SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Diploma Public Management 
105103  Advanced Diploma Public Management 
Central University of Technology, Free State 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Diploma  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Public Administration 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-05-29  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to provide professional preparation or specialisation by offering an intensive, focused and applied specialisation which meets the requirements of an effective public service. The qualification will develop the ability of learners to formulate, undertake and resolve more complex theoretical and practice-related problems and tasks through the selection and use of appropriate methods and techniques in public management.

The learners will be able to demonstrate advanced understanding of Public Sector Human Resource Management (PSHRM) and the ability to critically analyse labour and employment relations theory. The qualification will also allow learners to analyse the statutory, regulatory requirements, principles, challenges and practices of public accountability and public policy to access its perceived impact on the community. The learners are also expected to understand the principles and requirements of inter-external, regional and international government relations.

This qualification will also allow the learners to conduct a mini-research project and make a final presentation of the results thereof as well as formulate a strategic public administration and management plan to improve service delivery which shows how it will be implemented in a public unit or directorate.

This qualification endeavours to prepare learners for local, provincial, national and international labour markets, especially within the public sector. The qualification prepares learners to demonstrate focused knowledge and skills in the field of study of Public Management. The learners consist of full-time learners, current functionaries (political and public officials) employed within the local, regional or provincial spheres of government within the public sector.

In consultation with the Advisory Committee of the institution that consists of members from the Municipality, Office of the Premier, Provincial Treasury, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Department of Education and in collaboration with the Public Service Commissioner. The Advanced Diploma Public Management was structured and developed to ensure that the qualification is relevant to meet the needs and demand of vocations in the public sector to promote effective service delivery.

This qualification is developed to prepare learners for Postgraduate study through the deepening of their knowledge and understanding of theories, methodologies and practices in specific academic disciplines and fields, as well as the development of their ability to formulate, undertake and resolve more complex theoretical and practice-related problems and tasks through the selection and use of appropriate methods and techniques.

Therefore, higher education provision needs to be better aligned with the needs of the region by building stronger links between institutions and industries in the region, taking steps to create new enterprises and facilitating transition from informal to formal economy. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
The institution accepts the principle underlying outcomes-based and lifelong learning, in which considerations of articulation and mobility play a significant role, and subscribes to the view that Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), whether acquired by formal education curricula at this or another institution, or informally (by experience), is an indispensable element in deciding on admission to and awarding credits in the selected qualification of this Institution.

The RPL process requires evidenced-based knowledge and learning that applicants have acquired, whether by having completed formal education curricula, or by experience. Skills will be assessed in the context of the Exit Level Outcomes required by the intended qualification or subjects in the qualification, or the status for which the applicants apply, and not merely based on the applicant's recorded experience. RPL will; therefore, take place in terms of applied competencies demonstrated by the applicants in their applications, taking into consideration the Exit Level Outcomes that have to be obtained by means of the selected qualification.

Furthermore, RPL must take place in a valid, trustworthy and fair manner, within the normal existing policy on awarding credits to prospective and existing learners, be it from this or another institution.

Entry Requirements:
The minimum entry requirements are:
  • Diploma in Public Management, Level 6.
  • An appropriate Diploma with 360 Credits. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Level 7, totalling 120 Credits:

    Compulsory Modules:
  • Public Administration and Management, Compulsory, 18 Credits.
  • Strategic Public Human Resource Management, Compulsory, 18 Credits.
  • Governmental Relations, Compulsory, 18 Credits.
  • Public Accountability, Compulsory, 18 Credits.
  • Public Policy Management, Compulsory, 18 Credits.
  • Research Methodology, Compulsory, 30 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of Public Sector Human Resource Management (PSHRM) and the ability to critically analyse labour and employment relations theory.
    2. Analyse the statutory, regulatory requirements, principles, challenges and practices of public accountability.
    3. Analyse a public policy to access its perceived impact on the community.
    4. Conduct a mini-research project and make a final presentation of the results thereof.
    5. Formulate a strategic public administration and management plan to improve service delivery which shows how it will be implemented in a public unit or directorate.
    6. Demonstrate an understanding of principles and requirements of inter-external, regional and international government relations. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • The statutory and regulatory legislative frameworks, of Public Sector Human Sector Resource is discussed.
  • Management (PSHRM) of all three spheres of government is discussed.
  • The details of the process for formulation of a PSHRM strategy is debated.
  • The various components of a strategic PSHRM plan are explained.
  • A Strategic Human Resource Management plan to be implemented in a public unit or directorate is formulated.
  • The statutory, regulatory requirements, principles to promote fair labour practice are critically analysed.
  • The different types and process of labour negotiations are described.
  • The appropriate mechanisms and procedures to manage conflict in the workplace are analysed.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • The requirements, principles and role players of public accountability in the three spheres of government are discussed.
  • The difference between accountability, oversight and responsibility are explained.
  • The different structures of oversight in the three spheres of government are critically evaluated.
  • The political, financial and administrative accountability are evaluated.
  • The current mechanisms to promote accountability in the three spheres of government are debated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • The requirements, principles and processes of the formulation of public policies are explained.
  • The process to analyse a public policy is discussed.
  • A public policy is selected and its perceived impact on a community within a particular region is analysed.
  • A report based on the analysis of a policy and its perceived impact on a community according to the applicable policy analysis criteria is written and presented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • The different research paradigms are explained.
  • The various research design and methods are discussed.
  • The various data collection and data analysis methods are discussed.
  • A research project according to a prescribed format is structure and planned.
  • A report on research done according to the applicable criteria is written and presented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • The distinction between public administration, public management, strategic management, strategic planning and strategy formulation are analysed.
  • The principles, requirements and process of strategic public management are discussed.
  • The process of strategic planning is described.
  • The importance and process of environmental scanning is debated.
  • The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis that has an influence of the administration and management of public unit or directorate is conducted.
  • The vision, mission statement and strategic goals of a public unit or directorate are formulated.
  • The strategic plan of a public sector unit or directorate is formulated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • The statutory and regulatory frameworks, requirements and principles of governmental relations are explained.
  • The various role players and structures of inter-governmental relations are explained and evaluated.
  • The different external, regional and international organisations are discussed.
  • The perceived impact of any one of the following international organisations, African Union (AU), World Bank (WB), European Union (EU), World Trade Organisation (WTO), and Southern African Development Community (SADC) on South Africa is analysed.
  • A report based on the analysis of the perceived impact of any one of the following international organisations, AU, WB, EU, WTO, and SADC on South Africa is written and presented.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Assessments consist of various Formative Assessment activities such as tests, assignments, group activities, case studies, group PowerPoint presentations. The Summative Assessment in this qualification will consist of a formal written assessment that will take place at the end of each semester. Research Methodology offered during semester two is a continuous assessment module that consist of a Portfolio of Evidence (POE). The POE consists of various research related activities and a research project in the form of an assignment or research proposal. 

    This qualification has been compared to similar Public Management/Public Administration qualification in other countries to ensure that the South African qualification is comparable to those qualifications in terms of the learning outcomes, competencies developed and the standard of performance demanded of graduating learners. Countries whose qualifications and courses were looked at included amongst others, Nigeria, Australia, Malaysia and India.

    The Ahmadu Bello University from Nigeria offers the Advanced Diploma in Public Administration:
    The qualification is offered over a period of two years. A learner has to register for a total of 2 courses of 2 Credit units each. The courses are split into two semesters. Courses having odd number codes are to be offered in the first semester and courses with even number codes are to be offered during the second semester. A learner is expected to earn a minimum of 40 Credits which shall comprise 34 Credits from respective courses administered and 6 from Project/long essays in relevant areas of Local Government Administration. The programme is deliver of instruction on the distance learning platform is predicted on the open and distance learning spirit of flexibility, convenience, accessibility and quality. Assessment modalities includes individual assignments, topical online discussions, response to discussion questions. The following courses are offered during Year One: Semester One: Theory of Administration I, Human Resource Management I; Public Financial Management I; Nigerian Economy I; Public Policy Making and Analysis I; Administrative Law I; Semester Two: Theory of Administration II, Human Resource Management II; Public Financial Management II; Nigerian Economy II; Public Policy Making and Analysis II; Comparative Local Government Administration II. Year two: First Semester: Administrative Behaviour 1; Public Enterprise Management 1; Development Administrative 1; Project Management 1; Nigerian Government and Politics 1; International Relations 1; Urban and Rural Development 1, Project 1. Semester 2: Administrative Behaviour II; Public Enterprise Management II; Development Administration II; Project Management II; Nigerian Government and Politics II; International Relations II; Urban and Rural Development II; Project I.

    The Flinders University in Australia offers the Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. Although it is not an Advanced Diploma the Graduate Diploma in Public Administration aims to provide a broad overview of issues in Public Policy, Management and Administration and to provide a foundation for those wishing to pursue studies at the Masters level. The qualification is offered over a period of 1 year or 2 years. Learners have to complete the Graduate Diploma to receive 36 units of credits should they wish to proceed with a Master Degree. The core curriculum includes topics on public policy, public management, governance, ethics in public administration, and research methods. Electives include a range of specialist areas in Public Management and Administration including Financial Risk, Human Resource, Non-government Organisational and Project Management, Program Evaluation and issues in a range of Public Policy areas including Culture, the Environment, Regionalism, cities and housing. Electives can be taken from other graduate programs including International Development, International Relations, International Business Administration, Environmental Management, Social Administration and Social Work, Asian Governance, Population Studies, Public Health and Educational Administration.

    The University Utara Malaysia in Malaysia offers the Bachelor in Public Management (Honours). Learners must complete 125 Credits that consist of 5 Credits of the University core, (64 Credits) of the programme core that consist of Politics and Administration (19 Credits), Economics and Finance (13 Credits), Management in the Public Sector (15 Credits), and Programme Supplementary courses (17 Credits) including Social Research, Business Accounting and Statistics for Social Sciences. Electives includes Corporate Public Administration, Public Policy and Operations, Local Government, Intergovernmental Relations, Negotiation and Bargaining Skills, Labour Administration, Conflict Management etc.

    The Kurukshetra University in India offers the Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Honours in Public Administration. The qualification includes courses such as Elements of Public Administration, Personnel Administration, Basics of Public Administration, Financial Administration, Central Administration, Social Welfare Administration, Theory of Public Administration, State and District Administration, Development Administration, Citizen Administration, Local Self Governments, Comparative Public Administration, Public Policy Analysis, Issues in Public Administration, and Rural Development Administration.

    This qualification compares favourably with the above cited international qualifications in terms of similar modules and knowledge. 

    The qualification offers the following horizontal and vertical articulation opportunities.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Public Policy, Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management, Level 8.
  • Bachelor Honours in Public Management, Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.