SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition 
101695  Advanced Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition 
Cape Peninsula University of Technology 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Diploma  Field 11 - Services  Consumer Services 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to produce graduates who are be able to apply specialised food and nutrition knowledge, culinary principles and skills in the development of new convenience food products. Furthermore, learners will be able to conduct either food safety assessment and training or food communication with the aim of promoting consumer well-being.

The core component will be NPD with the focus on convenience food products based on dietary guidelines and the contribution of specific nutrients. This forms the vertical spine of the qualification as it builds upon one of the key thrusts of the Diploma, namely recipe development. The theoretical deepening of food and nutrition knowledge that is required for development is provided in the subjects Food Development 4 and Nutritional Studies 4. These main study areas open up a career pathway as a developer of convenience food products.

In the subject Food and Nutrition Project 4, a research orientated approach in the solving of complex theoretical and practical problems as they relate to the field of food and nutrition will be followed. Students will be able to integrate their knowledge of food and nutrition in engaging in research elements to facilitate a research approach for investigating issues and concerns in the disciplinary field. It also serves as basis for the research project which will form part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition.

Learners will be able to gain additional knowledge by choosing one of the following electives: Food Safety Assessment and Training 4 or Food Communication 4. Both these two electives are linked to and supported by the knowledge and skills gained in the main study area.

The inclusion of food safety is based on the analysis of the job description of past students within the food industry and Acts such as The Foodstuff, Cosmetic, and Disinfectant, Act 54 of 1972 and the Foodstuff, Cosmetic, and Disinfectant, Amendment Act 39 of 2007 which regulates food labelling. In addition, the Consumer Protection Act (2009) has forced industry role-players to become more accountable in providing food that is safe and accurately labelled.

Choosing the food safety elective will provide students who are interested in this field with a deeper, theoretical background in food safety assessment and food safety training. It will enable them to become a Food Safety Manager and with the necessary industry experience to be involved in food safety auditing.

Choosing the Food Communication 4 elective will also enable students to further develop and hone their writing skills and open up career opportunities within the print and on-line media.

This qualification provides students with a thorough grounding in the knowledge, skills and applied competence needed in selected areas of food and nutrition within the field of Consumer Science. It includes disciplinary knowledge of food science and nutrition and enables students to apply this knowledge within food development, food communication and food safety assessment and training.

The aim of the Advanced Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition is to offer an applied specialisation which meets the requirements of a specific niche market. On completion of this qualification graduates will be able to apply specified food and nutrition knowledge, culinary principles and skills in the development of new convenience food products as well as either food safety assessment or training or in food communication. It will enable graduates to work as a food product developer, food safety manager, and food safety trainer or as a food and cookery writer, a magazine food editor, or be able to compile and publish cookery books as well be a presenter of television food programmes. Therefore, students working in the food industry will be involved in compiling brochures, leaflets to create interest, inform and educate consumers on various aspects of food and nutrition.

It also prepares students for Postgraduate study as it includes a deepening of knowledge and understanding in the field of Consumer Science.

In the field of food and nutrition many misconceptions exist and part of the solution is communicating accurate, scientifically based information. Food and nutrition information is also a pertinent topic within the media with food shows and in health talks. This qualification represents a blend of conceptual and contextual knowledge, skill and applied competence which is appropriate for the qualification and the nature of the profession. Consumer Science stems from the synthesis of multiple disciplines with roots in both the Natural and Social Sciences. This is one of the strengths of the profession and is reflected in the subject content which includes a focus on the consumer as well as science-based food and/or nutrition knowledge.

South Africa is a developing country challenged by both over- and under-nutrition. The National Development Plan 2030 and the Western Cape Provisional Strategic Objectives, both indicate that the provision of healthy, nutritious, safe and sustainable food is a priority. The Advanced Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition fulfils these national and regional directives as it emphasises this relationship between food, nutrition and health and focusses on the well-being of the consumer, both as an individual and as a member of a community.

The convenience food sector is a viable, growing segment of the food industry worldwide. Convenience food products are products commercially pre-prepared with little further preparation required by the consumer; is sold in a fresh, chilled or frozen state and typically replace a meal or part of a meal. The growth in convenience food products is seen in the Western Cape where on a yearly basis numerous new food product lines appear on retail shelves. This is in part based on customer needs and also the fact that retailers are realising higher profit margins on convenience food products compared to the profit realised in selling the individual ingredients making up the convenience food product.

Retail studies focusing on South African urban markets indicate that consumers are seeking convenience, freshness and quality when purchasing food products. Many convenience food products are also linked to health with certain products aimed at consumers with specific nutritional needs e.g. energy reduced or nutrient enhanced products. In a global online survey South Africa has been identified as an emerging market for healthy foods with a segment of consumers indicating that they buy 'healthy' food on a regular basis. In the subject Food Development 4 the welfare and nutritional needs of the consumer forms the basis for the development of new food products.

Also the Advanced Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition focuses on both Food and Nutrition.

This qualification prepares students not only for positions in the Food Industry but also builds occupational skills, such as product knowledge, listed by the FoodBev and Retail and Wholesale SETA's as critical knowledge. In addition, the FoodBev SETA has identified the following generic critical skills, i.e.: problem identification and solving, mathematics and numeracy, language and literacy, handling people and conflict and monitoring processes. These generic skills have a foundation in the Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition and are further expanded in the Advanced Diploma.

A further benefit both to the economy and to the students as jobseekers is entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. Students will have the background to become entrepreneurs, as following on from the Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition (where food and nutrition knowledge are combined with culinary skills and business subjects) their knowledge and skills are further developed as specialisation occurs within specific niche areas such as food safety assessment and training or food communication.

The Advanced Diploma provides students not only with an opportunity to discover and further develop their own resources and capabilities but it also provides a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and applied competence within this field which serves as a basis in the education of new scholars. Students are encouraged to apply a research-orientated approach in attaining information to solve theoretical and practical problems and tasks, and to discover new knowledge and ways of thinking, within the field of Consumer Science. The Advanced Diploma aims to prepare students as thinking individuals who would not only be conversant with developments in the field of food and nutrition but would also be able to adapt to new advances/developments. Opportunities for innovation and problem solving are created and the focus is more on the utilisation of knowledge than on knowledge acquisition. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
For admittance into this qualification RPL candidates will have to submit a body of evidence both of formal and non-formal learning that they have achieved. Candidates should be able to apply theoretical science-based food and nutrition knowledge in an area within the food industry e.g. food production, food service or food retail.

Due to the unique combination of food science, nutrition and culinary skills, it is more likely that a learner will apply for exemption of a single subject such as Food Safety Assessment and Training 4. Prospective learners from the Food Industry may have successfully completed accredited qualifications within this field and applying the knowledge as part of their daily duties. Their job description, daily duties and the content and level of the qualifications that they completed will be assessed by the subject lecturer and the head of the department to determine whether they have met the subject outcomes. RPL applications will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Entry Requirements:
The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition, Level 6.
  • National Diploma in Consumer Science: Food and Nutrition, Level 6.
  • Related qualifications at Level 6 that include an appropriate knowledge base in both food and nutrition (Level 6) e.g. National Diploma or Diploma in Food Service Management.
  • A three-year undergraduate Degree in Consumer Science. 


    This qualification comprises compulsory and elective modules at Level 7 totalling 120 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, 90 Credits:
  • Food Development 4, 30 Credits.
  • Nutritional Studies 4, 30 Credits.
  • Food and Nutrition Project 4, 30 Credits.

    Elective Modules, 30 Credits (select one):
  • Food Safety Assessment and Training 4, 30 Credits.
  • Food Communication 4, 30 Credits. 

    1. Apply specialised, theoretical food and nutrition knowledge in new convenience food product development and either food safety assessment and training or food communication.
    2. Demonstrate competence in the practical application of food and nutrition knowledge, culinary principles and skills in the development of convenience food products in either the assessment of food safety systems and the compilation and delivery of food safety training programmes or in food communication.
    3. Cultivate a research orientated approach in attaining information and solving theoretical and practical problems within the field of food and nutrition.
    4. Develop own ideas and opinions and create innovative new convenience food products.
    5. Communicate effectively in creating interest, informing and educating consumers about food and nutrition.
    6. Work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
    7. Act in a professional, ethical and accountable manner. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1 (General):
  • Correctly compile a theoretical formulation for the new product based on the integration of food science and nutrition knowledge, culinary principles and skills.
  • Compile food safety documentation and guidelines applicable to the finished product according to set guidelines.
  • Successfully integrate embedded food science and nutrition knowledge in selected research aspects.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1 (Electives):
  • Correctly apply food safety principles, processes and techniques in the assessment of the food safety system of a specific manufacturing company.
  • Effectively integrate science-based food and nutrition knowledge and culinary principles in compiling and writing food and cookery articles for specific print and on-line media.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2 (General):
  • Take into account the needs analysis for NPD indicates that market trends, culinary trends and demographics of the target market.
  • Indicate the process of development and good management of time limits, and take into account the cost of development, use of equipment and sourcing of raw materials.
  • Successfully select and train analytical sensory evaluation panellists on the applicable product attributes.
  • Successfully achieve developmental trials, including small scale production of the new product and analytical sensory evaluation.
  • The shelf life of the finished product falls within prescribed guidelines.
  • Select the most suitable packaging for the finished product, based on product attributes.
  • Successfully plan and conduct a consumer sensory evaluation session.
  • Independently and accurately review the prevalence of current micronutrient deficiencies in a global, African and South African context.
  • Correctly apply aspects of legislation (i.e. nutritional content claims, health claims) on fortified food products available on the South African market.
  • Systematically and appropriately indicate the link between selected bioactive foods and diseases of lifestyle (i.e. cancer, heart disease, obesity) supported by independently validated evidence-based food and nutrition literature.
  • Correctly identified and recommended suitable and available bioactive foods as a component in the prevention of diseases of lifestyle in South Africa.
  • Correctly identified and recommend suitable food additives (natural vs. artificial additives e.g. plant derived tocopherols from vitamin E vs. synthetic tocopherols) to increase the nutrient density of nutrient poor foods in a South African context with the help of evidence-based food and nutrition literature.
  • Compiled a comprehensive literature review covering an aspect of a research type, setting and data collection method as stipulated in an assignment brief.
  • Compile a suitable research design and methodology for the provided research.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2 (Electives):
  • Successfully contextualise and interpret South African food safety legislation and pre-requisite programmes.
  • Identify food safety training needs within a specific food manufacturing company.
  • Identify the principles of good written and visual communication in the evaluation of selected food and cookery articles (from magazines, newspapers and social media).
  • Critically evaluate food photographs (from magazines, newspapers and social media) based on the principles of good food styling and food photography.
  • Successfully write the "same" cookery article in making use of four different recipe formats for four different publications, taking market segmentation analysis, readership needs and editorial pitch into account.
  • Use culinary principles and skills in the standardisation of recipes.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3 (General):
  • Correctly analyse the product brief for NPD according to the guidelines stipulated.
  • Correctly interpret and include the results of each trial in NPD into the subsequent trial.
  • The finished product in NPD reflects the guidelines as stipulated in the product brief.
  • Systematically identify, examine and analyse the etiology, physiological problems and symptoms of current micronutrient deficiencies and the risk factors associated with these deficiencies in a South African context.
  • Satisfactorily interpret and categorise the term bioactive foods in the different classes (e.g. probiotics, prebiotics, soluble fiber).
  • Satisfactorily interpret and categorise the classes of permissible food additives, role and functions of additives in food safety and preservation as well as their significance in the health of the South African consumer (e.g. keep microbial content of food under control, potential allergies associated with some additives such as tartrazine).
  • Successful compile of a clear, well-motivated and well-stated research problem statement and background as well as research question, aims and objectives for a provided research concern or issue in the disciplinary field.
  • Adequately compile literature review and select operational terms and concepts to support the provided research.
  • Construct an applicable data collection tool for the selected method of inquiry and pre-and pilot test it for the provided research.
  • Successfully interpret gathered data of the pilot study to provide visual and written research findings, conclusions and recommendations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3 (Electives):
  • Assess the procedures used in testing the safety of food products and make suitable recommendations.
  • Compile recommendations, using a range of methods to solve problems, to improve the implementation of the system in a specific company.
  • Develop, compile and use independent processes of gathering, evaluating, managing and producing information to compile and write food and cookery articles.
  • Describe national or international culinary trends based on the information gained from reviewing recipes and food photographs that were published in food magazines over a specific time-line.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4 (General):
  • Reflect on new product ideas originality, creativity and innovation.
  • Critically discuss food fortification as a tool to relieve micronutrient deficiencies, while identifying innovative ideas to improve the efficiency of food fortification.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4 (Electives):
  • Compile a food safety training program, taking the principles of training and the needs of the workers into account.
  • Develop and use own ideas and opinions in compiling and writing food and cookery articles for specific print and on-line media.
  • Use the styling of recipes principles of food styling, food photography and present trends reflect innovation and creativity.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5 (General):
  • The label compiled for the specific product in NPD complies with present legislation.
  • Develop and present practical, available, affordable and palatable strategies to manage existing and prevent further incidence of selected micronutrient deficiencies in South African context (e.g. food preparation methods, fortification).
  • Synthesise the knowledge and skills of Nutritional Studies 4 which illustrate the role bioactive foods, as well as food additives can play in managing existing and prevent further incidence in micronutrient deficiencies in a South African context in a comprehensive review article.
  • Present well the information pertaining to the literature review during a formal lecture to the class.
  • Communicate the information logically and coherently by adequately extracting, addressing and supporting the essential issues and concepts to reflect good synthesis and a firm grasp of the topic.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5 (Electives):
  • Review existing food labels and labels for new food products were compiled based on present legislation.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6 (General):
  • Master the evidence existing to indicate each of the steps in NPD, first in a group and then in an individual context.
  • Comprehensively review and adjust evidence that members in a group format structure data collection tools within the disciplinary field to gather resourceful data.
  • Critically review own work and that of other learners according to the assessment guidelines.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6 (Electives):
  • Conduct and assess a training programme was successfully conducted and assessed.
  • Compile a cookery book, series of magazine food articles or a series of food blogs according to present trends and set standards.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7 (General):
  • Base the final idea for the formulation of the new product on the information gained from the needs analysis and ethical guidelines.
  • Review and adjust as members of a group, participant information leaflet and consent forms considering ethical value systems.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7 (Electives):
  • Use the conventions, including ethics, of the specific medium when writing the "same" food article for a weekly column in a newspaper, as an editorial in a popular monthly magazine and as a blog.

    Integrated Assessment:
    A system of outcomes based, continuous assessment is used. A learner's academic progress and performance is evaluated by regular assessment opportunities, both formative and summative, with a final summative assessment.

    There is an appropriate balance between formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments e.g. class discussions, presentations, self-reflection paragraphs, take place during the process of teaching and learning. The purpose of formative assessment is to develop learners' abilities and enables them to monitor their own progress. Summative assessment is formalised assessment e.g. individual project which is used to indicate whether the outcomes of the subject and ultimately the Exit Level Outcomes of the qualification have been reached. In each subject, the content is divided into units of learning based on the learning outcomes. Each unit of learning is assessed by two or more summative assessment opportunities (e.g. written test, individual assignment, and/or project). The last learning unit comprises a final summative integrated assessment (FISA) and determines whether the learning outcomes set for the subject were met.

    Learners not reaching the learning outcomes, achieving less than 50% for a unit of learning, are given one additional opportunity per unit of learning for improvement. This could take the form of a resubmission e.g. of an assignment and where possible this takes place before the commencement of the subsequent learning unit.

    Work-directed theoretical learning is applied in the various subjects to ensure that disciplinary knowledge is aligned with the needs of professional practice. The emphasis is on integrated assessments and students need to demonstrate by means of a project/s the integration of their food and nutrition knowledge and culinary skills in e.g. the development of convenience food products for specific group e.g. preschool children with specific food intolerance.

    The qualification will be awarded to a learner who has provided evidence to the satisfaction of the assessors that the stated exit level outcomes have been achieved. 

    This qualification compares favourably with the following qualification:

    People's Republic of China, University of Hong Kong offers a one-year Advanced Diploma in Nutrition and Food Marketing. This qualification targets staff members at management level at food companies who are involved in the sales and promotion of food and nutrition related products. Entrance requirements are a Higher Diploma and two years' work experience or a Bachelor's Degree.

    Comparison, in terms of the purpose of the qualification and subject structures, was also done with the following institutions offering Degree programmes in Consumer Science: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia; University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand; University of Leeds in Great Britain; Iowa State University, Texas State University and Bluffton University in Ohio, United States of America. 

    This qualification offers systemic articulation options with the following qualifications offered by other institutions, provided the learner meets the minimum entry requirements:

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training), Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Consumer Science in Food and Nutrition, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Consumer Science, Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Cape Peninsula University of Technology 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.