SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Diploma in Water Science and Technology 
101429  Diploma in Water Science and Technology 
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Diploma (Min 360)  Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences  Life Sciences 
Undefined  360  Not Applicable  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Reregistered  EXCO 0821/24  2021-07-01  2027-06-30 
2028-06-30   2033-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to provide learners with the scientific knowledge and technical skills to identify and solve water quality-related problems covering the whole water cycle. The scope of practice will include process control, water analysis, water chemistry, aquatic monitoring, and water plant management.

The qualifying student will be able to:
  • Optimise the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants with regards to cost and quality of the product water.
  • Apply basic scientific knowledge to improve unit processes in a water and wastewater treatment plant.
  • Assist with the Blue and Green Drop Certification process.
  • Supervise subordinates and manage chemical supplies.
  • Take water samples.
  • Carry out laboratory testing of samples for chemical or microbiological parameters and, in the case of drinking water, assess the quality of taste and clarity.
  • Visiting sites for signs of pollution and possible contamination of groundwater or surface water or outfalls to sewers with containing unacceptably high concentrations of pollutants.
  • Form part of a team who liaise with customers and representatives from regulatory authorities.
  • Investigate reasons for lapses in water quality and suggest changes or solutions to these problems.
  • Assist in providing advice on avoiding problems, for example, to businesses discharging industrial effluents.
  • Contribute to projects concerning water quality improvement.

    This qualification aims to provide learners with the scientific knowledge and technical skills to identify and solve water quality-related problems covering the whole water cycle. This qualification will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to register as a Class IV process controller (in the case of students with no work experience) or as a class V process controller (students with four years' work experience), in terms of the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997, Regulation 17). Furthermore, they will also be able to register as Candidate Certified Natural Scientists - Aquatic Science at the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions.

    As a Water Quality Technologist, the graduate will be a member of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who are responsible for safeguarding all aspects of water quality through scientific analysis and the setting of targets and standards in response to specific legislation (SANS 241 for drinking water and the National Water Act, Section 21 for effluents discharged into public streams). As a member of such a team, the graduate will be qualified to compare test results with these standards, investigate shortfalls and take action to remedy problems. Further, Water Quality Technologists may also be involved in providing solutions to water quality problems and water quality regulations as well as assisting in the Blue and Green Drop certification process. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    Recognition of Prior Learning will be provided following the University's RPL policy. Any credit-bearing education relevant to Water treatment at Level 4 will be considered.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entrance requirements are:
  • Senior Certificate without endorsement.
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) granting access to Diploma studies.
  • National Certificate (Vocational) NC(V) at Level 4, granting access to Diploma studies. 


    This qualification consists of compulsory modules at Levels 5 and 6 totalling 360 Credits.

    Modules at Level 5: 162 Credits:
  • Computer Literacy, 10 Credits.
  • Communication for Academic Purpose, 10 Credits.
  • Life Skills, 2 Credits.
  • Academic Literacy, 2 Credits.
  • Mathematics I, 24 Credits.
  • Physics I, 24 Credits.
  • Chemistry I, 24 Credits.
  • Water Technology I, 12 Credits.
  • Water Microbiology I, 12 Credits.
  • Water Treatment I, 21 Credits.
  • Wastewater Treatment I, 21 Credits.

    Modules at Level 6: 198 Credits:
  • Water Analysis I, 21 Credits.
  • Water Chemistry I, 21 Credits.
  • Water Microbiology II, 18 Credits.
  • Water Plant Management I, 18 Credits.
  • Water Analysis II, 12 Credits.
  • Water Chemistry II, 12 Credits.
  • Water Treatment II, 18 Credits.
  • Wastewater Treatment II, 18 Credits.
  • Work Integrated Learning: Water Science and Technology, 60 Credits. 

    1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the main areas of Computer skills, Treatment processes and technology, Water quality, Management, Safety, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Life sciences, and Communication including an understanding of and an ability to apply the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of these fields, to unfamiliar but relevant contexts in water science and technology; and knowledge of water and wastewater treatment technology and analysis and how that knowledge relates to other fields and disciplines.
    2. Evaluate, select and apply appropriate methods, procedures or techniques in processes of investigation or application within a defined context in water science and technology.
    3. Identify, analyse and solve problems in unfamiliar contexts in water science and technology, gathering evidence and applying solutions based on evidence and procedures appropriate to the field.
    4. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical implications of decisions and actions, within an organisational or professional context, based on an awareness of the complexity of ethical dilemmas.
    5. Evaluate different sources of information, to select information appropriate to the task, and to apply well-developed processes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation to that information; and present and communicate information reliably and coherently using appropriate academic, professional or occupational conventions, formats and technologies for a given context in water science and technology.
    6. Make decisions and act appropriately in familiar and new contexts in water science and technology, demonstrating an understanding of the relationships between systems, and of how actions, ideas or developments in one system impact on other systems.
    7. Evaluate performance against given criteria, and accurately identify and address personal task-specific learning needs in a given context in water science and technology, and to provide support to the learning needs of others where appropriate.
    8. Work effectively in a team or group, and to take responsibility for personal decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of others within well-defined contexts in water science and technology, including the responsibility for the use of resources where appropriate. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Detailed knowledge of treatment processes is demonstrated in water and wastewater treatment practice in ways which produce quality drinking water and wastewater effluents.
  • Water quality parameters and their impacts on human health and the environment are applied in water and wastewater treatment contexts to ensure safe drinking water for consumers and effluents that will not harm the environment.
  • Knowledge of safe handling of machinery and equipment is displayed.
  • Knowledge of chemicals is used in the different unit processes and the safe handling of these chemicals during the operation of water treatment plants to produce good quality drinking water and effluents.
  • Knowledge of computer software packages is used to operate and control water and wastewater treatment plants efficiently to provide water and wastewater of good quality.
  • Knowledge of communication strategies required for written and verbal communication in a water treatment organization should be applied for the efficient operation of water treatment plants is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Water quality parameters are analysed according to appropriate methods to evaluate the water quality in water treatment plants, effluents from industries and water resources to produce reliable analytical results.
  • Samples are taken from different source following the appropriate sampling procedures to ensure that the samples are representative of the water sources and that analytical results will be reliable to ensure that the implementation of the results will lead to sustainable solutions.
  • Appropriate water treatment technology is selected for the removal of specific pollutants from water to achieve given water quality standards.
  • The safety regulations on a treatment plant are applied according to the relevant safety legislation to provide a safe work environment for the workers in the plant.
  • Computer software packages, like Excel and Word, are used to store daily operational data and Outlook for communication with an e-mail to ensure the smooth operation of the water treatment plant and laboratory.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Unfamiliar operational problems in different unit processes are identified and solved in a water treatment plant to ensure good quality product water.
  • Different quality parameters are analysed and evaluated to identify and solve water quality problems in the water environment to protect water consumers and water sources.
  • Different control techniques are identified to solve unfamiliar operational problems on a water treatment plant.
  • Sources of pollution are identified based on evidence gathered from chemical, physical and microbiological analytical results to protect the water environment are used.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Ethical codes of water and wastewater process control are interpreted and applied consistently to ensure proper conduct.
  • Professional accountability and responsibility are practised to ensure potable water and wastewater effluents comply with the discharge permits and do not pollute the environment.
  • Standards for the practice of ethical conduct are applied in daily water and wastewater treatment and in water analysis to ensure valid and reliable results sustainable solutions with regards to water quality problems.
  • Professional accountability and responsibility are practised in the laboratory to ensure that precise and reliable analytical results are produced and proper management of the disposal of waste chemicals is conducted.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Water quality data is gathered and evaluated to make recommendations to improve the performance of the water treatment plant with regards to quality, cost and effectiveness.
  • Assistance with the Blue or Green Drop assessment by gathering relevant information to write the report to obtain the certification is given.
  • Technical reports are written and oral presentations are done according to a given format by gathering the relevant information communicate quality-related problems to superiors.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Operational control parameters are changed to improve the quality of the product water or the final effluent.
  • An understanding of the relationship between different unit processes and how a change in operational procedure in one unit process affects other unit processes is demonstrated.
  • An understanding of the impact of the quality of raw water on the various unit processes and final product water is demonstrated.
  • An understanding of the impact of operational changes on the quality parameters in the different unit processes is demonstrated.
  • Analytical results from laboratories are interpreted to validate the reliability of analysis to ensure good quality analytical results.
  • Industrial effluent by-laws are applied to control pollution effectively to protect water resources and water users.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • The performance of the different unit processes is evaluated against the water quality standards to identify personal learning needs to address shortcomings in the water or wastewater treatment plant to improve efficiency of the water or wastewater treatment processes.
  • Key performance areas in water treatment and laboratory analysis are evaluated to provide support to the learning needs of subordinates to ensure good quality water or effluents and cost-effective operation of the treatment plants.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • A water and wastewater treatment plant is operated as a team to solve operation problems to produce good quality product water efficiently.
  • Decisions are made and responsibility is taken to improve the quality of the product water.
  • The ability to take responsibility to make adjustments to chemical dosing rates and use of plant equipment to operate the plant effectively is demonstrated.
  • The responsibility to make decisions that can assist to prevent water pollution is taken.
  • The responsibility to select the appropriate method to analyse a water sample in a given matrix to produce accurate analytical results is taken.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated assessment is ensured by incorporating both formal and informal continuous assessment strategies into the learning programme to ensure that not only assessment of learning takes place but also assessment for learning. Assessment strategies are underpinned by the Exit Level Outcomes, which are designed in articulation with the level descriptors and the scope of practice. As such, all elements are aligned with the purpose statement of the programme. Integrated assessment will take place within the context of an active learning environment, in adherence to:
  • Quality assurance policies, procedures and processes.
  • A guided and supported learning environment.

    Formative assessment will involve integrated types of assessment which will be used to inform students about their progress continuously throughout the whole year. Marks collected from this evidence may be recorded for promotional purposes or may be used for the sole purpose of student and lecturer reflection, growth and development. Formative assessment will be used to support the student developmentally and to provide feedback to all involved in the learning process of how teaching and learning can be improved. Throughout the programme, formative assessment strategies will be used to ensure that exit level and critical cross-field outcomes are achieved, which include:
  • Assignments.
  • Demonstrations.
  • Practical work.
  • Projects.
  • Tests.
  • Any other applicable methods.

    Summative assessment will involve assessment opportunities that take place at the end of a learning experience. Information will be gathered about a student's level of competence upon completion of a unit, module or programme. Results may be expressed in marks in terms of the level of competence achieved, about level descriptors, specific outcomes and assessment standards. This type of assessment is often used for promotional purposes and may take the form of:
  • Examinations (theoretical and practical);
    > Portfolios.
    > Presentations.
    > Tests.
    > Other applicable methods. 

    The Diploma in Water Science and Technology compares favourably with the following international qualifications:
  • The Okanagan University College in Canada offers a Diploma in Water Engineering Technology. This qualification is comparable to the Diploma in Water Engineering Technology because all students complete a common first-year curriculum during which they receive a strong foundation of hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, water and wastewater treatment, along with water-focused biology and chemistry. During the second-year students can choose between two options: Environmental Monitoring and Water and Wastewater Technology. In this Diploma, the focus is on water and wastewater technology, but they focus more on water biology where we focus more on water analysis. Both qualifications have a work experience component.
  • Singapore Polytechnic in Singapore offers a Diploma in Environmental Management and Water Technology which is comparable to this qualification. Both qualifications have a basic science component with Microbiology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Their Diploma also has water treatment modules as Water Supply Technology and Design, Industrial Wastewater and Membrane Technology and Water Reclamation Technology which are similar to the water and wastewater treatment modules that we offer. Their Diploma, however, focuses more on environmental aspects whereas this qualification focuses is on water analyses. Both qualifications have a work experience component.
  • Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada offers a Diploma in Water and Wastewater Treatment. This qualification is comparable to this qualification. The Water and Wastewater Technician Diploma has a strong water and wastewater treatment and water analysis component as in this qualification but also includes Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection and Solid Waste Disposal and Treatment which are not included in this qualification. Their qualification does not have a workplace experience component.

    The qualifications are aimed at Technicians working in the water treatment and water quality control industry. The students will expand their knowledge and develop a range of vocational skills in water treatment technology and analysis. The Diploma in Water Science and Technology is similar to the qualifications offered by the above mentioned international institutions. 

    This qualification allows for both possibilities of horizontal and vertical articulation:

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Diploma in Freshwater Technology, NQF Level 6.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Water Science and Technology, NQF Level 7. 





    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.