SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Diploma in Chemistry 
109314  Advanced Diploma in Chemistry 
Vaal University of Technology 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Diploma  Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences  Physical Sciences 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-03-08  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with advanced knowledge, understanding and practical skills in the four major areas of Chemistry that will enable learners to be versatile, innovative with analytical problem solving skills. Trends in Chemistry are dynamic and thus always redirect the expertise in the field.

The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners in learning how to apply a range of specialised techniques within the Chemistry context. The qualification provides a critical analysis of the principles and practice of Chemistry in a national and global context.

Learners will gain a thorough knowledge of Chemistry principles. This qualification will develop learners' ability to think both analytically and critically to an advanced level and to produce reasoned arguments encompassing the complex and constantly changing themes and debates within the field of Chemistry. The qualification aims to develop Learners s in the broader, changing social-cultural, political and economic environment.

The qualification provides opportunities for learners to learn a strategic approach to problem solving in Chemistry. It will enable learners to be strategic thinkers and enhance their Capabilities. The qualification draws on the core modules, Analytical, Physical, Organic, Inorganic Chemistries, Research Methodology and Research Project. After the completion of the Advanced Diploma in Chemistry, qualifying learners will be able to articulate to the Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry.

To cope with the changing needs, markets and the latest technology, this qualification focuses on equipping learners with operational skills, including supervision, monitoring and leadership placing them at the heart of technology education in Africa and abroad.

This qualification prepares learners to become critical thinking Chemistry laboratory professionals. Learners will learn to apply a range of specialised techniques within the Chemistry context and gain experience in problem solving in Chemistry. These advanced skills will prepare learners for industry and further studies into Postgraduate Diploma.

Through benchmarking with national and international higher education institutions as well as consultation with relevant stakeholders it became clear that a research methodology component should be included in the qualification to prepare learners s for further studies. Learners with an advanced diploma in a relevant discipline will be able to articulate into the Advanced Diploma in Chemistry, thereafter Postgraduate and eventually a Masters.

This qualification compares favourably with international universities. Inputs were received from the advisory committee/board and other stakeholders in the discipline, therefor meeting the needs of industry.

Learners meet the needs of the surrounding community-the area has many enterprises that employ graduates from the skills offered by this qualification. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
  • The details of the Faculty RPL policy are as follows, presuming no prior accredited learning has taken place.
  • Candidate applies for RPL against module, or part/full qualification at the relevant department (Head of Department-HOD).
  • RPL officer is appointed from within subject heads (Subject experts) within the department.
  • The subject expert meets with the candidate to conduct pre-screening (evaluation) to ascertain viability of application based on programme requirements (Exit Level Outcomes and Assessment Criteria).
  • Candidate prepares evidence of work (portfolio of evidence) and/or any other relevant proof of evidence (practical work, assignments and or assessments). The evidence needs to be submitted to the RPL officer for RPL evaluation process.
  • Candidate pays an initial fee to be RPL-ed.
  • The candidate then completes a RPL form and submits it to RPL officer.
  • An assessor from within the department is then appointed.
  • Evidence submitted by the candidate is assessed by the assessor. However, additional evidence may be requested.
  • A moderator from the department's advisory board and from within the candidate's industry is appointed.
  • The moderator moderates the candidate's evidence.
  • The moderator reports on the assessor's judgment.
  • RPL outcome is presented to faculty board by RPL officer.
  • If the credit is not awarded, an appeals application to independently appointed moderator or Vaal University of Technology (VUT's) registrar can be done. The process of moderation will then resume.
  • If the RPL is awarded, an exemption form is completed and the candidate may continue with full registration.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirements are:
  • An appropriate 360 Credits Level 6 relevant Diploma (NQF Level 6).
  • An appropriate Bachelor Degree (NQF Level 6) in a relevant field is required. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Level 7, totalling 125 Credits.
  • Analytical Chemistry, 25 Credits.
  • Inorganic Chemistry, 25 Credits.
  • Organic Chemistry, 25 Credits.
  • Physical Chemistry, 25 Credits.
  • Research Methodology in Chemistry, 15 Credits.
  • Introduction to Chemistry Project, 10 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate understanding and the knowledge of chemistry and the ability to make critical decisions in laboratory and industry.
    2. Plan and conduct a research project under supervision and report the findings in oral and visual scientific format.
    3. Apply critical and innovative thinking at a higher level as well as problem solving skills in Chemistry.
    4. Critically evaluate and apply a range of specialised techniques within the Chemistry context.
    5. Develop research skills for application in Chemistry and enterprise development.
    6. Collect, organise, analyse and critically evaluate data.
    7. Understand the ethical and legal implications of research.
    8. Demonstrate knowledge of the relevant theoretical aspects of Chemistry covered in this curriculum. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Draw molecular orbital energy diagrams for poly and hetero-atomic molecules.
  • Determine the bond order and magnetic properties of hetero-di-atomic molecules.
  • Able to describe formation of molecular orbitals.
  • Draw molecular orbitals shapes.
  • Understand safety and hazards in research laboratory.
  • Demonstrate the understanding of laboratory etiquette.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Describe classification and types of research.
  • Discuss the scientific method.
  • Identify research problem and build a hypothesis.
  • Make choices on the experimental design, methods and techniques needed for solving research problems.
  • Understand how to conduct literature review.
  • Demonstrate how basic calculations are employed in research.
  • Show understanding on how to write a research proposal.
  • Apply the research methodology.
  • Interpret and compare results/data from previous studies.
  • Show comprehension of experiments, simulations, evaluation of current research trends, identifying gaps in research and conclusions in previous studies.
  • Collect experimental data and use of statistical methods in the validation of experimental results and measurements.
  • Interpret and report experimental results in scientific format including sourcing of relevant references and citations.
  • Write a research proposal based on topics selected from the departmental research themes using Turnitin to check for plagiarism.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Describe the structure, bonding and reactions of metal carbonyls which form the foundation of d-block organometallic chemistry.
  • Discuss the uses of the inorganic compounds in bioinorganic systems.
  • Name and define heterocyclic compounds.
  • Show an understanding of reaction mechanism of the synthesis and chemical reactions of selected five and six membered heterocyclic compounds.
  • Describe the bonding and characteristics of carbon atom.
  • Describe and select hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon derivatives.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Describe the geometry of molecular structures.
  • Determine symmetry element and point groups.
  • Interpretation of electronic spectra using symmetry elements.
  • Predict possible reaction mechanisms of d-metal complexes.
  • Discuss the Baeyer-Villeger and the Swern oxidation reactions.
  • Describe the reduction by catalytic hydrogenation and addition of hydride ion and proton.
  • Understand and do mechanism of alcohol oxidation using chromic acid.
  • Apply the principles of NMR, UV-VIS, IR and MS.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Describe spectroscopic techniques to elucidate the structures of unknown compounds.
  • Understand the experimental results that motivated the development of quantum theory.
  • Understand the structure of atoms in terms of rotational, vibrational and translational motion.
  • Carryout mathematical calculations from Schrödinger's wave equation for each motion in one dimension. For a one electron and many electron atoms.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The institution's assessment is aligned with the national higher education legislative and policies and it allows for integration of assessments. Assessments are an integrated process within the teaching and learning approaches and practices within the chemistry department. Academics will use a range of assessment techniques to ensure that assessment is educationally sound, appropriate to the chemistry discipline, all intended learning outcomes of modules and Exit Level Outcomes are assessed, and the criteria of validity, reliability, authenticity and feasibility are met. A lecturer will be expected to use a variety of assessment methods to achieve consistent and fair results. The total assessment package for different modules or learning programme in Advanced Diploma in Chemistry are carefully designed to cover all learning outcomes. The assessment type(s) used will also be suited to the underlying teaching/learning principles of the university, as outlined in the teaching and learning policy. The department of Chemistry will further work closely with an Assessment Unit within the Computer-aided Design (CAD) to ensure adherence to the University policy positions to provide necessary capacity development support to academic staff in conducting effective assessment.

    Learning outcomes and their Associated Assessment Criteria will be available to learners (study/learner guide) and other stakeholders so that the learning and assessment system is transparent, reliable, and accountable. Learners will know what is expected of them in advance. The criteria by which a learners 's level of achievement will be judged and an indication of who will make the judgment for that piece of assessment will be provided to learners well in advance of the submission date for an assessment task. Lecturers will give learners information on why a particular assessment task or type has been chosen in relation to how it will help them to achieve the learning outcomes of the module in the study/learning guide if this is not self-evident.

    The learner will successfully complete this qualification by demonstrating foundational, practical and reflective competency in applying critical evaluation and judgement of advanced chemical/chemistry concepts in the development of processes in chemical industry.

    The learner will demonstrate competence in the ability to demonstrate academic writing, presentation, statistical analysis and interpretation of data generated from chemical analysis.

    The learner will successfully complete this qualification by demonstrating foundational, practical and reflective competency in demonstrating the necessary skills and knowledge in research methodology and be in position to carry out research projects.

    The learner will demonstrate competence in the ability to use all of the compulsory analytical equipment range and or the elective range.

    The following sets of assessments will be used to assess the courses offered:
  • Three class tests (25% each) contributing 75% to the year mark.
  • Laboratory Practical assessment contributing 25% of the year mark.
  • The year mark contributes 50% of the final mark.
  • One final summative assessment of 3 hours (50% of final marks).

    Formative and Summative Assessment:
    Summative Assessment (exams, semester tests and projects) will be used to measure, record and report on the achievement of module outcomes and Exit Level Outcomes. A combination of formative and summative assessments will be used and compiled to contribute towards the learners 's final mark in combination with the project mark, according to chemistry department guidelines.

    Formative Assessment (e.g. assignments and projects) submissions might also be used to determine final assessment entrance. Formative Assessment will be used to provide timely feedback to learners to enable them to learn from their assessment activities.
    Internal and external moderation/examination.

    All the subjects will be moderated externally. The external moderators will be expected to have appropriate qualifications (at least Level 8 qualification) in the discipline and experience. They must have a qualification that is one level higher than the assessment level of the course to be moderated. 

    Two countries with well-developed chemical industries were investigated. Broadly comparable qualifications (in terms of intended outcomes) are offered in several different countries, for example.

    South Australia:
    Flinders University offering Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at Level 7.
    Exit Level Outcomes:
    At the end of the program, graduates with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) must be able to:
  • Know and critically apply the theories, subject content, professional methodologies and research procedures relevant to the discipline of chemistry.
  • Work independently, and as part of a team, in a chemical laboratory using appropriate techniques and instrumentation.
  • Analyses and critically evaluate ideas/information/data and apply relevant scientific principles to solve problems by, for example, creating hypotheses, testing theories and predictions, designing and carrying out experiments and analysing reported data.
  • Have an understanding of materials and their properties at the atomic level, including an understanding of the intimate relationship between scale and size, nanostructure and the properties of materials.
  • Design and carry out experiments using both established and novel chemistry techniques and protocols.
  • Communicate chemically based information to a variety of audiences in written and spoken form.
  • Appreciate the relationships and connections between chemistry and other science and non-science disciplines.
  • Work and learn independently and appreciate the need for continuing professional development.
  • Work effectively within the regulatory framework surrounding chemistry, for example Occupational Health and Safety, ethics, data storage and intellectual property.
  • Work productively as part of a team in order to achieve common goals.

    University of Malaya is offering Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at Level 7.
    Exit Level Outcomes:
    At the end of the program, graduates with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) must be able to:
  • Master knowledge related to the field of chemistry.
  • Perform chemistry laboratory procedures, to solve problems, to record and to analyse data and to present experimental results effectively.
  • Demonstrate social expertise for environmental sustainable development in the practice of chemistry and management of the flow of activities and tasks with the highest sense of responsibility.
  • Practice ethical values and professionalism in chemistry practice and to prioritize the importance of client, field of work and society.
  • Communicate effectively and confidently, both orally and in writing and to be able to work independently and in group and as a leader.
  • Use scientific expertise in the practice of chemistry and problem solving in all the tasks given effectively.
  • Plan research projects using information technology in the practice of chemistry, time and resource management efficiently.
  • Use entrepreneurship expertise and efficient management skills in implementing chemistry research projects.

    In summary, few of the education systems investigated include a qualification with a similar intended outcome and at a same level of advancement to those of the Advanced Diploma in Chemistry. 

    The qualification offers the following horizontal and vertical articulation opportunities.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry at Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry at Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.