SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Certificate in Local Governance and Management 
102037  Advanced Certificate in Local Governance and Management 
University of Johannesburg 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Certificate  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Public Administration 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Advanced Certificate in Local Governance and Management [AdvCert (Local Governance and Management)] is to enable qualifying students to acquire knowledge and insights in this area of study. Learners will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge, normative basis and language ability to develop cognitive and intellectual skills to support decision-makers to solve problems which need scientific solutions through reasoning, data mining and processing, interpretation, to demonstrate leadership, self-reflexivity, adaptability, to develop competence and integrity, to synthesise information autonomously in these fields in order to develop analytical relevant competences.

The Advanced Certificate in Local Governance and Management [AdvCert (Local Governance and Management)] seeks to build skills in strategic municipal leadership, local government ethics, good governance, organisational design, development, local government project and performance management, strategic corporate financial management, sustainability, and service delivery management in a local government context. It is aimed to build, enhance, improve, refine or shape the capabilities of local government councillors, officials and other persons involved in the middle management of local government affairs on these issues. It has been proven globally that service delivery in the public sector has improved through more customised approaches to the development for Public Management and Governance and continued efforts are being made to provide suitably customised programmes to support local government in both South Africa and Africa.

The content and scope of the qualification provides local governance and management related institutions in South Africa and Africa to develop knowledge and skills through an advanced industry relevant qualification. It will prepare students as well as employees (i.e. those students already employed in public sector institutions), through discipline-specific nature of the programme to meet the continental, national, provincial and local labour market, knowledge and other socio-cultural needs in this scarce-skill governmental environment.

The AdvCert (Local Governance and Management) will be offered in a Distance Online (DE) mode, to give students who are unable to attend contact sessions an opportunity to increase their skills levels in the workplace and to expand the institution Pan-African footprint.

The qualification targets student that want to pursue a career and advanced qualification in the broad fields of good local governance and management, but who due to financial and geographical constraints are unable to access contact education, or who would prefer the flexibility that is available through distance provision.

The AdvCert (Local Governance and Management) qualification is in line with the overall learning pathways that the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) and the National School of Government is seeking to create for competent skilled employees. The learning pathway indicates a variety of learning opportunities for any student embarking on a qualification within the local government context and this particular qualification initiates an opportunity for councillors as well as officials in a managerial capacity to be more intricately exposed to the local government workings. The learning pathways provide varied opportunities for a student wishing to embark on a career within local government and are also complementary to other qualifications within the public sector.

Upon completion, students will be required to fulfil the roles and responsibilities of middle managers, local government councillors, officials or other employees or persons involved in local government affairs who aspire for a managerial capacity at the middle management level and therein:
  • Act as representatives of the community they serve.
  • Fulfil leadership and management roles in a local government council and other local government divisions.
  • Acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of Local Governance and Management. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The Faculty of Management accepts Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as an integral part of education and academic practice. It is acknowledged that all learning has value and the Faculty of Management will endeavour to assess prior learning and award credit where relevant.

    The Faculty of Management manages RPL according to the University's RPL policy, which will be applied as follows for purposes of this qualification as set out in the Faculty of Management policy:
  • Through RPL a student may gain access, or advanced placement, or recognition of status.
  • Recognition takes place in terms of requirements and procedures applied by the Faculty of Management.
  • RPL in the case of a student not complying with the formal entry requirements.
    > Is based on other forms of formal, informal and non-formal learning and experience.
    > Is considered only where prior learning corresponds to the required NQF Level.
    > Takes place where prior learning in terms of applied competencies is relevant to the content and outcomes of the programme.
    > Is considered in terms of an assessment procedure that includes a motivated recommendation by an assessment panel to the Dean's Committee of the Faculty of Law and is finally decided upon by the Faculty of Management's Dean's Committee.

    The following Faculty documentation can be accessed from the yearbook as it pertains to this programme:
  • Admission policy for this programme.
  • RPL policy.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entrance requirement to this qualification is either a:
  • Higher Certificate [HCert (Municipal Governance)], Level 5.
  • HCert (Local Governance and Management). 


    The qualification comprises compulsory modules at Level 6 totalling 120 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, 120 Credits:
  • Municipal Project and Performance Management, 16 Credits.
  • Local Government Ethics and Good Governance, 16 Credits.
  • Local Government Organizational Design and Development, 24 Credits.
  • Environmental and Sustainable Development for Local Government, 16 Credits.
  • Local Government Service Delivery, 16 Credits.
  • Strategic Budgeting and Financial Corporate Governance for Local Government, 16 Credits.
  • Strategic Local Government Leadership and Management, 16 Credits. 

    1. Apply the principles of municipal project and performance management within a local government context.
    2. Identify, put into practice and interpret ethics and good governance into an overall management and leadership culture within local government.
    3. Apply organisational design and development processes in order to enhance overall service delivery within a local government context.
    4. Describe and classify the global regulatory framework and complexities associated with environmental management and sustainable development within a local government context.
    5. Classify stakeholders, mechanisms and approaches to implement democratised service delivery objectives within a local government context.
    6. Interpret the principles of strategic budgeting and financial corporate governance within a local government context.
    7. Explain the principles of strategic leadership and management within a local government context. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Explain the concepts of project management and performance management in the context of local government programmes.
  • Describe the project components, methodologies, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), the Government's Programme of Action (POA), Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and overall project governance as they apply to local government programmes.
  • Apply the process and methodologies for establishing local government service partnerships, outsourcing, contracting and service level agreements in relation to local government programmes.
  • Explain the statutory and regulatory framework for performance management with examples including the performance dimensions, cycle and systems in relation to local government programmes and service delivery objectives.
  • Differentiate between the process for auditing and reporting on performance and the procedures discussed in the context of municipal service delivery and codes of conduct.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Describe the concept of ethics and good governance in the context of compliance with regulatory policies and integrate these into the overall local government ethics and good governance practices.
  • Describe the official mechanisms to curb unethical conduct in local government as well as the managerial measures and remedies to prevent unethical conduct in municipalities.
  • Interpret a case study of unethical conduct in a municipality.
  • Describe the process for establishing codes of conduct and good governance to ensure sound ethical and good governance practices.
  • Identify practices for enhancing accountability and transparency within the rule of law and for promoting excellence and public responsibility.
  • Describe processes for improving civic participation that ensure political stability within local government programmes.
  • Identify processes and practices to ensure good governance and sound ethical practices for taking responsibility for decisions taken within various committees and working forums.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Explain the facilitation of participation of stakeholders in decisions that affect municipal functions.
  • Describe the importance of political, administrative and managerial roles in coordinating, communicating, and implementing local government development programmes.
  • Apply the processes for ensuring political representation in organisational design and development.
  • Describe the process for designing programmes that improve local government service delivery.
  • Apply the procedures for effectively chairing relevant councils, committees, sub-committees and working groups to achieve objectives of local government programmes.
  • Explain how to contextualise the macro organisation and the system of government in the South African constitutional system of co-operative governance.
  • Explain the respective theories and approaches to organisational design and development.
  • Describe the key characteristics and best practices associated with various types of organisational designs.
  • Explain the selected organisational dynamics in local government organisations.
  • Explain the organisational development and transformation in a dynamic governance context.
  • Explain the processes for evaluating the respective approaches, tools and techniques to facilitate organisational effectiveness and performance.
  • Explain the significance of transformational leadership in organisations to guide it towards its desired future by utilising planning techniques which incorporate local government programmes and project management.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Explain the complexities that government face in terms of striking a delicate balance between environment protection, sustainable development and economic growth.
  • Describe the demographical and socio-economical realities of the South African and African governance landscape.
  • Describe various African and South African governmental interventions, strategies, policies, programmes, institutional roles and activities promoting environmental protection, economic growth and development.
  • Explain African and South African governmental policies, strategies and programmes to facilitate development within a developmental state.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Describe the environment of local government service delivery including the statutory framework for improved service delivery.
  • Explain the role of the government in service delivery in relation to stakeholders including the community and market; alternative service delivery approaches and mechanisms.
  • Describe the primary versus secondary state functions, pure state functions, mixed functions and purely private functions; concepts that should be explicated (eg economy, effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity).
  • Apply the key managerial aspects of service delivery improvement; performance improvement; performance management systems.
  • Describe the concepts of citizen vs. client/consumer; quality public service delivery; democratic principles for service delivery; Batho Pele principles of service delivery; public participation.
  • Explain issues in democratising service delivery, e.g. accountability, representation, empowerment, participation and transparency.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Explain the principles of sound financial corporate governance in the financial administration of a municipality.
  • Explain the principles of strategic budgeting for local government.
  • Explain the legislative requirements relating to the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in the financial administration in municipalities.
  • Explain the principles of developing and implementing sound financial policies in accordance with best practice.
  • Explain key financial governance structures.
  • Interpret budgeting reporting procedures and contingency plans and solutions to problems relating to budget constraints.
  • Explain the methods of allocation in relation to budget parameters according to overall local government budgetary allocation procedures.
  • Monitor budgetary processes and procedures.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • Explain the principles and theories of strategic leadership.
  • Describe the challenges and critical issues in applying the principles and theories of strategic leadership in a local government context.
  • Apply the process for giving political direction to middle management in their allocated areas of responsibility.
  • Explain the processes for working with 'council leadership' to ensure the effective governance of the authority.
  • Describe leadership within the broader community.
  • Describe practices for effectively articulating the diverse views of stakeholders in the context of particular decisions.
  • Explain building consensus and managing conflict by reconciling varying points of view within the broader agenda for a municipality.
  • Describe African leadership in a global governance context.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The assessment strategy for all modules in this qualification is one of continuous assessment.

    Assessment for four modules comprises a summative written assignment for each and assessment in three of the modules comprises a formative assessment in terms of the completion of learning tasks which, when combined, constitute a portfolio and will be used to assess the learning outcomes in an integrated manner. The final assessment is an examination of the content of the three modules. 

    An international search found that there are in several countries (e.g. the United States (US), Australia, Europe and Africa) that offer short courses (Certificate level) in local government and administration. However, these programmes are informal in nature. There are no formal qualifications listed, addressing local government capacity building. In most cases local government capacity development modules are contained in undergraduate Public Administration qualifications as elective modules or part of Public Administration curricula. It is noteworthy that qualifications in Local Government and Administration worldwide tend to be at the Postgraduate level rather than the undergraduate level

    The information below provides a summary of several local government capacity building programmes.

    In the United Kingdom (UK) (London), the Westminster Kingsway College, offers a Foundation Degree.

    This qualification is over three years. There seem to be no dedicated local government qualifications of this type in the UK. Hence, this qualification was compared to similar public administration qualifications where local government is encompassed in. Modules include: Managing performance, Introduction to managing people, Ethical and Legal aspects, Economics of the Public Sector, Information Management for Decision-Making, Marketing and Public Relations in a Public Sector Context, Managing Finance, Quality Management, Public Sector Planning and Strategy. The above qualification includes work-based learning units consistent with the requirements of foundation Degrees. It also enables progression to a range of Honours Degrees.

    Unfortunately it is unclear what these modules actually contain. This programme appears to be far more comprehensive and contextual in terms of public administration than to local government and public administration.

    In Australia, the University of Sydney offers a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration.

    This qualification is over three years. Knowledge areas covered include:
  • Public policy - formulation and analysis.
  • Policy implementation and public value; leadership.
  • Strategic thinking; the art of implementation.
  • Planning; resource management; communication; decision-making and problem-solving; ethics.
  • Risk management; managing, leading and responding to change.
  • International trends in public sector management; government-business relations; managing public expenditure; managing capital works and asset procurement.
  • Case study exercises and work-based projects.

    In Zambia, the Chalimbana Training Institute (linked with Ministry of Local Government and Housing) offers a Diploma in Rural and Urban Management.

    The overall goal is to train a cadre of officers who are involved or those who have the desire to be involved in rural and urban management activities so that they can be able to facilitate sustainable development in local authorities. The duration is not specified on the web. The focus in Zambia has been on social development of the urban poor. This was in realisation of the rising levels of poverty and economic reform policies that caused rising levels of unemployment and high cost of living. It has little to do with participative democracy and more with a 'Food for Asset', programme aimed at turning poor communities of Zambia into viable producers of food for themselves and for sharing with the community. Thus, Zambian councillor activities and related programmes centre more on poverty alleviation programmes and there seems to be a lack of modules pertaining to planning municipal processes and structures compared to the South African scenario. Unfortunately, no training materials could be found on a web search.

    In Tanzania, the Local Government Training Institute offers an Ordinary Diploma in Local Government Administration.

    This qualification targets middle level officials who work or intend to work in Local Government Authorities. The qualification covers managing human and other resources in local governments, administration of day to day activities and policy advice to officials. Similarities with this qualification include the Human Resource (HR) and policy outcomes.

    In Ireland, The Institute of Public Administration in Dublin offers a Certificate in Local Government Studies.

    This is a one year qualification. It covers the rationale, history and development of Irish local government system, environmental protection, local elections and proportional representation, role of managers and elected members, council meetings, housing, HR, planning and development and local government and social exclusion. There are similarities with some of the integrated aspects of the above programme in different modules of the Advanced Certificate (AdvCert) qualification. 

    Horizontal articulation into programmes at the same NQF level is possible into other Advanced Certificate or similar NQF level 6 qualifications in a cognate field of study both internal and external to UJ.

    Vertical articulation into qualifications at a NQF 7 level is possible for students who have successfully completed this qualification. Students will be able to further their studies by enrolling for the Bachelor of Arts in Public Management and Governance Ddegree in the field of Public Leadership and Local Governance or a cognate discipline, in terms of their respective Rules and Regulations of the offering.

    Vertical and horizontal articulation possibilities whether at public or private higher education institutions offering comparable studies will take place in terms of their respective Rules and Regulations of the offering.This qualification allows for the following articulation possibilities:

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Arts in Public Management and Governance degree in the field of Public Leadership and Local Governance, Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Management and Governance. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.