SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management 
116380  Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management 
Central University of Technology, Free State 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 12 - Physical Planning and Construction  Physical Planning, Design and Management 
Undefined  360  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2020-02-28  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification replaces: 
Qual ID Qualification Title Pre-2009 NQF Level NQF Level Min Credits Replacement Status
65326  Bachelor of Technology: Construction Management  Level 7  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L7  480  Complete 

The purpose of the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management qualification is to produce a learner with mastery in Construction Health and Safety Management techniques and services and who may choose to study further in related Built Environment disciplines. Construction Health and Safety Managers are responsible, competent and able to act with initiative towards the development of a sustainable and productive Built Environment. Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management entails theoretical, practical and administrative elements appropriate to low-rise construction work. Learners of this qualification would have acquired a well-developed knowledge of the technical, design and administrative construction health and safety principles, which would allow them to fulfil supervisory and management roles within the health and safety functional areas within the built environment disciplines.

Learners will acquire the knowledge and skills to implement an understanding of the control of construction health and safety in the construction industry and will have a broad understanding and knowledge of construction management in the wider social context.

The qualification introduces a broad knowledge base of the technological, production, management, financial, economic, environmental and legal frameworks associated with a construction project environment. Construction managers operate an organised, sensitive and appropriate control of development projects in the construction industry. As such, the Construction Management profession contributes substantially to the development of a Sustainable Built Environment, providing the physical structures for accommodating the technological, socio-economic, and services needs of the country.

This Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management is unique in South Africa. As such, developing this qualification in Construction will open up a new path for learners interested in Construction. Furthermore, the qualification is also unique in that it will require work-integrated learning that is currently required by the National Diploma and Bachelor of Technology qualifications. The qualification is a step towards aligning all the technology-based Construction qualifications with the new requirements of the professional bodies. The qualification also aims to enhance the career of the learner by providing economic opportunities and a choice of career paths, any one of which can result in professional status

The design of the qualification provides a broad range of entry-level skills appropriate to a person who would be entering the construction industry as a practice-oriented Construction Health and Safety Manager. The qualification provides learners with the competence to work at the level of a Candidate Construction Health and Safety Manager while studying further towards full registration as a Professional Construction Health and Safety Manager with the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions.

After the completion of the qualification, further study and knowledge development with relevant work experience will enable the attainment of the competencies required for advancement to the highest levels in the construction industry. Qualifying learners can find employment in the industry as property developers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers and they can obtain job profile and titles that are not limited to Candidate Health and Safety Manager or Professional Health and Safety Manager. The qualification aims to enhance the career prospects of the learners by providing them with economic opportunities and a choice of career paths, any one of which can result in professional status and recognition in the community of practice.

Furthermore, the rationale of the qualification is to produce learners who can contribute to the economy of South Africa by producing employable Construction Health and Safety Managers who are responsible, competent and able to act with initiative towards the development in the country.

Thus, the qualification provides:
  • Foundation studies for mainly careers in Construction Health and Safety Management, and various related fields within the Built Environment that potentially benefit from a combination of building, construction, quantity surveying, project management, property development, urban development, and construction management skills, thus contributing to the economic and national development of the country substantially.
  • Direct entry to further advance qualifications, such as an industry-related Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Health and Safety Management or Honours Qualification in Construction Management.
  • The foundation required for the further study and eventual registration at a later stage as a Professional Construction Health and Safety Manager with the South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP). 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    This qualification is achievable in part through Recognition of Prior Learning processes. RPL will comply with the institutional policy on RPL. Within the institution, the process of Recognition of Prior Learning is as follows:
  • The learner indicates the reason for applying for recognition of previous learning (this could be the entrance to a qualification or exemption from certain modules in the qualification).
  • The RPL committee determines the criteria for the Recognition of Prior Learning based on the request (could be admission requirements of the qualification, assessment of Exit Level Outcomes of modules for which exemption is either requested or approved guidelines required by the professional body/industry).
  • The learner must submit a portfolio of evidence of learning in place (what the learner knows).
  • The RPL committee assesses the evidence of previous learning supplied by the learner against the criteria and makes a recommendation to the Faculty's Quality Committee in a full report describing the process followed.
  • The Quality Committee will make a recommendation to the Faculty Board to ratify the decision.

    The main objective of the institution's RPL Policy is to recognise prior learning, to provide access into qualifications, grant advanced placement in qualifications, and credits for modules on the principles and processes that serve as a basis for faculty-specific RPL practices.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is a:
  • Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 with endorsement.
  • National Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 granting access to Bachelor's studies.
  • National Certificate Vocational, NQF Level 4 granting access to Bachelor's studies
  • Higher Certificate in Construction, NQF Level 5. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory modules at National Qualifications Framework Levels 5, 6 and 7, totalling 374 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 5, 120 Credits:
  • English and Communication Studies, 6 Credits.
  • Digital Literacy, 6 Credits.
  • Construction Mathematics, 12 Credits.
  • Quantity Surveying 1, 16 Credits.
  • Construction Management 1, 16 Credits.
  • Residential Construction Methods, 16 Credits.
  • Urban Development and Sustainability, 16 Credits.
  • Construction Materials, 16 Credits.
  • Design and Construction, 16 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 6, 128 Credits:
  • Building Services, 16 Credits.
  • Construction and Development Law, 16 Credits.
  • Urban Development Economics, 16 Credits.
  • Fundamentals of Health and Safety Management, 16 Credits.
  • Construction Management II, 16 Credits.
  • Construction Health and Safety, 16 Credits.
  • Structures and Concrete, 16 Credits.
  • Project Planning and Administration, 16 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, NQF Level 7, 126 Credits:
  • Construction Accounting Principles, 16 Credits.
  • Construction Management III, 16 Credits.
  • Industrial Health and Safety Management, 16 Credits.
  • Transportation and Traffic Safety, 16 Credits.
  • Work-integrated learning (WIL), 30 Credits.
  • Facility and Building Safety, 16 Credits
  • Environmental Safety Management, 16 Credits. 

    1. Apply construction principles to diagnose and solve well-defined unsafe construction and production problems systematically.
    2. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, and natural sciences to construction procedures, processes, systems and methodologies to solve well-defined construction health and safety problems.
    3. Analytically assess the design of components, elements, systems, works, products or processes to meet desired health and safety requirements and needs within applicable standards, codes of practice and legislation.
    4. Conduct investigations of well-defined construction health and safety problems through locating and reviewing relevant codes, technical catalogues, standards, experiments, measurements and production methods.
    5. Use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern construction tools including information technology for seeking solutions to well-defined construction health and safety challenges and problems, with an awareness of the limitations, restrictions, premises, assumptions and constraints.
    6. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing within the Construction context.
    7. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the impact of construction activity on the health and safety of society, the economy, industrial and physical environment, and address issues by defined procedures.
    8. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of construction principles and apply these as a member and leader in a project team to manage projects effectively.
    9. Engage in independent and life-long learning through the application of well-developed learning skills.
    10. Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of construction practice.
    11. Demonstrate an understanding of workplace practices to solve construction health and safety problems. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Analyse construction design elements and components from a health and safety perspective.
  • Design the construction of administrative and production methods and systems for problem-solving.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Analyse construction elements, components, procedures and methods.
  • Design the procedures, methods and systems for safe construction work.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Analyse construction elements and components.
  • Design the construction methods, procedures and systems for preparing construction project production schedules.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Analyse construction elements and components.
  • Design the methods, procedures and systems for obtaining and maintaining technical, cost and economic data of health, to safety and well-being in the construction industry.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Analyse the design and constructability of construction elements through the use of analytical and computer software tools and models.
  • Solve contract documentation, contract procurement, production planning and control procedures with appropriate methodologies, practice tools, and procedures to engender a healthy and safe worksite.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Compile design, cost and financial reports on health and safety for projects under consideration.
  • Compile cost budget, cost control and production planning, progress and quality standards reports for on health on safety for projects under construction.
  • Communicate, present and defend reports amongst inter-disciplinary company units, consultants and clients on health and safety project aspects.
  • Prepare consulting and professional financial and technical health and safety reports throughout all project stages.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Prepare project health and safety feasibility reports.
  • Present and demonstrate innovative project design and production solutions.
  • Apply knowledge for seeking innovative, cost-effective design solutions to socio-economic development issues involving physical development from a health and safety perspective.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Work within a team as a team member.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements for effective team management.
  • Communicate effectively on project health and safety aspects with all project team members.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Write technical health and safety reports on innovative and appropriate construction solutions.
  • Demonstrate the application of current and advanced health and safety tools and techniques for seeking construction solutions.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Adopt ethics, responsibilities and norms associated with professionalism.
  • Develop a chart for the inculcation of professional ethics.
  • Apply norms and standards to adhere to professional ethics and responsibilities.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:
  • Develop effective administrative systems.
  • Develop comprehensive project reporting systems.
  • Demonstrate workplace efficiency, procedures, safety rules and practices.

    Integrated Assessment:
  • Assessments take place following the institution's Assessment Policy and the Faculty specific assessment policy. The Department uses Continuous Assessment (CA) as a means of evaluation.
  • Qualification specific assessment regulations are determined by the Faculty Board and approved by the Senate.
  • Qualification specific assessment criteria, rules and regulations, must be communicated to learners in all learning guides.
  • The institution and Faculty principles form the expansion and implementation of assessment methods.
  • A memorandum/assessment marking guide accompanies the assessment activities.
  • The learning guides include the number and range of assessment methods used in each subject.
  • Every assessment opportunity carries a predetermined weight that takes the integration of the outcomes into account.
  • Each semester subject will have at least three formative assessment opportunities that establish a semester mark and give feedback to the learner on their progress.
  • Subject lecturers must provide detailed, written and constructive feedback to learner work within fifteen working days after an assessment opportunity.

    In continuous assessment modules, the semester mark comprises the final mark for the module or to provide access to a further assessment opportunity, where the semester mark carries a 60% weighting. In non-continuous assessment modules, the semester mark will usually count 40% and the final summative assessment 60% towards the final mark for the module.

    Formative and summative assessment.
    The assessment of the progress of learners is through Continuous Assessment (CA) and their performance assessed at various formative points in the learning qualification. In CA, rules are in place regarding eligibility for supplementary assessments should learners not pass one of the summative assessments. For summative assessments, especially where more than one assessor is involved, internal moderation checks are undertaken to ensure the reliability of the assessment procedures.

    Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of learning and teaching. Formative assessment:
  • Supports the teaching and learning process;
  • Provides progress feedbacks to learners;
  • Diagnoses learner's strengths and weaknesses; and
  • Assists in the planning of future learning.

    Summative assessments make a judgment about the level of competence of learners about the outcomes of a unit, module and qualification. The results of such formal assessment (e.g. tests, assignments, projects, presentations, creative production or traditional examinations) are a mark reflecting a pass or a fail.

    The department uses various integrated assessment strategies, depending on the focus of the module. Apart from class tests and the traditional examination where appropriate, learners are continuously assessed through assignments, research projects, practical work, work-based projects, case studies etc. 

    A comparison of international qualifications in the field of construction ensures that the qualification is comparable with qualification models, unit standards generated, and competencies required for learners at this level to assess similarities or differences in the qualifications. The comparison of the qualifications and short courses offered in international countries were in terms of the scope, content, duration, and qualification levels to benchmark best practices. The comparison focuses on qualifications offered by accredited training institutions and organisations which include universities in other countries.

    Although the South African workplace situations and legislation defer from similar international contexts, there is constructive alignment between theories and practices of safety between international qualifications and this particular qualification. Also, there is an affiliation between the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions and various relevant international professional bodies within the construction industry.

    United States of America:
    Institution: Central Washington University (CWU).
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Safety and Health Management (SHM).
    Level of Qualification: Baccalaureate Qualification (100-300 Levels).
    The duration is four years full time.

    Areas of Comparison:
    The health and safety curriculum of the CWU BSc SHM is similar to the safety management modules of the BCom in HSM at the institution. The core modules and electives are similar. The difference between the two curricula is the inclusion of construction modules in the South African institution's qualification, and the contextualisation of topics for relevance to South African institution's immediate environment. The duration of the BSc SHM is four years. However, this qualification is three years where the subject levels align with year 1 to 3 of the CWU BSc SHM.

    The BSc in SHM in CWU prepares learners to be safety and health professionals who have the technical proficiency to help create an injury and incident-free workplace. The safety and health field includes many industries, functions, and occupations. The purpose of the CWU BSc in SHM aligns with the purpose of this qualification offered in the South African institution. The main difference is that the South African institution's Bachelor qualification is construction industry-focused, whereas learners from CWU BSc in SHM are prepared to work in all industrial sectors of the economy. Similar to the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management at the South African institutions, the SHM qualification at CWU is the primary qualification for learners seeking a Baccalaureate qualification leading to a career in Safety and Health Management. The qualification at CWU has a minor in construction safety, occupational safety technology with a major in SHM.

    The outcomes of the BSc in SHM in CWU are similar to the outcome of the Bachelor of Construction in Health, and Safety Management offered at the South African institution.

    Institution: Curtin University.
    Qualification Title: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Health, Safety and Environment (HSE).
    Level of Qualification: Baccalaureate Qualification (100-300 Levels).
    The duration is three years full time.

    Areas of Comparison:
    The structure (curriculum) of the BSc in HSE at Curtin University is similar to the safety management modules of the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management. The core modules are similar. The difference between the two curricula is the inclusion of construction modules in the qualification offered by the South African institution, and the contextualisation of topics for relevance to the latter institution's immediate environment. The duration of the BSc HSE in Curtin University is three years, and the duration of the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management is three years as well.

    The BSc HSE at Curtin University prepares learners to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in a discipline for professional work. The qualification provides learners with broad-based knowledge and practical skills in the field of health, safety and environment. Learners undertake professional practice training in workplaces ranging from government agencies through to industrial settings. The generic nature of the application is the only difference between the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management and the qualification from Curtin University.

    The outcomes of the BSc in HSE resonate with the learning outcomes of the Bachelor of Construction in Health and Safety Management offered at the South African institution. 

    This qualification offers possibilities of both horizontal and vertical articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Management, NQF Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Construction Management, NQF Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Construction in Health and Safety Management, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management, NQF Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Construction in Urban Development, NQF Level 8. 




    When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Central University of Technology, Free State 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.