SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and FET Teaching 
101498  Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and FET Teaching 
University of Limpopo 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  480  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The Bachelor of Education in Senior Phase and FET Teaching [BEd (SP&FET)] offered by the institution has the primary purpose of providing a well-rounded education that equips graduates with the required subject content knowledge base; educational theory; and methodology that will enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility as academically and professionally qualified teachers. It will develop qualified Senior Phase and FET classroom teachers who can demonstrate focused knowledge and skills in the teaching of own selected subject combinations within one of the following specialisations:
  • Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST).
  • Economic and Management Sciences (EMS).
  • Languages and Social Sciences (Language and SS).
  • Languages and Life Orientation (Language and LO).

    The Bachelor of Education Degree in Senior Phase and FET Teaching is a four-year pre-service teaching qualification designed to provide learning opportunities in a variety of integrated degree options in education. It is envisaged that this qualification will meet the need to train more teachers who are currently in short supply.

    The institution is currently focusing on a BEd (SP & FET Teaching) qualification because it realised that there is a demand and need of more teachers in this phase in the following specialisation areas (Mathematics, Science and Technology; Economics and Management Sciences; Languages and Social Science as well as Languages and Life Orientation). Furthermore, these areas were identified in conjunction with the priority areas identified by the Limpopo Department of Education and national priorities as a nation. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    This qualification may be achieved in part through the recognition of relevant prior learning and experience as per the University's RPL policy in general and the school RPL policy in particular. These policies clearly outline the structure and processes that must be followed to RPL a student when the need arises. Appropriate assessment tasks and tools are designed to assess individual candidates against the module/course outcomes on a case by case basis, with detailed records maintained.

    Entry Requirements:
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) granting access to Bachelor's Degree studies, with appropriate subject combinations and levels of achievement.
  • Senior Certificate (SC) with endorsement. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory and elective modules at Levels 5, 6 and 7 totalling 500 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at Level 5: 92 Credits:
  • Academic and Computer Literacy 1, 12 Credits.
  • Academic and Computer Literacy 2, 12 Credits.
  • Introduction to Teaching, 12 Credits.
  • Reflecting on Teaching and Learning Environments,12 Credits.
  • Teaching and Learning Tools, 8 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice for SPF 1, 8 Credits.
  • Conversational Language in Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 4 Credits.
  • Language of Learning and Teaching 1, 8 Credits.
  • Language of Learning and Teaching 2, 8 Credits.

    Elective Module at Level 5:
  • Basic Aspects of Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 5 Credits.
  • Basic Language and Literature Analysis in English, 8 Credits.
  • Basic Management Concepts and Business Functions - Home 011, 8 Credits.
  • Biogeography, 8 Credits.
  • English Skills and Introduction to African Literature, 8 Credits.
  • Focus of Life Orientation, 8 Credits.
  • Fundamental Accounting, 8 Credits.
  • Fundamental Life Science for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • General Physics for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Introduction to Calculus, 8 Credits.
  • Introduction to History for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Introduction to Micro-Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Technology and Design, 8 Credits.
  • Method of Economic Management Sciences (EMS) Teaching, 4 Credits.
  • Method of Language Teaching, 4 Credits.
  • Method of Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) Teaching, 4 Credits.
  • Method of Social Science Teaching, 4 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at Level 6: 60 Credits:
  • Introduction to Philosophy of Education, 16 Credits.
  • History of Education, 16 Credits.
  • Curriculum Studies, 16 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice for SPF 3, 12 Credits.

    Elective Modules at Level 6:
  • Differential and Integral Calculus, 8 Credits.
  • Contemporary Issues in Business Management, 8 Credits.
  • European and American History for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Fundamental Accounting, 8 Credits.
  • General Chemistry for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Graphical Drawing and Projections, 8 Credits.
  • Literary and Language aspects in Tshivenda/Xitsonga/Sepedi, 8 Credits.
  • Micro-Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Physical Education and Movement, 8 Credits.
  • Physiology for Life Science Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Population Geography for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Applied Financial Accounting, 8 Credits.
  • Auditing and Consolidated Statements, 8 Credits.
  • Basic Human Physiology, 8 Credits.
  • Biochemistry for Life Science Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Citizenship Education and Social Justice, 8 Credits.
  • Conservation for Life Science Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Construction Technologies for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Contemporary World History for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Creative Writing in Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 8 Credits.
  • Early South African History for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Elementary Set Theory, 8 Credits.
  • English Novel, 8 Credits.
  • English Short Stories, 8 Credits.
  • General and Organic Chemistry for Educators, 8 Credits.
  • Introduction to Geomorphology, 8 Credits.
  • Introduction to Macro-Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Linear and Introductory Abstract Algebra, 8 Credits.
  • Macro-Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Management in Business, 8 Credits.
  • Sepedi/ Tshivenda/Xitsonga aspects in Context, 8 Credits.
  • Settlement Geography, 8 Credits.
  • Structures in Technology Education, 8 Credits.
  • Waves, Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, 8 Credits.
  • Advanced Calculus 2, 12 Credits.
  • Advanced Calculus 1, 12 Credits.
  • Advanced Financial Accounting, 12 Credits.
  • Applied Financial Accounting, 12 Credits.
  • Assessment in Accounting, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Business Management, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in English, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Geography, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in History, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Life Orientation, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Life Science, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Mathematics, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Physical Science, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Sepedi/Xitsonga/Tshivenda, 8 Credits.
  • Assessment in Technology, 8 Credits.
  • Botany for Life Science Educators, 12 Credits.
  • Classical Mechanics and Modern Physics, 12 Credits.
  • Classification and Regulatory Systems, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Accounting, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Business Management, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Economics, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in English, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Geography, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in History, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Life Orientation, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Life Science, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Mathematics, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Physical Science, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Sepedi/Xitsonga/Tshivenda, 8 Credits.
  • Classroom Practice in Technology, 8 Credits.
  • Creative Writing in English, 12 Credits.
  • Entrepreneurship, 12 Credits.
  • Environmental Awareness and Sports, 12 Credits.
  • European History Post-1945 12 Credits.
  • Historical Implications of Apartheid in South Africa, 12 Credits.
  • Intermediate Micro- Economics, 12 Credits.
  • Introduction to Climatology, 12 Credits.
  • Literary and Poetic Devices in Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 12 Credits.
  • Marketing Management, 12 Credits.
  • Mechanical Systems and Control, 12 Credits.
  • Poetry Analysis in English, 12 Credits.
  • Regional Geography for Southern Africa, 12 Credits.
  • Social and Environmental Activities, 12 Credits.
  • Stereochemistry Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, 12 Credits.
  • Systems and Control in Technology, 12 Credits.
  • Written and Visual Texts in Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 12 Credits.
  • Advanced Financial Accounting, 16 Credits.
  • Advanced Physical Science for Educators, 16 Credits.
  • Advanced Study of Aspects in Sepedi/ Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 16 Credits.
  • Contemporary S.A History, 16 Credits.
  • Critical Language Awareness, 16 Credits.
  • Electrical Systems and Control, 16 Credits.
  • Financial Management, 16 Credits.
  • Fundamentals of Linear Algebra, 16 Credits.
  • Identity in Context, 16 Credits.
  • Intermediate Macro-Economics, 16 Credits.
  • Metabolism for Life Science Educators, 16 Credits.
  • Remote Sensing and GIS, 16 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules at Level 7: 88 Credits
  • Psychosocial Issues in Social Context, 16 Credits.
  • Introduction to Research in Education, 16 Credits.
  • Teaching Practice for Spf 4, 56 Credits, 56 Credits.

    Elective Modules at Level 7:
  • Classroom Research in Accounting, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Business Management, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Economics, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in English, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Geography, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in History, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Life Orientation, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Life Science, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Mathematics, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Sepedi/Tshivenda/Xitsonga, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Physical Science, 12 Credits.
  • Classroom Research in Technology, 12 Credits. 

    1. Display sound knowledge of the concepts of a teacher, learner, learning support material and associated theories and integrate these in the context of reflective creation of opportunities for learning, management of learning environments and monitoring of learning progress in a variety of contexts.
    2. Exhibit commitment, willingness and desire to work and develop in the context of collaborative practice.
    3. Demonstrate awareness and interpretation of ethics underpinning teaching as a profession, also show the ability to take full responsibility for own work and decisions taking into account the potential consequences of own actions and those of others.
    4. Display integrated knowledge within and across disciplines, apply and evaluate concepts, theories and skills, and recognise different views and explanations in a specific field of study and manage processes in various contexts.
    5. Show the ability to select, analyse and apply enquiry and investigation methods, reflect on and solve complex problems using evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments as well as communicate findings to enhance change.
    6. Demonstrate sufficient competences (Information technology, numeracy, academic) and skills that allow for efficient access to and evaluation of information including learning resources and communication platforms, all in support of their own learning needs and their teaching activities. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Display knowledge of the concepts of a teacher, learner, learning support material and associated theories.
  • Integrate the concepts of a teacher, learner, learning support material and associated theories.
  • Create opportunities for learning, management of learning environments and monitoring of learning progress in various contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Exhibit commitment, willingness and desire to work and develop in the context of collaborative practice.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Express awareness and interpretation of ethics underpinning teaching as a profession appropriately.
  • Display the ability to take full responsibility for own work.
  • Demonstrate decision making method which takes into account the potential consequence of own actions and those of others

    Association Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Display integrated knowledge within and across disciplines.
  • Meaningfully apply and evaluate concepts, theories and skills.
  • Recognise different views and explanations in specific field of study including management processes in various contexts.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Select, analyse and apply enquiry and investigation methods.
  • Solve and reflect on complex problems using evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Demonstrate competences and skills that allow for efficient access to and evaluation of information including learning resources and communication platforms, all in support of their own learning needs and their teaching activities.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Learning and assessment are integrated throughout this qualification. Continuous formative assessment is required to ensure that teachers get feedback on their progress towards the achievement of specific learning outcomes. Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the Exit Level Outcomes of the qualification. Such judgement includes integrated assessment which assesses the teachers' ability to integrate the larger body of knowledge, competencies and attitudes that are represented by the Exit Level Outcomes, either as a whole or as components of the qualification. Assignments are designed to meet the requirements of integrated assessment such as to achieve: an integration of the achievement of exit-level outcomes in a way that demonstrates that the purpose of the qualification as a whole has been achieved, either in to or in the component parts of the programme of study; evaluation of learner performance to demonstrate applied competence; and criterion-referenced assessment, which is clearly explained and understood by the teachers and that can be applied in the recognition of prior learning. The wide range of knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes are integrated using innovative methods. In the assessment of outcomes, due recognition is given to criteria and methods of assessment that assess these appropriately and adequately. 

    The qualification (Bachelor of Education Degree Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Band) is comparable with qualifications in other countries, like Botswana, Morocco, Nigeria, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and United State of America. For example, in Botswana the degree takes four years and it is called Bachelor's Degree. After completing the degree, the students qualify to teach in Botswana. In Morocco, the Degree is known as al-ijazah. Al-ijazah means a license to teaching in Morocco. The duration of the degree is three years. In Morocco teachers are expected to be licensed in order to teach after the completion of the Degree. In Nigeria and India, the degree is offered as a four-year programme. All those who want to teach in these two countries are expected to complete this four year-degree. In Australia, the qualification takes three to five years to complete for one to qualify to teach.

    In Canada, it takes 3 to 4 years to complete a Bachelor's Degree in teaching. No person can teach in Canadian schools without this qualification. In the United State of America, it takes four years of full time study to complete a Bachelor's Degree which leads to teaching in United State of America.

    In terms of the international comparability, his qualification is comparable with Bachelors' Degrees offered in other Countries, both developing and developed countries. The students who complete this qualification will be able to compete with other graduates nationally, regionally as well as internationally. 

    This qualification offers systemic articulation with the following qualifications offered by other institutions, provided the learner meets the minimum entry requirements:

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Education (Adv Dip (Ed)), Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Education Honours Degree (BEd Hons)), Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PG Dip (Ed)), Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. University of Limpopo 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.