SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching 
118459  Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching 
University of Venda 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  480  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-11-18  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching is to train foundation phase teachers to have a strong content knowledge base and a high level and depth of professional judgement. It further aims to provide a well-rounded, broad education that equips teacher education learners with the subject content knowledge base, theory and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers.

The qualification is intended to train and develop quality qualified classroom teachers who can demonstrate focused knowledge and skills within the foundation phase teaching contexts. It will, in this manner, contribute to equipping beginner teachers to make a positive impact in improving the quality of education in the country.

To serve the national objectives of providing quality education, every qualification needs to have a sound theoretical underpinning. National policy will be a priority, but to achieve the qualification outcomes, there needs to be more than mere compliance to policy. Key considerations which need to be made in offering the qualification are the nature of the learners who will be enrolled, the attributes that need to be developed to ensure that the enrolled learners meet the requirements, how to ensure that these attributes are developed in the learners and the profile of the institution's teacher education graduate as outlined in the institutional mission and vision.

The focus of this qualification should therefore be to cater for both the cognitive and affective attributes. The core values of the institution also provide valuable indicators of what the profile of a teacher graduate should be like in terms of both these important attributes. The key aspects should focus on a critical disposition, dialogical praxis and social activism, for the qualification to produce teachers who are adaptable and reflexive so that they can function optimally in a variety and complex educational contexts at the foundation phase (FP).

The qualification envisions to produce a learner who can think critically and possesses the professional, technological and cultural knowledge to function optimally in respective diverse national, regional as well as international teaching contexts. Learners from this qualification also need to possess specific professional attributes and skills for the teaching profession in general, but with special emphasis at the foundation phase. It would thus not include only practical skills, but also deep knowledge to enhance the quality of their contribution in these contexts.

The rationale for the qualification is therefore to provide a structured high-quality professional learning pathway for current and aspirant learners who want to become experts and specialists in teaching in the foundation phase. The qualification will not only equip learners with the appropriate knowledge and skills to teach in foundation phase (Grades R-3) and lay a sound foundation in education, but also promote the professional and academic development of graduates to enhance and promote quality education, developing high quality and innovate education and care for young children from Grade R to Grade 3. There is a huge demand at local, national, regional and international levels for this education.

The qualification, therefore, aims to contribute in this regard towards achieving the national objectives of:
  • Complementing the national efforts in foundation phase teaching and learning in schools by producing more and highly professionally and academically qualified and teachers.
  • Producing qualifying learners with theoretical understanding and practical competencies at the foundation phase, with the ability to manage learners, oneself and others in the school and the wider school communities.
  • Promoting life-long learning by encouraging learners in the qualification to further their studies.
  • Producing qualifying learners who can organise and manage information, themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively.
  • Communicating effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes that benefit young learners.
  • Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems and recognizing that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.
  • Participating as responsible citizens in the life of local, national, and global communities.
  • Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts in a foundation phase school setting.
  • Preparing learners with the required subject content knowledge, educational theories and methodologies that enable learners to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically, professionally competent in the foundation phase.
  • Training foundation phase teachers and equip them with an in-depth understanding of the subject matter (classroom activities), sound professional teaching skills, and ability to adapt to the ever-changing foundation phase educational needs in South Africa
  • Offering qualifying learners with a sound foundation in classroom management, methods of foundation phase teaching and learning, as well as skills for working with children at the age of five (5) through to nine (9) years. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution has an RPL policy that applies to equivalent qualifications. RPL will be applied to accommodate applicants who qualify. RPL thus provides alternative access and admission to higher education learning qualifications, credits from modules and credits for or towards the qualification.

    RPL for access:
  • Learners who do not meet the minimum entrance requirements or the required qualification that is at the same NQF level as the qualification required for admission may be considered for admission through RPL.
  • To be considered for admission in the qualification based on RPL, applicants should provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that they have acquired the relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies through non-formal and/or informal learning to cope with the qualification expectations should they be allowed entrance into the qualification.
  • Advanced standing may be granted.

    RPL for exemption of modules:
  • Learners may apply for RPL to be exempted for modules that form part of the qualification.
  • For a learner to be exempted from a module, the learner needs to provide sufficient evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that competency was achieved for the learning outcomes that are equivalent to the learning outcomes of the module.

    RPL for credit:
  • Learners may also apply for RPL for credit for or towards the qualification, in which they must provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates prior learning through non-formal and/or informal learning to obtain credits towards the qualification.
  • Credit shall be appropriate to the context in which it is awarded and accepted.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC), NQF Level 4, granting access to bachelor's degree studies.
  • National Certificate (Vocational), NQF Level 4, granting access to bachelor's degree studies.
    Senior Certificate (SC), NQF Level 4, with endorsement.
  • Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Development, NQF Level 5.
  • Higher Certificate in Education, NQF Level 5. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory modules at National Qualifications Framework Level 5, 6 and 7 totalling 492 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 5,138 Credits:
    YEAR 1
  • Academic Literacy for Foundation Phase Teachers, 12 Credits
  • Computer Literacy Application for Foundation Phase Teachers, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • Education Foundations 1: Psychological foundations of Early Childhood Development, 12 Credits.
  • Role of Reception Year in FP, 12 Credits.
  • English Communication Skills, 12 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits.
  • Indigenous language/Home Language, 6 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • Curriculum Development for Foundation Phase 1, 12 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits.
  • Indigenous Language/Home Language, 6 Credits.
  • Introduction to Teaching Practice in Foundation Phase, 12 Credits.
  • Academic Literacy for FP Teachers, 6 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 6,114 Credits:
    YEAR 2
  • Curriculum Development for Foundation Phase: Teaching Strategies and Assessment, 6 Credits.
  • Learning Support for Foundation Phase, 12 Credits.
  • Education Foundations 2: Sociological Foundations of Education for Early Childhood, 12 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice Observation in Schools, 12 Credits.
  • Indigenous language/ Home Language, 6 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits.
  • Micro-Teaching Practice, 12 Credits.
  • Theories of Early Childhood Development and Formal Schooling, 12 Credits.
  • Indigenous Language/ Home Language, 6 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 7,120 Credits:
    YEAR 3
  • Education Foundations 1: Philosophy of Education for Young Children, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits.
  • Indigenous language Language, 6 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • Support for Children with Learning Barriers, 9 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice, 12 Credits.
  • English First Additional Language, 6 Credits.
  • Mathematics, 6 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 6 Credits.
  • Education Foundations 2: Comparative Education in Early Childhood Education, 12 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice/ WIL, 18 Credits.
  • Indigenous Language/Home Language, 6 Credits.
  • Support for Children with Learning Barriers, 9 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 7,120 Credits:
    YEAR 4
  • Administration and Management in Foundation Phase, 18 Credits
  • Art for Young Children: EAT 454, 18 Credits.
  • Curriculum Theory and Practice in Foundation Phase, 18 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice, 18 Credits.
  • Music for Young Children, 18 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice/Work Integrated Learning (WIL, 30 Credits. 

    1. Evaluate and apply key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories interrelated to Foundation Phase teaching; and implement knowledge to improve teaching strategies and practices.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan, design, organise and manage foundation phase classroom in an operative and ethical manner.
    3. Demonstrate sound knowledge and competence to screen, identify, evaluate and address the barrier to learning in the Foundation Phase.
    4. Manage learning environments and support learners in ways that are sensitive, stimulating, democratic and well-organised.
    5. Acquire knowledge and skills in assessing and monitoring learners progress and achievement and develop appropriate learning strategies.
    6. Demonstrate advanced integrated knowledge in teaching subjects and information technology (IT) skills in the Foundation Phase.
    7. Develop and communicate ideas and opinions in well-formed arguments that are relevant and beneficial to the foundation phase of teaching and learning. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Analyse and apply various theories in the foundation phase of teaching and learning.
  • Compare and evaluate educational theories on child development in terms of their implications to early learning.
  • Effectively identify, analyse and apply various teaching and learning strategies that will help young learners to reach their full potential.
  • Effectively assist learners to enable them to manage time, physical space, resources, whilst also sensitively recognising their individual differences and diverse needs.
  • Engage critically with education policies and apply key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules, and theories related to foundation phase teaching to enhance effective teaching and learning strategies and methods.
  • Select and design learning programmes that demonstrate extensive knowledge and understanding of a variety of theories about teaching, learning, child development, and curriculum development.
  • Effectively recognise and acknowledge the emotional dimension of learners and demonstrate effective mediation skills.
  • Select and implement a variety of relevant study methods which address the learner's needs and develop them holistically.
  • Critically interpret information and contents in learning areas or subjects.
  • Apply and implement knowledge in the classroom during practical and situational teaching and learning situations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Effectively assess lesson designs, learning and teaching methods and materials through classroom research and personal experiences.
  • Develop and apply efficient relevant professional communication within the teaching and learning context.
  • Allocate the appropriate learning materials and resources for learning programmes that take note of issues such as approaches to education, conceptual appropriateness, relevance and accuracy of curriculum content.
  • Effectively select and adapt appropriate teaching and learning strategies designed in accordance with foundation phase subjects, content, grades and learner needs.
  • Identify and apply the important principles of effective communication in the developmental stages of learners at the foundation phase level.
  • Identify and consider individual abilities of learners and their specific learning needs during the development of teaching materials for classroom use, per grade and subject.
  • Select and develop or design learning programmes in a way that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a variety of relevant theories regarding teaching, learning, child development, and curriculum in the foundation phase.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Effectively administer learning tasks individually as well as in learning groups in an independent and ethical way to create and sustain a positive learning environment
  • Critically engage with the knowledge of various learning contexts, as well as policy, political, and organisational contexts and correctly apply it.
  • Effectively recognise, design and sustain differentiated programmes to address a variety of learning needs.
  • Effectively and extensively design and adjust teaching and learning strategies to meet individual learning styles, needs and preferences.
  • Critically reflect on the diversity of the South African education context to ensure the inclusion of all learners in the learning process.
  • Correctly identify learning and social problems and address these problems in collaboration with professional service providers.
  • Effectively create and maintain caring, supportive and empowering environments where learners with different learning needs are recognised.
  • Critically investigate possible ways to embrace, sensitive, stimulating, democratic and well-organised environment to support learners.
  • Effectively and critically identify, screen, assess and support learners with special needs.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Support early child development and learning in a variety of educational settings.
  • Extensively evaluate, justify, and, where necessary, adjust own actions that demonstrate effective management and administration of knowledge on teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Effectively create and maintain safe and child-friendly learning environments sensitive to individual differences.
  • Manage and resolve conflicts in the classroom in an equitable, unbiased, ethical and sensitive manner.
  • Carry out a variety of administrative tasks necessary for effective learning environment management.
  • Design valid evaluation systems, methods and procedures that demonstrate a high level of understanding.
  • Apply a range of evaluation approaches that can highlight specific strengths and weaknesses in relation to learners' age, grade and subjects.
  • Effectively adjust teaching and learning strategies whilst considering the cultural, gender, language and other differences among learners in a range of current and new contexts.
  • Design and administer evaluation tasks by using clear language and instructions at the level of foundation phase learners.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Effectively design assessment tasks and strategies appropriate for the foundation phase level and specific learning contexts.
  • Correctly interpret learners' assessment results to effectively review future teaching, learning and evaluation strategies
  • Effectively and creatively use a variety of culturally sensitive and inclusive assessment strategies appropriate for foundation phase teaching and learning
  • Critically and extensively assess the appropriateness of evaluation strategies with regards to the principles of validity, fairness, reliability and sensitivity to gender, culture and language.
  • Effectively and ethically utilise evaluation results to provide feedback on learner progress and achievement in educationally constructive ways.
  • Extensively and continuously track and report individual learners' progress on a regular basis.
  • Efficiently use the results of the assessment to guide future teaching, learning and assessment strategies.
  • Assess and record the progress of individual learners systematically.
  • Design and adapt the appropriate tasks and strategies for assessment of the subject area(s) and a range of learning contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Identify the main characteristics of a variety of specific language texts and how meaning is constructed, as well as how to use texts in the classroom.
  • Recognise and implement effective ways for language acquisition as a part of the child's development.
  • Identify and discuss language acquisition and development theories and approaches.
  • Incorporate socio-cultural theory and literacy instruction into lessons.
  • Reflect on a planned and taught lesson to ensure more effective integration of appropriate media and technology
  • Effectively utilise phonics instruction in the foundation phase.
  • Design lessons and teach learners in the foundation phase about aspects of their own development, such as personal and social well-being, the environment, and tolerance for differing religious viewpoints.
  • Proficiently use instructional languages in multilingual settings in the foundation phase.
  • Use visual literacy skills like observation and viewing.
  • Critically discuss how handwriting evolved, as well as language structure and usage.
  • Apply skills in teaching different subject knowledge which promote the social, physical, intellectual and emotional development to meet the needs of the foundation phase learners.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Make an effective argumentation for specific alternatives or ideas in the foundation phase.
  • Utilise speaking skills effectively to articulate and present information related to school, community and research issues in the context of the foundation phase.
  • Use listening skills effectively during conversations and interactions with learners and other relevant stakeholders to decipher meaning, such as knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions.
  • Ethically apply skills relevant to intellectual property conventions and rules applicable to plagiarism, both in written and oral format. 

    This qualification was compared against the following international qualifications:

    Country: United State of America
    Institution: Northeastern Illinois University (NIU)
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education

  • The duration of both qualifications is 4 years.
  • Both qualifications aim to produce teachers for the preschool and kindergarten and to develop pedagogical competencies for teaching young children, develop knowledge for educating learner teachers to understand program models and designs, and develop pedagogical are offered by public state universities.

  • There is a slight difference in children's age of developmental study. The new qualification age range of study is up to 9 years while that of NIU is up to 8 years. This implies a slight difference in the age of school entry between the USA and South African qualifications.

    Country: Zimbabwe
    Institution: Great Zimbabwe University (GZU)
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development

  • Both qualifications are offered in 4 years with 480 Credits.
  • Several modules are similar, such as psychological foundations in early childhood, mathematics, managing early childhood settings and life skills.
  • Both qualifications develop pedagogical competencies for teaching young children.
  • Both qualifications are pre-service qualifications that enrol learners with High School passes and are both public state universities.

  • The GZU qualification has a research project component that the new qualification does not have.
  • The GZU qualification is examined through coursework weighting of 40% and a final examination of 60% while the new qualification has 60% coursework and 40% examination weighting.

    Country: Kenya
    Institution: Egerton University (EU)
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development and Education

  • The duration of the degree is 4 years for both institutions.
  • Both qualifications aim to develop pedagogical competencies for teaching young children.
  • Both prepare learners to be competent teachers of young children.
  • The objectives of both qualifications are to promote learners' knowledge of holistic development including mental, capabilities, emotional and physical growth, spiritual, manipulation and self-expression.
  • Both are pre-service qualifications with high school as the main entry requirements.

    In conclusion, the three qualifications are comparable with Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching as they cover the fundamentals of teaching on the Foundation Phase. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.
    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching. NQF level 7.
  • Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase, NQF Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Education Honours, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Education Honours in Foundation Phase Education, NQF Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, NQF Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.