SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education 
101494  Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education 
University of Johannesburg 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Honours Degree  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Schooling 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education is to prepare learners for research-based postgraduate studies in Subject Studies in order to consolidate and deepen their expertise in Science and Technology Education, as well as their academic and practical competence in these specialisations within Education. It also strives to develop the education research capacity. This is done by developing in learners the competence of a deep and systemic understanding of the current thinking, practice, theory and methodology related to a specialisation in Science and Technology Education. Learners will develop the skills to design and implement research that is appropriate for the educational community.

This qualification comprises of only two modules, in order to assist learners who often compartmentalise learning on the basis of modules, to develop a more holistic understanding of how educational theory provides a conceptual lens in educational research. The first module, namely Education Theory in Subject Studies, provides a strong conceptual basis where concurrent research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is dealt with. This will equip learners with the necessary confidence and skills to successfully engage in the second module, namely Research in Subject Studies.

As learners in the specific organising fields of Science and Technology Education develop in their practice and become more experienced, they are expected to make greater contributions about theoretical knowledge, practical competence and research outputs, which require in-depth engagement with educational theories and research methods in the field of Science and Technology Education. This is especially needed taking into account the current status of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education in South Africa in relation to the rest of the world, as South Africa is being rated as one of the most seriously under-performing countries in this regard. Considering the complexities facing learners in STEM Education, researchers have a responsibility to disseminate research results to bring about improvement in this field.

Since 1994 all curriculum reform efforts have gone into policy development and the different versions of the National Curriculum, e.g. Nated 550 Report, C2005, NCS, RNCS and CAPS, testify to this. Researchers state that more attention should be given to the 'how' aspect of curriculum reform, instead of only focusing on the 'what' aspect. There is a need to investigate teachers' experiences of implementing the curriculum, how they identify the problems they experience and report on instances of good practice. Such research will inform graduates' professional development and may even affect policy. Researchers argue that "research in (STEM) education is of limited value unless it affects classroom practice and experience". Therefore, researchers comment that research in the field of Science and Technology Education should aim to understand the nature of thinking, teaching, and learning in this field in order to use such understandings to improve teaching in this field. Thus, there is a need to prepare learners for research-based postgraduate study in order to consolidate and deepen their scholarship.

To build scholarship and represent all the different areas contained in the field of Science and Technology Education, a Bachelor of Education Honours in Subject Studies with the following endorsements has been designed:
  • Mathematics Education.
  • Science Education.
  • Technology Education.
  • ICT Innovation in Education.

    The qualification consists of two modules, namely Education Theory in Subject Studies and Research in Subject Studies. The module Education Theory in Subject Studies comprises two sub-modules. The first is generic, namely Educational Theory and the second is specific to the endorsement, namely current issues in Mathematics Education/Science Education/Technology Education/ICT Innovation in Education. The module Research in Subject Studies is divided into three sub-modules of which two are generic, namely Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology; and one is specific to the endorsement, namely Research report in the specialisation. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The Faculty accepts Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as an integral part of education and academic practice. It is acknowledged that all learning has value and the Faculty accepts the challenge to assess prior learning and award credit that is aligned to Faculty qualifications to promote lifelong learning. The purpose of the institution's RPL policy, which directs the Faculty's RPL procedure, is to recognise prior learning in order to provide for admission to qualifications, grant advanced placement in qualifications and grant credits for modules using the principles and processes that serve as basis for Faculty-specific RPL practices.

    A panel of selected staff members will determine, on a one-on-one basis, the competence of prospective learners who apply for RPL. In determining an applicant's competence against the relevant Exit Level Outcomes, this panel will do one or more of the following:
  • Verify the standard/quality of an applicant's prior qualifications.
  • Ask for and assess a portfolio containing examples of the applicant's work in the field of education, training and development.
  • Observe the applicant's performance in authentic and/or in situ teaching-learning situations and/or contexts.
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews with applicants to discuss the results of the evidence collection process.
  • Learners are supported mainly through monitoring of assessment results and provision of assistance through the tutor system.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entrance requirements are:
  • Bachelor of Education Degree with Education and Mathematics/Science/Technology as majors.
  • A general Level 7 first Degree with Mathematics/Science/Technology as major plus a 120 Credits at Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Education.
  • In the case of ICT Innovation in Education a learner should possess a general Level 7 first Degree as major plus a 120 Credits Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Education in any subject offered in the school curriculum. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Level 8, totalling 120 Credits.
  • Education Theory in Subject Studies, 60 Credits.
  • Research in Subject Studies, 60 Credits. 

    Exit Level Outcomes:
  • Engage with a broad spectrum of educational theories in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
  • Identify and explore contentious issues in their selected specialisations.
  • Conceptualise and articulate a theoretical lens to guide their research.
  • Plan the research design.
  • Align the research and practices with the ethical ethos of the Faculty.
  • Select appropriate methodologies being cognisant of the tenets in both quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Design and/or select research instruments taking cognisance of elements of validity and trustworthiness.
  • Collect and manage a data set using appropriate technologies, e.g. file management, document version control and cloud storage, use appropriate techniques to analyse data and in support use software packages, e.g. ATLAS.ti, TRANSANA and SPSS and use reference managers to manage and share their sources, e.g. RefWorks, EndNote and Zotero.
  • Communicate the research findings in a research report taking cognisance of technical aspects.
  • Join existing online research communities, share the research and broaden horizons as part of professional learning network. 

    The Associated Assessment Criteria are applied in an integrated way to the Exit Level Outcomes.
  • Explore and interrogate different educational theories in the field of STEM.
  • Understand the contentious issues presented in STEM to inform their research.
  • Engage with literature, develop and utilise an appropriate theoretical framework to guide their research.
  • Develop a coherent research proposal under supervision.
  • Follow the ethical procedures as articulated in the Faculty's Ethics Charter.
  • Follow the proposed methodology as articulated in their research proposal to do research.
  • Use various research instruments available and the associated protocols.
  • Effectively manage, secure and analyse the data sets using modern technology applications, services and/or software effectively.
  • Submit well-written and technically sound research reports.
  • Develop a digital presence and grow their online research community.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Assessment in the Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education qualification serves multiple purposes. These include, among others, monitoring learners' progress, determining the competence of learners through assessment strategies and procedures such as oral discussions, written assignments, tests and examinations, case studies, problem-solving assignments, portfolios of learning materials and research reports. The assessment procedures within the Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education qualification are governed by the Academic Regulations of the institution and also take place in accordance with the institution's assessment policy.

    The broad assessment strategy of the Faculty assessment policy is a range/variety of summative assessment opportunities is required and may include tests, assignments, portfolios, practical demonstrations, presentations, written and oral examinations, open book written examinations, "take-home" examinations, etc.

    Formative assessment opportunities may vary according to the individual qualification/module outcomes, and the composition of these is at the discretion of the module lecturer; the primary purpose of formative assessment being to support the learning process through constructive feedback to learners. The following assessment procedures apply to learners who are enrolled for a qualification in the Faculty of Education. 

    The Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education is internationally compared against Master studies because of the following reasons:
  • Except for South Africa, internationally honours programmes are rarely offered.
  • Most international universities offer only Bachelor's studies on an undergraduate level and Master studies on a post-degree level.
  • With a bachelor's degree offered at undergraduate level internationally, students can apply for admission to a suitable master's degree programme practically anywhere in the world, without having an honours qualification.
  • Even though honours programmes are offered by some international universities, these programmes are intended for undergraduate students who wish to further develop and broaden their knowledge and skills in teaching, and are taken in addition to the regular programmes. These programmes serve as professional development programmes, which are similar to a Postgraduate Diploma in Education offered in South Africa. Contradictory, the Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education aims to prepare students for research-based postgraduate studies to do master's and doctoral studies in STEM education in order to consolidate and deepen understanding of the thinking, contentious issues and current trends and debates, practice and research approaches in Science Education/Technology Education/ICT Innovation in Education/Mathematics Education.
  • The Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education focuses primarily on preparing students at a novice level for research-based postgraduate studies as an entry level to master studies in a narrower field of Science and Technology Education. The programme is not as broad as a Master study focusing on empirical educational research at an advanced level. The qualification is also a 120 credit course, thus at a lower level than the 180 credit Master courses offered by most international universities.
  • Because the Bachelor of Education Honours in STEM Education has a pertinent post-graduate focus, it cannot be benchmarked against Bachelor's studies on an undergraduate level or any professional development programmes and can only be benchmarked against Master programmes.. In fact, UJ envisage to offer a postgraduate honours degree as a bridge qualification between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree programme. Therefore, international master studies were used to benchmark this qualification.
    Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire, England offers a MRes Qualitative Educational Research.

    This Master's Degree is a 180-Credit qualification consisting of four modules for teachers and other educational professionals, either currently in service or possibly taking a break from teaching. The primary purpose of the qualification is to develop research skills and experience necessary to engage in empirical educational research at an advanced level; to gain a critical understanding of educational research methods and relevant methodologies; and to plan, undertake and evaluate a systematic, small-scale piece of educational research.

    The Bachelor of Education Honours in Subject Studies focuses primarily on preparing learners at a novice level for research-based postgraduate studies as an entry level to master studies in a narrower field of Science and Technology Education, than the broader focus on empirical educational research at an advanced level as in the above Edge Hill qualification. Furthermore, the qualification is a 120-credit qualification, for it is at a lower level than the 180-credit qualification of Edge Hill. Similarities would cover critical engagement with research literature, theoretical underpinnings for a qualitative design, learning theories and insights from philosophy and sociology applicable to educational practice, a practical understanding of issues in education, ethics and a written supervised research report. However, this qualification also includes theoretical underpinnings for quantitative and mixed-methods designs and research is restricted to the field of Science and Technology Education.

    McGill University, Canada. Master of Arts (M.A) in Teaching and Learning:
    The M.A. in Teaching and Learning is a 60-Credit Degree taken over one year full-time or two years part-time. This qualification caters for learners who are already holding an undergraduate degree in Education in the teachable subject area of Mathematics or of Science and Technology and targets those with formal and/or non-formal teaching experience. The primary purpose of the qualification will develop professional competencies in either Mathematics Education or Science and Technology Education by completing a self-directed capstone research project and a professional portfolio.

    The Bachelor of Education Honours in Subject Studies has a broader focus on preparing learners for research-based postgraduate studies in Science and Technology Education, which includes Mathematics Education, than the narrower focus on professional competence in either Mathematics Education or Science and Technology Education as in the above McGill qualification. Even though both qualifications are one year full-time or two years part-time qualifications, the qualification is a 120-credit course, compared to the 60-credit course of Edge Hill. Similarities would cover theoretical underpinnings quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods, seminars as a form of assessment, educational learning theories, current issues, such as multilingualism and indigenous knowledge systems, a sound knowledge base and critical understanding of the nature of Mathematics Education and Science and Technology Education and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the particular fields. However, the qualification also makes provision for ICT Innovation in Education as a specialised area in the field of Science and Technology Education, which includes learning ecosystems, learning design, interactive learning, learning in hypermedia environments, new learning solutions, such as MOOCs, Open-Educational Resources (OER), and authentic learning and innovation theories.

    Georgia State University, Atlanta, USAM.Ed. offers a major in Secondary Mathematics Education.

    This Master Degree is a one year qualification consisting of five modules for mid-career mathematics teachers. The primary purpose of the qualification is to strengthen secondary learners' mathematical understandings by providing mathematics teachers with opportunities to deepen their understandings of learners from diverse backgrounds and to explore issues of equity in mathematics classrooms within urban environments. The programme prepares teachers to conduct action research in the context of their own classrooms in order to inform instruction, and to share the knowledge gained in a professional community of teachers. Through engaging teachers in advanced mathematics coursework, the program strengthens teachers' mathematical content knowledge. In general, the Programme of Study is framed by the principles and standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

    Both the Bachelor of Education Honours in Subject Studies, as well as the Georgia State qualification focuses strongly on classroom action research. The Bed Hons (Subject Studies) would assist learners who would enrol for the GSU qualification to easily adapt to the intellectual demands. 

    The qualification offers systemic articulation with the following qualifications offered by other institutions, provided the learner meets the minimum entry requirements.
    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Honours Degree in another cognate field, Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education in Subject Studies, Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Education in Mathematics Education, Level 9.
  • Master of Education in Science Education, Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. University of Johannesburg 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.