SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Diploma in Retail Business Management 
100964  Diploma in Retail Business Management 
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 
CHE - Council on Higher Education  HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework 
Diploma (Min 360)  Field 11 - Services  Wholesale and Retail 
Undefined  360  Not Applicable  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Registered-data under construction  EXCO 0324/24  2024-07-01  2027-06-30 
2027-06-30   2029-06-30  

Registered-data under construction

The qualification content is currently being updated for the qualifications with the status “Registered-data under construction” or showing “DETAILS UNDER CONSTRUCTION” to ensure compliance with SAQA’S Policy and Criteria for the registration of qualifications and part-qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) (As amended, 2022). These qualifications are re-registered until 30 June 2027 and can legitimately be offered by the institutions to which they are registered.


In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

The purpose of the Diploma in Retail Business Management (Distance) is to develop graduates who can demonstrate focused knowledge and skills in retail business management. Learners will develop depth and specialisation of knowledge, together with practical skills through application to scenarios, to enable them to apply their learning in the retail industry or in creating their own businesses.

The qualification is intended to equip learners with the theoretical knowledge and applied competence to enter the retail industry as trainee managers. Qualifying learners will be able to apply their learning in areas of general retail business management, retail operations management, retail sales management, supply chain management and customer service. In addition, learners will have gained computer and communication skills as well as knowledge of, and skills in financial management, shopping centre management, and laws applicable to retailing including industrial relations. This qualification will enable graduates to develop into successful managers of small and medium retail businesses or branch managers of large retail groups.

Upon the completion of the qualification, qualifying learners will be able to:
  • Examine the elements of retail and the place thereof in the business environment, the role of retail in the customer needs satisfaction and the different types of retail outlets, shopper buying behaviour and process, the role and importance of customer service, and the elements and role of the communication mix.
  • Analyse the current and predicted international practices and trends in retailing.
  • Develop a strategic marketing plan, strategies that retailers compile to satisfy their needs and get their support, develop a strategic buying plan, and design the layout of a retail business.
  • Analyse and discuss various types of retail classifications, the role of a buyer in a specific classification and utilise some practical guidelines to negotiate a purchase, develop private-label merchandise, and set the prices for products.
  • Apply management practices to different retail operations, identify the principles of shrinkage and loss control, as well as demonstrate knowledge regarding asset and risk management.
  • Demonstrate knowledge regarding the strategic point of view on environmental factors impacting a retail business, as well as the strategic point of view on types of management, basic strategic management, and the business plan.
  • Solve problems relating to the basic principles of the law of contract as well as specific contracts regarding the National Credit Act, Consumer Protection Act, contract of sale, lease, agency, insurance, and surety.
  • Apply basic accounting, bank reconciliation, budgeting, and complete financial statements.
  • Conceptualise important principles in a management framework, and analyse different financial accounting elements, investment decisions, and audits in retail.
  • Explain concepts of selling referring to effective communication, the selling cycle, and ethics in selling.
  • Reflect on their own behaviour as consumers, and explain the understanding of consumer behaviour models, processes, and decision-making strategies.

    Learners will be able to produce and communicate complex information reliably and coherently using appropriate academic and professional conventions, formats, and technologies, and to access, process and manage information relevant to the field of retail business management. These competencies will be developed in the fundamental modules. The distance mode of delivery will enable full-time employed candidates to enrol for the programme and improve their qualifications. The qualification, therefore, strives to create an enabling environment of equality that provides individuals who, under usual circumstances, might find it challenging to enrol for contact mode with a digitised learning experience. This is aligned with the Council on Higher Education (CHE) Good Practice Guide which explains distance learning as allowing for the more flexible provision of learning opportunities so that lifelong learning can take place alongside other life commitments such as work, family, and community engagements. Learners will be able to achieve the intended outcomes through high-quality distance education and, as the CHE guide indicates, their learning will increasingly be mediated and supported through a variety of technologies. All interactions to support learners to attain the outcomes, whether focused on content, learning activities, assessment, or support, will therefore be integrated and will be facilitated through a digital approach.

    The South African Retail industry plays a vital role in contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. Despite its importance, skills in this sector are regarded as scarce in the South African realm. According to the Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA, 2010), scarce skills refer to a deficiency at an occupational level where there is a shortage of qualified or skilled candidates to meet current or future demands (W&RSETA, 2010). A list published by W&SETA indicated that positions within the retail industry related to store management, merchandise planning, logistics, inventory procurement as well as other technical retailing skills are in demand (W&RSETA, 2010).

    The Retail Motor Industry (RMI) further expressed the need for distance mode qualifications to address these skills shortages and, more importantly, to offer current industry members an empowerment opportunity through obtaining valid qualifications in this regard. The qualification addresses this gap by providing an articulation pathway for graduates with diplomas to enter an Advanced Diploma in Retail Business Management study.

    The qualification was also discussed at the annual advisory board meeting of the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Sport Management. The members of the board approved the implementation and development of this industry-based qualification. By offering the distance mode qualification, new opportunities are created for both industry members as well as learners who aspire to improve their knowledge within this field of specialisation. The diploma will address the national skills shortage and graduates will be equipped to take up positions as, inter alia, retail supervisors, retail store managers, area managers, and logistics coordinators.

    The qualification will be offered via a distance mode utilising the official Learning Management System (LMS). Therefore, all learning activities will take place by making use of the various LMS functionalities. This is regarded as the most accommodative mode for the target market. The qualification will mainly be targeted at employees who are already working within the retail industry but who lack a formal qualification. Programme outcomes meet national and regional labour market and social-cultural needs. The requirements of the retail industry were taken into consideration. Relevant stakeholders, including academic peers from outside the institution and employers represented on Advisory Boards, as well as the W&RSETA, were involved in the development of the qualification.

    Considering the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19 that impacted universities, industries, and individuals (and being more prepared for future disruptions), offering distance mode learning in areas that aim to improve scarce skills in a country is imperative. The distance mode learning will further accelerate access to local as well as international learners. 

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
    The institution has an approved Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy which is applicable with regard to equivalent qualifications for admission into the qualification. RPL will be applied to accommodate applicants who qualify. RPL thus provides alternative access and admission to qualifications, as well as advancement within qualifications. RPL may be applied for access, credits from modules and credits for or towards the qualification.

    RPL for access:
  • Learners who do not meet the minimum entrance requirements or the required qualification that is at the same NQF level as the qualification required for admission may be considered for admission through RPL.
  • To be considered for admission in the qualification based on RPL, applicants should provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that they have acquired the relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to cope with the qualification expectations should they be allowed entrance into the qualification.

    RPL for exemption of modules:
  • Learners may apply for RPL to be exempted from modules that form part of the qualification. For a learner to be exempted from a module, the learner needs to provide sufficient evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates that competency was achieved for the learning outcomes that are equivalent to the learning outcomes of the module.

    RPL for credit:
  • Learners may also apply for RPL for credit for or towards the qualification, in which they must provide evidence in the form of a portfolio that demonstrates prior learning through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to obtain credits towards the qualification.
  • Credit shall be appropriate to the context in which it is awarded and accepted.

    Entry Requirements:
    The minimum entry requirement for this qualification is:
  • National senior certificate National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 4.
  • National Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4 granting access to a diploma study.
  • National Certificate (Vocational), NQF Level 4, granting access to a diploma study.
  • Senior Certificate, NQF Level 4.
  • Higher Certificate in Retail Business Management, NQF Level 5. 


    This qualification comprises of compulsory and elective modules at NQF Level 5 and 6 totalling at 360 Credits.

    Compulsory Modules Level 5, 180 Credits:
  • Communication for Academic Purposes 10 Credits.
  • Retailing I, 24 Credits.
  • Computer Literacy II, 12 Credits.
  • Life Skills I, 2 Credits.
  • Professional Selling I, 24 Credits.
  • Retail Operations Management I , 24 Credits.
  • Information Literacy I, 2 Credits.
  • Computer Literacy, 10 Credits.
  • Practical Accounting I, 24 Credits.
  • Supply Chain Management I, 24 Credits.
  • Consumer Behaviour, 24 Credits.

    Compulsory Module 2, Level 6, 180 Credits:
  • Supply Chain Management II, 24 Credits.
  • Financial Management for Retailers II, 24 Credits.
  • Retail Operations Management III, 24 Credits.
  • Law for Retailers, 24 Credits.
  • Communication for Occupational Purposes, 8 Credits.
  • Retailing III, 28 Credits.
  • Retail Operations Management II, 24 Credits.
  • Retailing II, 24 Credits. 

    1.Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the main areas in the field of Retail management and retail practices, including an understanding of and an ability to apply the key terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of that field and practice to unfamiliar but relevant context of the retail environment.
    2.Evaluate, select and apply appropriate methods, procedures or techniques in processes of retail operations. Range: Retail operations includes, but is not limited to: store planning; stock planning and control; financial management; personnel management; safety and security; customer relation management; marketing and sales.
    3.Identify, analyse and solve problems in the context of retail environment, gathering evidence and applying solutions based on evidence and procedures appropriate to the practices of retail management.
    4.Evaluate different sources of information, to select information appropriate to the tasks of retail management and to apply well-developed processes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation to that information Range: space management, supplier relations, employee relations and merchandise control.
    5.Make decisions and act appropriately in the context of retail environment, demonstrating an understanding of the relationships between systems, and of how actions, ideas or developments in one system impact on other systems.
    6.Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical implications of decisions and actions, within a retail environment, based on an awareness of the complexity of ethical dilemmas. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Analyse the components of the retail mix and apply them to industry-related scenarios.
  • Define and demonstrate knowledge of key retail concepts and terms.
  • Examine and compare the different retail theories and their applicability to various retail organizations.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • Evaluate, select, and apply appropriate methods, procedures, or techniques in processes of retail operations such as store planning, stock planning and control, financial management, personnel management, safety and security, customer relation management, marketing, and sales.
  • Analyse and apply the various steps involved in developing the retail budget.
  • Examine the different aspects related to store design and layout and propose appropriate techniques for various types of retail organisations.
  • Analyse past sales records to calculate future merchandise requirements.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Identify aspects that can contribute to greater profit margins and formulate various remedial strategies to improve a retailer's success.
  • Analyse performance outcomes and propose solutions to combat negative results in the retail environment.
  • Evaluate consumer feedback and address concerns or proposals through incorporation in the retail strategy.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Analyse the microenvironment and suggest methods to improve the strengths within an organisation.
  • Evaluate suppliers and develop strategies to establish productive vendor relationships.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the merchandise procurement and control process.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Describe the various environments in the retailing environment.
  • Examine the structure of a retail organisation and indicate how the various superiors and subordinates support each other in fulfilling their roles.
  • Illustrate the various supply chain systems and demonstrate the interactive impact between intermediaries.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • Explore the various consumer rights and how to implement structures in support of these.
  • Analyse various retail strategies and assess the ethical implications that might result from implementation.

    Integrated Assessment
    According to the institutional Policy on Distance Education, distance refers to a mode of education provision that, for this qualification, is fully online. The qualification will therefore all be assessed through a non-examination termination mode. As the learner is exposed to an online learning approach, incorporating web-based options that are aimed at bridging the time, geographical, economic, social, educational, and communication distance between learners and their peers, courseware, and lecturers. To ensure the quality of assessment, learners will receive feedback on assessed work promptly according to departmental guidelines. Feedback is a crucial element of learning and assessment results will be captured on the official LMS system.

    Arrangements and requirements for online assessment will be communicated to learners in the Study Guides and other qualification material, as well as addressed in the institution's Rules and Regulations (this will, for example, include equipment requirements for assessment). The responsible module lecturers will ensure the standard of the assessments in the distance mode. Even though the mode differs from the contact mode, the processes for the attainment of the Assessment marks will be submitted for official publication. Specific time frames applicable to and agreed for distance education in the institution will apply. There is no specific final or year-end examination in modules assessed in a non-examination termination mode. The assessment opportunities completed during the learning process accumulate into a final module mark. The weights or contributions of the assessment opportunities may vary according to needs. According to policy, there will not be less than four to six assessment opportunities for a year module. This form of assessment includes a concluding assessment opportunity that integrates the learning in the units of a module. A single assessment opportunity may not contribute more than 40% toward the final mark for the module. These and other institutional guidelines on assessment will be followed as described in the institutional Assessment Policies. All modules will follow this continuous assessment approach and will, as aligned to policy, consist of a few summative assessment opportunities, culminating in a final integrated summative assessment.

    All assessment practices are guided by the institution's Policies on assessment. The overall integrated assessment strategy is evident in the assessment of applied competence. Applied competence is understood as the learners' ability to integrate concepts, ideas, and actions in authentic, real-life contexts; the assessment of which is broken down into the assessment of foundational, practical, and reflexive competence. Continuous formative and summative assessment methods are used in the form of written assignments and exams, and the supervision of a research project.

    Formative Assessment:
    Formative assessment is synonymous with continuous assessment and is conducted during teaching and learning and usually does not count towards the final mark. Formative Assessment strategies are continuous and aimed at giving learners feedback on their progress in the achievement of learning outcomes as well as integrating theoretical and practical competence. Such strategies include informal assignments, discussions, case studies, informal tests, and tutoring.

    Formative assessment is aimed at enhancing learners' success and provides learners with an opportunity to reflect critically on their learning and to improve their levels of accountability and time management. Formative assessment usually consists of a variety of assessment tasks relevant to the field of study.
    Formative assessments comprise written class tests, presentations, projects, and assignments.

    Summative Assessment:
    Summative assessment is carried out during the module that contributes toward the semester mark for the specific module. A final summative assessment is carried out at the end of a semester of teaching and learning of a module.

    The summative assessment will take the form of tests, assignments, projects, presentations, creative production, or other means where learners provide evidence of learning. The final mark for modules that are assessed continuously will be compiled from the accumulation of marks obtained for tests, assignments, papers, projects, and other opportunity instruments. 

    The South African qualification is comparable with similar qualifications offered at the following two international institutions.

    Country: United Kingdom
    Institution: Bournemouth University
    Qualification Title: Diploma in Retail Management

    Entry Requirements:
    Eligibility for Diploma in Retail Management
    The minimum eligibility criteria for admission to this course are 50%-60% aggregate marks in ten plus two examinations with Mathematics as one of the subjects. Usually, the universities require only the best four subject marks to be included in the 50%-60% criteria, but mathematics must be one of those subjects.

    With an emphasis on retail management and marketing topics, the study explores key developments and trends in this area. The qualification aims at providing a comprehensive view of retailing, an analysis of the retail environment and exposure to issues and developments in the industry.

    Learners learn how to use technology to analyse, collect, and interpret data from retail systems. The emphasis is placed on the basic computer skills used in retail, and the overall social impact of technology in retail. This qualification teaches the basic principles of marketing that including marketing strategy and planning, product policy, distribution, promotion, segmentation, and pricing decisions. Learners learn how to employ teamwork analytical thinking and communication skills in marketing. Projects may include the branding and marketing of a product through a retail outlet.

    The retail industry is one of the fastest-growing and challenging industries in the world and contributes to the economic growth of the country. Over the past few years in the retail sector demand for skilled professionals has increased. Retail management is the right career for those having an interest in merchandise, market and marketing, advertising, sales, campaigning, and market research.

    Qualification structure:
    The Bournemouth University (BU) qualification shares the same with the South African (SA) qualification which includes the following compulsory modules.
  • Financial Management.
  • Retail Management I.
  • Retail Management II.
  • Retail Management III.
  • Marketing Management.
  • Consumer Behaviour.
  • Financial Resources.
  • Store Operations.
  • Sales Management.

    Mode of delivery:
    Both the BU and SA qualifications are carried out via Distance Learning also known as correspondence learning. Distance learning is ideal if learners need to adapt to work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should learners simply wish to fast-track their studies and career and not be locked into a timetable.

    The qualification content and learning experience ensure that the qualifications are relevant and interesting. Learning, tutorial assistance and assessments take place whenever and wherever learners are in the country or world. It takes place at the learners' own pace on their terms to fit the lifestyle.
    The qualification allows learners to study at their own pace with no assignment deadlines. This means that learners determine the pace of the course and within which time learners will ultimately complete their studies.
    The maximum time given to complete both the BU and SA qualifications is three years.

    The following compulsory modules are different from the SA qualification.
  • Principles and Practices of Management.
  • Management Information Systems.
  • Services Marketing.
  • Concepts in Supply Chain Management.
  • Training Course Content.
  • Developing and Recognising Skills.
  • Leading and Managing People.
  • Managing Human Resources.
  • Marketing.
  • Strategic Retail Marketing and Management.
  • Retail Consultancy.
  • Research.

    The SA qualification consists of the following compulsory modules different from the BU qualification.
  • Communication for Academic Purposes, 10 Credits.
  • Computer Literacy I.
  • Computer Literacy II.
  • Information Literacy I.
  • Life Skills I.
  • Law for Retailers.
  • Communication for Occupational Purposes.
  • Practical Accounting, I.

    Country: United States of America
    Institution: International Career Institute
    Qualification Title: Diploma in Retail Management

    The International Career Institute (ICI) qualification is comparable to the South African (SA) qualification in the following aspects.

    Similar to the SA qualification, the ICI qualification is ideal for newcomers and existing Retail workers alike. With no prior knowledge or experience necessary, this fully endorsed qualification explores the most important concepts at the heart of successful retail management. Successful Retail Management is all about the customer experience more than selling products and services to customers. Everything and every one the customer encounters from the moment they enter the store influences their impression of the retailer. Ultimately, it is these impressions that determine whether a customer returns or takes their business to a competitor. Successful retail managers are those who understand the importance of not just meeting but exceeding the expectations of every customer. By mastering the art of effective retail management, learners immediately gain access to a rich and diverse pool of career opportunities worldwide.

    Upon the completion of both the ICI and SA qualifications, qualifying learners will be able to:
  • Apply the communication and selling skills to the next level to improve productivity through smart selling and anticipate the expectations of every customer.
  • Engage with the establishment, application, and management of supply chain divisions and describe, compare, and calculate concepts regarding freight transport.
  • Evaluate the impact of corporate social responsibility and evaluate the following management aspects in relation to the functioning of a business organisation: operations, human resources, marketing, finances, and purchasing and supply chain.
  • Explore customer behaviour from a retail management perspective.
  • Handle difficult customers and build the confidence to oversee inventory management.

    Job opportunities are available in this field such as departmental stores, supply chains, advertising agencies and supermarkets. This field involves direct communication with the customer and coordinating the business activities. Learners who are specialists in retail management are known as Retail Managers. Talented Retail managers and leadership figures are in consistently high demand worldwide. Just a few typical job titles and roles that fall within the bracket of Retail Management include the following:
  • Sales Manager.
  • Store Manager.
  • Warehouse Manager.
  • Floor Leader.
  • Floor Manager.
  • Promotions Coordinator.
  • Retail Management Trainee.
  • Retail Team Leader.
  • Service Supervisor.
  • Team Leader.

    Qualification structure:
    The International Career Institute (ICI) consists of the following compulsory modules which are similar to the South African qualification.
  • Accounting.
  • Finances.
  • Retail Management
  • Business Management.

    Program delivery:
    The entire ICI qualification is carried out via Distance Learning (also known as correspondence learning). Distance learning is ideal if learners need to adapt to work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should learners simply wish to fast-track their studies (and career) and not be locked into a timetable.

    The ICI course content and learning experience ensure that learning is relevant and interesting. Learning, tutorial assistance and assessments take place whenever and wherever learners are in the country or world. It takes place at its own pace on its own terms to fit the lifestyle.

    The ICI qualification will allow learners to study at their own pace with no assignment deadlines. This means that learners determine the pace of the course and within which period they will ultimately complete their studies.

    Completing the qualification with ICI is flexible as learners can fast-track and graduate in a matter of months. Learners will complete activities and submit assignments whenever they are ready.
    The maximum time given to complete a program is three years.

    Admission requirements
    There are no previous work or education requirements for entry into the ICI qualification whereas the SA qualification requires the achievement of the secondary school qualification.

    Qualification structure:
    The following modules are different from the SA qualification.
  • Developing and Recognising Skills.
  • Leading and Managing People.
  • Managing Human Resources.
  • Financial Resources.
  • Store Operations.
  • Marketing. 

    This qualification allows possibilities for both vertical and horizontal articulation options.

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • Diploma in Retail and Wholesale, Product and Service Management Technology, Level 6.
  • Diploma in Retail Travel, NQF Level 6.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • Advanced Diploma in Retail Business Management, NQF Level 7.
  • Advanced Diploma in Retailing, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Retail Management, NQF Level 7.
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management, NQF Level 7. 




    When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.