Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Outline and describe the relationship that exists between the internal workings of a business together with its various functional subcomponents and the surrounding business environment, including key factors such as leadership, business agility, programme, performance and partner synergy, as well as the integration of social, ethical and environmental measures vital to the successful functioning of any business.
Identify key business strategies, related to and aligned with key business processes and relevant resources with the purpose of improving the overall performance of the business with specific reference to financial, market and business indicators.
Make decisions based on relevant data, functional and strategic business both independently and as member of a team and the impact of such decisions on other aspects or areas of the business are determined.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
1. Identify and formulate a pertinent business-related research problem, question or issue related to any of the subfields of Business Management, Administration and Operations, or independent research conducted by applying appropriate research protocols, methods and analytical techniques, which includes:
> A literature searches that contextualise and frames the research problem, question or issue and outline the area of investigation.
> A theoretical framework for the research design and the identification, motivation and description of the most suitable method(s) of investigation.
> A relevant data collected, analysed, processed and interpreted making use of appropriate data collection techniques, analytical tools and the appropriate software, the aim being to determine the impact of single deterministic and multiple deterministic variables on dependent variables.
> A research report in a form of an academic treatise, meeting academic and scientific discourse and style conventions, is prepared and presented with well-formulated findings, conclusions and recommendations.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Demonstrate level-appropriate competence by identifying, contextualising, analysing and addressing typical challenges faced regularly by middle and senior level business managers in the identified fields, applying knowledge of relevant theories, principles, concepts, practices and techniques.
Evaluate options and strategies proposed and well-motivated recommendations that are made and communicated.
Show critical awareness by identifying and debating various schools of thought that result in different perspectives and approaches in dealing with typical managerial issues, such as individual business decisions, applications, strategies, as well as ethical and social considerations and responsibilities.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
Use information technology and its associated methods, practices and tools to compute, access, process, manage, store and manipulate information to enhance own and team productivity, with due consideration of the limitations of such packages and tools and the need for the verification of final results.
Communicate information effectively and timeously and with due consideration of cultural sensitivities to other team members involved in the business.
Maintain competence by staying abreast of the latest developments in business methods, practices, tools and information technology (the principle of life-long learning).
Conducted Diagnostic tests for business viability and the results are evaluated and coherently presented.
Integrated Assessment:
The research project is designed to be used for Integrated Assessment as knowledge from all aspects of the qualification is utilised.
Assessment methods will include a combination of diagnostic and formative assessment tasks, assignments and progress checks that will inform teaching and learning. Case studies of Business Management and simulations will play a major part in the assessment process because a relevant case, scenario or simulation would closely represent the typical situations faced by business managers. Managers often have to sift through an excessive amount of information to glean the facts needed to make a decision, or they may not have enough information and fill in the blanks through educated guesses. In this process students learn how to function effectively in that type of decision-making environment. Formal assessment, some of which may also be based on case studies and/or scenarios, will consist of scheduled formal tests and written assignments that will encourage students to work consistently throughout the year. The formal tests and assignments will contribute 50% towards the final semester mark and the final examination a further 50%. Finally, three modules, deemed to be hands-on modules, namely Corporate Citizenship, Business Research and, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, will be assessed on a continuous basis without a final examination. For moderation purposes a portfolio of assessment tasks, one for each module, will be collated and submitted to the external moderator.
All modules are Postgraduate exit level modules and therefore the university's policy with regard to examination and moderation applies. There is an established, monitored system of in-house moderation procedures for each assessment process where colleagues team up during oral assessments and cross check assignment, test and examination marks, including a remark of a percentage of script |