SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Diploma in Event Management 
102165  Advanced Diploma in Event Management 
Cape Peninsula University of Technology 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Diploma  Field 11 - Services  Hospitality, Tourism, Travel, Gaming and Leisure 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to prepare learners for professional event management work environment and postgraduate study through the deepening of conceptual knowledge and understanding of business theories and practices relevant to the field of Event Management. This qualification will develop the graduates' ability to contextualise business event projects with key focus on the holistic development of the individual's hard and soft skill set. Qualified learners will be able to demonstrate the ability to formulate and resolve complex event practice related problems and tasks by means of case studies and projects. They will also develop key competencies in ethical decision-making, event management policy implementation, communication, industry technology; the design and production of green, sustainable events and the application of international project management principles.

The international Event Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) approach has been adopted in the design of the qualification as the validation of the EMBOK for mapping global standards of practice in event management and is supported by international and national event industry practitioners, institutions, agencies and authorities. In light of the fact that the country is in the formation phase of the Council of Event Professionals (CEP) in Africa, the institution is continuing to engage with sector stakeholders to ensure the alignment of relevant content to the intended CEP Africa professional designations.

The profile of a qualified learner who successfully completes this qualification includes a learner with ability to implement time management and project management; display professionalism, best practice and social awareness; display innovation and creativity with a set of negotiation and organising skills as well as research scholarship and a strategic level of understanding of the event management business environment. They will also be competent in consistently using technical, managerial and personal skills and strategies in the everyday running of business events company and event projects. As this qualification has a solid business foundation, learners will be able to produce strategic business project plans and it will afford them with the opportunity to diversify their personal competencies and advance their entrepreneurial capabilities to contribute to the South African economy. The qualification further aims to provide learners who want to continue with their studies in event management or related fields, a sound knowledge base to be successful in completing their Postgraduate studies up to Doctoral Level.

The Exit Level Outcomes of this qualification is aimed at preparing learners for middle management level and reflects a deepening of knowledge in line with NQF descriptors at Level 7 from the preceding qualification knowledge base. It aims to prepare learners as thinking individuals who would be conversant with event sector developments, and able to adapt to new advances in the field. The main areas of study relate to business event management, financial management, project management, risk management, research and ethical business practice as well as innovative marketing management for events. The Exit Level Outcomes and subject content is embedded in the Advanced Diploma in Event Management.

The South African government is committed to develop business event tourism as a national priority in a sustainable and effective manner. Internationally, South Africa has become one of the fastest growing tourism and event destinations and Cape Town has been identified as a major host city playing an important role regionally and nationally in the tourism and event management sector. South Africa is the number one for meetings and convention destination in Africa and the Middle East while Cape Town ranked among the top 100 cities globally for conventions. The business events sector may be regarded as a major contributor to the tourism sector's by contributing 9.5% to South Africa's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which translates into more than 1.4 million jobs in the country (Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism, 2015).

There is also an increased need toward professionalising the event management sector with a need for mid-level managers, entrepreneurs, and qualified event management staff as the skills shortages in the professional fields are considered fundamental to the development and growth of the economy.

The International Special Events Society (ISES) has released its Global Business Survey, which reveals strong growth across all sectors of the events industry, including Africa and indicates that there is a global demand for event products and services across all sectors. From the perspective of the South African economy and society in general, the benefits that may be derived from this qualification relates to the challenge the country faces in terms of low productivity in the workplace, as well as the slow transformation of the labour market and a lack of mobility of the workforce, which the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III) ascribes to inadequate training. In accordance with government's New Growth Path, this qualification will contribute to creating decent work, reducing inequality and poverty. Graduates that enrol for this qualification may derive personal benefits linked to relevant knowledge and skills application in an empowering teaching and learning environment that sustains research, practical experience and active engagement with the industry and community at large.

The institution's Department of Tourism and Event Management continuously consults and engages with the major event associations such as The South African Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI), The Event Greening Forum (EGF), The Events and Exhibitions Association of South Africa (EXSA), the Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa (FEDHASA) and collaborates with sector stakeholders to ensure a full occupationally-directed qualification. This qualification considers the programme's contribution towards the revitalisation of vocational education in this sector and aims to promote occupationally directed research and innovation in partnership with government and industry. In order to ensure strategies relate to event management knowledge and skills are filtered through to the curriculum, sector stakeholders such as industry professionals, Cape Town and Western Cape Convention Bureau, City of Cape Town's Events Office and private training providers as well as alumni are continuously consulted in an advisory capacity. Representation at the national and regional board level of South African Association of the Conference Industry (SAACI), the umbrella association of business events in the country allows the institution to be at the forefront of academic professionalisation alignment addressing sectorial needs.

Nationally, the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, No. 2 of 2010 (South African Parliament) prescribes the use of qualified practitioners to stage corporate, sports and recreational events as a regulatory requirement. This qualification therefore seeks to advance event management curriculum by establishing a qualification which meets the growing needs of the country in this field of education. Subsequently, the country requires skilled and qualified event project managers and is currently experiencing a scarcity of mid-level event managers and skill within the local event sector. The National Scarce Skills lists the area of specialisation: Event and Conference Managers under the occupational grouping of Events, Hospitality, Retail and Service Manager as a scarce skill. The descriptor seeks that Event and Conference Managers organise and coordinate services for events, conferences, functions, banquets and seminars, including researching, planning, organising, implementing, controlling and evaluating an event's design, activities and production.

The Advanced Diploma in Event Management is designed to provide entry-level vocational, professional preparation or specialisation for Diploma and Bachelor' Degree graduates. Stakeholder engagement in the development process of this qualification, indicated support for the qualification type in light of the fact that this qualification offers intensive specialisation in Event Management which meets the requirements of the event sector as a niche area. New developments in the sector include the recognition of event management as an emerging profession which relate to positioning the business events industry as a significant role player in the economy. Internationally, the multifaceted nature of event management requires collaboration between academia, government and industry to ensure employability. As a result of seeking new development opportunities, the South African government has identified Event Tourism as an area of considerable growth as part of the Tourism Industry. Event Management holds the benefits that it can extend the tourist season and can spread demand over a season, contributing to government's strategy to host 15 million international visitors in 2020.

Occupations related to this qualification are aimed at middle or senior managers and include business event management owners, marketers; designers, managers that organise and coordinate services for events, conferences, functions, banquets and seminars, including researching, planning, organising, implementing, controlling and evaluating an event's design, activities and production.

The institution's Tourism and Event Management Department has been engaging with stakeholders, including event industry partners, alumni and other higher education institutions, as well as considering the Cultural Arts Tourism Hospitality Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSETA), with regards to the type, purpose, nature and fundamental design of an Advanced Diploma in Event Management qualification. Other Universities of Technology will also offer a similar qualification to address the national shortage of trained, qualified mid-level practitioners. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
RPL is a process of identifying the knowledge and skills of an applicant against the admission requirements of a qualification and/or for credits against a part thereof. The process involves the identification, mediation, assessment and acknowledgement of knowledge and skills obtained through informal, non-formal and/or formal learning. The RPL process is multi-dimensional and multi-contextual in nature, aimed at the individual needs of applicants and is handled in accordance with an institutional RPL policy by a unit dedicated to this activity. The RPL process includes guidance and counselling, as well as the preparation of a body of evidence to be presented by the RPL candidate to meet institutional requirements. An appeal procedure is also in place to accommodate queries. RPL in this qualification will relate to gaining access to the qualification and/or credits/advanced standing as described in institutional guidelines.

Firstly the process is about identifying what the candidate knows and can do; then matching the candidate's skills, knowledge and experience to specific standards and the Associated Assessment Criteria of a qualification; and then assessing the candidate against those standards; and then crediting the candidate for skills, knowledge and experience built up through formal, informal and non-formal learning that occurred in the past. The candidate has to submit supporting material such as a portfolio of evidence. This must be accompanied a letter of support from a referee and the candidate will be invited for an interview. With an interview one can get an overall view of the candidate's knowledge and will therefore serve as a verification measure for the portfolio submitted.

The criteria that will be considered when an RPL application is made are:
  • Skills and knowledge required for the qualification demonstrated by the applicant.
  • The level of the subject will determine the level of evidence required.
  • The experience gathered by the applicant will be acknowledged in relation to how the skills competences and attributes relate to subject/s.
  • The level of academic engagement in the workplace will be reviewed, such as research conducted for presentations, report writing and professional business communication.
  • RPL criteria are not limited to work experience and knowledge gained, but will incorporate aspects of non-formal learning such as knowledge, skills and experience gained from involvement in community-based organisations or organs of civil society.
  • The types and levels of academic background knowledge will be reviewed as these may be acquired via various channels and events in non-formal and informal education.

    The types of evidence have to conform to the same principles as required for good assessment practices, i.e. evidence should be authentic, valid, and reliable and will not be collection of testimonials and commendations. The assessment instrument(s) that may include appropriate measures of informal and non-formal learning: interviews; admission test; portfolio of evidence; interviews; written assessments; portfolio of evidence; case studies; assignments and a presentation. The quality and integrity of the instruments will not be brought into question as RPL is a process where clarity of purpose will be made explicit to the candidate. The candidate will be briefed as to what will be required and the instruments will be carefully developed to ensure that the information required will be contained in the output of the candidate. Should a candidate not be eligible for RPL, the explanation provided will draw on the assessment instruments with minimal subjective input.

    To determine that the level of learning is commensurate with what is required the department will use curriculum maps. The RPL process in the faculty will be conducted by a faculty committee. All stages of the process, namely the selection of candidates, developing assessment instruments, assessing candidates and reviewing evidence are done by a designated committee in the faculty. Final senate approval is required.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • A Diploma, Level 6.
  • National Diploma in Event Management.
  • A Bachelor's Degree in Event Management, Level 7. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Level 7 totalling 120 Credits.

  • Research Methodology and Project, 18 Credits.
  • Advanced Event Management, 30 Credits.
  • Advanced Event Marketing, 24 Credits.
  • Advanced Risk Management for Events, 24 Credits.
  • Event Business Protocol and Etiquette, 24 Credits. 

    1. Develop and present an accurate research report relevant to event management stakeholders.
    2. Understand the key forces impacting on the strategic management of an event management organisation operating in the broader business tourism and hospitality sector.
    3. Apply the concepts of entrepreneurial and organisational management in a business environment and to make decisions and explore the strategic implications.
    4. Develop a strategic marketing plan for a variety of event projects/event management organisations by using appropriate research and marketing strategies.
    5. Understand the implications of risk management, regulatory policies, legislation and by-laws applicable to event management.
    6. Critically evaluate event project management plans with a sound understanding of the implications emanating from the implementation of Event Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) key areas.
    7. Develop advanced skills in resource management for event projects and event organisations and the execution of event management activities in a sustainable manner.
    8. Solve problems specifically related to management issues with critical awareness, business ethics and social sensitivity.
    9. Develop management skills relevant to the event business and financial environment. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Identify and describe a researchable problem or topic in the event management field.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research skills relevant to the event management field.
  • Plan and conduct a literature review for a research problem or topic.
  • Apply empirical research techniques.
  • Analyse research data.
  • Write a research report.
  • Present the research report to relevant stakeholders.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Understand that management in an organisation is context and system bound and recognise the importance and challenges of the internal and external environment on the business.
  • Analyse the key forces impacting on the strategic management of an event management organisation.
  • Identify, analyse and critically reflect on problems in an organisation and apply a range of management methods to resolve problems.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Critically analyse, select and apply various terms, concepts, theoretical management frameworks and strategies in an event management related organisation.
  • Understand leadership theories and ethics and how it impacts on decision-making.
  • Examine how organisational and human development impact on organisational success.
  • Evaluate information and select strategic management options that would develop a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Apply the concepts of entrepreneurial management and implement human resource management within an event management business cognisant of the required legalities related to events.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Conduct event marketing research using appropriate research techniques and instruments.
  • Develop a marketing mix for an event/event management organisation and establish appropriate marketing strategies.
  • Compile an operational marketing budget.
  • Formulate a strategic marketing plan for an event/event management organisation.
  • Conduct research into market trends and climates.
  • Critically evaluate the marketing strategies of an existing event/event management organisation and its markets.
  • Critically evaluate event marketing strategies in terms of effectiveness as part of a host destination's appeal, visitor motivations and attendance, and overall experience.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of risk management planning in line with regulatory policies, legislation and by-laws for local and international events operating in South Africa.
  • Display an understanding of how to implement an effective risk management plan for events in partnership with related stakeholders on local, regional, national and international level.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Critically evaluate the important approaches in the implementation of event project management plans.
  • Critically examine the relationship between project management processes, timelines and the key areas of EMBOK (administration, design, operation, marketing and risk management).
  • Exhibit coherent and critical understanding of project management principles in managing and developing event project management plans.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Use disciplinary and interdisciplinary-based information to make informed strategic management decisions with regard to sustainable event business practice as part of a green economy.
  • Assume a personal management role in relevant tourism and business environments to make effective decisions pertaining to optimal and sustainable financial, human and other related resource management systems.
  • Display the ability to balance a triple bottom line approach to sustainability for events and event organisations through the development of implementable of social, economic and environmental business practices.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • Develop appropriate event management solutions for issues related to different event projects and a variety of business event typologies.
  • Formulate appropriate solutions to event management related problems that event management employers, employers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders are typically exposed to.
  • Reflect constructively on business protocols, ethics and etiquette related to event management, and develop a value system in terms of social and environmental awareness in business practice.
  • Display sound understanding of cultural and aesthetical sensitivity across a range of professional tourism and social events related contexts, with the ability to adopt the correct professional protocol required in specific events and business environments.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • Demonstrate a fundamental and systematic knowledge of event management with a view to determine, design and implement appropriate systems to ensure proper management and performance of an event project/event business enterprise.
  • Develop sound financial business plans responsive to the economic environment in which the event project/business is operational.
  • Customise and adapt international best practice to event business management with an understanding the role and scope of events as an economic contributor to the Western Cape and South Africa.

    Integrated Assessment:
    This qualification follows the guidelines as indicated in the Policy of Assessment in career-focussed qualifications (Levels 5 - 8) in that a system of continuous assessment is used. The academic progress and performance of learners is evaluated by means of regular assessment opportunities throughout the course of study. Within each unit of learning the subject and learning outcomes, classroom practices and assessment activities are aligned. The outcomes, teaching methods and assessments are also aligned with the relevant NQF level descriptor. A variety of assessment methods are used to enable students with different learning styles to be accommodated.

    Theoretical and practical components are assessed together. During integrated assessments, the assessor makes use of formative and summative assessment methods. Combinations of applied, practical, foundational and reflective competencies are assessed that are also capable of being applied to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessments.

    Evidence is required that the candidate is able to achieve the purpose of the qualification holistically and at the appropriate level (Level 7) and learners will be assessed and credited for the evidence of learning that has been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and experience that forms part of the qualification.

    There will be an appropriate balance between Formative and Summative Assessments. Formative assessments, for example class discussions, presentations, and self-reflection paragraphs, take place during the process of teaching and learning. The purpose of formative assessment is the development of learners' abilities and it also enables them to monitor their own progress. Formative assessments are implemented whereby learning and assessment are integrated. The scheme of work also includes assignments based on the learning material and students are continuously provided with constructive feedback. The process of formative assessment is continuous and focuses on smaller sections of the work and a limited number of outcomes.

    Summative assessment is formalised assessment, for example, an individual project which is used to determine whether the outcomes of the subject and ultimately the Exit Level Outcomes of the qualification have been achieved. Summative assessment incorporates major examinations or equivalent assessments such as a portfolio of a representative selection of outcomes, practiced and assessed in the formative stage, and aims to assess the learner's ability to manage and integrate a large body of knowledge to achieve the stated outcomes of a subject component. The last learning unit comprises a Final Integrated Summative Assessment (FISA) and determines whether the learning outcomes set for the subject has been achieved. All assessments integrate knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and applied competence that link to subject outcomes at the appropriate Level (7).

    Where possible, assessments are linked to subjects where relatable components are can be merged to integrate subject assessments into one project. 

    This qualification compares favourably with the following qualifications:
    In Australia, the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) offers an Advanced Diploma in Event Management over 2 semesters. A range of modules relate to the content of this qualification. The module "Research and comply with regulatory requirements" (CIT), links with Advanced Risk Management for Events in that it requires ability to access and interpret regulatory for implementation as part of event business compliance. The CIT modules of "Manage risk" and "Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks" also relate to the subject content. In terms of this qualification, the module "Develop and implement marketing strategies" both include a focus on marketing strategies and sponsorship management. "Establish and conduct business relationships" as a module is related to Business Event Protocol and Ethics as it requires the ability to use high-level communication and relationship building skills to conduct formal negotiations and make commercially significant business-to-business agreements (Source: CIT).

    In Australia, the institution of Technical and Further Education, South Australia (TAFESA) offers a 24-month full time Advanced Diploma of Events Management and also includes components related to the development and implementation of marketing strategies, business relationships and managing risks as part of its subject module range (Source: TAFESA).

    In Ireland, the Communications and Management Institute (CMI) in Dublin offers the Advanced Diploma in Event Management. This is a double accreditation qualification in that graduates receive an international Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) Advanced Diploma in Event Management and a national Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) Component Level 6 award in Event Management. This qualification complies with the ICM - award in Event Management which is recognised globally. Similar to the this qualification, the qualification offered by CMI includes focus areas such as Financial Management of Events, Risk Management essential to all events and Event Project Management (Source: CMI).

    In Singapore, the Management Development Institute (MDI) of Singapore offers Advanced Diploma in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management. This qualification compares well with a number of modules in this qualification. This qualification and Destination Marketing and Communications for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (MDI) both cover the development of a marketing plan related to the tourism, hospitality and events sector. This qualification and Human Resources Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (MDI) requires a learner to critically think about human resources in domestic and international contexts to become more effective managers and leaders in the industry. Advanced Research Methodology of this qualification and Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality and Events offered in this Singapore qualification focus on the development of learner abilities in research design. This includes understanding data collection, data analysis and report presentation techniques applicable to tourism, hospitality and events research as well as the research process and statistical analysis required to contribute scientific research to knowledge in the field. Advanced Event Business Management and Advanced Risk Management for Events of this qualification and Project Management and Financial Decision Making for Hospitality and Events of the qualification offered in Singapore encourage learners to apply and evaluate theories and practices that are associated with project management and finance related to typical businesses in the sector. 

    This qualification enables articulation with the following qualifications:

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management, Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management, Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Project Management, Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Marketing Management, Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Students may be admitted to a Level 8 qualification in this field of study or cognate field(s) of study at this institution or other higher education institutions nationally. Selection procedures may apply at this institution and other higher education institutions nationally. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Cape Peninsula University of Technology 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.