SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching 
112981  Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching 
University of the Western Cape 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  480  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-11-22  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase (SP) and Further Education and Training (FET) Teaching is to equip teachers with the:
  • Required subject content knowledge base.
  • Educational theory and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers in their subjects of specialisation, namely Mathematics for the senior phase and Languages for the Senior and Further Education and Training (FET) phases.
  • Disciplinary, pedagogical, practical, foundational, and situational learning reflexive competencies in teaching and learning in the Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (FET) phases of schooling.
  • Practical skills and workplace experience that will expose them to diverse and inclusive learning environments.
  • Knowledge to understand the complexities and dynamics of teaching in the South African context.
  • Theoretical foundations and research scholarship through orientations to research in Senior Phase (SP) and FET classrooms.
  • Research to go beyond the theory into researching their practices as teachers and prepare them for Postgraduate studies in various areas within early childhood education, e.g. Bachelor of Education Honours (BEd).

    Specifically, the Bachelor of Education (BEd) in SP and FET Teaching qualification will provide teachers with specialisations linked to SP and FET Phase teaching. Teachers will be competent in subject matter knowledge, and the integration of all types of learning associated with the acquisition, integration and application of knowledge for teaching purposes within the South African context. To promote specialisation in the knowledge and foster disciplinary learning, teachers will have the necessary content knowledge and skills to teach between the Senior and FET phases. The BEd in SP and FET Teaching qualification offers the following five streams of specialisations:
  • Accounting (FET), Economic and Management Sciences (SP), and Mathematics (SP).
  • Languages (SP & FET) and Life Orientation (SP).
  • Language (SP & FET) and Mathematics (SP).
  • Languages (SP & FET) and Social Sciences (SP).
  • Mathematics (SP), Mathematical Literacy (FET) and Natural Science (SP).

    This qualification is thus structured in a way to ensure knowledge specialisation linked with the SP and FET Phase Teaching. Also, teachers will develop practical skills and work-integrated learning experiences to prepare beginner teachers for teaching in diverse contexts. Teachers will develop disciplinary, pedagogical, practical, foundational, and situational learning reflexive competencies in teaching and learning in the Senior and FET phases of schooling.

    The qualification replaces all previous qualifications on offering, and has the primary aim of providing a well rounded education that equips learners with the required subject content knowledge base; educational theory; and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and ponsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers. The new policy on The Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ), has aligned the BEd degree to an NQF level 7 exit qualification, and also stipulates the following as approved qualifiers: Foundation Phase Teaching; Intermediate Phase Teaching; Senior Phase and FET Teaching.

    This qualification is for persons wanting to become fully qualified as professional educators in schooling. The qualification provides a deeply grounded basis for professional practice. In particular, it caters for those wanting an educational focus from the outset of their studies.

    According to MRTEQ (p.25), Senior phase and FET Teaching constitute a combined phase specialisation. Hence, the knowledge mix for this phase combination must support teaching in at least one SP subject and at least one FET subject. Furthermore, the basis for specialising to teach each SP subject or FET subject must include disciplinary, pedagogical and practical learning. Upon completion a learner may register with the South African Council for Educators (SACE).

    Moreover in complex SP subjects, the specialisation must involve the study of a range of disciplines up to the appropriate level. For example, in the case of Natural Sciences, it must include selections from Physics, Chemistry, Physical Geography, Astronomy and Life Sciences (see p. 25 of MRTEQ). In addition to ensuring the depth of and breadth of subject matter knowledge, all SP & FET teachers must be skilled in identifying and addressing barriers to learning within their specialisations, as well as in curriculum differentiation for multiple learning levels within a grade ( see p.25 of MRTEQ).

    Furthermore, MRTEQ specifies the general requirements for the knowledge mix in a Bachelor of Education degree. For example, at least 50% [240 Credits] of the 480 Credits must be focused on developing the teaching phase and/or subject, including subject-focused disciplinary, pedagogical and practical learning, etc.

    In addition, the qualification develops learners' theoretical foundations and research scholarship through orientations to research in SP & FET classrooms. This research endeavour will challenge learners to go beyond the theory into researching their own practices as prospective teachers from a professional development perspective, and prepare them for postgraduate studies in the field of education and, more specifically, teaching and learning.

    This qualification aligns to the new HEQSF guidelines and will provide learners with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies identified to be critical for teaching at both the SP & FET levels. Learners will be well-prepared with insight and skills that are both employable and relevant to further specialisation study in support of the principles of life-long learning. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
  • The Faculty accepts Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as an integral part of education and academic practice. All learning has value, and the Faculty will assess prior learning that is aligned to Faculty qualifications and awards credit to promote lifelong learning. The purpose of the University's RPL policy directs the Faculty's RPL procedure. The institution will recognise prior learning for:
  • Admission to qualifications,
  • Grant advancement placement in qualifications, and
  • Grant credits for modules, based on the principles and processes that serve as a basis for Faculty-specific RPL practices.

    Access to the BEd qualification is according to the university's RPL policy and its admission criteria stipulated by Senate. In the RPL process, learners have to undergo a Portfolio Development Course (PDC) to support admission. The PDC will focus on written submission explaining the reasons for the learner's interest in BEd [Languages and Mathematics] as an adjunct to their existing professional competencies and qualifications.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • National Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4, granting access to Bachelor's studies.
  • Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4, with endorsement. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory and elective modules at National Qualifications Framework Levels 5, 6 and 7 totalling between 530 and 560 Credits - according to streams.

    Choose One Stream of Specialisation:

    Stream 1: Accounting (FET), Economic and Management Sciences (SP), and Mathematics (SP): 555 Credits:
    Compulsory modules at Level 5: 145 Credits:
  • Academic Literacy, 10 Credits.
  • Second Additional Language, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills 121, 10 Credits.
  • Education 111, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 101, 15 Credits.
  • Introduction to the Economy and Business 131, 15 Credits.
  • Quantitative Skills for Commerce, 15 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting, 15 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting, 10 Credits.
  • Mathematics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 121, 15 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 6: 240 Credits:
  • Education Practice 201, 30 Credits.
  • Education 221, 20 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting 241, 20 Credits.
  • Financial Accounting 242, 20 Credits.
  • Management Accounting 241, 10 Credits.
  • Taxation 242, 10 Credits.
  • Mathematics 211, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 221, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 301, 40 Credits.
  • Mathematics 311, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Accounting & EMS 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics 301, 30 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 7: 170 Credits:
  • Education Practice 401, 40 Credits.
  • Education 411, 30 Credits.
  • Education 421, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Accounting and EMS 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics 401, 20 Credits.

    Stream 2: Languages (SP & FET) and Life Orientation (SP): 530 Credits:
    Compulsory modules, Level 5: 120 Credits:
  • Academic Literacy 111, 10 Credits.
  • Second Additional Language 122, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills 121, 10 Credits.
  • Education 111, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 101, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 121, 15 Credits.
  • Introduction to Psychology in Education 141, 10 Credits.
  • Introduction to Physical Education for Life Orientation students 142, 10 Credits.
  • Social Psychology for Education 131, 10 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 6: 180 Credits:
  • Education Practice 201, 30 Credits.
  • Education 221, 20 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 211, 10 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 221, 10 Credits.
  • English 111, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 111, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 111, 15 Credits.
  • English 121, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 121, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 121, 15 Credits.
  • Community Psychology in Education 241, 10 Credits.
  • Psychological Interventions in Education 242, 10 Credits.
  • Health promoting schools 212, 10 Credits.
  • HIV Counselling 20, 10 Credits.
  • Education Practice 301, 40 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 7: 230 Credits:
  • Education 31, 20 Credits.
  • Education 321, 20 Credits.
  • Method of English 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of isiXhosa 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Life Orientation 301, 30 Credits.
  • Education Practice 401, 40 Credits.
  • Education 411, 30 Credits.
  • Education 421, 20 Credits.
  • Method of English 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of isiXhosa 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Life Orientation 401, 20 Credits.

    Stream 3: Language (SP& FET) and Mathematics (SP): 540 Credits:
    Compulsory modules, Level 5: 120 Credits:
  • Academic Literacy 111, 10 Credits.
  • Second Additional Language 122, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills 121, 10 Credits.
  • Education 111, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 101, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 121, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 121, 15 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 6: 170 Credits:
  • Education Practice 201, 30 Credits.
  • Education 221, 20 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 211, 10 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 221, 10 Credits.
  • English 111, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 111, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 111, 15 Credits.
  • English 121, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 121, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 121, 15 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 211, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 221, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 301, 40 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 7: 250 Credits:
  • Education 311, 20 Credits.
  • Education 321, 20 Credits.
  • Method of English 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of isiXhosa 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 301, 30 Credits.
  • Mathematics 311, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics, 30 Credits.
  • Education Practice 401, 40 Credits.
  • Education 411, 30 Credits.
  • Education 421, 20 Credits.
  • Method of English 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of isiXhosa 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics 401, 20 Credits.

    Stream 4: Languages and Social Sciences: 530 Credits:
    Compulsory modules, Level 5: 180 Credits:
  • Academic Literacy 111, 10 Credits.
  • Second Additional Language 122, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills 121, 10 Credits.
  • Education 111, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 101, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 121, 15 Credits.
  • Geography 111, 15 Credits.
  • Humanities 111, 15 Credits.
  • Geography 121, 15 Credits.
  • Humanities 121, 15 Credits.
  • English 111, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 111, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 111, 15 Credits.
  • English 121, 15 Credits.
  • Xhosa 121, 15 Credits.
  • Afrikaans 121, 15 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 6: 130 Credits.
  • Education Practice 201, 30 Credits.
  • Education 221, 20 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 211, 10 Credits.
  • Educational Linguistics 221, 10 Credits.
  • Geography 211, 10 Credits.
  • History 211, 10 Credits.
  • Geography 223, 10 Credits.
  • History 223, 10 Credits
  • Education Practice 301, 40 Credits

    Compulsory modules, Level 7: 230 Credits
    Education 311, 20 Credits.
    Education 321, 20 Credits.
    Method of English 301, 30 Credits.
    Method of isiXhosa 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 301, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Social Sciences 301, 30 Credits.
  • Education Practice 401, 40 Credits.
  • Education 411, 30 Credits.
  • Education 421, 20 Credits.
  • Method of English 401,
  • Method of isiXhosa 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Afrikaans 401, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Social Sciences 401, 20 Credits.

    Stream 5: Mathematics (SP), Mathematical Literacy (FET) and Natural Science (SP): 550 Credits:
    Compulsory modules, Level 5: 150 Credits:
  • Academic Literacy 111, 10 Credits.
  • Second Additional Language 122, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills 121, 10 Credits.
  • Education 111, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 101, 15 Credits.
  • Life Sciences 141, 15 Credits.
  • Life Sciences 142, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 111, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 121, 15 Credits.
  • Physics 116, 15 Credits.
  • Chemistry 114, 15 Credits.

    Compulsory modules, Level 6: 170 Credits:
  • Education Practice 201, 30 Credits.
  • Education 221, 20 Credits.
  • Biodiversity and Conservation 211, 15 Credits.
  • Biodiversity and Conservation 212, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 211, 15 Credits.
  • Mathematics 221, 15 Credits.
  • Education Practice 301, 40 Credits.
  • Mathematics 311, 20 Credits.

    Compulsory module, Level 7: 230 Credits:
  • Method of Natural Sciences 311, 30 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics 301, 30 Credits.
  • Education Practice 401, 40 Credits.
  • Education 411, 30 Credits.
  • Education 421, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Natural Sciences 311, 20 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics 401, 20 Credits. 

    1. Display sound knowledge of the concepts of a teacher, learner, learning support material and associated theories and integrate these in the context of reflective creation of opportunities for learning, management of learning environments and monitoring of learning progress in a variety of contexts.
    2. Show willingness and desire to work and develop in the context of collaborative practice.
    3. Demonstrate awareness and interpretation of ethics underpinning teaching as a profession, show ability to take full responsibility for own work and decisions taking into account the potential consequences of own actions and those of others.
    4. Display integrated knowledge within and across disciplines, apply and evaluate concepts, theories and skills, and recognise different views and explanations in a specific field of study and manage processes in various contexts.
    5. Show ability to select, analyse and apply enquiry and investigation methods, reflect on and solve complex problems using evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments as well as communicate findings to enhance change.
    6. Demonstrate sufficient competences (Information technology, numeracy, academic) and skills that allow for efficient access to and evaluation of information including learning resources and communication platforms, all in support of their own learning needs and their teaching activities. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Integrate the concepts of a teacher, learner, learning support material and associated theories and satisfactorily demonstrate the reflective creation of opportunities for learning, management of learning environments and monitoring of learning progress in various contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Commitment, willingness and desire to work and develop in the context of collaborative practice are diligently exhibited.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Interpret ethics underpinning teaching as a profession to be appropriately expressed
  • Ability to take full responsibility for own work is sufficiently displayed.
  • Decision making method appropriately takes into account the potential consequence of own actions and those of others.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Integrate knowledge within and across disciplines is adequately displayed.
  • Apply and evaluate concepts, theories and skills meaningfully.
  • Explore views and explanations in specific field of study including management processes in various context and are meaningfully recognised.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Select, analyse and apply appropriate enquiry and investigation methods shown.
  • Reflect upon complex problems using evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments and findings are suitably communicated to enhance change.
  • Evaluate information including learning resources and communication platforms to ensure that it is sufficiently demonstrated, in support of own learning needs and their and their teaching activities.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The qualification aligns with the assessment policy of the institution. It is expected of lecturers to explain the assessment policy and procedures in class at the beginning of the module so that learners have the same understanding of the task at hand. The study guides designed by lecturers will inform learners with the types of assessment and the dates of assessment. All modules will comprise both formative and summative.

    The purpose of summative assessment is to judge the learners' performance, to allocate grades and to pass or fail learners. Summative assessment carries a weight of 40% of the final module mark. Summative assessment takes place at the end of a module's course and assesses whether the learner has achieved the Exit Level Outcomes. Most modules make use of written examinations, although some modules take the form of a portfolio or research project or workplace feedback reports to assess in a summative manner. The ratio of the weighting of formative assessment to summative assessment is 60% to 40%.

    The purpose of formative assessment is to provide regular feedback to learners on their progress, and such feedback should identify strengths and weaknesses and ways to improve.

    The following are formative assessment methods:
  • Assignments (individual or group),
  • Classwork activities,
  • Tutorials,
  • Tests,
  • Presentations,
  • Projects,
  • Oral presentations,
  • Classroom-based research,
  • Case studies,
  • Portfolios,
  • Reflection on activities,
  • Microteaching,
    The formative assessment contributes 60% of the final mark in all modules. This assessment aims at evaluating learners' understanding of their work and their ability to apply it in different settings, e.g. presentations to peers and microteaching, as well as supervised teaching practice in the (SP-FET) classrooms or their classrooms as prospective teachers.

    Also, the teachers will conduct practical's in schools for a total of twenty weeks, with supervised teaching practice in the third (for ten weeks) and fourth (for ten weeks) years of study. Mentors and university lecturers will supervise teachers by in the third and fourth years. Assessment of the teacher's practice in the Bachelor of Education (SP-FET) is according to set criteria such as:
  • The quality of their preparation,
  • Their subject content knowledge,
  • How they interact with learners,
  • The quality and use of teaching resources,
  • The quality of assessment activities,
  • Their ability to challenge learners' critical thinking,
  • How they manage classrooms,
  • Their ability to reflect on their lessons.
    Teachers are expected to develop a reflective portfolio on their school-based teaching practices as per criteria set out in an analytical rubric. Supervisors, who are subject method lecturers, are expected to assess the portfolios and provide developmental feedback to teachers so that they could enhance their practices.

    The range of formative and summative assessments will adequately cover the demonstration of knowledge of theoretical aspects; structured activities, and authentic assignments. It may also include observation in real-life situations or in given scenarios as well as online discussions and evidence of successful practical application of learning in an authentic education situation. In particular, the Research Project in Education will be carefully scaffolded and supervised. The assessment of the Research Project in Education is in an integrated way through a series of carefully scaffolded assignments which build towards a final report. Teachers will be able to use formative feedback on one task to improve their performance on the next.

    The final mark comprises almost always of a continuous assessment mark with a weight of 60 % (often attained through marks from assignments class tests, tutorials, practicals.) and an examination mark with a weight of 40%. 

    The Bachelor of Education qualification focuses on Senior Phase (grades 7-9), and Further Education and Training in Teaching (grades 10-12). Most of international qualifications focus on primary or secondary teacher education qualifications.

    When compared with this qualification, international universities offer a similar structure, the modules and the assessment compare very favourably with international standards.

    The BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training in Teaching qualification are comparable with qualifications in other countries as discussed hereunder.
  • Bachelor of Education (Primary or Secondary) at Griffiths University in Australia, with this qualification Teachers, will be eligible to apply for registration with the Queensland College of Teachers. Teachers will be able to embark on a career as a teacher in the public or private sector, which can lead to senior positions such as the head of department or principal. The BEd Primary Curriculum areas include history and geography, the way language develops and works, mathematics, science and technology, health and physical education, and the arts. Teachers studying Primary Education may also take a major in either Health and Physical Education or Special Needs Education or select one of the available minors ranging from English, Education, Mathematics Education and Science Education. In the BEd Secondary Curriculum, teachers undertake studies in two teaching areas or one teaching area and one major (conditions apply to some teaching area combinations). Teachers need to select one of the subjects Biology, English, Food and Nutrition, Geography, History, Mathematics, or Visual arts, and one of the subjects from Chemistry, Design Technology, Drama, Health and Physical Education, History, Physics, or Psychology. This qualification helps develop learners' theoretical foundations and research scholarship through orientations to research in SP & FET classrooms. The research will challenge teachers to go beyond the theory into examining their practices as prospective teachers and prepare them for postgraduate studies in various areas of education.
  • Bachelor of Education offered at the University of Calgary in Canada. This BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training like the BEd qualification at the University of Calgary recognises that teaching is one of the most important professions in society. Becoming a teacher requires intense preparation, with the acquisition of specific subject matter knowledge, the development of pedagogical skills, and the ability to make sound judgments in practice. In the BEd qualification at the University of Calgary, the development of an understanding of the complex qualities of teaching through five "dimensions of engaged inquiry":
    > In learning about learning;
    > With/in specialisations;
    > With contemporary contexts;
    > With/in teaching and learning communities and;
    > In ethical action.

    The BEd meets the requirements for teacher certification within the Province of Alberta in Canada. The curriculum like this BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training curriculum equips the teachers with skills to work in diverse environments. Placement of teachers in different schools for teaching practice. Will enable them to interact with a diversity of learners and to understand the socio-cultural contexts of the various communities in which they will practise or work. The BEd offered at Glagary provides teachers with the practical skills and workplace experience that exposes them to diverse and inclusive learning environments. Thus, they will understand the complexities and dynamics of teaching in a range of contexts.
  • Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education offered at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The qualification's duration is four years of full-time study. This qualification prepares teachers for teaching in primary or secondary settings. It is a practice-oriented that aims to produce high-quality graduates through a qualification integrating the latest educational theory. Teachers will continually develop teaching competence throughout the qualification with a comprehensive and engaging professional experience qualification. Teachers will study innovative teaching methods in the key learning areas and explore contemporary issues and applications, including technology-enhanced learning and learning analytics. Teachers selecting the secondary major have a choice of sub-majors in which, to add depth of study in fields of interest, including specialisations such as STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and TESOL. Like this BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training curriculum, the UTS qualification provides a well-rounded four-year Degree. The qualifications equip teachers with:
    > The required subject content knowledge base,
    > Educational theory and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified beginner teachers in their subjects of specialisation,
    > Disciplinary, pedagogical, practical, foundational, and situational learning reflexive competencies in teaching and learning across primary or secondary phases of schooling. 

    This qualification allows for both possibilities of horizontal and vertical articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Arts, Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education, NQF Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Education Honours, NQF Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. University of the Western Cape 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.