SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs 
117971  Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs 
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 
-   HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Postgraduate Diploma  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Public Administration 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 08  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2020-12-04  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs is to equip learners with strategic integrated knowledge, competencies and contextually relevant skills required to optimise the administration of the State. The modules that comprise the curriculum for the qualification were developed, each with learning outcomes linked to its purpose. Their contents are arranged following Bloom's taxonomy, concerning the different cognitive domains and SAQA's level descriptors for the qualifications at the Postgraduate level.

The qualification's focus is on the state and its functioning. Subsumed in this are governance and public leadership, public sector transformation and state reform, qualification and project management in the public sector, managing human capital for the public sector, managing state finances, public sector planning, monitoring and evaluation, developmental local government, social theory and research methodology. All these are about knowledge literacy as it relates to the discipline. Knowledge and skills the modules have been developed to equip learners which are important to optimize the administration of the state. This is a very important aspect of the purpose of the qualification. In aggregate, all the learning outcomes as specified in the different modules are sequenced to give effect to the purpose of the qualification, which as indicated earlier, is to equip learners with strategic integrated knowledge, competencies and contextually relevant skills required to optimize the administration of the State.

Generally, learners that complete this qualification are expected to demonstrate integrated knowledge of the central aspects that undergird public affairs.

Promoting the welfare of citizens is the primary objective of the public sector. This makes it an important part of that economy which is concerned with the public good. However, its management is increasingly becoming a complex function. The 20th-century governance templates that framed the public affairs education and training are inadequate in enhancing the capacity of the State for sustainable development. Highly educated, sophisticated, and capable officials, with philosophical, theoretical and conceptual insights and posture, practical and integrated knowledge, competencies, appropriate normative and value orientation, and contextually relevant skills are required to build and sustain the capacity of the State to effectively manage public affairs.

Around the world, states with development orientation make the social transformation, economic development and improvement of service delivery a major focus of their national plans. An efficient and effective public sector is required to achieve these. This qualification was developed for this purpose. It is intended to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, values and ethos needed to serve as managers and leaders who understand the needs of the country's citizens and innovatively use the resources at their disposal to meet those needs. The qualification is for all those who are interested in a career in the administration of the State or managing public affairs.

In South Africa, between 2008 and 2014, the national, provincial and local governments accounted for 88 percent of the public sector employment. This is according to the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economic Research's 2015 study titled Demographic, employment, and wage trends. This qualification is designed to prepare learners for the entirety of the public sector in an integrated way, beyond the dichotomies of the existing arrangements, which, as argued, limit the employability prospects of the graduates.

The collaborative efforts to develop the qualification was intended to ensure "one standardised and uniform qualification aligned to the competency framework for middle management service and advanced development qualification," and "common Exit Level Outcomes with requisite assessment criteria aligned to National School of Government's (NSG) Integrated Management Development Qualification (IMDP) architecture as well as SAQA's level descriptors". All the institutions involved in this exercise subsequently agreed on the structure of the said Postgraduate Diploma. This was presented and discussed in various academic structures of the institution, endorsed and ultimately adopted.

All agreed that this curriculum development initiative is consistent with the country's strategic objective of building a capable state, as envisaged in the National Development Plan (NDP) and institution's pursuit to contribute to this. A plan for the introduction of the new qualification was developed to secure resource allocation for the qualification. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
RPL is a means to recognise either prior knowledge acquired formally, non-informally or informally, which is considered against the requirements or learning outcomes of formal qualification for credit, inclusion or advancement in the formal education and training system.

The institution has a policy on RPL, Equivalence and Status, which its objective is "to promote access to higher education and, in particular, to accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination". This is done by assessing formal, informal or non-formal learning of the RPL learners.

Recognition for advanced admission is an application, which those who do not meet the admission requirements make to be admitted to an advanced qualification. For this type of application to be considered, the applicant should provide evidence of exceptional experience, depth and experience for evaluation. For their applications to be considered, they should provide evidence of significant and relevant prior learning. Those without Grade 12 can also make an application for admission based on work experience, prior learning and maturity. They need to provide evidence of this before their applications could be considered. Applicants may also obtain module credits through RPL.

A learner first makes an application for admission into the qualification by completing a prescribed university form, which should be accompanied by a portfolio of evidence. RPL applications are coordinated through RPL office, where all applications are submitted and checked to verify their compliance with policy, and that all required documents have been submitted. Thereafter, the application is referred by the RPL office to the Department where the qualification applied for resides and is analysed to decide. The Department's decision in respect to each application is placed on the agenda of the Faculty Board and Senate Committee for RPL for consideration, for the ultimate approval by Senate.

Entry Requirements:
The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • Advanced Diploma in Public Affairs, NQF Level 7.
  • Relevant Bachelor's Degree, NQF Level 7. 


    This qualification consists of the following compulsory modules at NQF Level 8 totalling 120 Credits.

    Option 1: Administration of the State:
    Compulsory Modules, Level 8, 120 Credits:
  • Governance and Public Leadership V (A), 12 Credits.
  • Public Sector Transformation and State Reform V (A), 12 Credits.
  • Programme and Project Management in the Public Sector V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Managing Human Capital for the Public Sector V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Managing State Finances V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Social Theory and Research Methodology V (A), 6 Credits.
  • Governance and Public Leadership V (B), 12 Credits.
  • Public Sector Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation V (B), 12 Credits.
  • Programme and Project Management in the Public Sector V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Managing Human Capital for the Public Sector V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Managing State Finances V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Research Report V (B), 6 Credits.
    Option 2: Local Government
    Compulsory Modules, Level 8, 120 Credits:
  • Governance and Public Leadership V (A), 12 Credits.
  • Developmental Local Government V (A), 12 Credits.
  • Managing Human Capital for the Public Sector V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Managing Municipal Finances V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Programme and Project Management in the Public Sector V (A), 10 Credits.
  • Social Theory and Research Methodology V (A), 6 Credits.
  • Governance and Public Leadership V (B), 12 Credits.
  • Developmental Local Government V (B), 12 Credits.
  • Managing Human Capital for the Public Sector V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Managing Municipal Finances V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Programme and Project Management in the Public Sector V (B), 10 Credits.
  • Research Report V (B), 6 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate integrated knowledge of the central aspects that undergird public affairs, including an understanding of and the ability to evaluate terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories.
    2. Show an understanding of knowledge as contested and the ability to evaluate types of knowledge and explanations typical within public affairs as a field of study and practice.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of a range of methods of enquiry in the field of public affairs and their suitability to specific investigations, and select and apply a range of methods to resolve problems or introduce change within a practice.
    4. Identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on and address complex public affairs problems by applying evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments.
    5. Take decisions and act ethically and professionally, and the ability to justify those decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches within a supported environment.
    6. Develop appropriate processes of information gathering for managing public affairs; and the ability to independently validate the sources of information and evaluate and manage the information.
    7. Develop and communicate ideas and opinions in well-informed arguments, using appropriate academic, professional or occupational discourse.
    8. Manage processes in unfamiliar and variable contexts, recognising that problem solving is context and system bound and does not occur in isolation.
    9. Identify, evaluate and address own learning needs in a self-directed manner, and to facilitate collaborative learning processes.
    10. Take full responsibility for your work, decision-making and use of resources, and limited accountability for the decisions and actions of others in varied or ill-defined contexts. 

    The following Associated Assessment Criteria will be applied in an integrated manner across the Exit Level Outcomes:
  • Use public affairs terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules, theories and philosophies to construct a coherent discussion on any aspect of governance.
  • Discuss public affairs as a function of statecraft, including its historicity as a field of study, and critically analyse theories that make its ontology and epistemological foundation.
  • Formulate research question related to public affairs, select and apply a methodological approach appropriate to generate information/data/insight required to compile a research report/essay. Use research findings write policy briefs, shape or influence public affairs practice.
  • Identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on and address complex public affairs problems by applying evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments,
  • Take decisions, act ethically and professionally, and justify those decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches within a supported environment.
  • Develop appropriate processes of information gathering for managing public affairs; and independently validate the sources of information, evaluate and manage the information required to optimise public function.
  • Develop and communicate ideas and opinions in well-informed arguments, using appropriate academic, professional or occupational discourse.
  • Manage processes in unfamiliar and variable contexts, recognising that problem solving is context and system bound and does not occur in isolation.
  • Identify, evaluate and address own learning needs in a self-directed manner, and facilitate collaborative learning processes.
  • Take full responsibility for your work, decision-making and use of resources, and account for the decisions and actions of others in varied or ill-defined contexts.

    Integrated Assessment:
    The qualification uses an assessment that makes it possible for the learner to demonstrate applied competence - ability to "integrate concepts, ideas and actions in a real-life context which is expressed as practical, foundational and reflexive competence". This takes the form of formative and summative assessments.

    Formative assessment is used to determine the progressive development of the learner's competence in the learning process. It is integrated into the process of teaching and learning. The formative assessment tools that would be used are: assignments, portfolios, projects, research papers, case studies, role plays, self-assessment and fieldwork.

    Summative assessment is administered at the end of the learning qualification to make a judgement about the learner's achievement against the qualification learning outcomes. It takes the form of either written, oral examination, or both. 

    Several well-designed Postgraduate Diplomas in Public Management are offered in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Australia. Countries in Africa tend to follow the United Kingdom example in terms of qualification type and content.

    In the United Kingdom, an accredited one-year Postgraduate Certificate is offered by the University of York. This is a wholly online qualification that enables graduates to enrol for a Masters of Public Administration (MPA). This certificate qualification aims to provide a conceptual framework for understanding public service delivery and the management of change within the public service. The Postgraduate Certificate is intended for the following:
  • Explores the international context of public service delivery, including reform trends, and their impact on governance, accountability and the role of the public manager;
  • Explores the distinctiveness of public services, and the implications of this distinctiveness for the delivery of services and for leading and managing change;
  • Analyses the factors that help and hinder the management of change, including the complex relationships between the individual, structure, culture, power and change;
  • Explores tools and techniques for diagnosing change requirements and for evaluating change looks at the factors influencing organisational performance; and
  • Develops the capacity of students to connect theory with practice.

    The University of York's qualification compares with the Postgraduate Diploma in terms of its focus on service delivery, change management, governance and accountability and connecting theory with practice. It does not deal with policy formulation and financial management and resource management. Both qualifications are one-year qualifications offered on-line.

    The Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College also offers a one-year certificate in Public Management. It has less of a focus on change management but a strong focus on service delivery and leadership. The University of London offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management, which is designed to prepare public servants for senior positions in government, public services, international organisations and NGOs. The qualification has an emphasis on managing people, managing change, and designing and using information systems. The qualification is a two-year qualification offered mainly through distance learning. The content of the two Postgraduate Diplomas is similar as is the teaching method, but the duration of the qualifications differ. Flinders University offers a two-year Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management for senior government managers. It is offered on-line or through a mixed mode of delivery. It can be completed in one year. The qualification is focused on:

    The qualification consists of compulsory and elective modules as follows:

    Compulsory modules:
  • Public Policy.
  • Public Management.
  • Policy Analysis: Frameworks, Approaches and Values.

    The Flinders qualification consists of modules very similar to this Postgraduate Diploma but arranged differently with a wider choice of electives. It is also an on-line offering of one-year duration and is designed to equip the public service manager to handle change, solve problems, behave ethically and deal with public policy issues. In Kenya, the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA) and four other government training institutions namely; Mombasa, Matuga, Baringo and Embu offer 4-week courses for senior managers. These courses focus on service delivery, policy formulation, ethics and client service. The majority of public servants undergo Bachelor Degree or Diploma studies at local universities, which offer optional modules in Public Service Management and Administration. This Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs is similar to those offered around the world particularly in terms of the knowledge and generic skills the graduates would have. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Administration Honours in Development Studies, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Administration Honours in Political Science, Level 8.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Master of Public Affairs, Level 9. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.