SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management 
105708  Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management 
Regent Business School (Pty) Ltd 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
National First Degree  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Generic Management 
Undefined  360  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2019-02-13  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to introduce learners to the main functions and management of a retail business and the key issues associated with understanding retail trading and retail environments. The curriculum aims to equip qualifying learners with the knowledge and practical skills required to perform effectively in a Retail Management role as well as with an appropriate knowledge base as preparation for further learning.

This qualification is also designed to develop the learner's ability to think and act strategically and professionally and to contribute meaningfully to the organisations they will be serving. Consequently, it facilitates the development of a well-rounded strategic business knowledge base in conjunction with substantial skills, knowledge and insight to allow for professional practice entry into a broad range of business enterprises as well as further studies in retail management.

The qualification will promote access to higher education and equipping learners with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes attuned to the demands of business and industry. Learners will gain a critical understanding of the interplay between the disciplines of modern retail management, strategic planning, retail ethics and marketing.

The qualification design reflects the logical progression of learning by introducing learners to the foundational and fundamental aspects of their learning areas in the first year and then progressing to the higher-order skills of analysing, interpreting and applying the principles and theories of focus areas in the second and third years of study. As the Retail industry evolves, the demand for talent increase. Changing corporate climate, coupled with an evolving Retail industry, has created a strong demand for business-minded, Retail professionals across South Africa. Business-educated, key Retail professionals have become instrumental in the commercial environment in which we now find ourselves.

The Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management degree will provide access to higher education to persons wanting to consolidate their careers in the field of Retail Management and will complement the existing accredited qualifications that are offered by the institution. South Africa, with one of the most sophisticated economies in Africa is already the biggest retail market in sub-Saharan Africa, and the 20th largest in the world, with a wide array of shopping malls and retail developments, as well as a sizable food and non-food manufacturing sector. The retail sector in South Africa is also the largest contributor to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). While the average GDP growth rates are modest, per capita incomes are far higher than elsewhere on the continent. Furthermore, local consumers are highly aspirational and brand conscious, making for a thriving and competitive retail and consumer goods market, as a visit to any of the country's many large shopping malls will attest. The promotion of retail management competence in this respect, becomes an imperative objective in order to sustain and grow the country's economy.

This qualification is therefore of special interest to the working professional in business and private organisations and those who wish to pursue a career in Retail Management. The course work is designed to provide the learner with an understanding and working application of the principles of Retail Management.

The Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management:
  • Contributes to national goals by facilitating capacity building and human resource development in the retail industry.
  • Empowers learners with skills and competences to function and progress in the retail environment.
  • Recognises and caters for the career needs of learners who are in employment.

    The qualification content is designed to provide learners with graduate-level knowledge, specific skills and applied competence (including the development of graduate attitudes and qualities). The qualification will provide opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and rewarding contributions to society. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    This qualification may be obtained in whole or in part through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

    In the cases where prior learning is to be recognised for purposes of access to the qualification, it is assumed that the learning derived from work or life experience will be a major element in the profiles of non-standard entrants primarily by means of an examination of their curriculum vitae (CV).
    Such 'non-standard' candidates will be selected on the recommendation of a senior manager from their organisations/companies.

    Where appropriate, interviews will also be conducted to assess the applicants. Some of the key criteria that will be used in evaluating 'non-standard' applicants include:
    (a) The applicants' motivation, maturity and realistic approach to their studies.
    (b) Job description, covering relevant area of work, giving examples of tasks carried out, possibly supplying references.
    (c) The nature and level of life/work experience and prior study, and the learning which has resulted from such experience.
    (d) Details of in-company short courses, length, content of material covered, standard achieved.
    (e) The clarity of the applicant's educational goals and objectives.
    (f) The extent to which the applicant can provide evidence of the threshold skills and knowledge for the programme.

    Where prior learning is recognised for advanced standing, credit will be given for prior certificated learning in accordance with established practice at South African higher education institutions. The amount of 'specific' credit granted is dependent on the match between prior learning and award towards which the intended programme leads.

    Credits may only be accumulated for modules, which are prescribed within the structure of a named award.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirements are:
  • National Senior Certificate granting access to Bachelor's Degree studies.
  • National Certificate (Vocational) at Level 4 granting access to Bachelor's Degree studies. 


    This qualification comprises compulsory modules at Level 7 totalling 360 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 5: 120 Credits:
  • Business Communication, 15 Credits.
  • Retail Management in Context, 15 Credits.
  • Accounting 1, 30 Credits.
  • Business Management 1, 30 Credits.
  • Economics 1, 30 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 6: 120 Credits:
  • Operations Management, 20 Credits.
  • Business and Consumer Law, 20 Credits.
  • Data Management in Retail, 20 Credits.
  • Human Resource Management, 20 Credits.
  • Supply Chain Management, 20 Credits.
  • Business Ethics in Retail Management, 20 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules, Level 7: 120 Credits:
  • Procurement Management, 20 Credits.
  • Financial Management, 20 Credits.
  • Strategic Retail Marketing, 20 Credits.
  • Retail Risk Management, 20 Credits.
  • Sales Marketing, 20 Credits.
  • Customer Relationship Marketing, 20 Credits. 

    1. Display knowledge of retail management in general.
    2. Apply skills of rational judgement, planning, and independent decision-making.
    3. Interpret and evaluate evidence objectively.
    4. Recognise and respond to change within the retail sector.
    5. Make appropriate use of information technology.
    6. Critically analyse and solve retail management problems.
    7. Display ethical behaviour in a retail management context.
    8. Apply research and communication skills for effective retail management. 

    The following Associated Assessment Criteria are assessed in an integrated manner across all the Exit Level Outcomes:
  • Apply theory and principles in a work-based context.
  • Utilise appropriate technology in various communication modes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of retail management concepts.
  • Display research skills in solving work related problems.
  • Communicate knowledge acquired.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of economic issues.
  • Propose solutions to problems.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Assessment centres on:
  • The extent to which the learner has grasped the basic concepts which form the base of retail management.
  • The application of multidisciplinary theory to a practical context.
  • The methods of research used.
  • A balance between theory and practice and its relevance to the level of the qualification.
  • The use of appropriate technology to ensure effective communication of ideas.

    Assessment methods measure the extent to which the learner has achieved competence in the different areas of study delivered through the course modules.

    These assessment methods include:
  • Written examination.
  • Case studies.
  • Interpretative and analytical problem solving in the written examination.
  • Work based assignments.
  • Self-assessment activities in the course material. 

    The Bond University in Perth, Australia's Business School's B Com Degree (CRICOS Course Code 077409E) provides a good comparison as the qualification will equip learners to think creatively and critically, communicate professionally, make ethical business decisions and
    work effectively in a global context. The professional outcomes of the qualification are described as being accepted around the world by leading employers in the commercial and public sectors. Graduates can work in a range of fields, including large multinational corporations, specialist organisations, government departments, consulting or research. The core subjects of the qualification being Accounting for Decision Making, Accounting Information Systems or Digital Transformation of Business, Business Law, Econometrics,
    Fundamentals of Finance, Cost Management Systems or Financial Applications and Quantitative Analysis, Marketing, Principles of Economics and Quantitative Methods and the majors being Accounting, Actuarial Science, Big Data, Economics, and Finance form an excellent academic comparative framework for the REGENT Business School qualification.

    This qualification also compares well with the Bachelor in Business Management from the University of South Australia. This Degree covers the core subjects in business theory to give students a solid grasp of the fundamentals such as international business; Economics and Accounting; Business Operations and intelligence. As part of the management specialisation students develop technical, analytical and practical skills in areas such as business intelligence and operations, international management, ethics and values and organisational leadership and behaviour. This framework provides a well-articulated academic space for the REGENT Business School.

    The main difference between the two Australian qualifications and the REGENT Business School qualification is the international and global dimension and context in which certain modules are delivered. This is a dimension that REGENT Business School can certainly add to its qualification.

    In addition, the REGENT Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) in Retail Management compares favourably with the Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) in Retail Management offered by Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. This qualification's exit level outcome are as follows:
    The qualification is designed to develop effective leadership and analytic skills toward a strategic understanding of shopper insights and drivers of the demand chain. Graduates of the Retail Management program may pursue a variety of career options within the industry:
  • Buying and Supply Chain Management positions in a retailer's or manufacturer's head office including: trend identification, assortment planning, category management, selection and procurement, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Functions.
  • Store operations management positions in single-unit or multi-unit organisations which specialise in products or services.
  • Digital retailing and marketing positions in retail companies or related industries of advertising and communications.
  • Planning and analysis positions for retailers in areas such as: rapidly changing consumer needs, the global retail environment and the impact of technology on changing retail formats.
  • Retail real estate companies in marketing, leasing or analytics.
  • New venture start-up and management.

    The Exit Level Outcomes of the B Com in Retail Management offered by REGENT Business School are as follows:
  • Display knowledge of Retail Management in general.
  • Apply skills of rational judgement, planning, and independent decision-making.
  • Interpret and evaluate evidence objectively.
  • Recognise and respond to change within the retail sector.
  • Make appropriate use of Information Technology.
  • Critically analyse and solve Retail Management problems.
  • Display ethical behaviour in a Retail Management context.
  • Apply research and communication skills for effective Retail Management.

    The following modules from Ryerson B Com programme specifically provides a favourable academic framework when compared with the REGENT B Com in Retail Management: Introduction to Professional Communication; Introductory Microeconomics; Introductory Macroeconomics; Introductory Financial Accounting; Introductory Management Accounting; Principles of Marketing; Issues and Innovations in Retailing I; Intro to Retail and Services Management; Retail Operations Management; Intro to Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Retail Consumer Insight; Buying Process I; Business Law; Intro to Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Retail Consumer Insight; Retail Strategy. 

    This qualification allows for vertical and horizontal articulation.
    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Commerce, Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Enterprise Management, Level 8.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management, Level 8.
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management, Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. North West University 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.