ethical contexts.

    The current challenges in education in South Africa are well documented, as is the poor performance of learners in critical learning areas. South Africa needs teachers who are responsible, accountable, and highly motivated to teach their subjects - teachers who are empowered to not only apply theory to and in practice, but to critically reflect on the suitability and appropriateness of specific approaches, strategies, and techniques within diverse learning contexts - teachers who can educate the 21st Century Learner. It is thus of paramount importance to ensure that future teachers are enabled with the requisite skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes to attend fully to the needs of learners, and the overall goals of education, including to help build a better, socially just society in which its citizens can live a decent life. The qualification intends to prepare qualified and competent teachers for the Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase as a contribution to the initial teacher education qualifications that focus on preparing well-rounded learner teachers who can apply theory to professional practice. This qualification will provide the learner teachers with a degree of specialization required to enter the teaching profession and an opportunity for entry into higher degrees in education.

    Furthermore, the qualification provides a structured high-quality professional learning pathway for current and aspirant learners who want to become experts and specialists in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase teaching. The qualification will not only equip learners with knowledge and skills to teach in these phases, but the combined Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching makes it appropriate for teaching in secondary schools. The qualification also promotes the professional and academic development of graduates to enhance and promote quality education, developing high quality and innovative education and care for secondary school learners.

    The qualification aims to address the current shortage of qualified teachers appropriate for teaching in the Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Phase in secondary schools, particularly in Mathematics and Sciences. Therefore, the qualification aims to contribute towards achieving the national educational objective of producing graduates with theoretical understanding and practical academic competencies at the secondary school level, with the ability to manage learners, themselves and others in the school and the wider school communities. The qualification envisions a learner who has developed attributes such as the ability to understand and manage change, who has self-knowledge, who has respect for self and others, can resolve problems and has committed himself/herself to life-long learning. These attributes should enable them to contribute towards the development of learners' potential, as well as to develop a fair and democratic South African society. They need to be subject specialists with a sound knowledge base about their specialist school subjects and who can function in a diverse school context.

    The qualification's practical learning component includes work-integrated learning where learners are placed in actual schools to learn in and from practice how to teach. The primary employer of teachers, the Department of Basic Education, emphasises in their publication, Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 (Department of Basic Education, 2011), the need for new teachers to be nurtured at the university level, to enable well qualified young teachers to enter teaching in the school sector. As a result, the qualification will play an important role in realising this imperative. The qualification will contribute to the production and development of teachers who meet local, national, regional, and international needs in terms of both quality and quantity. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution has an approved Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy which is applicable with regards to equivalent qualifications for admission into the qualification. RPL will be applied to accommodate applicants who qualify. RPL thus provides alternative access and admission to higher education learning qualifications, as well as advancement within qualifications. Two forms of RPL are applied, namely RPL for access and RPL for credits.

    RPL for access:
  • Candidates who are not in possession of an accredited qualification that is at the same NQF level as the qualification required for admission may be considered for admission based on advanced standing.
  • To be considered for admission in the qualification based on RPL, applicants should provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that they have acquired the relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies to cope with the qualification expectations should they be allowed entrance into the qualification.
  • The acquired knowledge may have been gained through non-formal and/or informal learning.
  • However, not more than 10% of all candidates can be enrolled into the qualification through RPL.

    RPL for credits:
  • Candidates may also apply for RPL for credit, in which they must provide evidence of prior learning to obtain credits towards one or more modules of the qualification.
  • Credit shall be appropriate to the context in which it is awarded and accepted.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • National Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 granting access to Bachelor's studies.
  • National Certificate (Vocational), NQF Level 4 granting access to Bachelor's studies.
  • Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 with endorsement.
  • Higher Certificate in Education, NQF Level 5. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory and/or elective modules at National Qualifications Framework Level 7 totalling 506 Credits with three specialisations.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 5, 78 Credits.
  • Education Foundation 1 (History and Philosophy of Education), 12 Credits.
  • Education Foundation 2: (Psychology and Sociology of Education, 12 Credits.
  • Academic Literacy 1, 12 Credits.
  • Computer Literacy for Teachers, 12 Credits.
  • English Communication Skills, 12 Credits.
  • English Communication Skills, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice Observation, 6 Credits.

    Choose one of the three specialisations.
    Specialisation 1: Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
    Elective Modules, Level 5, 48 Credits (Select three Teaching subjects either one Senior Phase (SP) and one Further Education and Training (FET) Phase or two FET and one SP).
  • Tshivenda, 16 Credits
  • Xitsonga, 16 Credits
  • Siswati, 16 Credits
  • IsiNdebele 16 Credits
  • Sepedi, 16 Credits
  • IsiZulu, 16 Credits
  • IsiXhosa, 16 Credits
  • Sesotho, 16 Credits
  • Setswana, 16 Credits
  • English, 16 Credits
  • Afrikaans, 16 Credits
  • History, 16 Credits
  • Geography, 16 Credits
  • Social Sciences, 16 Credits
  • Art, 16 Credits

    Specialisation 2: Economic Management Sciences
    Elective Modules, Level 5, 48 Credits (Select three modules as follows: One SP and Two FET).
  • Economics and Management Sciences, 16 Credits.
  • Basic Microeconomics, 16 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting, 16 Credits.
  • Business Management, 16 Credits.

    Specialisation 3: Sciences, Mathematics and Technology
    Elective Modules, Level 5, 48 Credits (Select three modules: One SP and Two FET or Two FET and One SP).
  • Biology, 16 Credits.
  • Chemistry, 16 Credits.
  • Physics, 16 Credits.
  • Computer Systems, 16 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 16 Credits.
  • Natural Sciences, 16 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 6, 48 Credits.
  • Education Foundation 1: History and Psychology of Education, 12 Credits.
  • Education Foundation 2: Sociology and Philosophy of Education, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice-Microteaching, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice-Work Integrated Learning (WIL) 1, 12 Credits.

    Specialisation 1: Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 48 Credits (Select three teaching subjects, One SP and Two FET or Two FET and One SP).
  • Tshivenda, 16 Credits.
  • Xitsonga, 16 Credits.
  • Siswati, 16 Credits.
  • IsiNdebele, 16 Credits.
  • Sepedi,16 Credits.
  • IsiZulu, 16 Credits.
  • IsiXhosa, 16 Credits.
  • Sesotho, 16 Credits.
  • Setswana, 16 Credits.
  • English, 16 Credits.
  • Afrikaans, 16 Credits.
  • History, 16 Credits.
  • Geography, 16 Credits.
  • Social Sciences, 16 Credits.
  • Art, 16 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 24 Credits (Select three Methodology Modules).
  • Tshivenda Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Xitsonga Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Siswati Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • IsiNdebele Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Sepedi Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • IsiZulu Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • IsiXhosa Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Sesotho Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Setswana Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • English Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Afrikaans Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • History Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Geography Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Social Sciences Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Art Methodology, 8 Credits.

    Specialisation 2: Economic Management Sciences
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 48 Credits (Select three Teaching subjects).
  • Economics and Management Sciences, 16 Credits.
  • Basic Microeconomics, 16 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting, 16 Credits.
  • Business Management, 16 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 24 Credits (Select three Methodology Modules).
  • Economics and Management Sciences Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Accounting Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Economics Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Business Studies Methodology, 8 Credits.

    Specialisation 3: Science, Mathematics and Technology.
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 48 Credits (Select Three Teaching subjects, One SP and Two FET or Two FET and One SP)
  • Biology, 16 Credits.
  • Chemistry, 16 Credits.
  • Physics, 16 Credits.
  • Computer Systems, 16 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 16 Credits.
  • Natural Sciences, 16 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 6, 24 (Select Three Methodology Modules).
  • Life Science Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Information Technology Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Mathematics Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Natural Sciences Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Physical Science Methodology, 8 Credits.
  • Information Technology Methodology, 8 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 7, 148 Credits.
  • Education Foundation1: History and Psychology of Education, 12 Credits.
  • Education Foundation 2: Sociology and Philosophy of Education, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice-Microteaching, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice-WIL 2, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice, 48 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice (WIL) 3, 16 Credits.
  • HIV/AIDS Education for Educators, 12 Credits.
  • School Management, 12 Credits.
  • Curriculum Theory and Practice, 12 Credits.

    Specialisation 1: Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences.
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 48 Credits (Select Two Teaching subjects, either One SP and Two FET or Two FET and One SP).
  • Tshivenda, 24 Credits.
  • Xitsonga, 24 Credits.
  • Siswati, 24 Credits.
  • IsiNdebele, 24 Credits.
  • Sepedi, 24 Credits.
  • IsiZulu, 24 Credits.
  • IsiXhosa, 24 Credits.
  • Sesotho, 24 Credits.
  • Setswana, 24 Credits.
  • English, 24 Credits.
  • Afrikaans, 24 Credits.
  • History, 24 Credits.
  • Geography, 24 Credits.
  • Social Sciences, 24 Credits.
  • Art, 24 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 64 Credits (Select Two Methodology Modules).
  • Tshivenda Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Xitsonga Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Siswati Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • IsiNdebele Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Sepedi Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • IsiZulu Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • IsiXhosa Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Sesotho Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Setswana Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • English Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Afrikaans Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • History Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Geography Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Social Sciences Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Art Methodology, 32 Credits.

    Specialisation 2: Economic Management Sciences
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 48 Credits (Select Two Teaching subjects).
  • Economics and Management Sciences, 24 Credits.
  • Basic Microeconomics, 24 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting, 24 Credits.
  • Business Management, 24 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 64 Credits (Select Two Methodology Modules).
  • Economics and Management Sciences Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Accounting Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Economics Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Business Studies Methodology, 32 Credits.

    Specialisation 3: Science, Mathematics and Technology
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 48 Credits (Select Two Teaching subjects, either One SP and Two FET or Two FET and 1 SP).
  • Biology, 24 Credits.
  • Chemistry 24, Credits.
  • Physics, 24 Credits.
  • Computer Systems, 24 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 24 Credits.
  • Natural Sciences, 24 Credits.
    Elective Modules, Level 7, 64 (Select Two Methodology Modules)
  • Life Science Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Information Technology Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Mathematics Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Natural Sciences Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Physical Science Methodology, 32 Credits.
  • Information Technology Methodology, 32 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate sound subject knowledge required for teaching in the Senior and Further Education and Training.
    2. Mediate learning in the teaching of the selected three subjects/methodologies in diverse contexts at the Senior and FET level.
    3. Interpret and design teaching and learning strategies as well as materials for the selected three subjects/methodologies.
    4. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of theories and principles that inform teaching and learning in the subjects/methodologies.
    5. Plan lessons for teaching incorporating the use of teaching and learning technologies to facilitate effective learning.
    6. Demonstrate the skills in the teaching of the specialization subjects taking cognizance of the teaching context, educational infrastructure, and school resources across the diverse schooling contexts in South African communities.
    7. Demonstrate an understanding of teaching as a profession through demonstrating professional ethics and responsible and professional individual conduct in the school and the community. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Apply subject knowledge with a wide and deep understanding of fields of knowledge, skills, values, principles, methods, and procedures that are relevant subjects and grades.
  • Identify, understand and apply teaching and learning approaches that are suitable for learners in their diverse contexts.
  • Use appropriate language, terminology, and concepts of their subjects.
  • Illustrate a deep understanding of the relevant content for implementing subject knowledge and methodology for a particular grade.
  • Identify, select, and justify the use of assessment materials, content and tools in the subjects that are relevant at different grades.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Select and apply diverse knowledge of learning styles and mediate with appropriate teaching strategies to match individual learning needs, barriers, and challenges.
  • Construct learning environments that are appropriate and sensitive to diverse learners' backgrounds and contexts.
  • Communicate and facilitate learning effectively using appropriate teaching and learning strategies as well as the language of communication for learning in their subject specialisations.
  • Recognise and accommodate the differences that learners have and implement teaching sensitivity and inclusivity.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Critically engage with the school curriculum and interpret it for different diverse South African school contexts using their subject specialisations.
  • Analyse, unpack and interpret the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) documents in the context of their subject specialisations.
  • Design and apply learning qualifications and plan learning experiences in the subjects that are relevant for grades in the Senior and FET phases.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the diverse context in which teaching, and learning takes place within the South African school system.
  • Understand relevant curriculum theory, learning theories teaching theories and pedagogies and identify their implications for teaching practice.
  • Use key theoretical constructs of curriculum, teaching and learning to explain the current school education system and practices.
  • Explain the main current research into learning and teaching in the context of the South African school education system.
  • Reflect on own teaching practices from a theoretical perspective.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Demonstrate knowledge on how to teach their subject specialisations within the Senior and Further Education and Training (FET) Phases of the secondary school system.
  • Develop skills in planning for and teaching in their chosen specialisations/methodologies.
  • Demonstrate reflexive competence to inform teaching and learning practices, taking into consideration the diversity of the learners.
  • Reflect on planning and teaching to improve teaching professional practices within diverse contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Develop appropriate lesson plans that take into consideration the content to be taught, the diversity of learners and the availability of resources in a school.
  • Understand teaching, learning and assessment strategies in the teaching of Senior and FET phases.
  • Understand the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in their subject specialisations at the Senior and FET phase of the school curriculum and integrate that knowledge to facilitate effective learning.
  • Use a range of specific teaching methods that inform the teaching of subject specialisations within the CAPS curriculum.
  • Appraise the learning situation and select appropriate teaching and learning resources and classroom technologies/media to facilitate effective teaching and learning.
  • Develop appropriate assessment tools for assessing learning in their subject specialisations.
  • Identify, justify, and compile records for teaching and learning that need to be kept by professional teachers.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of a professional teacher.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the schooling system in South Africa.
  • Understand the policies that inform teaching and learning in the South African school education system.
  • Uphold the teacher code of conduct and the professional ethics expected of teachers within school and community.
  • Employ the teacher's roles within and outside of school that benefit the community, the nation and region at large. 

    A comparative analysis of the South African qualification with the international Bachelor of Education qualifications has been done. The qualification compares well with the teacher qualifications offered internationally.

    Country: Rwanda
    Institution: University of Gitwe
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Education
    Qualification structure:
    The institution offers a Bachelor of Education in two separate departments, is offered from one department, even though modules are taught in other departments and from other schools as well. The Department of Arts and Humanities offers specialisations in two subjects from languages and economics, for example, Education in English French, Education in History-Economics, while the Department of Science offers specialisations in two subjects from sciences and mathematics such as Education in Mathematics-Biology, Mathematics-Geography, Mathematics, ICT, Biology-Geography. The similarity with South African qualification is the two subject specialisations in the streams which takes place in the two separate departments.

    Country: Australia
    Institution: Edith Cowan University (ECU)
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
    Qualification structure:
    The institution offers a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) as an initial teacher training qualification, in which learners study their preferred areas of specialisation concurrent with a suite of core education units that address key educational needs of young people. This is similar to the South African qualification where learners concurrently study their specialisation subjects as they also study education courses such as in the Foundations of Education. Learners in the qualification take their First Professional Practice course, similar to teaching practice, in the second semester of the second year, and the second one in the second semester of the third year. Our teaching practice starts with observation in schools in the second semester of the first year. In their final and fourth year, ECU learners have a School-Based Professional learning internship, similar to the fourth level WIL. Their specialisations include some of our BED (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training teaching) specialisations such as English, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Biological Science.

    The comparison was conducted with the above institutions focusing on areas of professional recognition, duration of the qualification, the purpose of the qualification, entry/admission requirements, qualification structure, teaching practice/SBE, articulation pathway and RPL. There are many similarities between the above-mentioned international qualifications in terms of modules, although they do not bear the same titles, many are mostly similar. All universities compared to have a School-Based Professional learning internship similar to the WIL in the South African qualification. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.
    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Education, NQF Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Education Honours, NQF Level 8 with Mathematics Education, Chemistry Education, Life Sciences Education or Physics Education. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.