SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences 
105101  Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences 
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Diploma  Field 07 - Human and Social Studies  Environmental Relations 
Undefined  120  Not Applicable  NQF Level 07  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered-data under construction  EXCO 0324/24  2024-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2031-06-30  

Registered-data under construction

The qualification content is currently being updated for the qualifications with the status “Registered-data under construction” or showing “DETAILS UNDER CONSTRUCTION” to ensure compliance with SAQA’S Policy and Criteria for the registration of qualifications and part-qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) (As amended, 2022). These qualifications are re-registered until 30 June 2027 and can legitimately be offered by the institutions to which they are registered.


In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

The Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences is designed to expand the learner's knowledge and understanding of theories, methodologies and practices in the field of environmental science in general, and of ecologically sustainable development and environmental management systems in particular. A range of vocational skills are developed for addressing complex environmental problems. The environmental industry needs educated in-house environmental advisors who can facilitate proactive interventions with regard to complex environmental issues (such as climate change).

In addition, the Advanced Diploma has been designed to promote and prepare young researchers in the field of environmental science. This qualification should aid environmental scientists showing a potential to articulate into a research-based career with a specific focus on environmental concerns and issues facing South Africa in this modern era and, thus, widening access to higher levels of Postgraduate qualifications such as masters and Doctorate Degrees. Currently, there is a lack of environmental scientists holding Postgraduate qualifications in this field and this qualification is aimed at addressing this problem.

The qualification is learner-centered, with the learner assembling most of the information needed and valuing the learning experience, as it is seen to prepare him/her for the environmental workplace and for his/her responsibilities as a South African citizen. The graduate values a life of learning and can apply state of the art technology with scientifically rigid research.

The graduate is also able to coherently address complex environmental problems that present themselves in the African context. Enterprising problem solving methods and solutions can be developed, in response to the needs of society, with the learner being aware of the strength of integrating multidisciplinary approaches and using state of the art technology. The qualifying learner will be able to:
  • Apply environmental sciences knowledge in problem solving.
  • Evaluate and apply environmental science techniques in various contexts.
  • Compile and present scientific environmental reports.
  • Undertake scientific environmental sampling techniques including collecting and evaluating environmental data.
  • Demonstrate and apply knowledge of scientific research principles.

    Completion of the Advanced Diploma allows entry to the Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences, ensuring a seamless career pathway for the learner. The Advanced Diploma is preceded by the Diploma in Environmental Sciences.

    Environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution and climate change are very real threats in South Africa that require research at an advanced level. Environmental scientists include soil scientists, ecologists, environmental and resource economists, taxonomists, climate change scientists and biotechnologists. There are currently vacancies for over 800 environment related scientists in the public sector (national and provincial government) alone (excluding water) (Environmental Sector Skills Plan of South Africa, 2010).

    It is envisaged that the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences will be the intervention that facilitates entry from the Diploma in Environmental Sciences, into the higher degrees. The Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences is designed to expand the learner's knowledge and develop a range of vocational skills in ecologically sustainable development, environmental management systems, addressing complex environmental problems and deepening the learner's knowledge and understanding of theories, methodologies and practices in the field of environmental management as well as laying the foundation required for research. In addition, the students' ability to resolve complex environmental problems, both theoretical and practice-related, will be developed (HEQSF, 2013). The solutions will be enterprising and in response to the needs of society, with the student being aware of the strength of integrating multidisciplinary approaches and using state of the art technology.

    Environmental science graduates are employed by a variety of employers ranging from government departments to retailers to municipalities, mining houses, and manufacturers. As such, their daily tasks involve facilitating proactive interventions by their employers in complex environmental situations, for example with regard to climate change. The graduate should therefore be in a position to formulate responses to environmental issues confronting the employer and to translate these responses into in-house management systems, for example by collecting data relevant to greenhouse gas emissions reporting. In addition, the graduate might be commissioning environmental specialists to undertake scientific investigations. An understanding of specialist environmental techniques will therefore be required of the graduate. In addition, the graduate may intend undertaking a higher degree following the Advanced Diploma. As such, the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Science has been developed and designed around these needs.

    The programme team presented to and discussed the outline of the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences with its Advisory Committee on 19 October 2016. At the request of the meeting, a four-page overview document (showing goals and expected subject content) was compiled by the programme co-ordinator and circulated to all members of the Advisory Committee after the Advisory Committee meeting. Written comments were received from nearly all industry members present at the meeting. The comments were supportive of the content of the four-page overview document.

    The Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences is preceded by the Diploma in Environmental Sciences. In turn, the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences articulates vertically to the Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences. It also articulates diagonally to the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Sciences. The Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences articulates horizontally with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences or similar qualifications within the field, at National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 7. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    Recognition of Prior Learning will be provided in accordance with the institution's RPL policy (TUT, 2012). Any credit bearing education relevant to the Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences at National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 7 will be considered. RPL candidates will be required to develop a comprehensive portfolio outlining their work and industrial experience within the environmental sector where they must provide sufficient evidence that they have attained and mastered necessary skills equivalent to those provided within programs offered at the institution, justifying its equivalence. The RPL intake is capped at 10%.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirements are:
  • A 360 Credit Diploma in Environmental Sciences.
  • National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 6 National Diploma in Environmental Sciences. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Level 7 totalling 120 Credits.

  • Theory of Environmental Research, 24 Credits.
  • Environmental Research Project, 48 Credits.
  • Environmental Management, 24 Credits.
  • Environmental Science, 24 Credit. 

    1. Scope of knowledge, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate: integrated knowledge of the central areas of Environmental modelling and analysis, and research methodologies including an understanding of and an ability to apply and evaluate the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of these fields and practices; and detailed knowledge of integrated environmental sciences and how that knowledge relates to other fields and practices.
    2. Knowledge literacy, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an understanding of knowledge as contested and an ability to evaluate types of knowledge and explanations typical within current environmental industry practices.
    3. Method and procedure, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate: An understanding of a range of methods of enquiry in environmental analysis and their suitability to specific investigations; and an ability to select and apply a range of methods to identify and resolve environmental problems.
    4. Method and procedure, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate: An understanding of a range of methods of enquiry in environmental analysis and their suitability to specific investigations; and an ability to select and apply a range of methods to identify and resolve environmental problems.
    5. Ethics and professional practice, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an ability to work independently and take ethical decisions and act professionally in environmental industry, and the ability to justify those decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches, within a supported environment.
    6. Producing and communicating information, in respect of which a learner is able to demonstrate an ability to develop and communicate his or her ideas and opinions in well-formed arguments, using appropriate written and verbal communication skills and technology. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Use Knowledge of air pollution modelling in Environmental Impact Assessments to determine air pollution levels.
  • Apply key terms, facts and rules of research to problems encountered in the environmental sector to establish basic research skills.
  • Use publications to understand, deepen knowledge and evaluate key terms, facts and rules in the Environmental field.
  • Deepen knowledge of climate change models by conducting case study analysis and compiling Environmental reports.
  • Deepen knowledge of ecological sustainable development, environmental management systems, environmental performance and auditing, and environmental impact assessments through in-depth study for effective application in environmental practice.
  • Implement the principles of collecting and evaluating environmental data, managing water, waste and energy utilisation and managing the physical environment in environmental industry systems as part of professional practice.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Understand and apply the different mechanisms available to access electronic and physical printed literature in order to access information for the purpose of deepening knowledge in the environmental field.
  • Implement the procedures, methods and formats required in generating environmental reports in the correct environmental sciences contexts and according to suitable standards.
  • Understood and apply the policies governing environmental reports as required by South African environmental law in various environmental industry sectors.
  • Critically analyse, appraise and discuss existing environmental reports for the purpose of deepening knowledge in the environmental field.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and application of the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of appropriate environmental specialist modelling and assessment techniques.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and application of the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of green processes and benign chemical technology.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Analyse environmental problems by means of information gathering and critical reflection in environmental impact assessments in order to find suitable solutions that reduce the impact on the environment.
  • Access information in order to make decisions in strategic environmental assessments that will ideally benefit both the environment and people.
  • Address complex environmental problems by means of interpretation of collected data to the end of addressing a specific question.
  • Present evidence based solutions in order to address specific environmental problems to the satisfaction of all parties included in the process.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyse, evaluate, critically reflect on and address complex environmental problems in order to provide solutions or and theory driven arguments to complex environmental problems.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Master professional ethical knowledge to ensure awareness of statutory and voluntary professional associations and work place ethics.
  • Interpret and apply ethical values and approaches to environmental processes to ensure proper conduct in terms of Environmental Management Plans at development/construction sites.
  • Use Ethical Codes of Conduct as well as the ability to act professionally to ensure that the correct laws are applied in determining the environmental processes required for specific developments.
  • Demonstrate ethical behaviour and the ability to work independently when making decisions with regard to the applicable laws required for basic assessments or environmental impact assessment.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Explain, express, discuss and describe current environmental issues and concerns through written and verbal communication such as assignments and projects in the Environmental field.
  • Use and operate suitable and advanced technology to present an oral presentation on environmental ideas and opinions to a wider audience.
  • Operate modern computer technology and software to compose, design, prepare and formulate environmental reports and presentations.
  • Use recognised suitable geographic information system (GIS) hardware and software packages to enhance, compose and prepare environmental reports.

    Integrated Assessment:

    Formative Assessment:
    Formative Assessment will be used to inform learners about their progress on a continuous basis throughout the course of study. Self and peer assessment (with the aid of relevant analytical assessment tools) will contribute to Formative Assessment. Marks collected from this evidence may be recorded for promotional purposes or may be used for the sole purpose of learner and lecturer reflection, growth and development. Formative Assessment will be used to support the learner developmentally and to provide feedback to all involved in the learning process about how teaching and learning can be improved. Throughout the qualification, formative assessment strategies will be used to ensure that exit level and critical cross-field outcomes are achieved.

    Summative Assessment:
    Summative Assessment will involve Assessment opportunities that take place at the end of a learning experience. Information will be gathered about a student's level of competence upon completion of a module. Results will be expressed in marks in terms of the level of competence achieved, with regard to level descriptors, specific outcomes and assessment standards. 

    ACS Distance Education in the United Kingdom offers Advanced Diploma in Environmental Studies. The qualification covers 2400 hours whilst the one at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is 1200. Vertical articulation is not known.

    The University of Sydney in Australia offers the Bachelor in Science in Environmental Studies.

    The Degree is a 3 -year qualification whilst the Advanced Diploma articulates from the Diploma at TUT which put the student on the same level as the student with a Degree. The qualification articulates towards an Honours Degree.

    Aquinas College in the United States of America offers a Bachelor in Environmental Studies as a 4-year qualification. This qualification most probably includes a fourth year, equal to the Honours Degree or the Postgraduate Diploma in South Africa (SA). The Advanced Diploma at TUT articulates with the Postgraduate Diploma in the same field of study and equates very well with such a qualification.

    The University of Wisconsin in the United States of America also offer the Bachelor in Environmental Sciences as a 4-year qualification equal to the Honours Degree or the Postgraduate Diploma in SA and it equates well with Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sciences at TUT. 

    This qualification offers the following horizontal and vertical articulation possibilities.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Level 7.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Bachelor of Science Honour in Environmental Sciences, Level 8.
  • An appropriate Postgraduate Diploma, Level 8. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.