SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Diploma in Public Relations Management 
112246  Diploma in Public Relations Management 
Regent Business School (Pty) Ltd 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Diploma (Min 360)  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Public Relations 
Undefined  360  Not Applicable  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-09-18  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

Public relations play an integral role in a wide array of sectors and industries. Through the expansion and innovation of the various forms of media as well as its mobility, the impact of public relations management has heightened. Due to rapid technological evolvement, barriers of access to clients, consumers, target markets, organisations, sectors, and industries have reduced, thus creating a stronger relationship between both parties. New opportunities for public relations communications, interventions, planning and marketing investments arise. Public relations professionals need to secure knowledge on contemporary trends concerning the industry and employ techniques that ensure optimal competitive growth and progression.

The purpose of the Diploma in Public Relations Management seeks to provide learners with avenue that will result in employment across various fields such as public relations, business communication, marketing and digital marketing. The qualification will enable learners to explore key areas, techniques, theoretical foundations and best practices in the fields such as:
  • Public relations management.
  • Communication.
  • Media.
  • Marketing.
  • Management principles.
  • Business ethics.

    The changing complexities of business has had an impact on the nature of public relations management today. Critical to the survival and competitiveness of business, are the following skills in public relations: social media, written communications, multimedia, analytics and an understanding of behavioural science, media relations, and business literacy. Digital marketing, website development, data analytics, communications, product marketing, project management, content management and market research form part of other highly demanded skills in business today.

    Research indicates that African communicators not only experience financial pressures but several business and organisational issues and challenges that add complexity to jobs. Prioritise public relations talent and skills development to respond to the emphasis and popularity of digitalisation and audiences becoming increasingly fragmented.

    Furthermore, communicators are concerned about the ability of their leadership to communicate, both internally and externally. Also, there exists a lack of African talent and a need for communicators to upskill.

    Interestingly, research illustrates that there is scope for repairing bruises to reputations and sales that an irresponsible tweet, an ill-advised Facebook post, or a private smartphone video clip posted on YouTube can do to a reputation, a brand or product).

    With regards to a highly globalising and uncertain external economy in which mitigation of risk, integration and innovation is critical. Learners need to have skills in public relations. Due to the nature of macro-environmental changes, organisation's strategy formulation strategies may be affected. Although organisations benefit from an integrated reputation management approach, prioritise learners' preparedness. The value that public relations and communication brings to marketing and business overall, especially as a profession is of utmost importance.

    Globally, there is a shift in the role of strategic communication and reputation management in business. Only the forward-thinking and skilled survive. Thus, it is essential to possess a suitably strong level of expertise in handling public relations.

    The importance of public relations at a higher education level will elevate the role of strategic communication in business and serve as a driver of reputation and business growth. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution recognises the importance of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in ensuring that learners that possess skills acquired through life or work experience and non-formal education is taken into cognisance. The RPL assessment will focus on ways of evaluating a person's lifelong experiences (formal and informal) against a set of pre-determined criteria.

    Recognition of prior learning takes account of:
  • Formal study.
  • Age.
  • Work experience.
  • Industry-based training.
  • Working with experts in the field.
  • Internships, and life experience.

    Exemptions are granted for RPL when in the assessment of the institution selection committee, the learner's knowledge and skills correspond to the learning outcomes of the course or specific module for which credit is applied. The selection committee will focus on the quality and not the quantity of prior learning or experience.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • National Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 granting access to higher certificate studies.
  • National Certificate Vocational, NQF Level 4 granting access to higher certificate studies.
  • Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory and elective modules at National Qualifications Framework Level 5 and 6 totalling 360 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 5, 120 Credits:
  • Public Relations 1, 30 Credits.
  • Communication Studies 1, 30 Credits.
  • Management Principles 101, 15 Credits.
  • Marketing and Media: 1, 30 Credits.
  • Media Writing and Environment 101, 15 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 6, 240 Credits:
  • Public Relations 2, 30 Credits.
  • Communication Studies 2, 30 Credits.
  • Business Ethics, 15 Credits.
  • Marketing and Media 2, 30 Credits.
  • Media Law, 15 Credits.
  • Public Relations 3, 30 Credits.
  • Communication Studies 3, 30 Credits.
  • Digital Marketing, 15 Credits.
  • Marketing and Media 3, 30 Credits.
  • Public Relations in Corporate Environment, 15 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the nature, characteristics, practices and functions of public relations.
    2. Apply the techniques of public relations and evaluate its impact on business.
    3. Examine contemporary issues and challenges in public relations management.
    4. Demonstrate an informed value of communication in public relations.
    5. Understand and apply the various forms of communication strategies.
    6. Provide an assessment of the current trends of new marketing landscapes and examine various forms of media.
    7. Analyse and respond appropriately to the marketing environment.
    8. Acknowledge the significance of social media platforms and create a social media toolkit.
    9. Apply the various management principles and processes in conjunction with public relations within a business environment.
    10. Comprehend the background and strategies of printing and publishing within the public relations management realm.
    11. Enforce relevant frameworks for marketing ethics.
    12. Demonstrate a sound understanding of, and apply the various approaches to corporate social responsibility.
    13. Enforce and uphold basic laws and principles governing public relations. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Display a sound awareness of the development of public relations as a field, a comprehensive understanding of the practice of public relations in a corporation and an in-depth interpretation of the role of public relations in a corporation.
  • Develop an informed understanding of the phases of public relations, a sound knowledge of key the elements of public affairs and the ability to apply standard techniques of public relations management.
  • Acknowledge the importance of relations between the public relations officer and the publicity media, papers and magazines.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Apply key tools of public relations in a defined context.
  • Correctly evaluate the impact of public relations on business environments.
  • Sufficiently implement various research techniques.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Discuss current international developments of public relations management.
  • Identify leading professional bodies in the public relations sector.
  • Examine contemporary issues and challenges of public relations management.
  • Assess the role of digital networks in marketing.
  • Analyse and applied key trends, marketing models, digital direct marketing technologies, networks and online domains/marketing techniques of the new digital age about marketing and public relations.
  • Analyse the challenges of communication to ensure successful public relations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Have an informed understanding of the value of communication within public relations management.
  • Apply the steps necessary in planning and decision making involved in communication within public relations management.
  • Develop sound knowledge on classical, behavioural, quantitative and contemporary theories that impact communication in a public relations role.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Discuss all the key processes of planning within business and communications.
  • Evaluate and apply the communication process in its entirety.
  • Identify the key forms of electronic communication relevant to successful public relations.
  • Demonstrate the implementation of the process of group communication in business.
  • Analyse in full the promotion-mix tools and strategies for communicating customer value.
  • Adopt the relevant research methods in communication and public relations.
  • Interpret the role of reports in communication and its application thereof.
  • Familiarise and evaluated the various networks of communication.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the new marketing communications model.
  • Interpret the significance of integrated marketing communication in public relations.
  • Develop a comprehension of marketing and related.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Explain the concept of organisational change and demonstrated how the relevant approaches towards change management should be adapted.
  • Discuss the channels of media and communication in terms of its role in successful public relations.
  • Analyse the core trends, provided feedback and evaluated events management using the most appropriate feedback mechanisms and instruments.
  • Apply relevant and proper tools and strategies to improve communication flows.
  • Successfully apply strategies for web page communication.
  • Utilise the main steps in problem-solving in context of public relations management.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge of market research and its applications.
  • Interprete and applied market segmentation appropriately.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Recognise the significance of social media platforms that contribute to successful public relations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Obtain advanced knowledge on various management theories: classical, behavioural, quantitative and contemporary theories.
  • Extensively discuss the core leadership theories and perspectives to public relations.
  • Acquire an advanced knowledge of the management roles and skills to a public relations context.
  • Manage the organisational environment through an understanding of management challenges and contemporary issues as well as the appropriate use of SWOT analysis and environmental scanning measures.
  • Utilise suitable models of decision making that will increase the efficiency levels of public relations.
  • Acquire a sound understanding of the role of communication in management and public relations.
  • Explore the nature of managerial ethics to ensure a sound ethical climate.
  • Provide a critical overview of customer retention management.
  • Execute a well-developed crisis management plan that ensures preparedness in light of risk associated with public relations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Develop a sound of knowledge printing and publishing in the field of public relations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of ethics and its importance for successful public relations management.
  • Assess the approaches and theories of ethical decision making about effective public relations.
  • Apply the relevant frameworks for marketing ethics in keeping with best practice.
  • Explore the role of ethics in advertising within the public relations context.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:
  • Apply socially responsible marketing communication techniques in the realm of public relations management.
  • Assess the key factors that affect corporate social identity.
  • Assess corporate social responsibility and responsiveness to maintain an appropriate level of commitment to society and other related stakeholders.
  • Examine new policy directions and Corporate Social Investment (CSI) to uphold a proper level of corporate social responsibility.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:
  • Acquire a sound understanding of basic laws and principles governing public relations.
  • Understand and applied the Copyright Act appropriately with the view to inform public relations practices.
  • Discuss and assessed the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act in light of public relations processes and practices.
  • Demonstrate how the role of privacy and data protection is maintained.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to facilitate best practice.
  • Discuss the importance of defamation and trademarks in public relations.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The assessments will centre on:
  • The extent to which the student has grasped the concepts.
  • The application of theory to a practical context.
  • The methods of research used.
  • A balance between theory and practice and its relevance to the level of the qualification.
  • The use of appropriate technology to ensure effective communication of ideas.
  • Assessment methods measure the extent to which the student has achieved competence in the.
  • Different areas of study.
  • These assessment methods include:
  • Case studies.
  • Report writing.
  • Interpretative and analytical problem-solving.
  • Work-based assignments.

    Formative assessment implies being supportive to learning, non-judgemental and focused on providing constructive feedback or criticism to the student, takes place during the learning process and informs planning of future learning activities: Summative assessment implies assessment to be mainly concerned with summing up the learning process and therefore usually takes place at the end of the relevant learning process.

    Use integrated assessment across the qualification, particularly in the case studies. Self- and formative assessment takes place through case studies, assignments, including the writing of proposals and financial plans. Summative assessments are integrated into the learning in that they take place at the end of each of the constituent modules of the qualification.

    Calculate the final mark by the weighted average comprising of 40% of the Formative assessments and 60% of the summative assessment. Learners must obtain a sub-minimum of 30% for the formative assessment and 40% for the summative assessment, with an overall mark of 50% to pass the module. 

    The Diploma in Public Relations Management was benchmarked against similar qualifications internationally. The results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that the proposed qualification compares favourably with similar international qualifications. The institutions utilised for the benchmarking exercise were:
  • Queen Margaret University.
  • Wingate University.

    The focus of the benchmarking was on qualification structure and content.

    Country: Scotland.
  • Institution: Queen Margaret University.
  • Qualification Title: BA Public Relations and Media.

    This qualification is similar to the qualification offered by the above country in terms of the following modules:
  • Introduction to PR.
  • Media Relations.
  • Online PR: Platforms and Practices.
  • Media Production.
  • Introduction to Media Studies.
  • Media Industries.
  • Media Campaigning.
  • Employee Communication and Dealing with Change.
  • Critical Thinking and Rhetoric.
  • Media Production.
  • Media and Democracy.
  • Event Management and Evaluation.
  • Public Relations Theory and Strategy.
  • Persuasive Communication.
  • PR Research.
  • Media, Culture and Society.

    Country: USA.
    Institution: Wingate University.
  • Qualification Title: BA Communication- Public Relations.

    This qualification is similar to the qualification offered by the above country in terms of the following modules:
    Compulsory modules:
  • Public Relations: Principles and Practices.
  • Newswriting.
  • Mass Media Law and Ethics.
  • Public Relations: Cases, Campaigns and Strategies.

  • Photographic Techniques.
  • Studio Television Production.
  • Public Relations Writing.
  • Current Issues in Public Relations.
  • Sports Broadcasting.
  • Internship in Communication. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Diploma in Marketing, Level 6.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Public Relations, Level 7. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Regent Business School (Pty) Ltd t/a Regent Business School 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.