SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Environmental Management 
112203  Bachelor of Arts Honours in Environmental Management 
University of South Africa 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Honours Degree  Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation  Nature Conservation 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-09-18  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The primary purpose of the qualification is to provide learners with systematic knowledge, specialised skills, and theoretical competence in environmental management. A second purpose of the qualification is to provide South Africa (and other countries) with professional environmental management learners with appropriate skills, managerial and leadership acumen to reach sound and responsible environmental decision-making - in keeping with the precautionary principle and sustainable development principles. Such learners can serve the country in a variety of essential ways, in both the public and private sectors. The third purpose is to equip learners with innovativeness, problem-solving competencies, and the ability to operate in multi-disciplinary teams designed to manage environmental matters. Learners are also expected to be able to carry out proper scientific research in environmental management - thereby resolving environmental problems and contributing to new knowledge in the field.

The field of environmental management has gained momentum due to rising national and international concern for the environment. The emphasis was mostly placed on the natural environment, but the social aspect has since gained more prominence. People's livelihoods are intimately connected to the natural environment, but their adaptations, interactions, and engagements with the biophysical environment need to be understood as they have profound consequences for all life on Earth. In particular, increased degradation and pollution resulting from massive and capital intensive agriculture and manufacturing, as well as extensive urbanisation impacts on people, their social and cultural ways of being, as well as their human rights and livelihoods. Consequently, the demand for competent graduates with specialised knowledge and expertise in environmental management and social aspects is growing in Southern Africa.

Typical learners will secure employment in a broad spectrum of the industry (private sector), NGO/CBO and government sectors. Given that environmental management is multidisciplinary, learners with an appropriate qualification in relevant disciplines such as the humanities and social sciences will be eligible for enrolment. The qualification will equip learners with the ability to understand all the key approaches and techniques commonly used in sound sustainable development practices. In particular, the learners will provide support in the crucial social/cultural/environmental interface. Learners will be provided with the appropriate level of advanced theoretical knowledge and critical thinking to enable them to contribute meaningfully in various work teams associated with socio-environmental decision-making and stakeholder engagement. Upon completion of this qualification, learners will be in a position to support the private, public and civic sector concerning managing human impact on the environment and, as well as activities such as mining and the like on human communities. The purpose would be to optimise benefits and minimise socio-environmental costs. Learners will also be in a position to appreciate the fact that sustainable social and economic development and product manufacturing may be enhanced through the consideration of all the relevant environmental requirements related to the use of South Africa and Southern Africa's natural resources. Learners are sought-after in various industry sectors in South and Southern Africa. For example, there is a wide range of career opportunities advertised in national newspapers regularly. Also, inquiries lodged at the institution's Department of Environmental Sciences, regarding the possibly enrolling for such qualification are numerous and ongoing. Career opportunities associated with this qualification include the following (but not limited to) job categories: environmental researcher, environmental manager, environmental educator, Environmental Assessment Practitioner, community liaison, social impact assessor, public participation practitioner, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project manager, environmental economist and specialist in rural and agrarian studies. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
The institution recognises Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as an alternative method for admission into the qualification. The institution has the RPL procedures manual that guides its strategy to implement the policy. The RPL policy consists of three categories: pre-assessment and application; assessment and post-assessment, and it specifies the function of all role players. Learners for assessment will be assisted to prepare for the process. The process may include direct credit award, challenge exams or further forms of assessment such as portfolios, site visits or practical demonstrations; after which an academic recommendation may be made. The institution will verify and ratify the process outcomes to their satisfaction. Learners will be given RPL for individual modules if they can produce a portfolio of evidence or undergo any other recognised means of assessment that shows that they meet the outcomes and associated assessment criteria for any specific module/s.

Entry Requirements:
The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management or equivalent, (NQF Level 7). 


    This qualification consists of compulsory and elective modules at NQF Level 8, totalling 120 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, 96 Credits:
  • Research Project, 36 Credits.
  • Integrated Environmental Management, 12 Credits.
  • Impact Mitigation and Management, 12 Credits.
  • Environmental Access and Livelihoods and Resettlement, 12 Credits.
  • Stakeholder Engagement for Environmental Managers, 12 Credits.
  • Green Economy for Environmental Managers, 12 Credits.

    Elective Modules, 24 Credits (Choose two):
  • Integrated Natural Resource Management, 12 Credits.
  • Climate, Mitigation and Adaptation, 12 Credits.
  • Earth Systems & Processes, 12 Credits.
  • Integrated Environmental Management Systems and Auditing, 12 Credits.
  • Ecological and Social Impact Assessment, 12 Credits. 

    1. Understand the definitions, concepts, policies principles, tools, trends in the environmental field and challenges.
    2. Supplement the information with multiple sources of knowledge that need to be integrated, processed and produced.
    3. Apply standard procedures, methodologies, process and techniques to an unfamiliar problem and identify a research problem and use a research design and method to answer the research question.
    4. Identify the relevant body of knowledge, aspects and methods to solve the problem at hand.
    5. Show awareness of plagiarism and the consequences thereof in each of the offered modules. Take into account that research has ethical considerations.
    6. Access information and apply the information to different scenarios and case studies.
    7. Write reports, plans and conduct a limited stakeholder engagement project in a controlled situation, compile environmental management reports, follow EIA processes, etc.
    8. Engage with the content of the qualification and self-generate thoughts and actions.
    9. Acquire knowledge in the environmental field and apply such knowledge in professional careers or to meet learning needs.
    10. Attain the skills of self-discipline, working independently and time management. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Define and explain key definitions, concepts, policies principles, tools, trends in the environmental field.
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the learning material.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Articulate the core information in the study material.
  • Search for relevant sources to supplement the material.
  • Integrate, process, apply and produce, in a self-critical manner, the supplementary material to enhance their knowledge in the field of environmental management.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Demonstrate and understand that appropriate standard procedures to an unfamiliar problem needs to be used.
  • Understand the complexities and uncertainties of selecting, applying and transferring procedures.
  • Recognise a problem in the environmental management field and are able to identify and implement the correct design and method.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Solve a problem by drawing on the environmental management body of knowledge is displayed.
  • Utilise specialised skills to apply knowledge, gained from the study material and the environmental management body of knowledge, to scenarios that is related to the environmental management discipline.
  • Solve problems by generating alternative strategies and solutions are demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify ethical issues and ethical value systems.
  • Use ethical issues and value systems as a foundation and can be seen in all the work that is produced by the student.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Critically review the accessing, processing and managing of information.
  • Generate creative responses to problems and issues through data gathering, data synthesis and the evaluation of a process in the context of environmental management and specifically the research component of the degree.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Produce, present and communicate responses in a fitting manner related to the appropriate context.
  • Generate reports, plans and programmes that is aligned to the academic community as well as the environmental management industry.
  • Identify the appropriate language and target audience.
  • Ensure communication is clear and well structured.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Identify and demonstrate the ability to function or operate in a system or context at a sectoral, local, national or global level.
  • Understand systems and contexts in the environmental management field is displayed by the student.
  • Exhibit a sound understanding of his or her ability to manage the roles or relationships of elements in the natural system or protocols, plans and programmes as set out by the environmental management discipline.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Identify a leaning strategy that suites the student.
  • Apply the learning strategies that will enable them to attain their own learning needs as well as those of others.
  • Display the skill to manage his or her own learning and learning strategy.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • Take responsibility for their work.
  • Display the expertise to use resources to make independent decisions.
  • Be accountable for decisions and actions throughout the process of learning and assessment.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Formative assessment:
    The scheme of work includes assignments based on the learning material and give learners feedback. The process is continuous and focuses on similar sections of the work and a limited number of outcomes.

    Summative Assessment:
    Examinations or equivalent assessment, such as a research report to determine a representative selection of the outcomes practised and assessed in the formative stages. Summative assessments also test the learner's ability to manage and integrate a large body of knowledge to achieve the stated outcomes of a module. 

    The institution forms part of an internationally recognised accreditation system whereby university qualifications are evaluated against international comparators and accredited accordingly. For example, the institution qualifications are accredited in the International Handbook of Universities and the Commonwealth University's Yearbook.

    International qualifications that are similar to this one are:
    Environmental Studies (Honours) at the Open University United Kingdom (UK):
    Key features of the course:
  • Understand the complexity and controversies behind key environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion.
  • Combine a thorough interdisciplinary grounding in environmental change with a distinctive social science approach to environmental issues.
  • Learn how to apply conceptual understandings of environmental issues to real-world situations.
  • Enhance your employability with a valued combination of knowledge and skills.

    Comparability with the qualification:
    The key environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion are included in the Degree. Similar modules include climate mitigation and adaptation, integrated natural resource management or ecological and social impact assessment. This Degree uses the social science approach to environmental issues by adding modules such as environmental access, livelihoods, and resettlement, stakeholder engagement for environmental managers or the module ecological and social impact assessment. This Degree applies conceptual understandings to real-world environmental issues as all the modules have case studies and assessments that must be conducted in the real world. These include EIA's, waste management plans, audits, etc. The research project component further exposes learners to real-world issues as research problems in the real world must be investigated and researched. The employability of learners may be enhanced as the degree offers a wide range of environmental issues such as green economy for environmental managers and the module, stakeholder engagement for environmental managers.

    Environmental Science with Honours, Bachelor University of New England:
    This program is designed to allow well-qualified graduates to extend their studies and gain high-level knowledge and technical skills in areas such as Aquatic Science; Natural Resource Management; Environmental Studies; Science; Ecology; Environmental Management; Environmental Science; GIS, Restoration Ecology either to improve their career prospects or to proceed to higher Degree studies.

    Comparability with the qualification:
    The Degree has similar knowledge outcomes as the Degree of New England. The learners will also gain knowledge in environmental studies, resource management, and restoration ecology. Modules that are similar to this degree includes impact mitigation and management, integrated natural resource management, environmental accesses and livelihoods, and resettlement. Integrated environmental management systems and auditing is another module closely related to environmental management.

    Environmental Management (Honours), Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) at the University of Queensland:
    The Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) program prepares one to manage many of the environmental challenges faced by modern society both locally and globally, as we address fundamental issues of sustainability.

    The program bridges the gap between science and management, incorporating fundamental biophysical science with social science and multidisciplinary skills in environmental management, decision making, and policy analysis.

    Comparability with new proposed the qualification:
    The Degree offered by the University of Queensland bridges the gap by incorporating biophysical science and social science. The Degree does the same by providing modules that consist of ecological and social impact assessment. The module earth systems and processes further deal with biophysical aspects. The issue of sustainability is a key theme throughout all the modules.

    Environmental Science and Management (Honours), Bachelor at University of Newcastle:
    The Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management (Honours) is a one-year full time (or equivalent part-time) program that allows learners to develop their specific area of interest further and is a pathway into Research Higher Degree study. The program consists of 80 units of advanced theory, higher-level learning, and research.

    Comparability with the qualification:
    The Degree is also a one-year full-time module or equivalent part-time qualification. It further has a thirty-six (36) Credits research module, under supervision, that prepares the learner for research to obtain a higher Degree.

    The qualification, therefore, compares favourably to the Degrees as mentioned above. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for horizontal and vertical articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Social Science Honours: Geography and Environmental Management, NQF Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Education in Environmental Education, NQF Level 9.
  • Master of Agricultural Science, NQF Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. University of South Africa 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.